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会籍顾问岗前培训Sales Executive Training,目录 Contents,Understanding basic concepts 必须了解的基本概念 Sales executives individual tasks and details 会籍顾问的个人任务及其分解 The use of Sales Executive daily work and high quality work handbook 会籍顾问日常工作内容及高效工作手册的使用 Basic techniques of daily work 销售各环节工作的基础技巧 Basic ways of getting information 信息获取的基础途径 Facing competitors 面对竞争对手和竞争伙伴 Mental preparation for work 上岗前的心理准备 Career competency of sales executive 会籍顾问的职业素质,必须了解的基本概念 Understanding Basic Concepts,约见(Appt) 实赴约见(Appt Show) 约见实赴率(Appt Show Ratio) 约见管理一览(MAB) 走入(WI) 移交(TO) 来自走入的营业额/来自约见的营业额 成交率(Closing Ratio)/约见成交率( Appt Closing Ratio)/走入成交率( WI Closing Ratio) 免费票/免费周卡客人(Guest Pass) 欠款回收(BD),Non-Member WI 非会员来访 New Target Customer 新目标客户 TI 电话咨询 TI success rate 成功率 Average consumption amount 平均消费金额 Important Clients 重点客户 Group Clients 团体客户 Membership extension rate 续卡率 Sales Executive high quality work handbook 会籍顾问高效工作手册 Unite Vendor 联合商家 Exhibition 作展 Color Label 颜色标注,会籍顾问的个人任务及其分解 Sales Executive individual tasks and details,会籍顾问的个人任务及其分解 Sales Executive individual tasks and details,How to confirm individual work? 如何确定个人任务?(默认状态下=部门任务人数) Work details. 任务的分解 According to time, differentiate weekly and daily tasks 按时间分解得出每周及每日任务 Get the numbers of members which depend on average expenditures 按平均消费额分解得出每月/每日发展新会员数,Process daily work schedule. 进行每日工作安排: 1)Calculate the numbers of members for each day. 计算每日需要发展的会员人数 个人业绩指标平均消费金额30天 2)Calculate the numbers of WI and APPT. 计算每日需要来自于约见和走入的业绩各是多少 (默认值,参考插图) 每日新会员总数30% = 需要由走入产生的新会员数 每日新会员总数70% = 需要由约见产生的新会员数,Process daily work schedule. 进行每日工作安排: 3)Calculate the numbers of WI and Appt Show. 计算每日需要多少个走入和多少个实赴约见 需由走入产生新会员数走入成交率 = 日走入需量 需由约见产生新会员数约见成交率 = 日实付约见需量 4)Calculate Appt Ratio of each day. 计算每日约见需要量 日实赴约见约见实付率 = 每日约见需要量,续卡对业绩任务的影响Effect of membership extension,What is regular extension ratio in China? 什么是合格的续卡率(在中国市场) If the extend ratio is 50% for your club. What does it mean? 如果你的俱乐部续卡率为50%,那对俱乐部的任务意味着什么 If extend ratio is close to 0% what is means for your club? 如果你的俱乐部续卡率接近于零,那对俱乐部的任务意味着什么?,续卡对业绩任务的影响Effect of membership extension,Important data of members. 围绕会员保有的重要数据 Loyal members in US club (come to club over 100 times for exercise each year ) account for 30% - 40%. But it is only 15% - 20% in China. 美国俱乐部铁杆会员(一年中来俱乐部运动超过100次的人)平均占有比例为30%-40%,在中国大约只有15%-20%甚至更低 Attention: Every department in club that will serve our members. We need to prove the satisfaction for our members. Let them feel happy and have a great experience. 注意:俱乐部中的所有岗位都是为会员提供服务的岗位,要在各自的岗位上努力提高会员满意度,做到让会员拥有愉快的消费体验和运动体验。,会籍顾问日常工作内容及 高效工作手册的使用 The use of Sales Executive daily work and high quality work handbook,会籍顾问高效工作手册基本内容 Sales Executive high quality work handbook,The form of monthly work. 月工作用表 Compare form for monthly plan. 月业绩计划实施对照表 会籍顾问高效工作手册表1-月业绩计划实施对照表.doc The form of daily work. 日工作用表 Appt form list.每日约见一览 会籍顾问高效工作手册表2-每日约见一览表.doc New Target Customer list 新目标客户一览 会籍顾问高效工作手册表3-新目标客户一览表.doc,会籍顾问高效工作手册基本内容 Sales Executive high quality work handbook,Classify directory list 分类目录用表 Following Ti TI 跟进表会籍顾问高效工作手册表4-TI跟进表.doc Lost client list 流失来宾一览表 会籍顾问高效工作手册表5-流失来宾一览.doc New member List 新会员一览表 会籍顾问高效工作手册表7-新会员一览back.doc Check in List (only for green paper) 来宾登记汇总(只要绿联)会籍顾问其它用表来宾登记.doc Team client List 团体客户开发一览表 会籍顾问高效工作手册表6-团体客户开发一览.doc Boxing for information List 信息收集箱一览 会籍顾问高效工作手册表8-信息收集箱一览.doc Notice: Form is just a tool. It will help you think logically and work efficiently, it is not meant to be an extra burden. 注意:表格是一种工具,帮助你形成好的思维习惯和 工作条理,而不是一项额外负担。,每日工作中的其他事项Other important tasks of daily work,Check Appt list before finish work. 下班前把自己明日约见登记到约见管理一览中 会籍顾问其它用表约见管理一览.doc Confirm Appt which is responsible by early staff. 早班负责为所有人当日的约见进行确认 Register every non-member. 每接待一位非会员都要到非会员来访一览表中进行登记 会籍顾问其它用表非会员来访一览.doc Register every TI information after reception. 每接到一个TI都要到电话咨询一览中进行登记 会籍顾问其它用表电话信息一览.doc,每日工作中的其他事项Other important tasks of daily work,Check Appt list before finish work. 下班前把自己明日约见登记到约见管理一览中 会籍顾问其它用表约见管理一览.doc Confirm Appt which is responsible by early staff. 早班负责为所有人当日的约见进行确认 Register every non-member. 每接待一位非会员都要到非会员来访一览表中进行登记 会籍顾问其它用表非会员来访一览.doc Register every TI information after reception. 每接到一个TI都要到电话咨询一览中进行登记 会籍顾问其它用表电话信息一览.doc,销售各环节工作的 基础技巧 Basic techniques for daily work,电话咨询的应答Answering of TI,What is goal for answering TI? 电话咨询应答的目的是什么? Let client feel good service and set an Appt. 让客户拥有完美的咨询体验并形成约见 What are the principles of answering TI? 电话咨询应答的主要原则有哪些? Let your voice transmit your smile 让你的声音带有微笑 Understand the source of information. 准确了解信息来源 Have the initiative and control the topic. 掌握主动并控制谈话,电话咨询的应答Answering of TI,Do not talk about price details and do not let the customer feel you are avoiding the topic. 不具体介绍价格又不可让人感觉有意躲闪 Apply for TO if you cannot control the TI. 对于无法控制的电话咨询申请TO Sign the form after TI. (register at the receptionist or classify directory) 电话挂断后要有书面记录(前台登记/分类目录) Learn how to use the format of TI. 学会使用电话咨询处理模板,电话咨询处理模版 Format for TI,Thanks for your holding. What can I do for you? 感谢您的等候。我怎么样可以帮助您? (Normally client will tell you his plan for exercising. 客户一般会说要了解有关俱乐部的某项资讯) So you want to exercise your_ (repeat clients plan). No problem. Let us know each other at first. I am _. Could you please tell me your name? 您是想要(重复客户的要求)_,没问题!先让咱们认识一下。我是_,请问怎么称呼您?_ How do you know our gym?_ You want to know the gym for yourself or for anybody else?_ 您是怎么知道我们的?_您是为自己咨询还是其他人咨询?_,电话咨询处理模版 Format for TI,Could you please tell me what is your goal for your exercising?_(If the client ask you about the price) We have many kinds of membership card and training plan. That is depend what your need. So could you please tell me what is your goal for your exercising? 请问您想来健身的目的是什么呢? _ (如果对方抢先问价格)我们有很多种会员卡类别和健身计划,根据您的具体需要来选择,请问您想来健身的目的是什么呢?_ Ok. Let me introduce about our gym firstly. (introduce few of your program and establishment):_ So which program do you prefer after my introduction?_ 那我就简单介绍一下我们的俱乐部(简要介绍项目及设施):_听起来您对俱乐部的哪些内容比较感兴趣呢?_,Follow the goal what you have tell me, few of our establishment and program like _ it is good for you and can help you achieve your goal. What about let me make a reservation for you. And I can arrange one of our trainers to explain to you how to help you achieve your plan after you visit our gym. And we will give you the details about introduction. What is your thinking? 根据您刚才提到的健身目的,我们这里的几种器械和课程比如 对帮助您达到您的健身目的都特别有帮助,不如我们约个时间,您来俱乐部参观, 届时我约好我们的教练针对您的身体情况给您一些具体的运动的建议,我也可以为您做更详细的介绍,您看好吗?,So what time is good for you? Today or tomorrow?_ 那您今、明两天哪天有空? _ And when do you prefer? In the morning afternoon or evening? 哪个时间对您比较方便,上午,中午还是晚上? Let me check about the schedule (check the trainer schedule). There is a _ class at _oclock (our Mr. / Miss _ trainer at gym). How about this time? 让我看一下课程表(教练的排班表), 点钟有一节_ 课(我们的资深教练_在岗),您在这个时间过来好吗?,OK. I will make a reservation for you at this time. Could you please give me your full name_, your phone number_, anybody will come with you together?_ 好的,那我帮您做一下预约登记。麻烦您给我一下您的全名_,您的联系电话_,会有别人与您同来吗?_一共几位呢?_ OK. Let me repeat the reception for you. Your full name is_. Your phone number is_. And the reservation time is _. The reception person is me. So when you arrive the gym just tell receptionist my name is ok. Do you know how to get our gym? 好的,我为您重复一下您的预约,您的全名是_,您的电话是_,预约时间为_,接待人是我,我的名字是_您来的时候告诉前台您的名字请他们叫我就可以了。您知道我们俱乐部的具体位置吗?,If there is any changing, could you please give me a call? 如果您临时有事需要调整预约时间,麻烦您给我打个电话好吗? Thanks for calling Powerhouse gym. Good-bye. 感谢您致电宝力豪健身,再见!,非会员来访者的接待 Reception of Non-Member,What is goal for receive non-member? 非会员来访者接待的目的是什么? Get across reception and introduction that let non-member become our member. 通过接待和介绍使非会员成为会员。 How to receive non-member? 非会员来访者接待的基本流程是什么? Client register (at receptionist)-register asking and answer-visiting the gym-bargain or TO-fill out the contract 来宾登记的前台环节来宾登记问答引导参观 价格介绍成交 或TO 填写入会和约,非会员来访者的接待 Reception of Non-Member,What is the fundamental for receive non-member? 非会员来访者接待的主要原则有哪些? Abidance the flow rigorous 严格遵守接待流程 Make every non-member visit as WI. 把所有的非会员来访当成走入来接待 Keep smiling. 自始至终保持最灿烂的微笑 Find what client need 找到客人的真正需求而为你的产品找到对应价值,非会员来访者的接待 Reception of Non-Member,Control talking affectionately. 亲切地把控谈话进程, 具有攻击性但不要溢于言表 If client can not make design that is your time to be a good consultant. 当客户没有主意时发挥顾问作用 Do not be a winner in front of the client. 不在客户面前扮演胜利者 Let client have perfect service. 让客户拥有完美的购买体验,来宾登记前台环节要素,Receiving the Guest registry, leave front desk 接过来宾登记,撕下首联留给前台 Greeting clients. Hand shake and introduce yourself. 问候客人,与客人握手并进行自我介绍 Get the information of client in the form. And use their name. 迅速看表中内容,用姓氏称呼客人 Understand whether or not first time at club 了解客人是否为第一次来访 Welcome clients. 邀请客人进入 Understand how client know our club when introduce our club. 行进中了解客人了解我们的途径,来宾登记问答要素 How to make a registry,Finish interlocution with appetency. 以极强的亲和力完成问答 Use the question from the form that can easily understand the client information 善于利用表格中问题了解客户信息 Try to change the written question become yours, and then make natural communication. 要练习把书面的问题变成自己的话说出来,从而与客人自然交流 Write down every question about what client need to know. 要将客户的相关回答记录在表格中 (此表格将作为重要文件进入分类目录) Use linking question felicitousness 恰当使用链接性问题,来宾登记问答要素 How to make a registry,Understand clients worry about and solve that. 理解与问题相对应的客户担忧并排除 Get the promise from the client. 得到充分的客户承诺 Lead client have feedback and expect the club. 引导客人进入积极回应状态并对俱乐部有所期待 Control how to deal with the problem. 把握所有问题的处理技巧 会籍顾问其它用表来宾登记.doc,引导参观要素 Client Visiting,When invite client visiting our gym, you must get registration form with special nip. And fill out the information about the client. 参观过程中必须将来宾登记表附在专用硬夹上随身携带,并对相关信息进行记录 Let client experience the gym. 引入客户多种感官体会俱乐部 Could introduce other members and trainers to client that depend what is his plan. 可以结合其健身目的适时向其介绍俱乐部的其他会员或教练 Try to let client feel he is one of the members of our gym. 尽可能营造客人已经成为会员的感觉 Ask “Golden Key” Questions 进行“金钥匙”问题的提问,价格演示要素 Price Demo,The flow of price demo. 价格演示的流程 anticipate bargain disposal introduction demo handbook price analyses 预期成交处理演示手册介绍价格分析 Fundamental of price demo 价格演示的原则 must use price demonstrate handbook 一定要使用价格演示手册 strong appetency 亲和力一定要强 always suggest the best consultant 永远极力推荐最顶级的会籍种类与客户采取非对抗的角度 change the plan after 5 times refuse 在被拒绝5次以后才可以将推荐目标下调 accent the values before depreciate 让利(降价)之前多次多角度地强调价值 depreciate after client make confirm. 让利必须在得到客户承诺的前提下,价格演示的技巧,Write down the price after you show it. 在看完标准价格之后转为手写演示 Fundamental of two choose one 二选一的原则贯穿始终 Please do not show two prices to client. Show two different program to your client. 不要让你的介绍单上同时出现两种以上的价格 永远在两个方案中找到与客户预期接近的方案,价格演示的技巧,How to abstain price entangle. 如何避免紧紧围绕价格的纠缠 Accent the values, link what they need and values. 强调价值,向客户进行价格“相对性”的教育 紧密连接需求与价值(钻戒与婚纱照) Use balance formula 使用天平公式 How to analyses price. 对于价格如何分析运用化整为零的分析方法 Analyses client daily consume and balance that. 分析客户的日常其它消费并进行对比,小贴士:实现销售的迹象和快捷键,The evidence of sells is through reception course client put up purchase signal. Include clients action and diction. All of these can help you bargain. 实现销售的迹象是指接待过程中,来宾表现出来可能购买的重要信号,包括你可以察觉到的来宾感兴趣的行为或言语,这些行为或言语可帮助你顺利、迅速地成交。例如: a. client asks what is special about the gym. 来宾询问有关健身房特色的特殊问题。 b. order explain some specialty. 要求特别说明某方面内容。 c. keep smiling and exciting. 面带微笑并表现得很兴奋。 d. ask visit gym again. 还要求再一次参观某处。,小贴士:实现销售的迹象和快捷键,Keyboard shortcuts is client main interesting with. For example: 快捷键是来宾主要的兴趣点所在。例如: a. lose weight 减重 b. accommodate function 调节心肺功能 c. add weight 增重,常见拒绝的应对 Normal answer the refuse,Foreclose refuse before visiting. Use clients saying convince themselves. 在引导参观之前预先处理拒绝,用客人自己的话去说服他们才会有效 Element of refusal have 3: price, client confirm and family suggestion. 真正的拒绝要素有3个:价格、客户承诺、家人意见 You should have thinking course before face to refuse: estimate refuse regimentation estimate have foreclose or not find how to answer the refuse find how to explain that. 对一切借口的应对都要经历的思维过程:判断拒绝要素类别判断是否经过预先处理找到可用于排除拒绝的客人语言怎样柔和切入,常见拒绝的应对 Normal answer the refuse,Practice 练习: 1. “I want to go back and discuss with my family” “我要回去和家人商量一下” 2. “I still want to visit another gym” “我想再到其他俱乐部看一下” 3. “Im worry about I cannot insist to come here” “我怕买了又不能坚持” 4. “I think the location is not convenient” “你们这里的地点对于我来讲太不方便” 5. “Im so busy. I dont have enough time.” “我太忙,没时间”,常见拒绝的应对 Normal answer the refuse,Practice 练习: 6. “Let me think about that” “我再考虑一下”(这不该成为拒绝借口) 7. “I think it is too expensive to me.” “我觉得价格太贵了” 8. “I have some friend will join here. We can come together” “我还有朋友要来,回头我们一起来” 9. “I am ask for another people not me.” “我是给别人问,不是我要来” 10. “Thanks for the intro. If I join the gym I will find you” 谢谢你的介绍,我办卡时会来找你” 11. “I have to leave, I will find you later.” “我现在急着走,回来我来找你”,如何设置和引入TOHow to setup and import TO,Who can help you make TO? 谁可以帮助你来TO? TO is not means depreciate. TO不等于找经理来降价 TO is not let manager or trainer in front of client crudeness. TO不是生硬地把经理(教练)推到客人面前 Cannot give empty form when ask manager or trainer make TO. TO时不能交给经理(教练)一张空白的来宾登记,如何设置和引入TO How to setup and use TO,How to setup TO? 如何设置TO? If client always refuse that we can setup TO. The technique is: 设置TO一般是发生在客户再三提出拒绝因素的情况下,处理技巧为 1)Understand why client refuse. 对客户的拒绝表示极大理解 2)Show will get boon for client heart to heart. 诚恳地表示希望帮助客人得到实惠 3)(if only for price) let client make a confirm. (如果只剩价格问题)取得客户承诺 4)ponder for a minutes 略加思索 5)show how will you solve this situation (setup TO) 向客户表明你的办法(引入TO),并适当暗示客人 如何与你配合。,Cases案例:,Your client refuse you for a few times and use different reason. You can not estimate which one is the real one. You can say: “Mr., I really understand you can not design because it is not cheap. Of course I hope you can be our member and have big discount. Whatever you join our gym or not today, I hope you can get harvest after you finish visiting. What about let me introduce a trainer to tell you how to make some simple exercise and then you can do it at your home. Please wait for a second.” (sells manager and trainer can be together) 你的客人再三拒绝你,给你不同的借口,你无法判断什么是真正原因,你可以说:“ xx先生,我非常理解您很难一下子做决定,毕竟这不是一个很小的数字。当然,我很希望您能成为我们的会员,同时又得到最大的优惠,不管您今天是否加入,我都希望您今天能有所收获,这样吧,我请我们的一位资深教练给您介绍一些简单的健身方法,至少您在家里也可以自己开始做一些运动了,您稍等一下”(销售经理可以和教练共同进入) Pay attention: You also can do some easy way to solve that. Like you can say: “please wait for a second and I will give you some data.” 注:你也可以使用简便的方法:“请您稍等,我帮您拿一些资料带走。”其后经理可以自然地携资料进入。,Case 案例:,Your client think the member card is expensive, and he wants to ask some discount. You can say: “Mr., I really understand you and I hope you can join our gym. Of course I hope you can get a big discount. Hope you can understand that our price is the same as other powerhouse gym include other citys powerhouse. (hold on for a second) Can you sure you will decide you will join our gym if I could give you some discount? (after client confirm) Ok I got it. What about I ask my manager and help you get a discount. Please wait for a while. (at this time manager come here) 你的客人认为会员卡的价格太贵,想要寻求一些折扣,你可以说:“ xx先生,我非常希望您能成为我们的会员,也希望您得到最大的优惠,不过请您理解我们的价格是全国统一的规定价格。(稍停)如果今天我们能提供给您某种形式的优惠,您今天是否可以决定?(得到承诺后)我明白了,这样吧,我帮您向经理争取一下,请您稍等”(销售经理可在此刻进入),入会合约填写的注意事项What need to pay attention about fill out contract?,The contract is a legal file. 入会合约是具有法律效应的文件(另对照合约实物) Please use Kai Shu fill out the contract. 会合约需以楷书填写 Cannot let some information empty. 内容必须填写完整(空项需注明原因) Cannot change information( if change that need to sign the name both of client and consultant) 不得涂改(或在涂改处附上双方签字) Contract information must as the same as each paper. 合约各联内容必须完全相同,入会合约填写的注意事项What need to pay attention about fill out contract?,Contract must have the signature and the date. 必须有双方签名和日期 Must have start date. (depend client need) 必须有明确的启动时间(可以根据客人情况或要求预定启动时间) “member style” means team card or for personal “会员类型”指团体卡或个人卡 “exercise plan” get from label. “others” please fill out the details. “健身计划”对应标注,“其它”则注明具体计划(如季卡需在“其它”栏中打钩并注明“季卡”, 30次卡需在“其它”栏中打钩并注明“次卡30次” ),Payment should be bargain cost. “ total training cost” should be extend cost. 付款栏中的“应付总额”为成交价格,“总训练费”为续卡价格,其差额视为“入会费”写入“入会费”一栏,并相应解释,“预交总额”系为分期付款所设,目前我们暂不提供此项服务,该栏目以斜杠划掉,“实赴总额”中填写当日实际付款金额(与收款单对应)。 “payment mode” please fill out the details. If there are two or more mode to pay that. Please fill out different way with different detail count. “付款方式”按实情填写,如付款多于一种方式,要对应注明每种方式的金额。注意:如以宝力豪代金券、内部支票等付款,需在此栏中体现(先写明方式,再注明金额),“function” get from label. If this is only for one club card, please fill out at “others” with only one club. “功能”中对应标注,如出售单店使用卡须在“其它”栏中著名“单店使用字样。” “location of club” need to fill out this club full name. “俱乐部地点”中要注明俱乐部全称(如宝力豪天津金牌店),合约填写完毕之后After finish contract,Reminding member read notice. 提醒会员阅读会员须知 会籍顾问其它用表入会合约背面.doc Receive member card at receptionist. 到前台进行领卡登记 Give welcome DVD to new member and show how to use that. 向会员赠送欢迎光盘并说明光盘使用方法 Make VIP files for new member. 为会员建立VIP客户邀请档案 Fill out some forms after client leave. 送走客人后填写相关登记表格,Template of following new member. 新会员电话跟进模版 会籍顾问其它用表新会员电话跟进模版.doc Template of lost client. 流失来宾电话跟进模版 会籍顾问其它用表流失来宾电话跟进模版.doc,信息获取的基础途径 Basic ways of getting information,信息获取的基础途径Basic ways of getting information,Join the exhibition 参与作展 Put out DM DM 单发放 Friends of members. 通过会员带朋友 Box of getting information 信息收集箱 Please discuss details of each way. 请大家就每一个途径讨论具体做法,面对竞争对手和 竞争伙伴 Face to competitor,面对竞争对手和竞争伙伴 Face to competitor,What need you understand about your competitor? 对于你的竞争对手,你必须了解什么? (1)Location 他们坐落的位置 (2)Service 他们所提供的服务 (3)Highest price 他们最新的价格 (4)Contract 他们的入会合约 (5)Clients 他们的客户群 (6)Members 他们的顾客群,面对竞争对手和竞争伙伴 Face to competitor,How to talk about our competitor? 我们如何谈论竞争对手 (1)never detract competitor 从不贬低竞争对手 (2)could discuss about the type of members about your competitor. 你可以讨论竞争对手的会籍种类 (3)could discuss about the price of your competitor. 你可以讨论竞争对手的价格 (4)could discuss about equipment of your competitor. 你可以讨论竞争对手的设施,上岗前的心理准备 Mental preparation for work,上岗前的心理准备Mental Preparation Before Work,选择你的态度 Choosing your attitude “我活的时间越长,我就越能够体会到态度对人的一生的影响。态度,对我来说,比事实更重要。态度比历史、比教育、比金钱、比环境、比失败、比任何其他人所说的、所想的或者所做的都更重要。态度甚至比外表,天赋或技巧都更重要。态度可以成就或毁掉一家公司、一个教堂、一个家庭、一个团队或个人。值得注意的是,我们每天都有机会去选择我们用什么样的态度去拥抱这一天。 The longer I live, the more I realize how attitude affects ones life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. Attitude is more important than history, education, money, surroundings, losing, and anything anyone has ever said or done. Attitude is more important than appearance, talent, and skill. Attitude can start or ruin a company, church, family, team, or person. Worthy of note, every day we have the opportunity to choose our attitude and seize the day.,上岗前的心理准备Mental Preparation Before Work,选择你的态度 Choosing your attitude “我们不可能改变我们的过去我们也不可能改变人们用不同的方式表达自己。我们当然也不可能改变注定要发生的事情。我们唯一可以改变的就是我们所拥有的东西,我们所拥有的就是我们的态度。我深信在我的一生当中,10%的事是顺其自然发生在我身上的, 还有90%的事取决于我用怎样的态度去对待。其实你也是一样的,我们就是我们的态度的主宰。” 作者是谁并不重要,重要的是你如何选择你的态度 We cannot change our past.we also cannot change the fact that people using different ways of expressing themselves. Of course, we cannot change certain things. We can only change the things we own, we only own our own attitude. I firmly believe that 10% of things natural happen and 90% of things depend on our attitude. You are the same, we are the rulers of our own attitude. The writer is not important, important is how you choose your attitude,上岗前的心理准备Mental Preparation before work,不断被拒绝是销售工作的最大挑战 Continuously being refused is the biggest challenge for sales 面对拒绝的第一种态度: 我从来不把(表面的)失败看作(真正的)失败,而仅仅当作一个学习的过程。 我从来不把(表面的)失败看作我不能成功,而仅仅当作一个学习的过程。 我从来只把(表面的)不成功看作为一个学习的过程。 The first kind of attitude facing refusal: I have never seen failure as failure, but rath


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