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Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Craft Trainers Certificate,技能培训认证,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,2,Introduction导言 Why you have been selected to attend this program?为什么你会被选择来参加这个培训? What you want to learn throughout the program to help you to be a better trainer?在这个培训中,你想通过学习哪些知识使你成为一个更优秀的培训员? 3. What training you will be expected to carry out when you return to your department?当你回到部门后,你将会实施哪些培训?,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,3,Need需求 Effective training skills are essential for all supervisors and managers.着实有效的培训技能是所有主管和经理的必要素质之一。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,4,The Employee Lifecycle 员工的职业周期,5. Assessment - Training and Development:评估-培训和发展 DHs with potential to move into GM positions, will attend assessment and development programs.有可能成为 总经理的部门主管会很留心计划的评估和发展,4. Performance Management:绩效管理 This is targeted at those who must manage other employees. They have to be competent in coaching, disciplining etc.主要针对于那些管理者 他们必须有管理和督导等等的能力,6. Succession Planning:继任计划 Setting and achieving goals to move on to the next step in their career. 设置和完成目标从而进行下一步。,2. Communicating Expectations To Employees: 将期望传达给员工 Send out the right messages to all new employees.向所有新员工传递正确 的信息,Preparing The Organization组织 框架的准备: Ensuring management is competent in all aspects of bringing new staff into the hotel.确保通过管理可以很好的使新员 工融入酒店,3. Building Capability Training and Development:塑造能力-培训和发展 By assessing on the job needs we can assess further training the staff may require.通过评估工作需求,我们可 以评估下一步的培训需求。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,5,Range范围 Program Outline培训纲要 Day 1: Introduction导言 Benefits of training培训的益处 Identifying learning needs识别学习需求 Organising the training content组织培训内容 First practice session第一次练习 Learning preferences学习偏好,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,6,Range范围 Program Outline培训纲要 Day 2: Gaining attention吸引注意力 Breakdown分步讲解 Questions问题 Check检查 Second practice session第二次练习 Corrective coaching纠正指导 Training systems and resources培训体系及资源,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,7,Range范围 Program Outline培训纲要 Day 3: (Optional may be conducted back in the workplace.可选-或可在实际培训中进行) Third practice session第三次练习 Assessment评估,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,8,Domestics Breaks休息 Smoking吸烟 Bathrooms洗手间 Emergency procedures紧急情况 Workbooks讲义 Feel free to utilize these in the way that suits you best.可以适合你的任何方式使用它。 Lots of fun!享受你的培训!,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,9,Objectives目标 Identify Training & Development requirements for team members in your department.识别你的团队成员的培训和发展要求。 Design and carry out a short piece of on-the-job training to meet these needs.设计和实施一个简短的培训来迎合这些需求。 Evaluate the effectiveness of the training.评估培训的效果。 Develop opportunities to build organizational capability for the future.为将来塑造组织能力创造机会。 Coach team members in the development of their skills.指导团队成员发展他们的技能。 Carry out corrective coaching to ensure the standards are maintained.进行纠正指导确保工作标准的实施。 Choose training resources and systems to support your departments training.选择培训资源和系统来支持你们的部门培训。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Module 2 第二章 Benefits Of Training 培训的益处,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,11,Benefits Of Training培训的益处 Objectives目标 Establish a definition of training.确定培训的定义。 Explain who benefits from training and what the specific benefits are.解释谁会从培训中得益和得到了哪些益处。 Describe some of the barriers that prevent us from training.简述一些阻碍我们进行培训的困难。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,12,What Is Training?什么是培训? To bring a person to a desired state or standard through instruction or practice.通过指导和练习使之达到期望的状态或标准。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,13,What Type Of Employees Need Training?哪些员工需要培训? New employees (On Boarding).新员工(刚入职)。 Transferring to another department (New knowledge).调至另一部门(新知识)。 Promotion (New knowledge).提升(新知识)。 When standards have dropped (Corrective).无法达到工作标准(纠正)。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,14,Who Benefits From Training?谁从培训中受益? Trainees/Employees员工 Trainers/Supervisors培训员/主管 Guest顾客 Hotel酒店,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,15,Who Benefits From Training?谁从培训中受益? Trainees/Employees员工 Increased job satisfaction.提高工作满意度。 Greater safety.工作安全。 Work more efficiently.提高效率。 Career advancement.职业发展。 Greater confidence.提高自信。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,16,Who Benefits From Training?谁从培训中受益? Trainer/Supervisor培训员/主管 Delegate more tasks.委派更多的任务。 Less complaints.更少的抱怨。 Increases team morale.提高团队士气。 Less time spent checking on employees.节省检查员工的时间。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,17,Who Benefits From Training?谁从培训中受益? Guest客人 Efficient service.高效的服务。 Value for money.物有所值。 No cause for complaint.没有抱怨的理由。 Consistent service.获得始终如一的服务。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,18,Who Benefits From Training?谁从培训中受益? Hotel酒店 Consistent standards.始终如一的服务标准。 Improved productivity.提高生产力。 Increased retention.减少人员流失。 Increased morale.提高士气。 Less complaints.减少抱怨。 Increased revenue.增加收入。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,19,Team have to do more work 大量的工作,Recruit new Employee 招聘新员工,Barriers To Training 培训障碍,They do things Wrong 做错事,New employee gets thrown in 新员工入职,Employee feels Demotivated 员工没有动力,Team gets Demotivated 团队没有动力,I dont have time to train 没时间,Employee Leaves 员工离职,VICIOUSCYCLE恶性循环,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,20,Employee is Motivated 员工有动力,Manager has more time 经理有更多的时间,Barriers To Training培训障碍,Employee learns new skills 员工学到新技能,New employee enjoys role 新员工遵守规则,Employee feels Valued 员工感觉到很受用,Employee takes on extra tasks 员工接受额外工作,I dont have time NOT to train 我有足够的培训时间,Employee works Unsupervised 员工工作无须监督,VIRTUOUS CYCLE良性循环,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Module 3 第三章 Identifying Learning Needs 识别培训需求,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,22,Identifying Learning Needs确定培训需求 Objectives目标 State why it is important to identify learning needs.陈述为什么识别学习需求很重要? Describe a learning need.描述学习需求。 Identify how skills, knowledge and attitude contribute to the learning need.认识到技能、知识和态度如何有助于学习需求 Recognise times when training is not the answer.当培训不是解决办法的时候要注意分别。 Describe the overall role of the Workplace Trainer.描述工作场所培训者的全面职能。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,23,Learning学习 Learning is to gain knowledge or skill by study, experience or being taught.指通过研究、体验或被教育而获得知识或技能。 Training培训 To bring a person to a desired state or standard by instruction or practice.通过指导和练习使之达到期望的状态或标准。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,24,Training VS Learning Training is what you do as the trainer. Learning is what the trainee does.,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,25,Actual Performance实际表现,Desired Performance 期望表现,What Is A Learning Need?什么是学习需求?,Learning Need 学习需求,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,26,Skills 技能,Knowledge 知识,What Is Competency?什么是能力?,Competent 能力,Attitude 态度,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,27,Passionate 热情,Action Oriented 行动导向,The Leadership Brand Framework领导力品牌的架构,Team Focused 团队关注,Savvy 理解能力,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,28,Measurement Tools测量工具 GSTS (Guest satisfaction Test System) ES (Employee Survey) Profit收益 Guest comments/feedback顾客的意见/反馈 Turnover statistics人员流动统计 Accident reports事故报告 Wastage损耗 Low productivity低下的生产力,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,29,Leadership Brand Competencies,Performance Management 绩效管理,The Role Of The Workplace Trainer工作场所培训者的职能,Identify Learning Needs 确定培训需求,Ongoing Training 进行培训,Overcoming Obstacles 克服障碍,WORKPLACE TRAINER,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Module 4 第四章 Organising The Training Content 组织培训内容,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,31,Organising The Training Content组织培训内容 Objectives目标 Describe the component parts of a training session.描述培训过程的组成部分。 Explain the benefits of having a structure.解释拥有完整结构的好处。 Demonstrate the logical sequence in your 1st practice session.在你的第一次练习中展示你的逻辑顺序。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,32,Preparation准备 Trainee学员 Goals and outcomes目标和成果 Performance standards执行标准 Skills gaps技能差距 Training Requirements培训条件 Venue (Space)场地 Resources / Materials材料 Length of session (Time allocated for trainee and trainer)时间 Training Session Plan培训计划 Remember “Failing to plan is planning to fail!”,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,33,Gaining Attention吸引注意力 What 主题 Interest 兴趣 Need 需求,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,34,Breakdown分步讲解,Explanation 解释,Questions 问题,Demonstration 示范,Stages 分步,Trainee Practice 学员练习,Praise 表扬,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,35,Check Verbal check口头检查 Practical check实践检查 Praise表扬 Link forward继续延伸,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,First Practical Session 第一次练习,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Module 5 第五章 Learning Preferences 学习偏好,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,38,Learning Preferences学习偏好 Objectives目标 Identify how and why people learn.为什么人们要学习,如何学习 Recognise how you the trainer can help the learner to learn.学会作为培训员如何帮助你的学员去学习。 Identify ways to overcome the barriers to learning.认识跨越学习障碍的方法。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,39,Learning Preferences学习偏好,I Remember 记住,I Understand 理解,I Forget 忘记,I See 看,I Do 做,I Hear 听,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,40,Left Side左半球 Verbal语言 Analytical分析 Process ideas sequentially 间接想法的产生(思考后得出的) Keeps track of time注重时间 Step by Step按部就班 Highly organised高度的组织能力 Makes lists有条理,Brain Dominance大脑的控制,Right Side右半球 Visual视觉 Intuitive直觉 Process ideas simultaneously 形成直接想法 No sense of time 没有时间观念 See whole first会先看到整体 Talk with your hands动手能力,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,41,VAK Styles VAK类型 Visual - “Show me”视觉类型 These communicators and learners tend to see things in their minds and use images. They prefer to learning from reading, note taking and diagrams. Auditory - “Tell me”听觉类型 These communicators and learners tend to listen and talk. They prefer to learn from lectures, talks and audio tapes. Kinaesthetic - “Let me try”触觉类型 These communicators and learners tend to use movement and action. They prefer to learn by writing, acting out, pacing and gestures.,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Module 6 第六章 Gaining Attention 吸引注意力,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,43,Gaining Attention吸引注意力 Objectives目标 Identify the 3 parts of the attention section.认识吸引注意力的三个部分。 Write the “A” section for your training session this afternoon. 在今天下午写出你的培训提纲的”A” 部分。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,44,What? Specific 具体,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,45,Interest培训什么? Background of topic话题背景 Finished example实例/样品 Story about topic故事(与主题有关的) History历史 Joke笑话 Personal experience个人经验 Something topical一些有关的话题 Questions问题,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,46,Need Job safety安全 Enhance job satisfaction提高工作满意度 Enhance team spirit增强合作精神 Pride in the job以工作为傲 Opportunity for advancement更好的发展机会 Status within the hotel在酒店中的地位 Reward/recognition奖励/赞扬 Confidence, professionalism, proficiency 自信、专业、熟练,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Module 7 第七章 Breakdown 分步讲解,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,48,Breakdown分步讲解 Objectives目标: Identify what we mean by steps, standards and questions.通过步骤.标准和问题来确定你要表达的意思 Plan the “B” section of your training session for this afternoon.在今天下午写出你的培训计划的”B”部分。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,49,Why Do We Breakdown The Task?为什么要分步进行? So the trainee is clear about what they have to do.学员会清楚要做什么。 So we do not miss anything out.我们不会遗漏内容。 So we train on all key points.所有的重点都可涵盖 So we do not make assumptions.不用做假设 So we think through our own skills to unlock the secrets we have so we are able to transfer these to our trainee. 更好的传递知识。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,50,Stages进程 We need to deliver our training in appropriate stages so it is at the right level.我们需要以适当的步骤来做我们的培训,以至与他会在一个正确的水平 Too many stages and the training will be too easy.步骤越多,培训越简单 Too few stages and the trainee will become overloaded and forget.步骤越少,培训会变的越有负担甚至被遗忘,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Module 8 第八章 Questions 问题,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,52,Questions问题 Objectives目标: Identify the types of questions you should ask.认识问题的种类。 Establish the number of questions you need in your session.设定你培训中所需要的问题。 Know how to handle answers.学会如何处理问题。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,53,Why Do We Ask Questions?为什么要问问题? Keeps the trainee interested and involved.使学员感兴趣和融入其中。 Helps the trainee learn.帮助学员学习。 Makes the trainee think for themselves.使学员思考。 Aides retention of information.有助于接受信息 Checks recall and understanding.检查记忆和理解。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,54,Types Of Questions问题类型 Open开放式 5个W,1个H Who 谁 What 什么 When 何时 Where 何地 How 如何 Why 为什么 Closed封闭式问题 Gain commitment取得承诺/承认,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,55,Winning Ways,Do the right thing/做对的事 Show we care/体现关爱 Aim higher/追求卓越 Celebrate difference/求同存异 Work better together/协作共赢,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Module 9 第九章 Check 检查,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,57,Check检查 Objectives目标: Establish why it is important to check the effectiveness of our training.认识为什么检查培训的效果很重要。 Complete the “C” section of our training session.完成你的培训的”C” 部分。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,58,Benefits Of Checking检查的益处 Ensures that we have achieved our objectives as trainers.确定我们达到了培训目的。 Ensures that the trainee is confident in applying the new skills.确定学员是否可以自信的应用新技能。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,59,Verbal Check口头检查 This is the first check.最初的检查。 Ensure trainee understands before putting new skills into practice.确认学员在实际操作的前理解学到的新技能。 Use open questions to check.使用开放式问题进行检查。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,60,Practical Check操作检查 Your objective is that the trainees should be able to complete the task you taught them.你的目的是学员可以按照你所教的内容完成实践任务。 The “Whole” task should be completed by the trainee in front of the trainer without any aides.学员应在没有任何提示和帮助的前提下,当面完成所有实践的任务。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Module 10 第十章 Corrective Coaching 纠正指导,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,62,Corrective Coaching纠正指导 Objectives目标: Recognise standards and why they fall.确认标准和为什么他们不符合标准。 Establish the definition of corrective coaching.确定纠正指导的定义。 Identify the skills and qualities of a good coach.好的纠正执导的技巧和质量。 Establish the principles of corrective coaching.确定纠正指导的原则。 Provide specific and constructive feedback when results are not up to expectations.当不符合期望值时给予详细的说明和建设性的意见。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,63,Why might an employees performance fall below standard?为什么员工的表现会达不到标准? Trainee has forgotten.忘了。 Cutting corners.为了省事。 Using wrong equipment/materials/ingredients.使用了错误的设备/材料 Broken/missing equipment.设备损坏/缺失 Lapse in concentration.注意力不集中 Inadequate performance in the first place.第一次不适应。 Sickness.生病。 Tiredness.疲惫。 Short staffing.缺人手。 Poor supervision.缺乏管理。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,64,What Is Corrective Coaching?什么是纠正指导? Demonstrating, explaining or questioning to remind an individual of the correct way to undertake a task.通过示范、解释或提问来提醒使之按照正确的方法完成任务。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,65,The Feedback Sandwich反馈三明治,Identify the fault 指出错误,Follow up 跟进,Praise 表扬,Encourage correct Standard鼓励,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,66,How Can We Demonstrate Our Core Values?如何示范我们的核心价值观 Ensuring that you are spending sufficient time with the trainee. 确保你对学员花出了足够的时间。 Taking them away from other team members to correct their performance.如果要纠正他们的行为,请将他们带出团队单独进行(不要在队员面前纠正他的行为) Being patient and understanding if they dont grasp the task straight away.如果学员不能马上掌握,要有耐心和善于谅解。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Second Practical Session 第二次练习,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Module 11 第十一章 Training Systems And Resources 培训系统和资源,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,69,Training Systems And Resources培训系统和资源 Objectives目标: Identify the training systems and resources in our hotel.认识酒店的培训系统和资源。 Consider other issues that the Workplace Trainer may need to take into account.考虑在工作场所可能会发生的其他问题。 Understand the system in place for reviewing performance.了解培训系统在适当的地点回顾表现。 Understand our standard operating procedures.了解我们的服务操作标准。 Support your team members in building departmental training & development plans 帮助支持你的队员塑造部门培训和发展计划,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,70,What Is Your Role In On Boarding?参与培训时你的角色和职能 Providing initial training plan for new employees.向新员工提供最初的培训计划。 Training new employees through the Workplace Trainers Certificate format.按照技能认证的样式对新员工进行培训。 Ensuring the new employee works in a safe manner from “Day 1”.确保新员工的工作安全,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,71,Initial Training Plans初级培训计划 Things to consider需要考虑的: Previous experience of the employee.员工原来的经验 Complexity of the task.任务的复杂程度 Time allocated to train.时间 Environment within which they will learn.学习的环境,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,72,What Needs To Be Recorded?记录 Task: Training tasks carried out.是否实施 Signature:Trainer and Trainee signatures.签字 Date:Training session dates.日期 Review:A a section where training can bereviewed and retraining recorded.一个可以回顾培训和培训记录的章节,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,73,Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)标准操作程序 Ensure consistency.确认一致性。 Everyone is trained the same way.按照统一标准培训。 Simple resource to train from.培训资源(资料)简单 New changes can be easily implemented.任何改变可以简易的实行。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,74,Cross Training交叉培训 When an employee works in another department to gain experience that will enhance their own role.一个员工去别的部门工作实习后所获得的经验可以提升他的能力 Enables an employee to gain a better understanding of what other departments do and how their role fits in.可以使员工更加了解别的部门的工作和他们是如何操作的,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,75,Action Planning行动计划 Write an “Action Plan” outlining your key responsibilities as a “Workplace Trainer”.写出作为一个培训员写出“行动计划”,概述你的主要职责。 How are you going to implement your learning throughout this program back in your department.在回到部门后,你打算如何实施这次所学到的知识。,76,Thank You Thank you for your participation, contribution and enthusiasm! 谢谢大家的热情参与!,Copyright 2006, Personal Decisions International. All Rights Reserved.,


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