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学乐教育2014年暑假一对一辅导讲义Comparatives and Superlatives 比较级和最高级一、形容词比较级和最高级的规则原 级比 较 级最 高 级一般在词尾加-er /或-est /ist/coldcoldercoldestfastfasterfastest以字母e结尾的形容词,加-r 或-st nicenicernicestlargelargerlargest以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母时,应先双写这个辅音字母;再加-es或-est bigbiggerbiggesthothotterhottest以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,先改“y”为“i”,再加-er或-esteasyeasiereasiestearlyearlierearliest在词前加more或mostseriousmore seriousmost seriousinterestingmore interestingMost interesting其它不规则的变化:原形比较级最高级Good/wellbetterbestBad/illworseWorstMany/muchmoreMostlittlelessLeastfarfartherfarthest二、形容词比较级基本用法1、定义:两个人或物之间的比较。表示“较”或“更一些”。标志词:than (比) eg: Cats are more lovely than other animals. 2、与than搭配的词语形式 (1)名词/代词 He is older than me.(2) 动名词/从句 Skiing is more exciting than skating. (3) 状语/动词/形容词3、形容词/副词比较级前的修饰语 (1)much/a lot/ a bit/ a little/ slightly She is feeling a lot/much better today. (2) any/ no/ even/ some/ still Do you feel any better today? She is no older than mike. (3) 数词 My sister is ten years younger than me. 4、比较级的特殊搭配1) “比较级+and+比较级”表示 “越来越”eg: He becomes fatter and fatter. 他越来越胖了。2) “The +比较级,the +比较级” 表示 “越,越”eg:The busier he is ,the happier he feels他越忙就越高兴。The more ,the better.3) 表示两者中”较“时,用the + 形容词比较级 + of 短语来表达。eg: He is the taller of the two.4) the more the morehe harder you worker, the greater you will make.5) more B than A = less A than BHe is more lazy than slow at his work= he is less slow than lazy at his work.6) not so much as 与其说不如是7) no/not any more than 两个都不(neither)No/ not any less than8) More than 不仅仅是 Less than 不到No less than 不少于9) more or less 差不多The work is more or less finished.10) As+形容词/副词 原级+as (与一样) not as(so)as (与不一样)中间用原级。eg: The story is as interesting as that one.11) 表示倍数的词或其他程度副词做修饰语,放在as的前面She can read twice as fast as you do.12)1、比较级与最高级可以转换,意思不变。如: She is taller than any other girl in Class5. She is the tallest girl in Class5.2、当某一事物与其它事物作比较时,被比较事物中不能包括本身。如: Shanghai is larger than any city in Hubei.3、如果比较对象相同,可用 thatthose代替第二个比较对象 。如: The weather in Shanghai is better than that in Wuhan. 4、如果主语是物主代词+名词,那么后面要用名词性物主代词. eg: His shirt is more expensive than mine.三、最高级的用法1、定义:三个或三个以上的人或物之间 的比较。表示“最”的意思。2、常见用法:the+最高级+比较范围”结构。 The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.3、标志词:(1) in+大范围,(2) over(3) among(4) of all, of +the+具体的数字 4、特殊用法(1)序数词通常只修饰最高级 Africa is the second largest continent.(2)最高级的意义有时能用比较级表示出来 Mike is the most intelligent in his class.= mike is more intelligent than any other students in his class. (3) (4)不用比较急和最高级的形容词注意:在一定的上下文中,形容词最高级后面的名词可省去处 eg: He is the youngest in the class.一、根据句意及所给的首字母写单词。1. Its e_ for us to draw a ghost than to draw an elephant because nobody knows what a ghost is like.2. The river flows(流淌) t_ our city from east to west.3. Rose wore a red s_blouse. Its soft. 4. My f_ restaurant is Chongqing Hotpot.5. Please be q_ when you are in the reading room.6.The animals are q_(相当,非常) lovely.二、根据中文提示填写单词1. We usually have meals in the _ room (餐厅).2. There are _(超过) 3,000 students in our school. 3. Do you want a single room or a _ (双的) room? 4. _ (百万) of people come to visit our beautiful city every year.5. Moscow is the _ (首都) of Russia. 6. His home is near the _ (海). 7. I plan to travel all over the _ (国家) by bicycle. 8. Mr Smith is not at home. Can I take a _ (消息) ? 9. There is a lot of delicious food in the _ (冰箱). 10. The farmer is working hard in the _ (田地). 11.Today I have lots of _ (工作) to do. I need some help.12. He wants a few (工程师) to check the machine for him.三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Look! There is a purse _(lie) on the floor.2. Simon, _ (not read) in the sun. Its bad for your eyes. 3. -Who _(run) fastest in your class ? -Mike does.4. -Where is Jack ? -He with his brothers _(chat) online.5. Remember to finish writing the letter before _ (leave) here 6. The boy is five (foot) tall. 7. There is something wrong with my _ (wash) machine. 8. Nick _ (share) the same bedroom with his brother. 9. She dreams of (become) a chef when she grows up. 10. There is a big shopping mall in (nine) Street.11. Please ask him _ (not, read) in the sun.12. I can make nine (hundred) dollars a week. 13. When my sister is free, she often watches TV or _ (video) at home.14. Each boy _ (have) a comic book in his hand. 四、单项选择。( ) 1.We went there _ a meeting .A. have B. to have C. has D. having( ) 2. Do you know the names _these countries? A. to B. of C. for D. with( ) 3. What kind of home do you_? A. living in B. live C. to live D. live in( ) 4. If you dont know how to say something in English, you can say_.A. Whats the English for it? B. What do you say it in English?C. Im sorry. I dont know. D. How is it in English?( ) 5. I have two elder sisters. They are _.A. all woman teacher B. all woman teachers C. both woman teachers D. both women teachers( ) 6. I cant mend the car _ your help. A. of B. with C. without D. for( ) 7. There _ two football matches this evening. A. will have B. is going to be C. are going to D. will be( ) 8. Dont make too much noise in the dining hall. You should take turns _ your food for lunch quietly.A. get B. getting C. to get D. to getting( ) 9. Do you know the boy _ a pair of glasses?A. in B. on C. wearing D. wear( ) 10. Would you please _ your books out _ your bags?A. take; from B. take; of C. bring; from D. bring; of( ) 11. -_ are you going to visit? -The Great Wall.A. What B. Where C. Which D. Who( ) 12. The shop _ from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day but it _ at 9:00 p.m. at weekends.A. opens; closes B. opens; is closed C. is open; closes D. is open; is closed( ) 13. -Where is Li Lei? - He is ill _ bed.A. on B. on the C. in D. in the( ) 14.Which of the following “o” sounds different from others? A. open B. cost C. only D. ghost( ) 15. Which of the following “or” sounds /:/ ?A. forward B. important C. pork D. world( ) 16. Dont _ the bird. Listen to the teacher carefully. A. look out B. look out at C. look D. look out of ( ) 17. Today we are going to learn Lesson . Its lesson. A. First; one B. The first; one C. One; first D. One; the first ( ) 18. There are many trees our classroom. A. in the front of B in front of C.over D.in( )19. -Whats your dream home like? -Its . A. my favourite house B. a bedroom C. polite and friendly D. large and modern( )20. I often play games my cousin the beach. A. with; on B. on; at C. and; but D. with; at( ) 21. - is your telephone number? - Its 7469 0216. A. What B. How much C. Which D. How ( ) 22. How can you read 1,235? A. One thousand, two hundred and thirty-five. B. One thousand and two hundred and thirty-five. C. One hundred, two hundreds and thirty-five. D. One hundred and two hundred thirty-five.( ) 23. Mrs Greens flat is the eighth floor. She likes to listen to music bed. A. at; under B. in; on C. on; in D. by; on ( ) 24. - “Hello, May I speak to Jill, please?” - “_”. A. Hold on, pleaseB. Who are you C. I dont knowD. This is speaking.( ) 25. - We will have a school trip next week. - That sounds _. Im sure we will have a good time there. A. well B. badly C. bad D. good ( ) 26. The girl is very excited and her eyes are _ tears. A. full with B. filled of C. full of D. filled into ( ) 27. Which of the following is the different one?. A. Washington D.C. B. Sydney C. Ottawa D. Paris( ) 28. The boy the toy this. A. like; like B. like; likes C. likes; like D. is like; are like( ) 29. Tony with her family in a small town now. A. live B. livesC. livingD. lived ( ) 30. - Would you like to go out and play football with me ? - , but I should finish my homework first. A. Yes, I do. B. I like. C. Of course not. D. Id like to( ) 31. If you _, please come to my house for dinner. A. free B. be free C. have free D. are free( ) 32. You can get help your homework from us at any time. A. for B. to C. with D. of ( ) 33. Is there _ in todays newspapers? A. Something important B.anything important C.important something D.important anything( ) 34. -Shall we do shopping this weekend? -Good idea. A. any B. a C. some D. an( ) 35. Charlie _ here next month. A. isnt working B. doesnt work C.isnt going to working D.wont work( ) 36.Well, my sons take great interest in most of the food on the menu. Thanks._? -Yes, fried fish, beef,chips and cola,please. A. Can I do for you B. What can I do C. What to follow D. Shall I take your order ( ) 37. -What do you do , Jack? - I am a _. I am very busy when people come to my restaurant. A.reporter B.teacher C.nurse D.waiter( ) 38. School isnt watching TV at all. A. likes B. to like C. like D. liking( ) 39. - Mum, what we for supper? - Id like rice and meat. A. do; eat B. shall; eat C. did; eat D. are; eating( ) 40. I am going to a doctor when I grow up. A. do B. have C. be D. work 五、句型转换1. The girl in red is his sister .(对画线部分提问)_ _ is his sister?2. I go to school at 6:30. My sister goes to school at 6:30, too.(改为同义句)My sister and I go to school_ _ _ _.3. The little boy doesnt cry any more. (改为同义句) The little boy _ _ _.4. Can you take us to visit your school? (改为同义句) Can you _ us _ your school?5. My sister is too young. She cant dress herself. (改为同义句) My sister is _ _ _ _ _ herself.6. How many rooms does she have in her dream home? (同义句) How many rooms _in her dream home?7.The room with twelve showers is my favourite room. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is your favourite room?8. Would you like to go there with me? (同义句) you go there with me?9. I have my own bedroom. (同义句) I have a bedroom . 10. Is Neils home not the same as Millies home? (同义句) Neils home Millies home?六、完成句子1. 看!山脚下有一些绵羊。 Look! There are some sheep the hill.2. 他住在市中心。 He lives the city.3. 超市靠近我家。 The supermarket is _ my home.4. 法国有大约260,000平方英里的面积。France about 260,000 square miles. 5. 花园是种花最好的地方。A garden is the best place .6. 我哥哥打算将来做一个社会工作者。 My brother _ a social work .7. 中国的首都是北京。 The_ _ China_Beijing.8. 我们必须对我们的饮食小心。 We must _ _ _ our diet.9. Kitty希望和同学们交朋友。 Kitty hopes to _ _ _her classmates .10. 这双鞋不适合旅行吗? _ this pair of shoes _ _ the trip?11. Jim 是我们班最高的学生。 Jim is taller than _ _ _ in our class.七、首字母填空 Do you know Mexico?It is to the s_part of USA.Its not a developed(发达的) c_.The population(人口) of it is much smaller than t_of America.It rains l_in Mexico.Different kinds of people live t_.All the people do not speak the same language.Spanish is spoken by m_ people,and Indian is spoken,too.Some people can also speak English.Great differences are found between the m_cities and the countryside.New ways of l_ are popular in the cities,while the old ways of farming and v_life are also common in the countryside.More and more people come to live and work in the cities every year.Many people around the world are b_ to visit Mexico. 答案补充 1.southern(南部的) 2.developed(发达的) 3.that(代指人口) 4.little(少) 5.together(一起) 6.most(大多数) 7.modern(现代化的) 8.life(生活) 9.village(乡村) 10.beginning(开始)


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