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Book III Unit 2 Healthy EatingI. 课文再现:1. What will happen if you do not eat a balanced (balance) diet? (P9)2. Which of the following foods contain the most fat? Put them in order from 1(most fat) to 5(least fat). (P10)3. Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. (P10)4. Then by lunchtime they would all be sold(sell). His restaurant ought to be full of people. (P10)5. What could have happened(happen)? He thought of his mutton kebabs and fatty pork cooked(cook) in the hottest, finest oil. His fried rice was hot but did not taste of fat(fat). (P10)6. “Nothing could have been better(better),” he thought. Suddenly he saw his friend Li Maochang hurrying(hurry) by. (P10)7. I will take all that fat off you in two weeks if you eat here every day. (P10)8. On his way home he thought about his own menu. (P10)9. He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! He had better do some research! (P10)10. After reading(read), he realized what was wrong with Yong Huis restaurant. It was not giving its customers energy-giving food! After eating(eat) in her restaurant people would become tired(tire) very quickly. Perhaps this was a way to win his customers back! (P10)11. The competition between the two restaurants was on! (P10)12. Daisy wished to be slim so that she could wear all the latest(late), cool clothes designed(design) for the young. She decided to do some research into what foods should be eaten to become thinner(thin). (P12)13. She felt very fit when she started eating more body-building foods as well as her usual energy-giving foods. She even began to enjoy eating(enjoy) all the vegetables raw rather than cooked. (P12)14. You ought to cook fresh vegetables and meat without too much fat if you want to stay slim. (P13)15. You should not eat fatty(fat) foods at each meal if you wish to stay slim. (P13)16. Good, I also exercise every day too. Have you done any research on whats the best to eat? (P13)17. Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant. He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. (P14)18. She did not look happy but glared at him as she moved round the customers. (P14)19. I thought you were a new customer and now I find you came only to spy on me and my menu. (P14)20. I dont want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited(limit) that I stopped worrying (worry) and started advertising the benefits of my food. Why dont you sit down and try a meal? (P14)21. When they were served the ice cream Yong Hui began to look ill. “I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food,” she said, “I miss my vegetables and fruit.” Wang Pengwei was just enjoying a second(two) plate of dumplings so he sighed. (P14)22. Well, now you mention it. I do have to rest a lot,” admitted Yong Hui. (P14)23. “Perhaps we ought to combine our menus and provide a balanced menu with foods full of energy and fibre.” So that is what they did. (P15)24. In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal. Their balanced menus became such a success(succeed) that before long Wang Pengwei became slimmer and Yong Hui heavier. After some time the two found that their business cooperation had turned into a personal one. Finally they got married(marry) and lived happily ever after! (P15)25. He is full of curiosity, but his mother tells him not to be curious about everything. (P49)26. We must take a balanced point of view towards the wildlife project. The most important thing is to keep(keep) the balance of nature. (P49)27. McDonalds cares about healthy eating too and works with scientists to provide food that is of high quality(quality). (P52)II. 短语翻译:1healthy diet 健康饮食(P9) 2. balanced diet 均衡膳食(P9)3putin order 把按顺序排列(P10) 4. feel frustrated 感到沮丧(P10)5by lunchtime 到午餐时间(P10) 6. be full of 充满,满是(P10)7think of 想起 (P10) 8. at the end of 在尽头(P10)9be tired of 厌烦,厌倦(P10) 10. take sth off 去除,去掉(P10)11. be amazed at 对吃惊,惊讶(P10) 12. throw away 扔掉;丢掉(P10)13on his way home 在他回家的路上(P10) 14. tell sb. lies 对某人说谎(P10)15. get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚(P10) 16. do research 作研究(P10)17win sb./sth. back 赢回某人/某物(P10) 18. part of speech 词性 (P11)19word formation 词的构成 (P11) 20. get/be rid of 摆脱(P12)21. run away 突然离开某地/从某处逃走(P12) 22. as well as 也,和,不但而且(P12)23rather than 而不是(P12) 24. pick out 挑出(P12)25stay fit 保持健康(P13) 26. act out 扮演一角色(P13)27pay attention to 注意(P13) 28. earn ones living 谋生(P14)29look forward to 期望,盼望(P14) 30. no longer 不再(P14)31glare at 怒视 (P14) 32. spy on sb. 暗中监视;窥探(P14)33. sit down 坐下(P14) 34. agree to do sth.同意干某事(P14)35feel sick 生病(P14) 36. neithernor 既不也不(P15)37cut down 削减;压缩(P15) 38. before long 不久以后(P15)39some time 一段时间;在某个时间(P15) 40. get married 结婚(P15)41ever after 从那以后(P15) 42. in packets/tins 成袋/成罐(P16)43fill in the chart 填图(P48) 45carry on 继续(P48)44. be concerned about 担心,挂念(P48) 46. be worried about 担心(P49 )47make sure 务必,一定(P49) 48. change roles 变换角色(P49)49take apoint of view towards 对持观点(P49)50keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡(P49) 51. have a sweet tooth 爱吃甜食(P50) 52strong coffee 浓咖啡(P50) 53. fast food chain of restaurants 快餐连锁店(P51) 54. do exercise 做练习(P51)55care about 在乎,关心(P52) 56. be interested in 对感兴趣(P52)57make a promise 允诺;承诺 (P52) 58. nothing but 只,仅仅(P52)59. local dishes 地方菜(P52) 60. on the other hand 另一方面(P52)61on the side of the road 在路边(P52) 62. be treated fairly 受到公平对待(P53)63speak up for (为某人)明确而坦率地说出想法(P53)64change their minds 改变他们的主意 (P53) 65. instead of 代替,而不是(P53)66draw a plan 制定计划(P53) 67. sentence structure 句型(P54)I单词:1. diet nc. 通常所吃的食物;某人(因医疗等理由)被限制食用的食物e.g. a. Too rich a diet(=Too much rich food)is not good for you. 太油腻的食物对你不好。b. The doctor put her on a diet. 医生限制她的饮食。c. No potatoes for me-Im on a diet. 不要给我土豆-我在控制饮食。vt.&vi. 规定或限制某人饮食e.g. a. She became so fat that she had to diet herself.她变得如此肥胖,所以不得不节食。拓展:be/go on a diet节食put sb on a diet 限制饮食over(under) weight 过重(过轻)put on weight 发胖lose/take off weight 减肥diet(v.) sb. 规定/限制(某人)饮食类比延伸:(1). diet 指的是习惯的食物或规定的食物,特指维持健康的定量或定质的食物,如病人的疗养饮食。它是可数名词,常与不定冠词a连用。(2). food 是一般用法,凡能吃喝的具有营养的东西都称food. food是不可数名词,但在表示食品的种类时,可以用复数。练习:(1). Proper diet and exercise are both important to health.(2). Too many sweet foods will make you fat.(3). The sick man must not go without food, but he must have a diet without sugar.2. energy nu (1). 能量 (2). 精力,活力(有时用复数)(3). (个人的)工作能力e.g. a. We should devote all our energies to the task. 我们应该尽全力去完成这项任务。 b. What kind of food is energy-giving food? 哪种是供应能量的食物?派生词: energetic adj. 精力充沛的;奋力完成的 energetically adv. 精力充沛地拓展:apply/devote ones energies to致力于 atomic energy 原子能electrical energy 电能类比延伸:(1). energy 多指人的活力,精力或干劲;在物理学上作“能”解。(2). power 主要指做一件事所依靠的能力、功能;也可指人或机器等事物潜在的或所能发挥出来的力量;还可指职权、权力或政权。(3). strength 指固有的潜力。说人时,指“力气”,说物时,指“强度”。(4). force 主要指自然界的力量、暴力、势力以及法律、道德或感情的力量、军事力量等。练习:用strength, energy, force, power填空(1). A washing machine is a saver of time and strength.洗衣机是一种省时省力的机器。(2). He is full of energy.(3). Knowledge is power.(4). He moved the stone with force.3. digestion n. (1) un. 消化,吸收,领悟 (2). cn. 消化能力,消化力have a good/poor digestion 消化力强/弱拓展:(1). digest v. a. 消化(食物)e.g. Fish is easy to digest when youre ill. 生病时吃鱼容易消化。 b. (指食物)被消化e.g. It takes hours for a meal to digest. c. 吸收(信息);完全理解;彻底领会=take in; fully understand e.g. Have you digested the report yet?这个报告你吃透了吗? n. 摘要 a digest of the weeks news. 一周新闻摘要(2). digestive adj. 消化的,有消化力的 the digestive system 消化系统4. slim adj. (-mmer, -mmest)(1). 纤细的,修长的,苗条的=slender e.g. a slim person, figure, waist 瘦高的人,苗条的身体,纤细的腰(2). 不够大的;小的=small e.g. slim hopes/chances/prospects of success 成功的希望/机会/可能性不大v. 减轻体重使体型苗条e.g. I dont want any cake. Im slimming. 我什么蛋糕都不想吃。我正在减肥。注意:slim的反义词是plump; thin的反义词是fat.5. balance v.&n. (1).v. 权衡;对比;使平衡;跟相抵e.g. a. We must balance the two plans. 我们必须把这两个计划比较一下。 b. Can you balance yourself on skates? 你穿了滑冰鞋能保持身体平衡吗?(2). n. 天平;秤;平衡;均势;收支平衡e.g. Try to achieve a better balance between work and play. 争取把工作和娱乐更好地结合起来。拓展:keep ones balance 保持平衡反义lose ones balance 失去平衡be out of balance 不平衡 on balance =in balance 总的来说in the balance 忐忑不安的,未定的hold the balance 举足轻重的;掌握决定权a pair of balance 一副天平weigh sth in the balance 用天平称某物be/hang in the balance 不明朗的;悬而未决的6curiocity n. (1). un. 好奇心; (2). cn. 稀奇或罕见的事物或人;古玩;古董 e.g. a. Curiosity can make a scientist out of a child. 好奇心可使一个孩子成为科学家。 b. He has collected many curiosities so far. 到目前为止他已收集了许多古玩。拓展: out of/from curiosity 在好奇心驱使下;出于好奇e.g. Alan went to see the strange man more out of curiosity than anything else. 艾伦去见那个奇怪的人,完全是出于好奇。 curiosity about sth 对某物的好奇心 curiosity to do sth 有做某事的好奇心 satisfy ones curiosity 满足好奇心 show curiosity about sth 对某物表现出好奇(求知欲)派生词:curious adj. 好奇的,稀奇的 be curious about sth/to do sth 对感兴趣 curiously adj. 好奇地7raw adj. (1). 生的(同义词:uncooked; 反义词:ripe) e.g. It is said that Japanese people like a dish made of raw fish. 据说,日本人喜欢吃生鱼。(2). 未加工的;未完成的;原质的 e.g. raw meat 生肉 raw wool 粗制羊毛 raw wood 原木 raw silk 生丝 raw weather 干冷的天气8lie n.c 谎话;谎言 e.g. Why did you tell me a lie? 你为什么对我撒谎? tell lies 说谎=tell a lie a pack of lies 一派胡言 live a lie 虚伪做人;过骗人的生活 nail a lie 揭穿谎言拓展:lie vi. (1). 说谎(lied, lied, lying)(to sb/about sth.) e.g. She lied about her age. 她谎报自己的年龄。(2). 躺;平卧;平放;留在或保持在某种状态;位于;存在;在于a. 躺;平卧 e.g. lie on ones back/side/front 仰卧/侧卧/俯卧b. 平放 e.g. The letter lay open on his desk. 那信摊开在他的书桌上。c. 留在或保持在某种状态 e.g. snow lying thick on the ground 地面上厚厚的雪。d. 位于=be situated/located e.g. The town lies on the coast. 该城位于海边。e. 存在;在于e.g. The cure for stress lies in learning to relax. 消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。注意:lay作原形表示“放置;铺/架设等,还可指”产卵,下蛋“之意,其过去式及过去分词为laid, laid; 现在分词为laying. lie down 躺下;平卧lie in 在于lie through your teeth 满口谎言;睁着眼说瞎话9. research (1). n. c&u 研究;探讨;调查 ( into/on sth/ on sb.) e.g. a. a startling piece of research into the causes of cancer/on cancer 研究致癌/癌症的一项惊人成果。 b. be engaged in/carry out/do research 从事、进行、作研究(2). v. into/on sth.; on sb. 对某物/某人进行研究、探讨或调查 e.g. researching into/on the spread of AIDS 研究艾滋病的传播拓展: research into/in/on sth 研究(调查)某事注意:research in 表示“对学科的研究” research on 表示“对特定问题的研究” research into 表示“对某问题进行深入研究以弄个水落石出”之意。 e.g. a. At the university he made researches in the histology of the nervous system.他在大学里进行过神经系统组织学的研究。 b. He is doing research on American literature. 他正在研究美国文学。 c. Research into cause of the common cold has so far made little progress. 对于常见感冒病因的研究迄今进展不大。派生词:researcher n. 调查者;学术研究员10Weakness n.(1). un. 弱;软弱;虚弱;薄弱 e.g. We should pay more attention to the weakness of the old. 我们应该更加注意老年人的脆弱。(2). cn. 弱点;缺点(尤指性格的)-反义-strength e.g. We all have our weakness. 我们大家都有不足之处。派生词:weak adj. 虚弱的;脆弱的 weakly adv. 虚弱地 weaken v. 削弱拓展:adj. + en = v. wide宽的-widen 使变宽 broad 宽的-broaden 放宽,扩大 quick 快的-quicken 加快 short 短的;浅薄的-shorten 使缩短;使变短 fat 肥的;肥沃的-fatten 使土地肥沃;变肥 thick 厚的;粗大的;密集的-thicken 使变厚;使变粗;使密集 black 黑的-blacken 使变黑 white 白的-whiten 使白;漂白 sharp 锋利的,尖的-sharpen 是锐利;使敏锐 11Strength n. 力;力量;强项;长处 build up ones strength 增强实力 the strength of a rope 绳子的强度 at full strength 满员;满额-反-be below strength 未满员 in (great) strength 人多势众地;大量的 on the strength of =on the basis of sth 依赖;靠着;根据(事实、某人的意见等) from strength to strength 不断进步 e.g. a. Since her appointment the department has gone from strength to strength. 自从她任职以来,这个部门越办越好了。 b. I got the job on the strength of your recommendation.承蒙足下推荐,我已获得这份工作。派生词:strengthless adj. 无力的 strong adj. 强有力的 strengthen v. 加强;增强12rid vt. (rid, ridded; rid, ridded; ridding) 使摆脱;使去掉(of)e.g. a. One day we will manage to rid the world of this terrible disease. 总有一天我们有办法使这种可怕的疾病在世界上绝迹。b. You must rid yourself of these old-fashioned ideas.你必须摒弃这些过了时的陈旧观念。 rid oneself of 使自己摆脱 get rid of 摆脱;去掉;除去 be rid of 摆脱;去掉e.g. Such bad styles should be got rid of 这样的不良作风应当去掉。注意:(1). get rid of 表示“摆脱或去掉不想要的人或物”,语气坚决,动作彻底,表示主语动作e.g. Only in this way can you get rid of your headache. 只有这样你才能摆脱头疼。(2). be rid of 表示状态e.g. She was glad to be rid of him. 她很高兴摆脱了他。13amount nc. 数量 nu. 总额,总数e.g. a. A large amount of money is spent on tobacco every year. 每年都要在烟草上花大量的金钱。 b. He owed me $100, but could pay only half that amount.他欠我100美元,但只能还这个数目的一半。 the amount of +nu .的数量 a large amount of +nu. 大量的large amounts of the number of +n(pl)的数目 a (large) number of +n(pl) 大量的 numbers of in large/small amounts 大量地/少量地e.g. a. What is the amount of this? 这总共是多少? b. Large amounts of money were wasted.大量的金钱被浪费掉了。 c. Christmas is coming. Gifts are sold in large amounts.圣诞节临近了,礼物大批量地出售。vi. (与介词to连用)总计;等于=total up to/add up to/come to e.g. Their traveling expenses amount to seven hundred dollars.他们的旅行花费总共是700美元。拓展:表示“许多,大量”短语归纳:(1).a great/good many, few/a few, a great/good/large number of, great/large/good numbers of 只修饰可数名词(2). much, little/a little, a great deal of, a large amount of, large amounts of 只修饰不可数名词(3). a lot of, lots of, a large/great quantity of, large/great quantities of, plenty of 既可修饰可数名词复数,也可以修饰不可数名词(4). many a, more than one 可修饰单数可数名词。14debt n. 欠款;债务 e.g. a. I had debts to pay back to him. 我得向他偿还欠款。 b. I owe you a debt of gratitude for your help. 你帮了我的忙,我欠了你一笔人情债。 in debt 欠债-反义-out of debt 不欠债 be in debt to sb=be in ones debt欠某人的债;受某人的恩惠 get/run into debt 负债 pay off debt 还清债务 pay debt/debts 还债e.g. a. He is heavily in debt because of bankruptcy. 因为破产了,他负债累累。 b. You saved my life. Im forever in your debt.你救了我的命。我永远感激不尽。 派生词:debtor n. 债务人;欠债的人拓展: in trouble 处于困境中 in danger 处于危险中 in charge 管理;负责 in common 共有;共同 in detail 详细地 in general 通常;一般来说 in fact 事实上 in line 站队 in love 相爱 in mind 意欲;心想 in need 需要 in order 有秩序地 in surprise 惊奇地 in tears 在哭泣 in touch 保持联系 in public 公开地;当众15glare vi. 瞪眼,怒目而视(常与介词at连用) n. 怒视,强烈刺目的光e.g. a. They stood glaring at each other. 他们站着互相怒目而视。 b. The teacher gave the boys a glare when they laughed loudly in class. 当男生们在课堂上放声大笑时,老师瞪了他们一眼。拓展:glare/glance/stare/gaze/glimpse glare 侧重于怒视,强调敌对或威胁的态度,与at 连用glance “匆匆一看”,指快速地看某人或某物一眼,与at 连用stare 指固定地凝视,暗示好奇、勇敢、无礼貌或愚蠢,与at 连用gaze 指“目不转睛地看,凝视、注视”。这种凝视是由于好奇、喜好或兴趣所致。常与at, on, upon 连用glimpse 无意识的一瞥,看到的粗略印象,强调结果练习:a. She glared at me and said, “I hate you”.b. She is so afraid of the big dog that she stares at it and cant move a little.c. He glanced at me and then walked out.d. I glimpsed her at the entrance of the shopping center as we drove past quickly.e. He just sat gazing into space.16. limit n&v. (1). n. 界限,限度e.g. a. His patience reached its limit. 他的忍耐达到了极限。 b. We must set a limit to the expense of the trip. 我们必须对这次旅行的费用定一个限度。(2). v. 限制e.g We must limit our expense. 我们必须限制我们的花销。派生词:limiting adj. 有限制性的 limited adj. 有限的-反义-unlimited 无限的 limited company 有限责任公司limitless adj. 无限制的,无限度的limitation n. 限制;限度拓展:limit sth to sth 限制;限定 e.g. Please try to limit your talk to 10 minutes. 请尽量在10分内把话说完。a limit to是有限的to the limit of 竭尽全力a limit on 对的限制over the limit 超量;超出限度within limits 在某种程度上;有一定限度push sb/sth to the limit 推某人/某物达到限度17benefit vt.&vi. 有益于;对有好处e.g. a. The reform benefits the working families. 这项改革有利于职工家庭。n. 益处;好处e.g. the physical benefits of walking 步行对身体的种种益处 be of benefit to mankind 对人类有好处 for the benefit of 为的利益 benefit from/by从中受益e.g. We all benefit from this new policy. 我们都受益于这项政策。注意:benefit 作vt. 时,常以sb. 作宾语,意为“对某人有益,有益于”;benefit作vi时,常以人作主语,后加介词或动名词组成的介词短语,表示 “从中获益”。e.g. a. The sea air will benefit you.海上的空气将对你有益。 b. Well benefit from reading good novels. 我们将从阅读优秀的小说中获益。派生词:beneficial adj. 有益的 be beneficial to 对有益 To sbs advantage =to the advantage of sb. 对某人有利18combine vt/vi. (使)结合;(使)联合;(使)化合e.g. The new teaching method combines education with pleasure.这种新的教学方法寓教育于娱乐之中。 combine A and B/combine A with B 将A与B结合在一起 combine against 为反对而联合 combine with sth 同结合成一体e.g. The workers combined against the boss. 工人们联合起来反对工头。派生词:combination n. 联合;化合 in combination 联合起来;在联合中e.g. The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners. 公司正在联合几家海外合伙人制造新产品。拓展:unite/combine/connect/join/link (1). unite 意为“联合;团结;团聚”,与join 相近,但他强调合并后形成的整体,统一目标,统一行动。 e.g. a. Oil will not unite with water. 油水不相融。 b. Unite to win victories. 团结起来,争取胜利。(2). combine和unite 一样强调在混合或结合产生一个新产品的过程中每个个体的特性消失了。combine 更强调新出现的东西,unite 则突出新东西的单一性。(3). connet 表“连接”;指“衔接;联系”,两者仍保持各自的独立性,常与to, with 连用。e.g. Will you connect this wire to the television?你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?(4). join 适用于实物的接触、连接或至少两个单独物体的结合,也适用于人的结合或联合(如形成一个群体)e.g. The children joined hands. 孩子们拉起手来。(5). link 和connect 一样含有一种牢固的连接或附着的意思,但是其中每一组分仍保留其特性。e.g. Linked poverty and unemployment to the social unrest besetting the city. 把使城市陷入困境的社会骚乱与贫穷失业联系起来。II. 短语:1 tired of be/get tired of sth/ doing sth 厌倦了某事或干某事e.g. We are tired of doing the same thing every day. 我们厌倦了每天做一样的事。拓展:(1). tire vi&vt.a. (使)疲劳;(使)累 e.g. a. The patient tires very soon if he exerts himself. 病人一用力气就感到疲劳。 b. The long walk tired the child. 走了一长段路孩子累了。b. (使)厌倦;(使)厌烦 e.g. a. He tired the audience with his long speeches. 他的冗长发言使听众不耐烦了。 b. He never tires of helping others. 对帮助别人他从不厌倦。tire sb out 使某人十分疲劳(2). tired adj. 感到厌倦的,厌烦的(of); 疲劳的;累的,表示人的情绪e.g He was a tired man when the long race was over. 当他跑完长跑后,他疲乏极了。(3). tiring adj.=tiresome 令人厌倦的;使人劳累的,指事物本身的特性类比延伸: be/get tired of 厌倦了 be/get tired from/with sth/ doing sth 因而疲乏e.g. I got tired from walking so long. 走了这么远的路,我很疲倦。20get away with +doing sth 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚e.g. a. They got away with damaging the car. 他们损坏了汽车却逃之夭夭。 b. I dont know how they manage to get away with paying such low wages. 我不知道为什么他们给我这么低的工资而未受惩罚。拓展:steal sth and escape with it 偷携某物潜逃receive a relatively light sentence 受到较轻的处罚get (got, gotten, getting)vt. (1). 获得,得到 get information 获得信息 (2). 挣得;买 get a living=make a living=earn ones living/gain ones living 谋生 (3). 收获;赢得 get a good crop 获得丰收 (4). 受到(罚;打击等);收到 get a letter=receive a letter 受到信 get a blow on the head 头上被打了一下 (5). 搞到;拿 Get me some paste. 给我弄点浆糊。 (6). 感染上(疾病);(毒品等)使上瘾 get a cold=catch/have a cold 患感冒 (7). 必须 e.g. We have got to be very careful in unloading fragile things. 我们在卸易碎货品是必须非常小心。 (8). (后接复合宾语)使得;把弄得;使被弄得 get sth +adj. 使某人/某物处于某情况或状态 Get everything ready!把一切准备好! get sth/sb + doing 使某人/某物做某事 get things moving 使事情开始进行 get sb/sth +to do 使说服某人/某物做某事 We finally got the boy to do his homework. get sth + done 使某人被 get ones hair cutvi. (1). 到达When do we get to Peking?我们什么时候到北京?(2). 变得;


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