中考英语 第一部分 基础知识梳理 七下 Unit 8课件1

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第一部分 教材知识梳理,七年级(下) Unit 8,中考目标导航,重点单词,词汇拓展,短语与句型,考点1 询问天气的句型,重难点讲练,考点2 remember的用法,考点3 辨析put on, wear, dress与be in,考点4 busy的用法,考点5 辨析hope, wish与expect,考点6 decide的用法,考点7 辨析arrive, reach与get to,考点8 believe的用法,考点9 treat的用法,高频话题作文指南,询问天气的句型,询问天气的句型有两种,二者可互换,具体如下: Hows the weather?其中How 为疑问副词,weather为不可数名词。,重难点讲练,Whats the weather like? 其中What 为疑问代词,后加介词like。 如: How was the weather yesterday? What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天的天气怎么样?,询问天气时,答语常用Its/It is/was/will be表示天气的形容词。常见的表天气的形容词有:,注,意,【现学现用】,1. What will the _ be like this Friday? It will be cloudy.,weather,2. 衡阳今天的天气怎么样? _ _,How is the weather/Whats the weather like in Hengyang today?,remember的用法,3. I remembered _(lock) the door before I left the classroom this morning.,【现学现用】,locking,5. 我记得我们过去常常在周末拜访他们。 _ ,I remember (that) we used to visit them on weekends.,4. Remember _ (来) to my daughters dancing show next Friday.,to come,辨析put on, wear, dress与be in,四者均可表示“穿上、穿衣”,具体区别如下:,【现学现用】,6. A policeman needs to _(穿)his uniform when he is on duty. 7. Its a little cold outside, so youd better _ your coat. 8. He is in a red jacket which makes him look more energetic. _,wear,put on,他穿着红色的夹克,这使得他看起来更有活力。,busy的用法,be busy with sth.忙于某事,with后接名词。如: Li Ming is busy with his homework. 李明忙于他的家庭作业。 be busy (in) doing sth. 忙着做某事。如: James is busy practising for the school concert.詹姆斯正忙于为学校音乐会排练。,【现学现用】,9. The students are busy _(prepare) for the final exam in the classroom. 10. 最近,我妹妹忙于一个英语演讲比赛。 _ _,preparing,Recently, my sister is busy with an English speech competition.,辨析hope, wish与expect讲解详见本 书P35,11. If you eat junk food, you cant really expect _(grow) up healthily.,【现学现用】,to grow,12. I _ (希望) I were a bird in the sky or a fish in the river. 13. 他希望在他初中毕业之后出国。 _ _,wish,He hopes to go abroad after he graduates from middle school.,decide的用法,decide的用法(2011年29题),decide(not)to do sth. 决定不做某事,decide on/upon (doing) sth. 决定做某事,decide宾语从句,decide特殊疑问句to do,decide的名词形式是decision,意为“决心,决定”,常用短语:make a decision to do sth.“下决心做某事”。,注,意,【现学现用】,14. To make their school more beautiful, the children decide _ (打扫)their playground. 15. It is hard for the little girl to make a _ (decide) by herself. 16. Peter and his friends have decided on _(hold) a party, and I hope theyll have a good time.,to clean,decision,holding,辨析arrive, reach与get to,三者均有“到达”之意,具体区别如下:,【现学现用】,17. Mom, I will pick you up as soon as you _(到达) at the airport. 18. It was such a long way that they didnt reach the hotel until it became dark. _ 19. We are supposed to get to the museum by 3 oclock. _,arrive,路程是如此的远以至于直到天黑了他们才到达酒店。,我们应该在三点之前到达博物馆。,believe的用法,believe后可接宾语从句,意为“相信;认为”。接否定的宾语从句时,通常否定前移。如: I dont believe that he will win. 我相信他不会赢。,在简略答语中,用“I believe so./I dont believe so./I believe not.”。如: Do you believe he will come? 你相信他会来吗? No, I dont believe so./I believe not.不,我认为 他不会。 接不定式的复合结构作宾补时,其中的不定式通常为 to be形式。如: They believed him (to be) wrong. 他们认为他错了。,注意:believe sb. 和 believe in sb. 的区别,【现学现用】,20. You will achieve great success if you have a dream and believe _ it. 21. 我相信他能做出一个明智的选择。 _,in,I believe that he can make a wise choice.,treat的用法,22. I am 13 years old and I dont want to be treated _ a child any more. 23. To thank you for helping me, I want to treat you to dinner. _ _,【现学现用】,as,为了感谢你对我的帮助,我想请你吃一 顿晚饭。,高频话题作文指南,节假日活动,从衡阳及全国近七年“节假日活动”相关话题书面表达的命题来看,通常有以下两种设题角度: 1. 在节假日活动里所做过的事情及感受。 2. 介绍节假日的具体计划。,1. 示例:We enjoyed ourselves during the trip. 仿写句:我在昨天的晚会上玩得很开心。,【仿写与运用】,I enjoyed myself in yesterdays party.,_,On weekends, I have enough time to help my,mother do the housework.,2. 示例:During the summer vacation, I have enough time to do things like volunteering. 仿写句:在周末,我有足够的时间帮妈妈做家务。 _ _ 3. 示例:Some people also think that traveling is good for their health. 仿写句:旅行有助于开阔我们的眼界。 ,Traveling is good for opening up our eyes.,【词语速记】,1. take a trip去旅行 2. arrive in/at 到达 3. cheer up使高兴,使振奋 4. look forward to期待 5. chat with聊天,6. go boating 去划船 7. take photos照相 8. go shopping 去购物 9. enjoy oneself过得愉快 10. live a.life过着的生活 11. enjoy the beauty of nature领略大自然的美丽 (更多相关词汇见话题写作天天见),【好句积累】,开头句:,1. Why not make a plan and enjoy your holiday? 2. Lets make a plan for the coming vacation together. 3. Here are my plans for the long exciting holidays. 4. We had a 3-day off for our school trip. 5. Our class went to climb the mountain last weekend.,中间句: 所做过的事情及感受 1. On the way to Lijiang, we talked with each other happily. 2. We visited the Palace Museum and the Forbidden City. 3. My classmates decided/made a decision to help the people in the Old Peoples Home. 4. Finally, I got to know the customs and living habits of the local people.,5. Tony worked as a volunteer in a hospital.He got some experience in taking care of people. 6. Besides, I joined a summer camp in July where I relaxed myself and made some new friends. 7. Traveling not only broadens my horizon but also leaves me good memories.,介绍节假日的具体计划 8. Ill travel with my family or friends to enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature. 9. I want to watch the football game in our school this weekend. 10. He wants to not only relax but also learn something in the countryside. 11. I am looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation.,12. To work out a plan, one has to start with some researches. 13. I havent made up my mind whether to go skating or not. 14. Itll take about two hours to get there by bus.,结尾句: 所做过的事情及感受 1. I had a very pleasant day there. 2. All of us felt very tired but happy. 3. I had a good time during the holiday. 4. I hope I can come here again sometime. 介绍节假日的具体计划,5. Making a good plan for your summer vacation is really good. 6. I cant wait to enjoy my weekend. Would you like to join me? 7. Above all, I hope all of us can have a pleasant/wonderful vacation/holiday. 8. Make a good plan for your winter holiday and do something meaningful.,(2016张家界改编),紧张的毕业考试结束后,同学们将迎来轻松愉快的暑假。你的暑假计划是什么呢?假如你是Sandy, 请你以“Summer Plan”为题,写出你和你朋友Tony的暑假计划。 要求:1. 内容必须包括所提示信息,可适当发挥。 2. 文中不能出现自己的真实姓名和学校名称。 3. 不少于80词(文章开头已给出,不计入总词 数)。,Summer Plan Hi, Im Sandy. Summer vacation is coming. What are you going to do this summer? My friend Tony and I have our summer plans._,【审题指导】细读所给文字提示,提取以下信息: 1. 从题目Summer Plan 可知文体为说明文。 2. 计划类文章时态主要用一般将来时,也可以用一般 现在时表将来。 3. 写作时主要使用第一人称,描写他人时使用第三人 称。 4. 词数不少于80词,不得出现真实的姓名和校名。,summer plan,【写作导图】,My plan,Tonys plans,My hope,travel to some different places; learn to dance and draw pictures,be a volunteer in hospital; learn how to swim and play basketball,hope both of us have a wonderful holiday,【高分范文】,Summer Plan Hi, Im Sandy. Summer vacation is coming. What are you going to do this summer? My friend Tony and I have our summer plans. We have made a list of the things we expect to do. Im going to travel to some different places, which can open up my eyes. I also want to learn to dance and draw,pictures, because they are not only interesting but also help me relax. Tony is going to be a volunteer in a hospital. Hell get some experience in taking care of people. Besides, he also wants to learn how to swim and play basketball. I hope both of us have a wonderful holiday.,


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