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三阳中学2013年中考英语模拟试题听力部分(20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What are the speakers talking about?AFootball.BBaseball.CBasketball.2Where does the woman work?AIn a bookstore.BIn a library.CIn a restaurant.3How much will the beef cost if the woman buys two kilos?A. 1 dollar.B2 dollars.C4 dollars.4What does the man want the woman to do? AHave a walk with him.BSee a film with him.CBuy a ticket for him.5What does the man mean?AThe woman has got a wrong number.BHell look for Tom Ford for her.CHe is Tom Ford.第二节(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6、7题。6What will Betty do this evening?AGo to a party. BStay at home. CHave a birthday party.7What time should Betty be back?AAt 11:50 p.m. BAt 10:30 p.m. CBefore 11:00 p.m.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10题。8Who is Annie?AThe boys friend.BThe girls friend.CThe girls teacher.9Why does everyone like Annie?AShe enjoys studying.BShe is often friendly to others.CThey have the same interest.10What will happen this Sunday in Green Park?ATherell be a picnic.BTherell be a party.CTherell be a show.听下面一段对话,回答第11至13题。11How long is the coming holiday?ATwo days BFive days CA week.12What do the speakers know about Yunnan?AIts a large place with many people. BIts a nice place.CIts too far away.13How can the speakers get more information about the travel?ABy going to the travel agency BBy reading newspapers. CBy watching TV.听下面一段对话,回答第14至16题。14What is the mans trouble?AHe coughed and had a headache. BHe had a pain in the arm. CHe ate something bad.15How many times is the man taking medicine a day?ATwice. BThree times. CFour times.16What does the woman want to do for the man?AHelp him with his lessons.BClean the room for him.CBuy some fruit.听下面一段独白,回答第17至20题。17What did Jack want to do one day?ATo play with Jim.BTo clean his house CTo borrow some books from Jim.18What did Jim want to borrow from Jack next day?AA broom(扫帚).BSome books.CA good bed.19Why didnt Jack want to lend it to Jim?AHe has lent it to others.B. He was going to use it himself.CJim didnt lend the books to him yesterday and this made him very angry.20What might happen after Jacks words?AJim thanked Jack very much. BJim was unhappy.CJim would help Jack to clean the room.笔试部分(120分)一、 单项选择(10分)1. His parents are dead. So his uncle _ him _ the money for his studyA offers, to B provides, to C offers,with D provides ,with2. A new library _ in the city last month. A built B is built C was built D has been built3. Im a League member. I volunteer my time _ others. A help B to help C helping D helped4. -What do you think of Lady Gaga?-Maybe she is one of _ singers in the world. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular5. He _ his parents. He is especially like his father. A. takes after B. looks after C. is similar like D. likes6. We cant go ahead any more, we have _ the gas(汽油). A. run after B. run back C. run out of D. run out7. Mr Green is a kind man.He _ most of his money to charity. A.gives in B. gives up C. gives off D. gives away8. They are training the dog to _ the balls for them.A. bring B. take C. make D. fetch9.That yellow purse _ her 25 dollars. A) cost B) spent C) took D) paid 10.The meeting has been _ until next Wednesday afternoon. A) put off B) put out C) put on D) put up 二、完形填空(15分)Tony loved basketball. One afternoon on his way to a basketballgame, he was walking and dreaming about playing college 1 the next year. Suddenly a car hit him and he was thrown three 2 into the air. Tony woke up in a 3 room. When the doctor told him that both his legs were broken, he knew his college basketball dreams were 4 . Tony did what the doctors told him 5 it didnt work when he left the hospital,Tony was sent to a rehab centerA week after he arrived there,he met Sunny Chen. Sunny used to be a coachHis legs were hurt 6 in a skating accidentThough he couldnt move his legs,Sunny became a coach of a basketball 7 called the SunsIt was a on-wheelchair basketball team,because 8 on the team played from a wheelchairSunny invited Tony to 9 the gameTony played badly, but for the 10 time since the accident,he stopped feeling sorry for himself After becoming a part of the Suns,Tony improved quicklyBasketball Was like 11 for himTony was much better than beforeWhen Tony became sad or 12 ,Sunny was there to help himThe day 13 Tony left the center, he had dinner with SunnyHe asked Sunny 14 he could be so happy, even with his broken legsSunny 15 and said, “Its really quite easyWhen you keep your face to the sun,the shadows fall behind”1Atennis Bbasketball Csoccer Dbaseball2Ameters Bminutes Ckilos Dhours3Acollege Bliving Cgame Dhospital4Aover Blate C.good Dtrue5Aor Bbut CSo Dand6Abadly Bwell Cslowly Dquickly7Aclass Bschool Cteam Dclassroom8Asomebody Banybody Cnobody Deverybody9Astudy Bshow Cjoin Dwatch10Afirst B1ast C.late Dearly11Afruit Bmedicine Cfood Dwater12Aglad Bexcited Cangry Drelaxed13Auntil Bbefore Cat Don14Awhen Bwhat Cwhere Dhow15Acried Bshouted Csmiled Dturned三、阅读理解(每小题1.5分,总共20小题,共30分)A Children always did not do what their parents wanted them to do. They did the things in their own ways. But they always made their parents very happy. Old Mr Brown had a little son named Tom. He was ten years old. He was very glad when his father wanted him to buy some-thing for him. One day at five oclock in the afternoon, Mr Brown gave him two pounds and let him buy some stamps in the post office. Tom was very excited, because for a long time he did not have so much money. Mr Brown told him clearly where the post office was. He expected(期待预料) that he would come back in twenty minutes. But nearly two hours passed, Tom did not return. Mr Brown was surprised(吃惊的). “He lost his way?” he thought to himself.At seven in the evening, Tom came back with a box. He was very tired. When he saw his father, he said, happily, “Daddy, I used all of your money to buy a box of chocolates. It was very sweet(甜的), but didnt you think a box of chocolates was quite heavy for a little boy?”1、Tom _with the two pounds. A、bought some stamps B、bought what he liked C、had a good meal D、bought a ticket to a film 2、Why was Tom glad when his father gave him two pounds?A、Because his father wanted him to buy some stamps. B、Because his father wanted him to buy a box of chocolates with the money. C、Because he didnt have so much money for a long time. D、Because the money would not belong to him.3、It took Tom _ to buy the “stamps”.A、two hours B、three hours C、six hours D、over seven hours4、_, so he returned home so late. A、Tom lost his money and he didnt dare to return early B、The post office was very far from his home C、The post office did not have stamps D、He enjoyed his chocolates on the way home5、Which of the following is TRUE? A、The post office was very far from Mr Browns house. B、Tom spent all the money. C、Tom often went to the post office to buy stamps. D、Toms father was very angry when Tom got home.B The recorder helps me to record my thoughts as they happen so they are fresh. When I start to write things down, I think a lot because Im such a perfectionist (完美主义者) that I pay special attention to making every sentence meaningful ,with no mistakes. It explains why I havent completed a lot of stories. Ive only had my recorder for the past three days and I already have thoughts for lots of poems, stories, novels, and screenplays (电影剧本) just waiting to be created. Before I had this wonderful invention, ideas would begin but floated away because I couldnt catch them in time. I was also encouraged by a customer at my work. He said the best way to really know if you had a good story was to hear yourself tell it. If it werent for this lovely recorder, I wouldnt know if my ideas were actually good. At the same time when you hear yourself, you know when an idea isnt so great which saves time and paper for you. I encourage you to get a recorder of some kind to record your thoughts. Youre not going to have a pen and paper with you all the time. If you think a lot like me, a recorder is very useful and it will be your best friend. It will also warn you in its own way by playing back what you just said and allowing you to hear for yourself whether your ideas are good or not. As a writer its your duty to reveal the truth. Its your duty to use your gift and use it well.6. The article is written to _.A. the students B. the teachersC. the writers D. the customers7. The writer advises writers to _.A. get a recorder B. keep writing C. hear others D. write things down8. Which advantage of the recorder is NOT mentioned?A. The recorder helps you to record your thoughts. B. The recorder is cheaper than the TV set.C. The recorder will warn you in its own way by playing back what you just said.D. The recorder helps you know if you have a good story.9. What does the underlined word “reveal” mean in Chinese? A.揭示 B.解释 C.告诉 D. 误解10. This passage mainly talks about _.A. how to write a good storyB. how the recorder has helped in writingC. how to use a recorder properlyD. how to hear yourselfCReduce(减少)If you have to print(打印), use both sides of the paper.If possible, buy products made from recycled materials.(可回收材料) Avoid(避免) disposable products that are designed to be thrown away. Dont buy over packaged products. Buy things that are well made and will last. Buy things in returnable containers (容器) and return the containers once they are empty. Reuse (重新使用)or RepairTake your own shopping bags so that you dont need to get new plastic bags all of the time. Use rechargeable batteries instead of normal batteries so that you spend less money and use fewer batteries. Lots of things can be reused like jam jars, bottles and plastic bags. Jars and bottles can be used for storing(存储) things and plastic bags can be reused several times as shopping bags. Old clothes, books, toys, unwanted gifts and household goods are easy to reuse: give them to a charity shop(慈善商店). RecycleRecycling is only one way to create less garbage that is sent to the landfill(废物填埋场). You should only recycle things if you are sure that they cannot be repaired or reused. Many items can be recycled these days, including: Glass Paper ,Some plastic bottles and food cans ,Scrap metal (废弃金属) Electrical / electronic components11. The writer thinks that we should buy _ to reduce waste.A. over packaged products B. disposable productsC. products made from recycled materials D. products that are badly made12. What does the underlined word “disposable” mean in Chinese?A. 循环的B. 一次性的 C. 废弃的 D. 再利用的13. _ cant be easily reused.A. Old clothes B. Books C. Jars D. Normal batteries14. Which of the following is not good for our environment? A. If you have to print, use both sides of the paper.B. Take your own shopping bag so that you dont need to get new plastic bags all of the time.C. Use rechargeable batteries instead of normal batteries.D. Old clothes, books, toys, unwanted gifts can be thrown away, because they are useless.15. The writer in the passage tells us _.A. to reuse everything B. to buy cheap thingsC. to reduce our waste D. to design our paper DSometimes the most difficult thing about feelings is sharing them with others. Sharing your feelings helps you when your feelings are good and when they arent so good. Before you can share(分享) them with anyone, you have to figure out your feelings. When youre trying to figure out your feelings, it might help to remember something that happened and think about how it made you feel. Then you can say, “I feel sad when my friend doesnt play with me” or “I feel angry when my brother always wins at baseball.” This can help you figure out your own feelings. It also gives the person youre talking with more information about what makes you angry.It can be really hard not to tell anyone that youre feeling sad, worried, or angry. If you keep feelings locked inside, it can even make you feel sick!But if you talk with someone like your mom or dad, you will always start to feel better. Now youre not all alone with your problems or worries. Your mom and dad want to know if you have problems because they love you. What if a kid doesnt want to talk with mom or dad? Then find another trusted adult, like a relative or a counselor at school. If you think youll have trouble saying whats on your mind, write it down on a piece of paper. A kid doesnt have to share every feeling he or she has, but it is important to share feelings when a kid needs help. You dont have to solve every problem on your own. Sometimes you need help. Talking about your feelings can be the first step.16. What does this passage mainly talk about?A. how to be healthy in mindB. how to deal with feelingsC. how to talk with othersD. how to make yourself happy17. Whom can you talk with when you feel bad?A. Your parents B. Your aunt C. A counselor D. All the above.18. What is the best way to deal with feelings?A. You should keep feelings locked inside.B. You should share them with somebody who cares you.C. After writing them down, you will feel better.D. You can talk somebody who makes you feel bad. 19. What should you do before you share your feelings with others?A. I should tell them to my mum.B. I should talk with somebody who makes you angry.C. I should figure out my bad feelings. D. Try to forget all bad feelings first. 20. Which view is false according to this passage?A. It is hard to talk with others about your feelings.B. It is important to share feelings when a kid needs help.C. Parents or counselors should help kids with bad feelings.D. Kids should deal with their bad feelings, because they understand themselves best. 四词汇运用(10分)1. How p_ it is in the countryside!2. There are all kinds of _(advertise) on TV these days, and we shouldnt believe all of them.3. Would you like to play computer games with us? Yes, with (please).4. Can you i what life on the moon is like?5.What do you think of these (invent)?6. We _(tell) not to play computer games on weekdays. 7. One c_ means a hundred years.8. The sights in Beijing are really _.(迷人的)9. Boys, stop t_ stones at the poor dog.10. The trip to Yanan is very _(有教育意义的)五根据汉语提示,完成下列句子(每小题全对得2分,共10分)1. _(利用你的时间) good use. (put)2. Mr Huang _(不仅去过加拿大), but also he has got to know quite a few Canadians. (not only)3._(坚持你的梦想), they may come true one day. (keep) 4. You _(你应当早点起床) (suppose) 5. The strategies that he came up with _(效果好). (work)六任务型阅读, 根据短文内容回答短文后面的问题,并把答案写在答题纸的相应位置。(10分) A new study on students sleeping habits says that more than 70% of students do not get enough (1)_.Researchers found that primary school students got about 9 hours sleep a night; middle school students got about 8 hours sleep a night; and senior high school students(高中生) slept for about 7 hours a night. In some places, things are even worse. None of those sleeping periods are enough for each group. Insufficient (不足的)sleep can cause all kinds problems in children and teenagers.In fact, it will be better for the students to get up later in the morning. This year, we have made lots of rules to lighten the students burden(减负) in our province. We have asked primary schools, middle schools and senior high schools to change their schedules(课程安排) in order that students could get more sleep. For each group, for example, their time at school cant be longer than 6, 7 or 8 hours; they cant spend more than 1, 1.5 or 2 hours on homework. Now the students can get to school later than before. They can have enough sleep and more hours to do whatever they like.任务一: Whats the new study about? 任务二: How long did middle school students sleep each night according to the study? 任务三: What will happen if children dont have enough sleep? 任务四:将文中划线部分译成汉语:。 任务五:What is the tile of the passage ?七书面表达(15分)以Mobile phones and our lives为题写一篇约90字的作文。提示:1. 以前家里没有手机时的生活有哪些不方便的地方2. 现在手机在生活中的用途和益处3. 作为学生如何减少手机对学习的影响 附:听力部分录音稿第一节(Text 1)W: Do you like watching football?M: Yes, but I like playing better than watching it.(Text 2)M: Can I come to your library and borrow some books?W: Sure. We are open til


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