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第一局部听 力 略第二局部英语知识运用第一节 单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡1上将 该项涂黑。21. -Did Tracy allow you to stay in herhouse free?_!A I doB I knowC I WishD I agree22. She was so tired that she fell asleep_in her chair.AsittingBto sitC being satD to have sat23. I would like to say a big thank-you toeveryone_ has helped to make our meeting a great success!A whichB thatC whoD whom24. I_ far too hard today and Ivegot such a headache now.A had workedB have been workingC shall workD work25. It is difficult to design_ programthat will meet _various needs of all our users.A the;theB a; theC /;theD /;/26. -Would you mind carrying this book forme for two seconds, please?-Oh_,Ago aheadBits all rightClet me seeDwith pleasure27. I think hed like to stay at home thisevening rather than_ out.A goesB goingC goneD go28. Can you hold the bag for me _ I open the door?A becauseB sinceC whileD for29. The company is losing money and _have to close down.A shouldB wouldC mustD need30. He is certainly an _ lawyer butpeople say that he lacks a human touch.A officialB experiencedC ordinaryD unknown31, Allen guided us_ the narrow streets to the station and saidgood-bye to us there.A throughB betweenC intoD off32. Before going out, Linda_ aquick look at herself in the mirror on the wall.A will be takingB was takingC had takenD took33. The idea of opening a new cinema herewas not wise, as there are two here already, _ usually half-empty.A neitherBnoneC eitherD both34. It was extremely cold. _ , it began to snow.A To make matters worseB After allC In any caseD As a result35. I cant stand around chatting-Ive gotthings to do this morning.A a millionB millionC a million ofD millions第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。We are here, my morn said. This was the first time I hadcome with my mother to a homeless shelter(救助站)We unloaded the food from the car and went36tothe dining area. My job was to offer37to everyone.As I filled the large bowl with apples, oranges and bananas, I 38 myself for the task. How would I39them? Mom,I whispered. 40do 1 say to them? Cant somebody else do this?She41her head. Just treat them like people,Caroline. Just treat them like youd treat42else. I got up, held my bowl43, and left the kitchen. Many people crowdedaround me waiting to44their fruit. They were very polite,45me with smiles and kind words.Thankyou, maam, or God bless (保佑)youimmediatelytook away all of my46. It was almost a shock to47so many thankful words.As I walked outside, one man caught my eye. He reminded me of SantaClaus,48his sweet eyes and rosy cheeks. Sir,would you like some fruit?I asked. He looked at me and smiled. He lookeddown at his49. He was holding coffee and an empty plate. Helooked back at the fruit,50if he had room in his hands to carry it.51, he took a banana into the hand that held thecoffee, but then spilled(溅出 ) some of the coffeewith his nervous52. He thanked meand slowly53away.As we drove away from the shelter that afternoon, I remembered my mornsaying,I think we54over a hundred people today. All Icould do was think of the faces I had seen, and I55how much they looked like mine.36.AcheerfullyBdirectlyCspeciallyD freely37.A mealsBsoupC fruitD clothes38.A preparedB heldCconsideredD introduced39.A smile atB talk toC look atD walk to40.A WhyB WhereC WhenD What41.A turnedB raisedC touchedD shook42.A everybodyB somebodyC anybodyD nobody43.A silentlyB tightlyC happilyD lightly44.A loadB offerC receiveD eat45.AthankingB fillingC showingD catching46.A wordsBshocksC fearsD tiredness47.A sayB hearC repeatD remember48.A apart fromB except forC because ofD instead of49.A feetB plateC handsD bananas50.A determiningB seeingC guessingD wondering51 .A FirmlyB CarefullyC GraduallyD Probably52.A touchesB eyesC movementsD decisions53.A walkedBlookedC ranD drove54.A movedB fedC watchedD caught55.A recognizedB realizedC forgotD promised第三局部阅读理解阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。Text 1I remember clearly the last time I cried. I was twelve years old, in theseventh grade, and I had tried out for the junior high school basketball team.I walked into the gym; there was a piece of paper on the wall.It was ,a cut list. The boys whose names were on the list were welcometo keep on coming to practices. The boys whose names were not on the list hadbeen cut; their presence ( 出席 ) was no longer desiredIhad not known the cut was coming that dayI stood andstared at the listThe list had not been made with agreat deal of consideration;the names of the very bestplayers were at the top,and the other members of theteam were listed in what appeared to be a descending(下降)orderof basketball skillsI kept looking at the bottom ofthe list,hoping against hope that my name would appearif I looked hard enoughIheld myself together as l walked out,but when Igot home I began to cryFor the first time in my lifeI had been told officially that l wasnt good enoughSports meant everything to boys that age;ifyou were on the team,it put you in the desirable groupIf you were not,you might as well not bealiveAllthese years later,I remember it as if l were still standingright there in the gymI dontknow how the mind worksin matters like this;I dont know what went on in myhead following that day of cutBut I know that mydetermination has been so strong ever since then;I knowthat for all of my life since that dayI have done morework than I had to be doin9,put in more hours than Ihad to be spendingI dont know if all of that camefrom a determination never to allow myself to be cui again-never to allowsomeone to tell me that Im not good enough again-but I know its thereAnd clearly its there in a lot of other successful men too56From thetext we learn that the cut list had names of pupils_Awho were still in the teamBwho were the old playersCwho were hardworkingDwho were too young to play57Why do youthink the author acted so strongly about the cut?AIt forced him to change the teamBIt listed his name at the bottomCIt was open to the publicDIt hurt his pride58We mayinfer from the text that the author_Ahas learned to play basketball very wellBhas made friends with many other menC has never learned the troth of the cutDhas become quite successful in lire59Theunderlined word“itin the last paragraph refers to_Athe determination of never being leftbehindBthe memory of being considered a weak boyCthe decision of never playing basketballagainDthe experience of being cut from asports teamText 2LeeLok Sze was the first woman in Hong Kong to reach both the North and SouthPolesIn1992 and l993,shewent to Mount Everest and the Taldamkhan Desert in Xinjian9“l wanted to bean adventurer when l wassmallI have loved reading adventure books since l wasa childSince1970,Miss Lee has always been on trips,travellingto different parts of the world with a backpackand asleeping ba9Shesaid that these journeys changed her values“Aftervisiting these placesI started to treasure my lifemuch more than beforeDuring this time,I came to realize how small I am in the universe,but nothing in this world is unsolvable(不可克服的)MissLee said she had a lot of unforgettable experiences on her journeysThere was one terrible storm at sea when she was returning from theSouth PoleThe whole team was happy to be returning home after a oneyear stay at theSouth PoleDuring the storm,wavesreached heights of upt0 30 meters,as high as a 10-story buildin9She stayedcalm at the time and took steps to protecttheirresearch findingsShe hoped the rescuers(救援者)would find them even if they lost theirlivesPart of the ship was destroyed and a lot of water came inLuckily they all survived,but shecame away from the experience with a realization about the power ofnatureMiss Lee is also the founder of the China Polar Museum FoundationBuilding a polar museum has always been her dreamAccording to Miss Leeme museum will useadvanced technology to help develop scientific work in polar areasAls0,it will provide places for scientiststo do research60What isspecial about Miss Lees travel?AShe was well equipped in her travelBShe traveled on her own to both PolesCShe was the first woman to Mount EverestDShe was the first HK woman to both Poles61Theexperience of the terrible storm at sea taught Miss Lee about_Athe destructive force of natureBthe need to do more research about seaCthe importance of learning survivalskillsDthe adventurous spirit researchersshould have62Why isbuilding a polar museum in China important according to Miss Lee?AIt can help attract people to the PolesBIt will help advance studies of thePolesCIt will show how high technology is usedDIt can save her from further trips tothe Poles。63What wouldbe the best rifle for the text?AFight Against NatureBAttractions of the PolesCA SurvivorS StoryDA Brave WomanText 3My interest in Chinese food started years a90,when l was a young reporter for the Washington PostOur office Wasnt far from Chinatown,where Ifound some very good Chinese restaurantsThe first time I ever ate Chinese food I loved itI noticed the fresh taste of the meat and vegetablesWhen I learned more about the food,I beganto understand why it has this special featureMany years ago,China had an energycrisis(危机)because it lost much of its wood due to over populationand poor management of its forestsThis loss was verybad for the country,of course,butit turned out to be very good for the foodWood becamevery expensive and hard to get,so the Chinese had toeither find a substitute(替代物)for their valuable wood,or learn how to use it betterThere werentany substitutes so people found ways toeconomizeIn order to economize in cookin9,they had touse very little woodSo they started cutting their meatand vegetables into small pieces before they put them in the hot oilThat way,the food cooked faster and theysaved their fuel。The food prepared in this way kept itsfresh flavor(味道)一and its thisflavor that attracts people from other countries to the art of Chinese cooking64This textis mainly about_Awhat caused Chinese food to taste freshBhow Chinese food is cooked in the USCwhen the author started to make ChinesefoodDwhy most foreigners like cooking Chinesefood65Accordingto the text,what makes Chinese food attractive toforeigners?AIts way of cookingBIts long historyCIts special tasteDIts lovely look66The authormentioned the energy crisis to show_Ait is important to protect the forestsBit is necessary to find substitutes forwoodCwhy the Chinese changed their way ofcookingDwhat problems a big population iscausing China today67It can beinferred from the text that before the energy crisis Chinese food_Awas cooked in rather large piecesBwas cooked in water but not oilCdidnt taste goodD didnt look fresh68Theunderlined word“economizein paragraph 3 means_Ato meet energy crisisBto find other forms of fuelCto improve cooking methodsDto use carefully without wasteText 4Reading AloudChildren learn quicklyResearch shows that fastbrain development occurs in children younger than three years of ageEveryday parental activities such as readin9,singin9,and others can play a very importantrole in a childs healthy development,Experts(专家)suggest that the single most important activity for building theknowledge required for Success in reading is reading aloud to childrenThis is especially so during the preschool yearsWhile listening to stories read from a book,children learn at a young age that the letters on the page areconnected to the words in our spoken languageThey alsobecome familiar with the language in booksParents helpchildren develop a lifelong love for books by reading aloud stories from booksReading aloud to children when they are young Call help theirunderstanding of the world in which they liveTheycan“travelthe world through the pages of booksConsiderthe example of Anthony,whose mother has read to himsince birth。She says,“His firstvisit to the ZOO was a journey of rediscoveryRediscovery?Yes,although Anthony was seeing zebras,lions,giraffes,andother animals for the first time,he had already beenintroduced to themHis mother further explains,“Anthony has become familiar withcountless people,animals,objectsand ideas,all between the covers of books,in his first two years of lifeWhen parents take the time to hold their children in their arms and readto them ,the messageis clear:“I love youPhoebe,a mother in Canada,said of reading to her sonnow eight years old,“My husband and I feel that this has helped Nathan to feel close toUsHe is open to us and often tells US what he isfeelin9n has made a special connection69What is themain idea of this text?AReading aloud is good for childrensearly developmentBChildren who start reading early will dobetter in schoolCStories told by parents will improvechildrens listeningDIt is good for children to start schoolearly70How mightAnthony have felt when he first visited the zoo?AHe was surprised to see so many strangeanimalsBHe was happy to recognize animals fromMothers storiesCHe was excited to discover interesting animalsDHe was pleased to find animals on hisbook covers71Nathanscase shows that reading stories aloud to childrenAhelps them broaden their mindBmakes them feel proud of their parentsCimproves their understanding of the realworldDstrengthens the relationship betweenparents and children72What doesthe underlined word“itin the last sentence refer to?AThe time spent in the zooBThe message“I love youCNathans opennessDReading aloudText 5Avisit to the National Gallery(国家美术馆)brings you to one ofthe most beautiful buildings in the countryOpened in 1988,this is now the permanent(永久的)home of thenational art collectionGallery HoursSummer(midMay-September):Daily,Monday to Sunday lo am-6 Pm;Thursdayuntil 8 PmWinter(October-midMay):Wednesday to Sunday lo amm5 Pm;Thursday until 8 PmClosed Mondays,Tuesdays,and holidaysTicketsFreefor the permanent collectionTickets for some specialexhibitionsPublicToursFree daily tours of the permanent collection at 11 amand 2 PmGrouptours can be booked-three weeks notice requiredTel:9900570TheBookstoreOpensand closes with GalleryTel:9900962EducationCenterOrganizes talks,tours,workshops and other special public and school programsTel:9938876LibraryOpen to the public for purposes of research and studyTel:998762073If you are free only after 6 Pm,0n what day can you go and visit the Gallery?AMondayBWednesdayCThursdayDSunday74. If your school is going to organize someactivities in the Gallery, which number should you call?A 998-7620B 993- 8876C 990- 0962D 990- 057075. If you want to visit the bookstore on aFriday in March, when would you go?A Between 10 a.m. and 5 p. m.B Between 10 a.m. and 6 p. m.C Between 10 a. m. and 7p. m.D Between 10 a. m, and 8 p. m.第四局部写 作第一节 短文改错(7685略)第二节 书面表达86假定你是李明。你的美国留学生朋友Jessica约你一起吃饭,而你因故失约。请给她写封短信抱歉,并说明以下要点:内容要点:1赶写论文,忘记昨晚约定;2约请她吃午饭;3地点:新开的法国餐厅;4时间:本周五上午11:30在校门口接她。注意:1词数100词左右,开头和结尾已为你写好;2请直接将书面表达写在答题卡2反面。答案及解析:第二局部英语知识运用第一节单项填空21C【精析】句意:特雷西允许你待在她家还不必付钱吗?我希望!此题考查的是情景英语。I do意为“是的,I know意为“我知道,I wish意为“我希望,I agree意为“我同意。故C正确。22A【精析】句意:她太累了,坐在椅子上就睡着了。此题考查的是非谓语动词。非谓语动词在此作状语,表示伴随状态。现在分词表示主动的和正在进行的状态,而过去分词表示被动的和已经完成的状态。根据句意可知,此处表示的动作在时间上与谓语动词(fell asleep)同时发生,应该使用现在分词。故A正确。【知识拓展】分词作状语一般表示伴随,而不定式常常表示目的。如:They stood bythe roadside talking about the plan他们站在路边谈论着这个方案。(talkingabout作伴随状语)They stood by the roadside to talk aboutthe plan他们站在路边为的是谈论这个方案。(to talk about作目的状语)23C【精析】句意:我想对每一个帮助我们成功举办会议的人说一声谢谢。此题考查的是定语从句中关系代词的用法。分析句子结构可知,has helped to make our meeting a great success是一个定语从句,修饰everyone这个先行词。that,who和whom都可以在定语从句中修饰人,但是领先行词为everyone时,常用wh0来修饰。故C正确。【知识拓展】在定语从句中,领先行词为人时,可用关系代词who和whom来修饰,但两者的用法有所区别。who在从句中作主语。如:The man who robbed her has been arrested抢她东西的人被捕了。The girt who spoke is my best friend讲话的姑娘是我最好的朋友。whom在从句中作宾语或介词宾语。如:The man whom I saw toldme to come back today我见到的那个人让我今天再来。The woman with whoml was travelling didnt speak En9lish和我一道旅行的那个女人不会讲英语。24B【精析】句意:我今天工作得太累了,现在我头很疼。此题考查的是动词时态。现在完成进行时表示一个持续到现在的动作(该动作可能刚停止,也可能还在进行)。在不少情况下,该动作都和现在的状态有联系。本句中“我今天工作得太累了导致我现在“头很疼。故B正确。25B【精析】句意:设计一个能够满足我们所有用户不同需要的工程很困难。此题考查的是冠词的用法。第一个空表示泛指,需要使用不定冠词a。第二个空表示特指所有用户不同的需要,需要使用定冠词the。故B正确。【知识拓展】不定冠词主要用在可数名词单数前,表示某类人或物。如:She is adancer她是个舞蹈家。还可作主语,表示一类人或东西。如:A child needs love孩子需要爱。定冠词主要有下面这些用法:1可以和一个单数名词一起用,表示一类人或东西。如:The computer haschanged our way of life电脑改变了我们的生活方式。2)和一些表示世上独一无二的东西的名词一起用。如:The sunlights and warms the earth太阳照亮地球并向其供给能量。26D【精析】句意:这本书你介意帮我拿两秒钟吗?哦,非常愿意。此题考查的是情景英语。第一句是向对方提出请求,第二句答复说明会提供帮助。go ahead意为“继续做吧。its all right意为“没关系。let me see意为“让我想想。with pleasure意为“愿意。故D正确。27D【精析】句意:我想今晚他宁愿待在家里,也不愿意出去。此题考查的是连词的用法。rather than可表示主观上选优。主句表示喜欢做的事,通常含有would,prefer,like等,rather than引导的从句那么表示不喜欢做的事。例如:I would die with my head high rather than live with knees bent我宁愿昂着头去死,也不愿意跪着生。主句和从旬的谓语动词形式应保持一致。故D正确。28C 【精析】句意:我开门时,你能帮我拿一下我的包吗?此题考查的是连词的用法。because,since和for都有“因为的意思,可以引导原因状语从句。while意为“当的时候,可以引导时间状语从句。故C正确。29:C【精析】旬意:这家公司正在亏损,一定会倒闭。此题考查的是情态动词的用法。should表示“应该,可能,would用于过去情况,表示“将要,must可表示推测,它的肯定程度比may,might要大得多,意为“一定,肯定,need表示“需要。分析句意可知,这家公司正在亏损,所以作者推测它一定会倒闭。故C正确。30B【精析】句意:他肯定是位有经验的律师,但是人们说他缺少人情味。此题考查的是形容词的用法。0fficial意为“官方的,experienced意为“有经验的,ordinary意为“普通的,unknown意为“不知名的。由后半句peoplesay that he lacks a human touch可知,人们说他缺少人情味。而连词but表示前半句与后半句之间存在转折关系。故B正确。31A【精析】句意:艾伦带着我们穿过狭窄的街道,到达车站。在那儿,他和我们道了别。此题考查的是介词的用法。through意为“穿过,指从物体内部穿过;between意为“在中问;int0意为“在里面;off意为“从离开。故A正确。32D【精析】句意:出去之前,琳达又从墙上的镜子里快速地看了一下自己。此题考查的是动词的时态。一般过去时主要表示一个过去发生的动作或存在的状态。分析句意可知,主语的动作发生在go out之前,所以应用一般过去时。故D正确。33D【精析】句意:在这儿新建一家电影院的想法不明智,因为这儿已经有了两家电影院,它们的上座率平时都只有5成。此题考查的是不定代词的用法。neither意为“两者都不,none意为“没有,either意为“两个中的任意一个,both意为“两个都。分析句意可知,因为现有的两家电影院生意都不好,所以再新建一家电影院的想法不明智。故D正确。34A【精析】句意:非常冷,更糟的是,开始下雪了。此题考查的是短语辨析。to make matters worse意为“更糟的是,after all意为“毕竟,in any case意为“无论如何,as a result意为“结果、因此。分析句意可知,现在已经很冷了,又开始下雪,这使得事情变得更糟。故A正确。35A【精析】句意:我不能站在这里聊天,因为今天早上我有许多事情要做。此题考查的是数词的用法。a million things为固定搭配,意为“很多事情,通常表达某人很忙。故A正确。【知识拓展】和million连用的常用短语还有:a chance in a million时机很小。如:You might get a seat on the train but its a chance in a million在火车上你也许能找到座位,但是希望很小。feel(look)like a million dollars感觉好极了。如:Motherfeels like a million dollars today母亲今天感觉挺好。in amillion千里挑一的,最好的。如:He said she was the nicest girl hehad met,a girl in a million他说


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