八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots(第7课时)Self Check习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots(第7课时)Self Check习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots(第7课时)Self Check习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots(第7课时)Self Check习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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Unit 7Will people have robots?,第七课时Self Check,一、词汇。 A)根据句意及首字母提示完成下列句子,每空一词。 1The earth is a _ 2During my summer _,I like to visit some places of interest. 3The farmer is going to _ a big house to keep hens. 4Its _ for kids to swim in the river. 5You will _ down if you are not careful.,planet,holiday,build,dangerous,fall,B)根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 impossible,factory,inside,human,environment 6What are the differences between _ and animals? 7Everybody should do something good for our _ 8Few things in the world are _ as long as you work hard. 9Our school visited a large clothes _ last Friday. 10She looked around _ the hall and didnt see Peter.,humans,environment,impossible,factory,inside,二、单项选择。 11Every person should play _ part in saving _ earth. Aa;a Ba;anCa;the Da;/ 12Many people spend their vacation in the countryside because they worry about the _ in cities. Adiscussion Breasons Cservice Dpollution 13Of all the songs he wrote,I think this is _ the best one. Aprobably Bhardly Cluckily Dseriously,C,D,A,14Do you know the young man? Yes.He is a popular actor and he is _ very famous in the USA. Aeven Blittle Cpretty Dquite 15I got a message saying my phone number won 5,000 yuan. It cant be true.Dont _ that.(原创题) Abelieve Bthink Cagree Dtake 16Why do you look unhappy,Jim? Because Peter and I _ with each other on future plans and we had a fight. Apassed Btook Cdisagreed Dsent,A,A,C,17What _ in our life in the future? Its really hard to say. Ahappen Bwill happen Chappens Dhappened 18Look up!There are _ birds flying in the sky.(易错题) Atwo hundreds Bhundreds of Chundred of Dtwo hundred of 19Many kind people helped _ the lost boy,but they didnt find him. Alook at Blook after Clook for Dlook like 20I think its going to rain. _There isnt a black cloud in the sky. AI dont think so BMe,too CI dont mind DIm sure about it,B,B,C,A,三、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。 A:Hello,Sally! B:Hello,Tony! A:Do you think there will be robots in every home? B:21._ A:Do we have to go to school every day in the future? B:No,we dont.22._ A:Will people use money in the future? B:No,they wont.23._ A:Will there be more pollution? B:24._ A:What do you think you will be in the future? B:25._ A:OK,I see.,E,A,D,C,AEverything will be free. BYes,I think every home will have a robot. CI think I will be a doctor. DNo,there wont.There will be less pollution. EWe will study at home on computers.,四、完形填空。 What do you think our life _26_ like in the future?I think each family will have a robot.The robot will _27_ like a human.You can ask it _28_ everything for you.It will serve you twentyfour hours a _29_ and never rest.It can talk with you when you _30_ bored.You wont know whether it is a human or a robot when you meet it on the street. People will spend _31_ time working and have more time to travel.The cars in the future will _32_ fly freely in the sky _33_ every car will have wings with it.Robots will _34_ you to any place you want to visit._35_ the cars will be very safe because the robots will drive them for you.,( )26.A.will is Bwill be Cwill Dis ( )27.A.dress Bsound Clook Dfeel ( )28.A.does Bdo Cdoing Dto do ( )29.A.day Bweek Cmonth Dyear ( )30.A.let Bhave Cget Dplay ( )31.A.less Bfewer Cmore Dlittle ( )32.A.can Bcould Cbe able to Dare able to ( )33.A.if Bthough Cso Dbecause ( )34.A.ask Btake Ctell Dturn ( )35.A.Take BTakes CTaking DTook,B,C,D,A,C,A,C,D,B,C,五、阅读理解。,36.What will Linda do next week?_ AGo to college. BLook for a job. CHave a birthday party. DTravel around the world. 37Where may Emma live in ten years?_ ASomewhere interesting. BSomewhere beautiful. CSomewhere rich. DSomewhere cool.,C,A,38What does Emma want to be in the future?_ AA writer. BA reporter. CA teacher. DA doctor. 39Whats Marys hobby?_ ADancing. BWriting. CSinging. DDrawing. 40The three girls mainly tell us _ Awhere they will live in the future Bhow they will work in the future Cwhat life they want to live in ten years Dwhy they want to have a happy life in ten years,C,B,C,


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