中考英语 第一部分 教材梳理 第2节 七上 Module 6-Module 10课件 外研版

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中考英语 第一部分 教材梳理 第2节 七上 Module 6-Module 10课件 外研版_第1页
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中考英语 第一部分 教材梳理 第2节 七上 Module 6-Module 10课件 外研版_第3页
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第二节 七年级(上)odule 6odule 10,外研版教材梳理,重难点梳理 一、默写检测 (一)考纲单词默写(下面为常考的考纲单词,请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。) 1.不同的_ 2.哪一个_ 3.仅仅;只_ 4.其他的_,different,which,only,other,5.竹子_ 6.亚洲_ 7.欧洲_ 8.甚至_ 9.抓住;接住_ 10.键盘_,bamboo,Asia,Europe,even,catch,keyboard,11.连接_ 12.保存;储存_ 13.纸_ 14.计划;打算_ 15.鼠标;老鼠_ 16.学;学习_,connect,save,paper,plan,mouse,learn,17.共用;分享_ 18.发送_ 19.使用_ 20.有时候_ 21.礼物_ 22.特别的_,share,send,use,sometimes,present,special,23.杂志_ 24.穿;戴_ 25.钱,金钱_ 26.肯,会;愿意_ 27.给,送_ 28.昂贵的_,magazine,wear,money,would,give,expensive,29.比赛,竞赛_ 30.从不_ 31.秘密_ 32.选择;挑选_ 33.花(钱);花费_ 34.担心的;害怕的_,match,never,sceret,choose,spend,afraid,35.享受的乐趣;喜爱_ 36.驾驶;驾车_ 37.离开_ 38.大部分(的);大多数(的)_ 39.(某事发生的)时刻,时候_ 40.尽管如此;无论如何_,enjoy,drive,leave,most,moment,anyway,41.下车(飞机、火车、公共汽车)_ 42.仍然,依旧_ 43.奔跑,跑_ 44.十分;相当_ 45.讲;告诉_ 46.发生_,off,still,run,quite,tell,happen,47.参加;加入_ 48.运气_ 49.饺子;团子_ 50.意思是;意味着_,join,luck,dumpling,mean,(二)重点短语默写(请同学们重点掌握下面的短语,做到活学活用。单项选择、完形填空和短文填空等题型经常会考查大家对短语的掌握) 1.欢迎到_ 2.来自_ 3.看_ 4.擅长_,welcome to .,come from,look at,be good at,5.比如_ 6.在那边,在那里_ 7.少量_ 8.全世界_ 9.许多种类_ 10.把连接到_,such as,over there,a little,all over the world,many kinds of,connect . to .,11.打开_ 12.上网_ 13.发送邮件_ 14.在的左边_ 15.搜寻;查找_ 16.听音乐_,turn on,go on the Internet,send emails,on the left of .,search for,listen to music,17.在周末_ 18.保持健康_ 19.去听音乐会_ 20.收到的来信_ 21.去购物_ 22.教师节_,at weekends,stay healthy,go to concerts,hear from,go shopping,Teachers Day,23.拍照_ 24.等待,等候_ 25.正在出售_ 26.回去_ 27.下(飞机、火车、公共汽车)_ 28.一些;几个_,take photos,wait for,on sale,go back,get off,a few,29.此刻_ 30.为做准备_ 31.在工作_ 32.赶快_ 33.圣诞快乐_ 34.此刻,目前_,right now,get ready for,at work,hurry up,Merry Christmas,at the moment,35.收起;收拾好_ 36.扫去_,put away,sweep away,二、语法考点聚焦 1.一般现在时(II) 【教材典句】 1.Does it eat meat?它吃肉吗? No,it doesnt .不,它不吃。 2.It doesnt eat meat.它不吃肉。 3.The zebra doesnt like meat.斑马不喜欢吃肉。,【练习】 ( )_Alice_a tennis racket? A.Does;has B.Do;have C.Does;have D.Do;has ( )Emma_her homework every morning. A.doesnt does B.doesnt do C.didnt did D.didnt does,C,B,2.一般现在时(III) 【教材典句】 1.How do I write my homework on the computer?我怎样在电脑上写作业呢? 2.How do I save the document?我怎样保存这个文件? 3.Where do I write the name?我在哪里输入这个文件名? 4.Who has a friend in Austria?谁有一个朋友在奥地利?,【练习】 ( )_ you have an English party? We have the party on Sunday. A.When do B.Where does C.Why did D.Who do ( )_he write to on Sunday? He writes to his mother. A.Why did B.Who does C.When does D.How did,A,B,3.频度副词 【教材典句】 1.What do you usually do at a Chinese birthday party?在中国的生日聚会上你们通常做什么? 2.But my mother never makes a birthday cake.但是我妈妈从来不做生日蛋糕。 3. we sometimes give birthday cards.我们有时送生日贺卡。 4.Daming always gets birthday presents!大明总是会收到生日礼物! 5.She often goes to the cinema.她经常去看电影。,【练习】 ( )My sister_goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day. A.always B.sometimes C.hardly D.never ( )Li Ke_runs in the morning,for he wants to be healthy. A.never B.often C.hardly D.seldom,A,B,4.现在进行时() 【教材典句】 1.Im standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you.我正站在中国的长城上和你说话。 2.Tony is eating a delicious ice cream.托尼正在吃一个可口的冰激凌。 3.Theyre working.他们正在工作。,【练习】 ( )Where is your father? He_the World Cup in the living room. A.is watching B.watches C.watched D.will watch ( )Listen,our teachers_ Red Songs in the next room. A.sang B.are singing C.sings D.sung,A,B,5.现在进行时() 【教材典句】 1.Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?你们在为春节做准备吗? Yes,we are.是的。 2.What are you doing at that moment?那一刻你在做什么? 3.Is your father helping you?你爸爸在帮你吗? No,he isnt.不,他没有。,【练习】 ( )May I speak to the headmaster(和校长通话)? He_a meeting now.Can I take a message? A.is having B.had C.has D.will have ( )Where is Miss Yang? Look,she_with her students over there. A.talk B.talked C.talks D.is talking,A,D,巩固练习 一、单项选择 ( )1.Does a tiger eat meat? _. A.No,it does B.Yes,it doesnt C.Yes,it does D.Yes,it eat ( )2._do you go to the cinema? On Saturday evening. A.How often B.When C.How long D.What time,C,B,( )3.Would you like to go swimming with me? _. A.No,Id like to B.No,I cant C.Yes,I like D.Id like to,but I have to do my homework ( )4.My mother doesnt like chocolates,and she_buys them. A.always B.often C.never D.usually,D,C,( )5._? I share my computer with my cousin. A.When do you get up B.What are you doing C.How are you D.Who do you share the computer with? ( )6.The boy_his father and is crying. A.runs for B.runs C.is running for D.is running to,D,D,( )7.What are you doing? Im_ready for my English test. A.getting B.gets C.got D.having got ( )8.What kind of music do you like? _. A.Yes,I like it B.No,it doesnt matter C.I want to buy some fruits D.I like pop music,A,D,( )9.Tonys father works in a restaurant.He is a good_. A.cook B.cooker C.cooking D.cooks ( )10.We_dumplings. Its funny.I want to join you. A.have made B.are making C.would make D.had made ( )11.Are you having a party? Yes,_. A.I do B.there is C.I am D.it does,A,B,C,( )12._do you go shopping? Twice a week. A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How many ( )13.How does your father go to Beijing? _. A.He went there last year B.He is going on Friday C.He likes going there by plane D.He likes playing football,B,C,( )14.Is your brother doing homework now? No,he_computer games. A.played B.plays C.playing D.is playing ( )15._? She is dancing in her room. A.What does your sister do B.Where did your sister C.What does your sister look like D.What is your sister doing,D,D,( )16.Where is my cat? Its_under the tree. A.lying B.lied C.laid D.lay ( )17._? Because I want to buy some apples. A.Where did you go B.How do you go to work C.Why do you go to the supermarket D.When do you usually go to bed,A,C,( )18.Kimi likes playing computer games,so he_buys the game disc(光盘). A.often B.never C.not D.dont ( )19.My brother often_emails on the computer. A.send B.to send C.sends D.sending ( )20.This is an American tiger.It doesnt_leaves. A.eats B.ate C.eating D.eat,A,C,D,二、完形填空 Last week we had a talk in our school.It was given by Mr.Li and it was on how to deal with stress(压力) in our daily life.Mr.Li held a bottle of water in his 21 and asked us how heavy it was.All the students began to think and 22 .Our answers are different, from 100g to 500g. “It really doesnt matter on the weight.It 23 how long you hold it,”,Mr.Li laughed and said, “If I hold it for a 24 , it is light for me.If I hold it for an hour, my right hand will feel 25 .But if I hold it for a day, you will have to 26 a doctor.It is the same exact weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.We should put it down for a while before holding it up 27 .” “If we 28 carry our burdens(负担),we will not be able to carry them on sooner or later.They will become heavier and heavier.We put them down now and then, 29 we will feel tired and we cant carry them on.” “Please put the burden of work down before you return home from work this evening.Dont carry it home.You can pick it up tomorrow.” Whatever burden we have, we must,try to let it down for a moment if we can.And we should learn to relax 30 . Life is short but interesting.Lets enjoy it.,( )21.A.back B.head C.hand D.stomach ( )22.A.watch B.read C.find D.guess ( )23.A.lives on B.depends on C.works on D.puts on ( )24.A.week B.minute C.month D.night ( )25.A.tired B.bored C.warm D.helpful ( )26.A.get off B.put off C.care for D.send for ( )27.A.just now B.as well C.once again D.in all ( )28.A.never B.seldom C.sometimes D.always ( )29.A.so B.or C.but D.while ( )30.A.myself B.yourself C.ourselves D.yourselves,C,D,B,B,A,D,C,D,B,C,三、短文填空 When I was in elementary school,I 31._ with a boy in my class.I have forgotten what the argument was about, but I have 32._ forgotten the lesson I learned that day. I was convinced that I was right and he was wrongand he was just convinced that I was wrong and he was,argued,never,right.The teacher decided to 33._us a very important lesson. She asked us to come to the front of the classroom and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other.In the middle of her desk was a large,round object.I could 34._ see that it was black.She asked the boy what color the object was.“White,”he answered.,teach,clearly,I couldnt 35._ he said the object was white,because I saw it was black! Another argument started 36._ my classmate and me, and this time it was about the color of the object. The teacher told me to stand where the boy was standing and told him to come to stand where I had been.We changed 37._ ,and,believe,between,places,now she asked me what the color of the object was.I 38._ to answer,“White”. It was an object with 39._ differently colored sides,and from his viewpoint it was white.Only from my side it was black. Sometimes we need to look at the 40._ from the other persons view.Only then can we understand his/her perspective.,had,two,problem,谢 谢 观 看 !,


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