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Book III unit 5 Canada-“The True North”I. 课文再现:1. Canada is a multicultural country like China. It is the second largest(large) country in the world.(P33)2Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly from China to Vancouver and to take the train from west to east across Canada in September. (P34)3. It is the second biggest(big) country in the world and as you go eastward, you will see mountains, and pass thousands of lakes, forests and wide rivers as well as cities. The idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days is just wrong. (P34)4. Many people think it is the most beautiful city in Canada, as it is surrounded by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific Ocean on the west. (P34)5. On the coast north of Vancouver some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world still remain. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall. (P34) 6. That afternoon in the train the cousins settled down in their seats. They crossed the Rocky Mountains earlier that day and looked out of the windows at the wild scenery. (P34)7. Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes. (P34)8. Most Canadians live within 320 kilometres of the USA border, and in fact, the population of Canada is only slightly over thirty million. They went through a wheat-growing province and saw farms that were thousands of square kilometers in size. (P34)9. Around moon they arrived in Toronto, the most wealthy and biggest city in Canada. They were not leaving for Montreal until later, so they went on a tour of the city. They went up the tall CN Tower, and looked across the lake. (P38)10. The train left late that night and arrived in Montreal at dawn the next morning. (P38)11. They spent the afternoon in the lovely shops and visiting the artists in their workplaces beside the water. (P39)12. That night as the train was speeding along the St Lawrence River toward the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to the East Coast, the cousins dreamed of French restaurants and red maple leaves. (P39)13. When there is a frost, the temperature outside falls below freezing(freeze) point and the ground is covered with(cover) a thin layer of ice. (P70)II. 短语翻译:1在旅行 be on a trip (P34) 2. 从头至尾;自始至终 all the way(P34)3. 坐飞机 take the aeroplane(P34) 4. 坐火车 take the train(P34) 5. 等候 wait for(P34) 6. 在机场 at the airport (P34)7. 在去火车站的路上 on the way to the station (P34) 8. 向东走 go eastward(P34)9. 少于 less than (P34) 10. 在以北的海岸 on the coast north of(P34)11. 安定下来 settle down (P34) 12. 向外看 look out of (P34)13. 对有天赋 have a gift for (P34) 14. 事实上 in fact (P34)15. 穿过,通过 go through(P34) 16. 在的尽头 at the top end of (P35)17. 接近,临近 be close to (P35) 18. 淡水fresh water (P35)19. 五大湖区 the five Great Lakes(P35) 20. 自然资源 natural resource (P35)21想出;计算出 figure out (P36) 22. 观看 have a view of (P36)23. 在一个小时之内within an hour(P36) 24. 过境 cross the border (P36)25. 在商店徘徊 wander about the shops (P36) 26. 做出选择 make ones choice (P37)27. 官方语言 official language (P37) 28. 轮流 take turns (P38)29. 做笔记 make notes (P38) 30. 第二天早上 the next morning (P38)31. 大约中午的时候 around noon(P38) 32. 去旅游 go on a tour (P38)33. 在远处 in the distance(P38) 34. 流入flow into (P38)35. 远到;直到as far as (P38) 36. 拂晓时 at dawn (P38)37去市商业区 go downtown (P38) 38. 梦想 dream of (P39)39. 作关于的报告 make a report on(P39) 40. 在边境上 on the border (P70)41. 分界线 the dividing line (P70) 42. 结冰点 freezing point(P70)43. 覆盖 be covered with(P70) 44. 居的首位;在的最前面 at the head of (P70) 45. 在政府办公室 in a government office (P70) 46. 加速 speed up (P70)47. 赶上火车 catch the train(P70) 48. 造句 make sentences (P71)49. 在校园里 on the campus (P71) 50. 违反规定break the rule (P71)51. 欣喜若狂 be wild with joy (P71) 52. 给送行 see sb. off (P71)53. 表达某人的愿望 express ones wish(P71) 54. 发号司令;下命令 give the order (P71)55. 这个月底 by the end of this month (P71) 56. 评论某事 make some comments on(upon) sth (P71)57. 出发 set off (P72) 58. 收到某人的来信 hear from (P72)59. 远离 far away from (P73) 60. 闪烁着耀眼的光芒 shine with bright lights(P71) 61. 在网上on the Internet (P74)62. 听录音listen to the tape (P75) 63. 注意pay attention to (P75)IV单词1 eastward (1). adv. =eastwards 向东地 e.g. to travel eastwards 向东方旅行(2). adj. 向东的;向东方的 e.g. in an eastward direction 在向东的方向注意:不能说go to eastward 拓展:(1). -ward后缀,表示方向,可用作形容词和副词(作副词时等于wards)forward(s) 向前 backward(s) 向后 upward(s) 向上downward(s) 向下 inward(s) 向里 outward(s) 向外eastward(s) 向东 southward(s) 向南 northward(s) 向北westward(s) 向西 sideward(s) 向一边(2). 方位名词: east n. 东方 west n. 西方 north n. 北方 south n. 南方 northwest n.西北 northeast n. 东北 southeast n. 东南 southwest n. 西南 eastern adj. 东方的 n. 东方人 western adj. 西方的 n. 西方人 northern adj. 北方的 n. 北方人 southern adj. 南方的 n. 南方人 northwestern adj. 西北的 northeastern adj. 东北的 southeastern adj. 东南的 southwestern adj. 西南的2. surround vt. 围绕,包围e.g. a. Many trees surround the house. 房子四周有许多树。 b. The school was surrounded by/with a fence. 学校四周围着篱笆。surround sb./sth with sb/sth 使某人/某物包围某人/某物be surrounded by /with 被包围或环绕派生词:surrounding adj. 附近的,四周的surroundings n. 环境类比延伸:surroundings/condition/environment(1). surroundings 作为“环境”,永远用复数形式,主要指周围的物质环境。(2). condition 的复数形式conditions可表示“环境、情况”的意思,但它主要是抽象意义上的。(3). environment 作“环境”讲时,是集合名词单数,既可表示抽象概念也可表示具体意义,包括周围环境、外界、自然环境、社会环境等等。 e.g. a. The peasants are allowed to cultivate the surrounding land. 允许农民耕种周围的土地。 b. Animals in a zoo are not living in their natural surroundings.动物园里的动物们不是生活在自然环境中。 c. It is difficult to imagine that youre working in such poor conditions.很难想象你是在这样的条件下工作的。 d. An unhappy home environment can affect a childs behavior. 不愉快的家庭环境能影响儿童的行为。3. extremely adv. 极端;极其;非常e.g. a. Its extremely hot today. 今天特别热。拓展:extreme adj. (1). 末端的,尽头的 e.g.stand at the extreme edge of the bank 站在河岸的极边缘(2). 极度的;极端的;最大的;过分的be in extreme danger 在极度危险中the extreme penalty 极刑;死刑(3). 急进的;激烈的;严厉的;狂热的take extreme measures 采取激烈措施quite extreme in ones views 观点很急进4. settle vt&vi. 定居;解决;平静下来;(使)安坐e.g a. Many foreigners have settled (=have been settled)in China in recent years. 很多外国人现在已经在中国定居了。 b. You must settle all your problems before leaving. 在你离开之前,必须把你所有的问题都解决了。 c. He took a pill to settle his stomach. 他服了一粒药治肚子。派生词: settlement n. 定居;移民 settler n. 移居者 settled adj. 固定的;不变的拓展:settle down (1). 定居;过安定的生活(2). 平静下来;安下心来,专心致志于(to) e.g. a. settle down to write an article 静下心来写一篇文章 b. settle down to ones work 安定下来专心工作 c. settle down to dinner 坐定下来吃饭settle (sb) in (帮某人)迁入新居settle on sth 选择某事物;决定做某事settle ones affairs 安排好自己的事情That settles! 事情就那样决定了!类比延伸:(1). settle; settle down 两者都可以作不及物动词,都有“(sb)安下心来;安定下来;安居”之意, 一般可以换用。 e.g. a. The family finally settled (down) in South America.这家人最后在南美安居下来。 b. I cant settle (down) to (do) anything. 我无法安下心来做任何事。Settle 还有“(sth)降落,停息(on,over)” “解决”;“调停”之意,可作及物动词。 e.g. a. Its time you settled your dispute with him. 现在你该跟他把争端解决了。 b. The bird settled on the branch. 那只鸟落在树枝上了。(2). decide, determine, settle这三个词都有“决定”之意。 decide 是普通用词,侧重指经过思考、比较、讨论或询问之后做出的决定。 determine 指经过深思熟虑,决心去做某事并坚持施行,常涉及范围比较狭小的问题。settle 指排除犹豫、怀疑和争论之后作出明确的最终结论,强调解决的定局。e.g. a. Dont decide on important matters too quickly. 不要过于匆忙地对重要的事情做决定。 b. We determined on an early start/that wed make an early start.我们决定早些出发了。 c. You owe a lot, and its now time to settle (with your creditors). 你欠了很多债,现在该偿还(给债权人)了。5within(1). prep. 表地点,意为“不出之远”,在一确定范围之内。(2). prep. 指时间长度,意为“在一段时间之内”,“不到” e.g. a. Hell arrive within an/the hour. 他一小时内就到。(3). prep. 可用于引申意义,同一些抽象名词连用,表示在一定的限度和范围之内。 e.g. a. She lives within five minutes walk. 她住的地方走五分钟就到了。 b. The factory is within easy reach of Beijing. 这工厂就在北京附近。(4). prep. 与表示人的代词或名词连用,表示“在内心里”。 e.g. He felt the anger mounting up within him. 他感觉到怒气涌上心头。(5). adv. 在里面;在屋里;在内心 e.g. a. He whitewashed the wall within yesterday. 昨天他把屋子内的墙壁粉刷一新。 b. He looks strong appearance but feeble within. 他外表看起来很强壮,但其实内心很脆弱。拓展:within sight 在视线范围之内within ones reach 在某人够得着的范围内反out of ones reach within ones power 在某人的能力范围之内within ones income 量入为出within and without 里里外外back and forth 来来回回up and down 上上下下,前前后后,来来回回类比延伸:(1). within 用作介词时意为“在之内,不超出”, 用作副词时意为“在内,在内部”,多用于书面语中。(2). inside 用作介词时,其含义是“在里面,在内部”表示具体的位置关系,用作副词时,其含义为“在里面,在内部”,多用于口语中。 e.g. a. He will be back within a month. 他一个月内就会回来。 b. Cleaner required. Apply within. 招聘清洁工。应聘者请进。 c. Dont let the dog come inside the house. 不要让狗进入房子。 d. We had to move inside when it began to rain. 开始下雨了,我们只好躲进屋里。(3). within 和in 都可用来表时间,within 指期限之内,而in则指期限之外。 e.g. a. Mr. Gray will return within a week. 格雷先生将在一周之内回来。 b. Mr. Gray will return in a week. 格雷先生将在一周之后回来。6border (1). n. 边;边缘;(女服的)滚边;边境;国界 e.g. a. His handkerchief had a white border. 他的手帕有白色的花边。 b. The soldiers are guarding the border. 这些士兵在守卫边疆。(2).vi. 接界(on, upon) vt. 在(衣服等)上镶边;接近;接壤 e.g. a. The two villages border on each other. 这两个村相互接界。 b. She wanted to border the dress with silk. 她想把裙子镶上丝边。 c. France borders Germany along parts of the Rhine. 法国沿莱茵河部分河段与德国接壤。派生词:borderer n. 边境居民 borderland n. 边疆 borderline n. 边境线拓展:a border town 边境城市the border of the lake 湖边on the border of 将要;接近于;濒临于border on/upon sth 接近某物;毗邻某物类比延伸:border/boundary/frontier(1). border 边境,边界,常指沿两国边界的地区(2). boundary 边界线,分界线,常指分隔两国人的天然的山脉、河流等界线(3). frontier 边疆、国境,指一个国家的边界,还可指领域,指领域时要用复数。 e.g. a. She has been working in a border region since her graduation. 她毕业后一直在边区工作。 b. The Yalu River forms a boundary between China and Korea.鸭绿江构成了中国与朝鲜两国间的分界线。 c. The soldiers guarded the frontiers of the country. 战士们保卫着祖国的边疆。7slightly adv. 稍微;轻微地 e.g. a. I feel slightly ill today. 我今天觉得有点儿不舒服。 b. There is just slightly too much salt in the soup. 汤里的盐稍微放多了些。派生词: silght adj. 轻微的;瘦小的v. 怠慢(某人);冷落n. 蔑视;侮辱 slightness n. 轻微,微小的事情 slightingly adv. 不屑一顾地 拓展:in the slightest 丝毫;一点儿 e.g. You didnt embarrass me in the slightest. 你一点儿也没让我为难。put a slight on/upon sb. 蔑视某人 suffer slights (from sb) 受到(某人)怠慢slight ones work 玩忽职守8figure n. (1). 外形;轮廓;体形;隐约可见的人影(或物影) e.g. a. keep ones figure 保持体形 b. have a well-developed figure 体态壮健 (2). 图形;图案;(书本中的)插图;图表 e.g. a. a square (round) figure 方(圆)形 b. a geometrical (plane, solid) figure 几何(平面,立体)图形 (3). 形象,人物;身份;地位 e.g. a. historical figures 历史人物 b. a person of figure 地位高的人 c. a key figure 关键人物 (4). 画像;塑像 e.g. a. a half-length figure 半身像 (5). 数字;位数;符号 e.g. a. have a head for figures 数字概念强vt&vi. (1). 描绘;塑造;想象 e.g. figure sth to oneself 想象某事物 (2). 计算 e.g. figure expenses 计算开支 (3). 相信;估计;揣测(=guess) e.g I figure hell be back. 我估计他很快会回来。拓展: figure in 包括进;算进(某项开支等) figure on (1). 把估计在内; (2). 指望 e.g. We figure on your coming early.我们指望你会早些来。 (3). 计划 e.g. I figure on going there on Monday. 我打算星期一到那儿去。 figure out (1). 合计为(at) e.g. figure out at 150 yuan. 合计为一百五十元。 (2). 计算出;解决 e.g. figure out a problem 解决一道算题 (3). 领会到;断定 e.g. I couldnt figure out who he was. 我想不出他是谁。 figure up 把总加起来;计算 e.g. figure up an account 算出帐目的总数类比延伸:(1). figure n. 数字;人像;肖像;图表;人影 v. 出现;计算出;理解;推想(2). shape n. 形状;(模糊的)人影=figure v. 做成某物的形状 e.g. a. The earth is of the shape of an orange. b. The child would like to shape the sand into a tower, but failed. c. We bought the house at a high figure. d. I cant figure that man out. 9terrify vt. 使恐怖;使惊吓;恐吓 e.g. a. His sudden appearance terrified them. =They were terrified by/at his sudden appearance. 他的突然出现吓了他们一跳。 terrify sb=frighten sb/sth terrify sb into doing sth 吓得某人做某事派生词: terrified adj. 惊恐的;恐怖的 terrifying adj. 可怕的;令人恐怖的 terrible adj. 可怕的;恐怖的;极坏的 terror n. 恐惧;恐怖拓展:be terrified out of ones sense 吓得魂不附体be terrified of (对感到)害怕 e.g. a. The child was terrified of being left alone in the house.那孩子因一个人留在家里而害怕。 b. She was terrified out of her senses/wits.她吓得魂不附体。 c. A terrifying storm is on its way. 一场可怕的暴风雨就要来了。 d. My room was in a terrible state of disorder.我的房间凌乱不堪。 e. How terribly boring he is!他是多么令人讨厌!注意:表达人物的“情感反应”的动词往往可以构成两个形容词:一个是动词的现在分词-ing形式,修饰事物类名词,表示主动关系,说明被修饰事物的性质特点;一个是动词的过去分词-ed形式,修饰具有情感的人或动物,表被动关系,说明被修饰者的心理感受。这类动词有:puzzle, interest, excite, move, tire, bore, frighten, surprise, astonish, shock, annoy, worry, please, satisfy, disappoint等。类比延伸: be afraid of/fear/frighter/terrify(1). be afraid of 是最宽泛的说法,表示害怕或担忧,程度也最轻。(2). fear 最普通,它可表示对某事感到不安,也可表示“怕”受到某事的侵扰,常用作及物动词。(3). frighten 常用作及物动词,意为“使害怕”,常指没有精神准备,突然受到惊吓而害怕恐惧。常用于be frightened of sth/to do sth 中。(4). terrify 常用作及物动词,意为“使害怕;使惊恐”,这种恐惧是指客观环境造成,“恐怖”语气最强。10official adj. 官方的,正式的 n. 官员;公务员 e.g. a. Whats your official language?你国的官方语言是什么? b. The U.S president paid an official visit to our country last week. 上周美国总统对我国进行了正式访问。拓展:government official 政府官员a public official 公务员类比延伸:(1). official 指政府部门的文职官员,尤其是职位高的人。 e.g. An official of the government called to see him yesterday. 昨天一位政府官员来看他。(2). officer 指军队、警察部门、海关等有一定职权的人。 e.g. Many women police officers are playing an important part in keeping social order. 许多女警察在维持社会秩序方面起着重要作用。11wealthy adj. (1). 富裕的;有钱的 e.g. a. He succeed in business and was very wealthy. 他事业成功,非常富有。 b. They live in a wealthy suburb of Chicago.他们住在芝加哥一个富人住的郊区。(2). 富于的 e.g China is a country wealthy in natural resources.中国是一个自然资源丰富的国家。派生词:wealth n. (1). 财富;财产;资源;富有 e.g. a. the wealth of the oceans 海洋资源 b. a man of wealth 富人(2). 丰富;大量 e.g.a. accumulate a wealth of experience 积累丰富经验 b. a wealth of data 大量资料wealthily adv. 富裕地12tour n. (1). 旅行;游历;观光;参观;巡视 e.g. make a round-the-world tour 作环球旅行 (2). 巡回;巡回演出;访问演出 e.g. The theatrical troupe is on tour in the rural areas.剧团正在农村巡回演出。vt. (1). 旅行;游历;观光;周游 e.g. tour the world 周游世界 (2). 使(剧团,剧目等)巡回演出;在作巡回演出 e.g. The play will tour the countryside in the autumn. 这出戏将于今秋在农村巡回演出。派生词: touring n. 游览 adj. 游览的 e.g. a touring car 游览车 tourer n. 游览车 tourist n. 旅行者;观光者类比延伸:tour, trip, journey, travel, voyage(1). tour指外出旅游观光或考察并可能回到原处的旅行。 e.g. They made a tour around the island. 他们进行了环岛旅行。(2). trip“远足,旅行,旅程”的普通用词,通常指短程的,任何方式的旅行。 e.g. He will make a trip to Australia next month. 他下个月将到澳洲去旅行。(3). journey 主要指陆地长途旅行。 e.g. He decided to take a journey to New York by air. 他决定乘飞机去纽约旅行。(4). travle 通常用来指长途的特别是海外的旅行。 e.g. She has just come back from a travel abroad. 她刚刚从国外旅行回来。(5). voyage主要指“乘船作水上旅行”,也可指“空中旅行”。 e.g. He got seasick during the voyage. 在航行中他晕船。13. distance n. (1). 远处 e.g. a. We saw a light in the distance. 我们看到远处有灯光。 b. The picture looks better at a distance. 这画稍远些更好看。(2). 距离 e.g. Whats the distance to London?到伦敦有多远?(3). 冷淡;疏远 e.g. There has been a great distance between us since our quarrel. 我们争吵后便很疏远。 拓展:keep ones distance 不接近 keep sb at a distance 对某人保持疏远 keep a safe distance 保持适当距离 at a distance 隔着一段距离 in the distance 在远处=faraway at a respectful distance 敬而远之 go a long distance in doing sth 在做某事方面有很大进展派生词:distant adj. 远的;远隔的;稀疏的 a distant relative 远亲 a distant look 茫然的表情 be distant towards sb 对某人冷淡 distant control 遥控 in the not too distant future 在不远的将来 14flow n. (1). (潮)涨;泛滥 e.g. The tide is on the flow.涨潮了。 (2). (人、车等的)川流不息;(谈话等的)流畅e.g. a. a flow of traffic 车辆行人等的来往不绝 b. a flow of eloquence 口才流利v. (flow-flowed-flowed) (1). (河水等)流动;(潮)涨e.g. a. Flowing water does not get stale. 流水不腐。 b. Time flows away. 光阴流逝。 (2). 川流不息;(谈话、文体等)流畅e.g a. Trucks and cars flowed along the highway. 卡车和汽车在公路上川流不息。 b. flowing style 流利的文体 c. The lines in this painting flow. 这幅画的线条很流畅。拓展:a good flow of water 大量流水a flow of angry words 滔滔的怒言flow in/into 涌入 e.g. Rivers flow into the sea. 千条大河归大海。flow from sth 源于某事;为某事物的结果 e.g. The tears flowed from her eyes. 泪水从她的眼中流出。flow out (of sth)外流flow away 流走;流逝派生词:flowing adj. 流动的;下垂的15broad adj. (broader, broadest)(1). 宽的;广的(同义词:wide; 反义词:narrow) e.g. a. broad shoulders 宽肩膀 b. a broad street, avenue, river, canal etc. 宽阔的街道、林荫道、河流、运河等。(2). (指思想、意见等)宽宏的;胸怀开阔的 e.g. a man of broad views 豁达大度的人(3). 大概的;不详细的;粗略的 e.g. the broad outline of a plan, proposal etc.计划、建议等的提纲拓展: in broad daylight 在光天化日;大白天 e.g. The robbery occurred in broad daylight in a crowded street. 在拥挤的街道上,光天化日之下竟发生了抢劫。 its as broad as its long. 在两者中选择哪一个并无实际分别;横竖都一样 in broad outline 概括地 be broad wake 完全醒着反义词be sound asleep 酣睡派生词:broadly adj. 宽阔的 broaden v. 加宽 broadness n. 宽广broadcast n. 广播 broad-minded adj. 宽宏大量的类比延伸:broad 着重指幅面的宽广,此外,还修饰背、肩、胸等的宽阔wide 着重指从一边倒另一边的距离,此外,还修饰口、眼睛的“大” e.g. a. We saw the broad ocean. 我们看到了广阔的海洋。 b. He has broad shoulders. 他有宽阔的肩膀。 c. How wide is the cloth? 这布有多宽? d. He stared at the picture with wide eyes. 他睁大眼睛注视着那幅画。V. 短语1 have a gift for 有干的天赋=have a talent/genius for e.g. a. Her mother has a gift for making guests feel at home. 她的母亲有使客人变得无拘无束的才能。 b. He has a gift for learning languages. 他有学语言的天赋。拓展:(1). gift nc. 礼物;天赋;天生的才能(2). gifted adj. 天才的;有天赋的 be gifted in/at 在方面有天赋(3). giftless adj. 无天赋的 类比延伸:(1). Gift 礼物;指个人、团体或组织赠送的比较郑重地礼物,比present更为庄重、文雅的礼品,带有一定的感情色彩。(2). Present 礼物;指一般性的、送给朋友或一般人的不怎么贵重的礼物,是表示“礼物”的一般的词。(3). 在请求对方接受礼品时,一般应说出礼物的具体名称,不宜用gift或present.2. as far as(用于肯定句或否定句中) /so far as(只用于否定句中)(1). 那么远;远到;直到(注:第二个as可以使介词,后跟名词;也可以是连词,连接一个状语) e.g. a. The children walked as far as the lake. 孩子们一直走到湖边。 b. The golden rice fields stretch as far as the eyes can see. 金黄色的稻田一直延伸到眼睛所能看到的地方。(2). 据;尽;至于.(注:其后跟一个从句,构成表示程度的状语从句) e.g. As/so far as I know, he is still working there. 据我所知,他仍然在那儿工作。拓展:(1). as much/many as 多达 as heavy as 重达 as high/tall as 高达 as white as snow 像雪一样白 as strong as horse 像牛一样壮 as dark as night 像夜一样黑 as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 as far as possible 尽可能;尽量(2). far adv. a. 远;远隔 e.g. The new music teacher lives far away. 新来的音乐教师住得很远。b. 很;极;太 e.g. I dont like our monitor; hes far too cocky. 我不喜欢我们班长,他太趾高气扬了。adj. (farther/further, farthest/furthest) 远的;远处的反义near e.g The school is not far beyond the church. 学校在过了教堂不远的地方。far away 遥远的far behind 远远落在后面far from 远非;决非;远离so far 到目前为止(常与现在完成时连用)by far .的多,很类比延伸:(1). far away, faraway, far and away, far away from, far from far away 很远;遥远 用作表语或状语faraway 远的;遥远的 用作前置定语:a faraway village 遥远的村庄far and away 无疑;肯定地=undoubtedly e.g. This is far and away the best book Ive ever read. 这无疑是我看过的最好的一本书。far away from 远离;只表示距离。far from 远离;远非;决非(可接名词、动名词或形容词) e.g. The reform is far from over. 改革远远没有结束。(2). far, by far far 通常用于修饰比较级by far 通常用于修饰最高级,当其修饰比较级时,一般放在比较级词的后面,如放在前面,应在二者之间加the e.g. 他现在好多了。


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