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词汇研究生课程班的学员以前大都学过一套大学英语教材,抑或所学的内容有点过时或生疏了,抑或找不着上考场的感觉了。现阶段的主要问题是词汇量跟不上,能记住的词又倒不出来,有种十年工夫白费的意味。所以当务之急是疏理所学内容,想方设法将遗忘了的英语拾捡回来。用在心理学上研究记忆的话来说,就是用“记忆钩”拴牢。在词汇复习中,怎样用环扣将零散的词打结就显得特别具有战略意义。词汇命题范围为大纲所规定的5500个左右词汇和550个左右的常用词组。2000年以前本部分共设20题,从2001年开始增至30题,每题0.5分,分A、B两节,或要求在所给的四个选择项中找出单句划线部分的最佳替换词,或根据句意选出最佳答案填空。词汇增加了5分,阅读理解相应减少了一篇文章,词汇量大的考生做起来得心应手,无疑省掉了阅读长篇大论的麻烦。如果说眼前没有了英语资料,我们的记忆中还有成串的词构成的语料库,才能做到“成竹在胸”。一个人的记忆是有限的,不可能将杂乱无章、主次不分的词都记住。每个阶段的水平考试都有其在词汇方面不同于他类考试的核心与重点,通过分析历年的全真考题就可摸清考试走势。第一节 词语的串联记忆语义模块举例语汇网络的形成技巧:建立比较大的记忆单位-靠一个模糊的语义串接近义词或者反义词,在语境或者观点中获得核心语汇。记忆词汇的出发点:记忆的单位要大。有比较完整意义的表达法、词块和句子连贯性强过单词,可以成块搬去套用,能节省时间。一个词一定要让它多次出现,才能让我们熟识它。要创造条件让同一个词不断再现,记笔记、阅读、做题、写作都行。记住了词的搭配,判断其用法和运用时就有了底气。通读一两套适合于自学的精读教材,通过回忆课文的语境,精记课文中的精彩词汇,达到可以默写和应用的境地;将有千丝万缕联系的词语用意义、用词形产生联想,宏观而模糊地集结成模块,形成概念组、意义组;将历年全真题中的词汇题按词类穿越时空横着看,就会明白年年考题都大同小异,选择项中的干扰项和答案、阅读理解中的词汇对未来词汇命题的暗示。全真题系统性极强,滚动式的词汇命题方式,就是为黑暗中挣扎的考生心灵点燃的火把。词汇四大考点:意义相似或相反的、词形相似的、完全不一样的。discount, commission, bonus, scholarship, allowance,钱 donation, fund, income, revenue, budget, savings, account, pension, tip, change, charge, premium, salary, pay, wage, rent, cost, tuition, fee, loan, interest, fine, tax, investment, deficit, finance, compensation, bill, capital, cash, charity, cheque, coin, currency,verbal, deliver a speech/lecture, persuade, dissuade, 说talk.into, state, declare, voice, express, convey, clarify, narrate, relate, plead, petition, pray, preach, advocate, argue, debate, discuss, seminar, repeat, predict, forecast, acknowledge, advance, propose, cite, quote, put forward, imply, suggest, deny, distort, exaggerate, boast, maximize, minimize, make commitment, pledge, promise, assure, criticize, scold, blame, accuse.of, charge.with, condemn/denounce, illuminate, throw light on, ascertain, verify, confirm,interview, survey, inspect, examine, investigate, look into, look up, consult,看 go over, detect , perceive, have perception of/have insight into, explore, monitor, supervise, catch sight of, transparent, intuition, perspective, make out, recognize, betray, run into,第二节 从词语到句子一、 基本句型(句子架构)I. 主-谓:谓语动词是不及物动词(黑体部分),不能接宾语Wood rots, metal rusts, people wrinkle and flowers wither. Even mountains wear down; even the nuclei of atoms decay.II. 主-谓-宾:谓语动词是及物动词,后接宾语。注意宾语的形式,有名词和名词短语、代词、不定式、动名词、宾语从句。Climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.III. 主-系-表:黑体部分是系动词。这种句型相当于汉语的判断句。表语用名词性和形容词性结构。Some accidents are minor and some are serious but others may be fatal.IV. 主-谓-宾-宾补:分清哪些动词(黑体)后面接宾语补足语,掌握宾语补足语的各种形式(形容词、名词、不定式、现在分词、过去分词)。这一结构中的宾语既是前面动词的宾语,又是后面补语逻辑上的主语。Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. V.主-谓-双宾语:双宾语由间接宾语和直接宾语构成,也可以把直接宾语提到间接宾语前,其中间加“to”。注意后接双宾语的特定动词(黑体)。The traffic police was telling the stranger the way to railway station.二、 核心词汇的积淀(观点的记忆)1. Its very important to improve your study habits in order to improve your performance in your subjects.为了提高你在科目中的成绩表现,改进学习习惯是很重要的。2. The well-organized weekly schedule enables you to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies and entertainment, and at the same time have adequate time to complete your normal assignments.精心设计的每周时间表使你拿得出时间来放松、从事业余爱好和娱乐,同时有足够的时间完成正常的作业。3. Regular reviews leads to improved performance on test and make your knowledge permanent.有规律性的复习导致考试成绩的提高,使知识永恒。4. Chichester was determined to carry out his plan to sail round the world single-handed at the age of nearly 65, and succeeded in conquering all difficulties during the great voyage.奇切斯特在将近65岁时,下定决心执行他单枪匹马环球航行的计划,并且在这个伟大的航程中成功地战胜了所有困难。5. People all over the world are used to giving presents to each other on the rare occasions such as birthday and Christmas.全世界的人习惯于在生日和圣诞节这样罕有的场合互送礼物。6. Without the distraction of TV, the family members would communicate with each other and rediscover more active pastimes.没有电视分散注意力,家庭成员将能够互相交流,重新发现更积极的消遣活动。7. The father prepared different gifts for his children to celebrate Christmas. The son waited eagerly for his pony. But that days experience covered all the distance from misery to happiness the adults couldnt stand.父亲为孩子们准备了不同的礼物来庆祝圣诞节。儿子在急切地等待着他的小马。但是,那天的体验让他走过了从痛苦到幸福的所有心路里程,这一点成人都不能忍受。(cover:覆盖,囊括)8. Sam Adams possessed many good qualities as a young boy, which gave him a solid foundation for a career in industrial engineering.萨姆亚当斯在小时候就拥有许多好素质,这为他在工业设计职业打下了坚实的基础。9. The intelligent young man offers the boss some feasible suggestions to relieve the dull and boring work and to improve working efficiency.这位聪明的年轻人向老板提出了一些切实可行的建议,来减轻工作中的枯燥和烦闷和提高工作效率。10. If excellent work results in frequent pay increases or promotions, the employees will have great incentive to produce.如果工作出色导致频繁加薪和提升,员工将有更大的生产积极性。(incentive: 物质上的刺激)第三节 词汇题分析及解题微技巧 一题型分析:这些年的统考词汇题有填空和替换两部分组成。要解读词义、熟悉搭配。在熟练的考生眼里,题干横线上有词与否并不重要,重要的是认识的就直接选答案,不认识的只当空是空的,用选项中的词来决定。基本上有六大题型:词义理解题、近义词辨析、词形干扰题、多义词、成语和介词。词义理解题:选择项意义各不相同。品出句子的重心,用近似求解法先想出一个比较贴切的汉语词,再从选择项中确定意义最接近的,即是答案。(备注:年号和题号参照本书后的全真试题)While shopping in a department store, I _ left my purse lying on a counter of handbags.A. initially B. fortunately C. frustratedly D. accidentally (1995:23)“在百货商店购物,我_钱包放在手袋柜台上。” 钱包是“不经意地”、“随手”丢了。initially(起始),fortunately(幸运地),frustratedly(沮丧地),accidentally(偶然地)。D项意义最相似,故为答案。解题小技巧:有时,此类填空题可从词的难度系数作判断,生僻的那个就是答案。Technology has_ the sharing, storage and delivery of information, thus making more information available to more people.A. formulated B. furnished C. functioned D. facilitated (1996:31)Technology has_ the sharing, storage and delivery of information, thus making more information available to more people.A. finished B. furnished C. functioned D. facilitated (2002:38)本题考了两次。只是选择项A有变化。 D项为答案,意为“使容易”。 On the local market, _ fruit and vegetables are now commonly sold.(2001:41)A. enough B. exotic C. famous D. limited答案为B,“异域的”。近义词辨析:四个选择项中至少有两个意义较接近,但搭配、语域不同。The television station is supported by _ from foundations and other sources.A. pensions B. accounts C. donations D. advertisements (1999:35)本题辨析各类“钱”。这家电视台靠基金会和其他来源的_维持。C“捐资”最恰当,不是A“津贴”,B“账户”,D“广告”。The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen _into human nature.A. insight B. intellect C. perception D. understanding (2000:31)本书作者显示出他对人性的特别敏锐的洞察力。insight 和into搭配,perception 和understanding后接of。注意如下词语组的不同用法,例如:动词如expand, enlarge, broaden, extend/ diminish, decline, reduce, decrease, shrink, relieve/ weaken, lessen/promote, enhance, further, facilitate, reinforce/ appoint, assign/ acquire, obtain/ realize, fulfill, complete, achieve, accomplish/ pledge, declare, announce, criticize, advocate, preach, condemn, denounce/ trigger, initiate, excite, arouse, provoke/ investigate, inspect, detect, perceive/ overlook, neglect, ignore/ afford, spend, take, consume/allow, permit/convert, transform, modify/ crash, smash, crush, collide/distinguish, identify/ replace, substitute/ hurt, injure, offend, wound/ damage, destroy, destruct, spoil, ruin/ happen, occur/ refuse, reject, decline/ charge, accuse 名词如pace, rhythm, speed/ range, scope, room, span/ flaw, fault, error, deficiency, drawback/merit, virtue, advantage/ allowance, pension, bonus, budget, income, revenue, tax, fine, tuition, charge, commission, donation, bribe, premium, scholarship/equipment, device, appliance, instrument, apparatus/ element, factor, ingredient, component/danger, peril, hazard, risk/ alarm, warn, panic/ habit, custom, practice, routine/ award, reward, prize 形容词如accurate, exact, correct/alike, identical, similar/ able, capable/ raw, crude/coarse, rough/ rare, scarce/adequate, sufficient等等。介词如besides, except。复习时可模仿本章第三节语义模块挖掘一番,理清思路。词形干扰题:四个选择项中至少有两个拼写较接近,答案一定在容易混淆的词中,而不是词形不同的那个。Have you a funny _ or unusual experience that you would like to share?A. amusement B. incident C. accident D. section (1995:19)B和C拼写相似,答案为B(事件,事情),而C是“事故”的意思。The _of lung cancer is particularly high among long-term heavy smokers, especially chain smokers.A. incident B. accident C. incidence D. evidence (2002:33)肺癌的_在人中特别高。C“发病率”适合,D是“证据”。Before you decide on a vocation, it might be a good idea to consult a few good friends. A. holiday B. career C. research D. plan (2001:28)本题是隐性的词形干扰题。vocation(职业),vacation(假期)。如何一次性地区分清楚呢?联想一下:有了职业就有了钱,钱就是元宝,圆的,像“O”。想想办法,就永不混淆了。答案为B。Other guests at yesterdays evening, which was broadcast_ by the radio station, included the Governor and the Major.A. live B. alive C. living D. lively (2001:34)此处需要填副词,“实况地”,A符合。B“活着的”是表语形容词,同义的C作定语,D“活泼的”,形容词。有比较才有鉴别,注意区分词形相似词对、词块的意义和用法。例如:accident, incident, incidence/ acquire, inquire, require/ affect, effect/ adapt, adopt/adverse, diverse/ assemble, resemble/ assure, ensure/ attribute to, contribute to/ consequent, subsequent/ conserve, reserve, preserve / continuous, continual/convert, divert/ device, devise, revise/ extinct, distinct, distinctive, instinct/ economic, economical/ effective, efficient/ favorite, favorable/ insist, resist, persist, consist/ like, alike, likely, unlike, dislike/ live, alive, living, lively/ look after, take after/ other than, rather than/ principal, principle/respectful, respectable, respective/ rise, raise, arise, arouse/ sensible, sensitive/ subjective, objective/ successful, successive/ transmit, transit, translate, transplant, transport/ vacation, vocation/ wake, awake, waken, awaken/ wander, wonder 等等。 多义词:一词多义在命题中时有出现。平时要注重积累,完形填空也青睐这类词语。如果不注意,就等于认识了也枉费功夫。Id like to take this opportunity to extend my heart-felt gratitude to the host. A. increase B. prolong C. intensify D. express (2002: 16)extend除了“延长、延伸”外,还有“致以”。这里取第二义,向主人致以衷心的感谢。D“表达”接近。The State Council will lay down new rules that aim to make management compatible with internationally accepted conventions.A. conferences B. conversations C. practices D. formations (2002:19)convention “大会”、“惯例、习俗”。这里是“符合国际惯例”,C为答案。(注:C也是多义词,“实践、惯例”)The exhibition is designed to facilitate further cooperation between Chinese TV industry and overseas TV industries.A. establish B. promote C. guarantee D. maximize (1998:25)facilitate“使容易”,“促进”。这里是“.促进之间的进一步合作”,B为答案。A new technological process may be employed to tap this abundant supply directly.A. exploit B. search C. produce D. reserve (1999:22)tap“龙头、塞子”,“开发、利用”。这里是“来直接利用充足的供应”,答案为A。(注:A也是多义词,“剥削、利用”)又如:advance(v. 促进,提出), discipline(n. 纪律,学科), observe (v. 观察,遵守,庆祝), minute(n.分钟 /adj.微小的) , practice(v.练习,实施/ n.惯例), stand(vi.站立/vt.容忍) 等等。成语:出题方式有四个中心词组的辨析、四个不同词组的辨析、补全成语、单词和词组的互相解释等等。As the firms business increased they _ more and more employees.A. took up B. took in C. took on D. took after (2000:34)这是以take为中心的成语。“随着公司生意的发展,他们_越来越多的员工。”C“雇佣”为答案。A“占用”,B“上当、吸收”,D“跟长得像”。The government has therefore agreed to pay authorities extra sums to _ for their financial losses.A. turn up B. make up C. fill in D. lean on (2000:33)此题要求补全成语。“政府因此同意来_他们的经济损失”,make up for“弥补”符合。其他三项不能接for。Arriving anywhere with these possessions, he might just as easily put up for a month or a year as for a single day.A. last B. stay C. arrange D. manage (1999:20)此题要求解释成语。“带着这些行李到任何地方,他_一月或一年,就像_一天那样容易。” put up “投宿”,B“逗留”接近。 His effort of decades began to _. He came to be well-known for his findings.A. pay off B. die off C. put off D. break off (2002:32)四个不同成语的辨析。“他几十年的努力开始_。他因他的发现而闻名。”A“得到报偿”,B“(声音)渐渐消失”,C“取消”,D“停止”。A是答案。介词:在词汇题中的比例不大,主要是介词短语的辨析、成语中的介词搭配和单个介词。X-rays are also called Rontgen rays _ the discoverer who first put them to use.A. in case of B. in view of C. in place of D. in honor of (2002:36)“X光也叫伦琴射线,以_ 首次使用它们的发现者。”A“在情况下”,B“鉴于”,C“代替”,D“纪念”。D是答案。Well all take a vacation in the mountains as soon as I finish working _ my project.A. with B. on C. in D. about (2000:32)work on/at“从事,攻克”。B为答案。Telecommunication developments enable the sending of messages_ television, radio, and very shortly, electronic mail to bombard people with many messages.A. via B. amid C. past D. across (1996:28)Telecommunication developments have enabled people to send messages _ television, radio and electronic mail. A. via B. amid C. past D. across (2002:37)两题一样,via“通过”,相当于through。二解题微技巧连词: and, or前后对应的词语意义相近或互补。Have you a funny _ or unusual experience that you would like to share?A. amusement B. incident C. accident D. section (1995:19)在讲词形干扰题时举过例,在这里有第二种解题法:or连接的并列成分中,形容词和形容词对应,名词和名词对应。空白处和experience(体验)意义对应,incident(事件、事情)符合。He point out that the living standard of urban and _ people continued to improve.A. remote B. municipal C. rural D. provincial (1999:24)“.城市和_人民的生活水平”。城乡:urban and rural,整体概念。与此相似的还有survival and development(生存和发展)。关联词: 带关联词的句子,包含着明显的逻辑关系,如因果、让步。though, although, but前后分句对应的部分意义相反、对立;just as 前后分句对应的部分意义相近;while(虽然、而)根据自身意义决定同义还是反义;Though he views himself as a realist, Cetron says that his findings make him very _ about future.A. optimistic B. sympathetic C. objective D. precautious (1996:18)空白处就是前面完整分句的反义表达。简言之,虽然他视己为现实主义者,但他不现实浪漫乐观。答案为A。We_ that diet is related to most types of cancer but we dont have definite proof.A. assure B. suspend C. ascertain D. suspect (1998:27)注意but表转折,“没有确定的证据”,就不能肯定,只能怀疑了。D是答案。Hunters have almost exterminated many of the larger animals while farmers destroyed many smaller animals.A. killed b. reduced C. wounded D. trapped (1998:19)注意while(而)前后是并列句,要求找同义表达。动词对应动词,划线处的词认识与否不影响答题,认识destroy(毁灭)就行了。“猎人几乎_ 许多较大的动物,而农民毁灭了许多较小的动物。”Kill(杀死)最准确。Because of adverse weather conditions, the travelers stopped to camp.A. unfamiliar B. local C. unfavorable D. good (2001:30)“因为天气_,旅行者停下扎营。”天气坏符合逻辑,C“不利的”接近。Mental exercise can favorably _ the structure of the brain just as physical exercise can change ones bodily proportions.A. modify B. adjust C. develop C. contract本题不是全真题,但比较典型。注意just as(正如)前后分句意义一致。空白处的动词和change对应,modify(改变)为同义词。答案项、干扰项的关系:出题者为每道题设计的四个选项都能承前启后,充分体现历年考题的系统性和科学性。有的学员只注重答案项,而忽略干扰项,是大错特错的。静下心来,翻翻以往所有的考题,就会惊喜地发现有些词不断出现,有时是答案,有时是干扰项。答案可降格为干扰项,干扰项可提升成答案。有的题目考生的命中率太低,还会在近年出现(如上面提到的via 和facilitate)。It was felt that he lacked the _ to pursue a difficult task to the very end.A. petition B. engagement C. commitment D. qualification (1996:16)(答案)In principle, a person whose conduct was caused by mental disorder should not be liable to criminal _.A. punishment B. identification C. investigation D. commitment (2000:28)(干扰项)Skilled technicians and advanced technologies enable us to build uncompromised quality into all our cars, because our first _ is bringing you pleasure for years to come.A. prestige B. benefit C. privilege D. priority (1996:26) (答案)The leaders of the two countries are planning their summit meeting with a pledge to maintain and develop good ties.A. strategy B. standpoint C. promise D. priority (1997:17) (干扰项)Beijing Television-Station Transmitting Tower really looks magnificent at night when its illuminated.A. decorated B. illustrated C. studied carefully D. lit up (2000:23) (干扰项)The following account by the author _ the difference between European and American reactions.A. illustrates B. acquires C. demands D. deletes (2002:40) (答案)On hearing of the case some time later, Conan Doyle was convinced that the man was not guilty, and immediately went to work to ascertain the truth.A. explore B. obtain C. verify D. search (1997:23) (答案)There are often discouraging predictions that have not been _ by actual events.A. verified B. utilized C. mobilized D. modified (2003: 38) (答案)His effort of decades began to _. He came to be well-known for his findings.A. pay off B. die off C. put off D. break off (2002:32) (答案)The years of practice, of developing my special technique, are just about to_.A. turn up B. figure out C. pay off D. clear away (2003: 41) (答案)这样的例子不胜枚举,复习时需要重视。还有少量词由于粘合力弱,近年来老是充当干扰项,比如descend, assign, suspend等。词汇学习是全方位的,以往试题上的其他考题,如改错中的难词、完形填空的选项、阅读理解篇章和题目中的核心词,都对未来词汇命题产生影响。它们都是从大纲规定词汇中精选的,所以掌握全真试卷上的词汇永不会落空,比漫天撒网要高效得多。Among all the poems I have read recently, Thomas Hardys “The Darkling Thrust” seems the most A Brelevant to our times. (1996:5 改错) C DThe recent findings are also applicable to other areas of design engineering.A. relevant B. practical C. convenient D. comparable (1997:25) (答案)1997年的完形填空主题是美国年轻人的婚姻,“The horse and carriage is thing of the past”.72题的选项如下:A. similar B. identical C. differential D. diverse (答案) People of diverse backgrounds now fly to distant places for pleasure, business or education.A. similar B. distinctive C. different D. separate (19980:16)往年的阅读理解中的词汇时而被单列成词汇题。仅举几例:1995年阅读理解第3篇描述欧洲的旱灾,第一、二段分别有:In Southeastern England, the rolling green hills of Kent have turned so brown that officials have been weighing plans to pipe in water from Wales./Authorities in hard-hit areas of France have banned washing cars and watering lawnsAll experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully _ the risks and benefits.A. weighing B. valuing C. evaluating D. distinguishing (1997:26) (答案)An international treaty signed several years ago bans trade in plants and animals of endangered species.A. promotes B. protects C. forbids D. eliminates (1999:23)1995年第四篇讲解面试技巧,第二段有: A job applicant has the responsibility for ascertaining certain types of information prior to the interviewOn hearing of the case some time later, Conan Doyle was convinced that the man was not guilty, and immediately went to work to ascertain the truth. A. explore B. obtain C. verify D. search (1997:23)We_ that diet is related to most types of cancer but we dont have definite proof.A. assure B. suspend C. ascertain D. suspect (1998:27) (干扰项)1998年第6篇讲视力受损,第二段有:with little or no visual feedback to reinforce this mental map, a visually impaired person must rely on memory for key landmarks and other clues. A good employer gives hints to his or her employees without interfering with their creativity.A. freedom B. assistance C. funds D. clue (2000:24) (答案) 1999年第4篇谈论全球变暖问题,尾段有:Although many living in cold regions would welcome the global warming effect of a warmer summer, few would cheer the arrival of the subsequent tropical disease, especially where there had been none.An intimate and _ knowledge of how you are doing in the customers eyes is critical.A. objective B. subordinate C. optional D. subsequent (2002:41) (干扰项)1999年第6篇谈论在美国就极刑引发的争议。第四段有:Thus, murder, like all other crimes, is a matter of relative degree. While it could be argued with some conviction that the criminal in the first instance should be merely isolated from society,Mrs. Brown couldnt shake the _ that these kids were in deep trouble and it was up to her to help them.A. conversion B. conviction C. conservation D. convention (2002: 35) (答案)Tom was _ o


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