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Unit 11 Agency,Part One Warm-up,Whats agency? Discuss this question with your partners in groups.,Key to the Question in Warm-up,An agency is a business that provides a service on behalf of other businesses. In other words, it is a business or an organization that provides a particular service especially on behalf of other businesses or organizations,Part Two Situational DialoguesDialogue 1,renew rinju v. 续签,继续;重新开始,Larrys landlord threatened not to renew his lease. 拉里的房东威胁说不再让他续租。 When the two men met again after the war they renewed their friendship. 当这两个男人战后重逢时,他们恢复了友谊。,distributorship distribjut,ip n. 分销权,经销(商),distributorship contract 经销合同 distributorship certificate 经销权授权书 exclusive distributorship 独家经销,quota kwot n. 定额,above quota 超额 export quota 出口配额,输出限额 import quota 输入限额 production quota 生产指标 sales quota 目标销售额 The production group has overfulfilled the quota today. 今天, 这个生产小组超额完成了定额。,Part Two Situational DialoguesDialogue 2,CIF = Cost Insurance and Freight 到岸价,I have to remind you that our terms are CIF Shanghai. 我不得不提醒你我们的条款是上海的到岸价格。 We shall effect the insurance of the goods for 110% of their CIF value. 我方将按照货物到岸价金额的110%对这批货物进行投保。,draft contract 合同草案,Please go through the draft contract and make sure everything is all right. 请把合同草案过一遍,看有什么问题。 After studying your draft contract, we found it necessary to make a few changes. 在研究了贵方草拟的合同之后,我方发现有几处有必要更改。,Part Two Situational DialoguesDialogue 3,occupancy kjpnsi n. 占有率,market occupancy 市场占有 human occupancy 人口密度 Hotel occupancy has been as low as 40%. 酒店入住率已低至40%。,commission kmin n. 佣金,He took his commission out before turning in the rest of the money. 他扣除自己的佣金后上缴余款。 However, as an encouragement for businesses, we will allow you a 3% commission. 然而,作为一种贸易奖励,我们可以给您3%的佣金。,reward riwd n. 报酬,The firm last night offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the killer. 这家公司昨晚对能将凶手定罪的信息悬赏1万美元。 Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale at a better price. 格外卖力地给买主一个好印象,你的回报是:用更佳的价格更快地卖掉商品。,Part Three Classroom Activities,Activity 1,One of your customers would like to be your sole agent in Canada, but you think his annual turnover is too conservative to be a sole agent. How do you talk him over to increase the turnover? Make a dialogue in pairs according to the given situation.,Sample dialogue (part 1),A: One of the reasons for my visit here is to sign a sole agency agreement with you on this item for a period of three years. As it is to our mutual interest and profit, Im sure youll have no objection to it. B: We know you have local knowledge and good connections. But, the demand for this item in your market is quite substantial. According to our records, the total amount of your orders last year was moderate, which does not warrant an agency appointment. Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly appoint you as our sole agent. A: Ill come to that. My proposal is: PC pumps of all models, 700,000 pieces annually within the area of the whole Canadian market.,Sample dialogue (part 2),B: As far as I remember, we sold about 500.000 pieces last year to you alone. Dont you think this annual turnover is rather conservative for a sole agent? A: Well, I admit I always do business on the safe side. B: Our price is the lowest among all similar products, and. with the sole agency in your hand, there will be no competition and you could easily control the market, which would naturally result in bigger sales. Your market still has great potential. I believe. A: Then, could you let me have your proposal? B: Lets put it in this way. I propose a sole agency agreement for PC pumps for a duration of three years.,Sample dialogue (part 3),700,000 pieces to be sold in the first year, 800,000 pieces in the second year, and 900,000 pieces in the third year. As to the commission, you know that all our agents in this line are getting 4%. But to help you push sales, we could make this an exception and give you 5% . A: All right. I agree. When do you expect to sign the agency agreement? B: Tomorrow morning at International Building. A: That will be fine.,Activity 2,You customer would like to act as your agent. Now, he is talking with you about this matter. What is the territory to be covered? And what is the rate of commission? Try to make a dialogue based on the given situation.,Sample dialogue (part 1),A: Wed like to know your plan to push the sales of our products, since youd like to act as our agent. You understand that an agent will give us a great help to break into a new market. B: Well, well do a lot of advertising in newspapers and on TV programs. Also well send our salesmen around to promote the sales of your goods. We propose the guaranteed annual amount be 300.000 US dollars for a start. A: What is the territory to be covered? B: You know the territory to be covered is the whole of the US.,Sample dialogue (part 2),A: And the rate of commission you want to charge? B: Our commission is quite reasonable. We usually get a 10% commission of the amount on every deal. A: You know, however, that all our agents in this line are getting a 5% commission. B: Our customers are not familiar with your goods, so well have to spend a lot of money in popularizing your products. Since there is sale resistance to overcome at the beginning, you should allow us a 10% commission.,Sample dialogue (part 3),A: Our price is worked out according to the cost. A 10% commission means an increase in our price. Well, to help you push sale, we could make this an exception and give a 6% commission for a trial period of one year. We will send you our catalogues and other promotional materials free of charge. The advertising expense shall be shared between us on 50-50 basis. B: Quite reasonable. We look forward to happy and successful cooperation between us.,Activity 3,In the product exhibition, one of your customers is expressing his will that he would like to be your sole agent in the southern region. However, you dont think its an appropriate time for you to discuss this issue. How do you turn down this regular customer? Exchange your opinions with your partners about the questions and then make a dialogue.,Sample dialogue (part 1),A: Mr. Peter, I heard that you made several contracts with customers in the exhibition. Congratulations. B: Thank you. Our customers are quite satisfied with your companys computer products. We are considering applying for the sole agent of your computer products in the southern region. A: Thanks for your interest in our products. However, I dont think it is an appropriate time for us to discuss the sole agency. B: Why? Do you suspect our ability in sales? You cannot deny that we successfully promoted your products at this years exhibition.,Sample dialogue (part 2),A: I really appreciate your work. So could you tell me whether you have a specific plan to help us take up the market of the southern region? Have you ever estimated the total amount of sales you can achieve in a year? B: We will try our best to promote your products and raise the sales. But we cannot make any promise at least in the beginning. A: We appreciate your willingness. I suggest that you first do some market research and make a detailed promotion plan for our products. Anyway, we can still strengthen business ties without sole agency agreement. B: Thank you. I think this is a good idea.,Part Five Homework,Task 1,German businessman Berg proposes to be an agent for the products of your company. Wang Bin, an assistant manager of the sales department, agrees to take his proposal into consideration. Discuss this situation with your partners and then make a dialogue to show what and how you have discussed.,Sample dialogue (part 1),Wang Bin: Weve been doing business with each other for seven years and have been quite successful. We expect you have come with even larger orders. Berg: Yes. I do think we can take a step forward. Id like to discuss with you the problem of agency for your products. Wang Bin: Do you mean youre going to act as our agent? Berg: Yes. Your garments have aroused much interest in our market. No doubt we can do better this year. Wang Bin: But the amount of your orders last year was moderate.,Sample dialogue (part 2),Berg: Thats true. But we showed an increase After the International Clothing Fair held in Berlin last December, people become so interested in Chinese garments that the demand this year will surely be multiplied. Wang Bin: Do you think it will help much if we appoint a local agent? Berg: Im sure it will, if we are appointed your agent. Your garments are attractive, and we, a well- established importer with multiple sales channels, can boost the sales. Wang Bin: Well, we will consider your proposal.,Task 2,Alice Chen, a sales representative of a Chinese manufacturer, meets Charles Smith, an Australian importer. Alice Chen offers the sole agency to Charles Smith. Now, they talk about the agency for the products. Charles Smith complains that 3% commission is too low. After negotiation, Alice Chen grants him a commission of 4%. Make a dialogue in pairs according to the given situation.,Sample dialogue (part 1),S: Miss Chen, what is the commission you are going to give? C: Well pay you a commission of 3% based on the FOB value of all orders placed through you. S: A 3% commission is too low. Is it possible to increase to 5%? You have mentioned just now that some of your products are new to the customers, so it wont be easy for us to introduce them into our market. I think we need some fees for sales promotion. C: Promotion fees should be part of your overheads and be taken from your commission. S: There, you should increase our commission!,Sample dialogue (part 2),C: A high commission means a high selling price, doesnt it? S: Yes, it does. But it can help us promote sales, which will benefit you. C: You are tempting me, Mr. Smith. All right, considering our good relationship and future business, we grant you a commission of 4%. We cant go any further. What would you say? S: All right, I agree to it. What if customers in my territory order directly from you? C: Mr. Smith, you will be entitled to the same rate of commission. S: That seems fair.,Task 3 Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.,Key to the CE Exercises,(1)Ive come again to renew our sole agency agreement for another two years. (2)But I think the annual sale of 400 pianos for a sole distributorship in Canada is rather conservative. (3)We wish to add another clause. For every 50 pieces sold in excess of the quota, well get 1% more in commission for our efforts. (4)We think this market could bear a 5% commission on our invoice value. Thats CIF value. (5)Thirdly, and also finally, to what extent would you help us technically?,Key to the CE Exercises,(6)Mr. Tom, what is your impression of your visit to our company? (7)They can provide the customers detailed information of the products and can present the operation to the customers. (8)We have been working on this market for more than 50 years. We are more familiar with this market than any other sales companies. (9)As a sole agent, your company may get a considerable amount of commission. If your performance is better than what we expect, we would provide additional reward. (10)You must report to us at least once a month about the market information and customers feedback related to our products.,Task 4 Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese,Key to the EC Exercises,(1)您应该相信,我们已经不遗余力地,并且投入了一大笔资金来推销你们的产品。 (2)作为我们的独家经销商,你们既不能经销其他产地的同样或类似的产品,也不能把我们的商品再出口到你们地区以外的任何地区。 (3)还有一点,就是每六个月我们应收到一份你们有关当前市场状况及用户对我们产品的意见的详细报告。 (4)我们得弄清楚贵公司的设备中是否有与我们业已代理的项目重复的。 (5)我们将指定一位技术代表来培训贵公司指派的负责我方设备的人员。,Key to the EC Exercises,(6)目前我公司正在寻找合适的代理商以提高我公司产品的销量、提髙市场占有率。你能阐述一下贵公司如何能帮助我们实现上述目标吗? (7)我们可以向贵公司提供最新的市场信息,包括市场发展趋势、价格变动、产品更新、包装要求以及客户反馈等等。 (8)这也是我们申请成为独家代理商而不是普通代理商的原因。 (9)你们将得到合理的佣金回报。一般情况下是本地市场发票价格的17%。 (10)我们可使贵公司的产品成为最适合本地市场的产品,这样贵公司产品的销量和市场占有率均会提髙。,Task 5 Complete the sentences based on what you have learned,Key to Task 5,(1)You have done very well in fulfilling the agreement. (2)What annual quantity would you suggest for the new agreement then? (3)Ive brought it with me. Ill put it forward when we talk with the manufacturers tomorrow. (4)Are you still interested in representing us in China? (5)Whats the extent of the agency, sole agency or average agency?,Key to Task 5,(6)Ill arrange another meeting with you when your draft contract is ready. (7)We are clear this is the common practice of sole agent. We can assure that. (8)As the sole agent, you need to endeavor to promote our products. However, the price should be negotiated with us and you must follow our final decision. (9)We are holding a discreet attitude towards the business. (10)I am satisfied with the commission. We are looking forward to cooperating with your company.,Thanks for Your Attention!,


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