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PETRO-CANADA AND THE PATENTED HT PURITY PROCESSBASE OIL MANUFACTURE加拿大石油专利精制处理基础油生产Lubricant base oils are produced in a series of steps which are designed to enhance certain desirable properties. For paraffinic oils, these include viscosity index, oxidation resistance, thermal stability and low temperature fluidity.Starting from petroleum crude oil, the typical process for making a lubricantbase oil is as follows: Separation of lighter boiling materials, such as gasoline, diesel, etc. Distillation to give desired base oil viscosity grades Selective removal of impurities, such as aromatics and polar compounds Dewaxing to improve low temperature fluidity Finishing to improve oxidation resistance and heat stabilityGenerally both Solvent Refined and Hydrocracked base oils are manufactured this way, but differ in the processes used.润滑油基础油是经过一系列旨在提高某些特性的步骤后生产出来的。对石蜡基基础油来说,这些特性包括 粘度指数,抗氧化性,热稳定性和低温流动性。从原油开始,生产基润滑油基础油典型过程在以下几步: 。轻沸点材料的分离,比如汽油,柴油等被分离出来;。蒸馏得到所需要的基础油粘度等级;。选择性去除杂质,比如:芳烃和极性化合物;。脱蜡以提咼低温流动性;。最后提高抗氧性和热稳定性;通常溶剂精制和加氢裂化基础油的生产路径都是这样的,区别只是使用处理方法的不同。BASE OIL CLASSIFICAT ION基础油的分类Before reviewing how base oil is manufactured, we should explain theAmerican Petroleum Institutes (API) Base Oil Classification system. Forengine oils, the API system classifies base oils into five major groups, asshown below:上面回顾了基础油的生产过程,我们接下来说明API的基础油分类系统。针对发动机油,API分类系统中有 五个主要的级别:APIBase Oil CharacteristicsManufacturingGroupSulphurSaturates Viscosity IndexMethodWts %Wt, %VI10.039080-119Solvent RefinedII9080-119HydroprocessedIII90120 +Severely HydroprocessedIVPolyalpha Olefins (PAOs)OligomerizationVOther Base OilsVariousGroup I, or conventional base oils manufactured by Solvent Refining, make up most of the base oil produced in the world today. Containing more than 0.03 wt % Sulphur and less than 90 wt % Saturates, they are less pure than Hydroprocessed or Synthetic base oils. While these groups were originally intended to be used for engine oils, their usage has expanded beyond this area.Group II and III base oils are manufactured by what the API calls Hydroprocessing or Severe Hydroprocessing. These are just other names forPetro-Canadas Patented HT Purity Process. With Sulphur contents of less than 0.03 wt % and Saturates一类基础油或用溶剂精制生产的基础油,是今天世界上主要的基础油产品。包括含硫量超过3%和饱合烃 含量小于90%,他们的纯度低于加氢或是合成油。尽管这一组最初是设计用于发动机油,但现在他们的使 用拓展超过这一区域。二类油和三类油是用API称之为加氢处理或是重加氢处理方法制造。硫含量低于0.03%饱合烃含量大于等 于90%SOLVENT REFINING PROCESS 溶剂精制处理Initially, light oils such as gasoline, diesel, etc., are separated from crude petroleum by atmospheric distillation. The resulting material is charged to a vacuum distillation tower, where lubricant fractions of specific viscosity ranges are taken off. These fractions are then treated individually in a solvent extraction tower. A solvent such as furfural is mixed with them and extracts about 70-85% of the aromatic material present. The solvent extracted lube fraction is then dewaxed by chilling to a low temperature, which removes much of the wax. This improves the low temperature fluidity of the product. Finally, the dewaxed lube fractions are sometimes finished to improve their colour and stability, depending on the application requirements. One common method of finishing is mild hydrofinishing. This step should not be confused with Petro-Canadas Patented HT Purity Process, as conditions of temperature and pressure in hydrofinishing are mild and less effective. The API classifies the products of Solvent Refining as Group I base oils.最开始,轻油如汽油,柴油等,被从原油中通过汽提分离出来,其余材料被装入真空蒸馏塔。在这里润滑 油馏分被按照指定的粘度范围分开。这些馏分再在一个溶剂抽提塔中进行专门的处理。用糠醛等溶剂和它 们混合后去除其中75-85%的芳烃。溶剂精制后润滑油馏分进行低温冷落脱腊,以脱去大部分的石蜡。这 可以提高产品的低温流动性。最后,依照应用的要求,脱腊润滑油的馏分有时要修整提高他们的色度和稳 定性。修整的常见方法是轻度(补充)加氢精制。这一步与加拿大石油专用HT精制过程不会混淆的。因 为在加氢精制中的温度和压力条件都是轻微和作用不大的。API溶剂精制的产品等级做为一类基础油。Competitions Solvent Reflnlng/Extractlon ProcessCRUDE OILAtmospheric / Vacuum Distil latio nSolvent SolventExtractionSolventDewaxingCONVENTIONAL BASE 01IL(7035% PUREPETRO-CANADAS HT SEVERE HYDROCRACKING PROCESS加拿大石油深度加氢裂解工 艺In Petro-Canadas HT Severe Hydrocracking process, the elimination of aromatics and polar compounds is achieved by reacting the feedstock with hydrogen, in the presence of a catalyst at high temperatures and pressures. Several different reactions occur in this process, the principal ones being: Removal of polar compounds, containing sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen Conversion of aromatic hydrocarbons to saturated cyclic hydrocarbons Breaking up of heavy polycyclo-paraffins to lighter saturated hydrocarbons These reactions take place at temperatures as high as 400C , pressures around 3000 psi and in the presence of a catalyst. The hydrocarbon molecules that are formed are very stable and this makes them ideal for use as lubricant base oils. They are classified by the API as Group II base oils. There are two stages in the Petro-Canada Severe Hydrocracking process. The first one removes unwanted polar compounds and converts the aromatic components to saturated hydrocarbons. After separation into desired viscosity grades by vacuum distillation, batches of waxy lube base oil are chill dewaxed. These are then passed through a second high pressure hydro-treater for additional saturation. This final step maximizes base oil stability, by removing the last traces of aromatic and polar molecules.在加拿大石油HT深度加氢裂解工艺中,通过氢气与物料在高温高压环境和催化剂作用下的反应,芳烃和 极性化合物的去除是很完美的。此工艺中发生一系列不同的反应,最主要的是:。极性化合物的去除,包括硫,氮和氧;。芳烃转化为饱合环状烃;。打破重稠环链烷烃为较轻饱合烃;上述反应发生在400度高温和接近3000帕,和催化剂的作用下。这些成形后的烃分子是非常稳定的理想 的润滑油基础油成份。他们是API二类油的级别。在加拿大石油深度加氢裂化工艺中分为二段:首先去除无用的极性化合物,转换芳烃为饱合烃,裂解后经减压蒸馏得到需要的粘度等级,成批石蜡润滑 油基础油被冷榨脱蜡。然后经过一个高压加氢装置补充饱合。最后一步通过去除最后少量的芳烃和极性分 子来尽可能提高基础油的稳定性。HT SEVERE HYDROCRACKING/HYDROISOMERIZATION 深度加氢裂解和异构化In 1996, Petro-Canada completed a new base oil manufacturing unit to run in parallel with its existing base oil plant. This new unit utilizes the HT Severe Hydrocracking process, but replaces the chill dewaxing step with the more modern and efficient wax conversion process . HydroIsomerization.The HydroIsomerization process employs a special catalyst to selectively isomerize wax (n-paraffin mixture) to high VI, low pour point, iso-paraffinic lube oil. The process yields base oils with higher VIs and improved yields, compared to previous conventional dewaxing techniques. The process is capable of giving 130 VI base fluids, in a single pass. More usually, it is set up to produce high viscosity index (Group II) base oils with VIs ranging from 95 to 105 or unconventional (Group 11+ and III) base fluids with VIs ranging from 115 to 130. A further process feature is the flexibility it offers to produce base oils with ultra low pour points . lower than - 25C.Petro-Canada employs HydroIsomerization dewaxing in conjunction with HT Severe Hydrocracking and as a result its base oils have the following attractive features: Very High Viscosity Index (100 to 130) Low Volatility Excellent Oxidation Resistance High Thermal Stability Excellent Low Temperature Fluidity Low ToxicityThese features give performance characteristics very similar to lubricants based on poly-alpha-olefin (PAO), a type of synthetic.1996年,加拿大石油完成的一套新的基础油生产单元运行与原有的基础油装置作比较,新单元采用深度加 氢裂解工艺,并用更加现代和先进石蜡转换工艺-加氢异构化来代替原有冷榨脱蜡工艺。加氢异构化工艺采用一种特殊催化剂选择性异构化石蜡(正构烷烃状态)得到高粘度指数,低倾点,异构 烷烃润滑油。与上述传统的脱蜡技术相比,这一工艺产出的基础油具有更高的粘度指数和更高的产量。该 工艺可以一次加工生产出粘度指数高达130的液态基础油。通常情况下,可以生产粘度指数范围从95-115 二类高粘度指数基础油或优异的II+/III类基础油(指数115-130)。进一步工艺特点是灵活性,可以提供超 低倾点,低至-25度以下的基础油。加拿大石油采用加氢异构化脱蜡和深度加氢裂解一起使用,因此他的基础油具有以下优秀的性能:。很高的粘度指数(100-130)。低挥发性。优异的抗氧化性;。优良的热稳定性;。优秀的低温流动性;。低毒性;这些特征提供的性能和表现与PAO,合成基础油非常接近。Hydrocracker Hydro Isomerization High Pressure Wax Conversi onHydroTreate-rVacuumDistillationPetro-Canada Two-Stage Severe Hydrocracking/Hydrolsomerization ProcessSYNTHETIC BASE FLUID(99.9% PURE)COMPARISON OF THE PRODUCTS OF PATENTED HT PURITY PROCESS AND SOLVENTREFINING专用精制工艺与溶剂精制产品的比较BASE OILSThere are significant differences in certain characteristics between HTSeverely Hydrocracked and Solvent Refined base oils. The main reason forthe difference lies in the virtual elimination of aromatic molecules (less than0.5%) in our HT Purity Process. HT Severely Hydrocracked base oils aretermed 99.5+% Pure. In comparison, the aromatics content of SolventRefined oils is somewhere between 10-30% so Solvent Refined base oils are considerably less pure.Characteristic Significant DifferenceCOLOURHT Severely Hydrocracked base oils are clear and colourlessVISCOSITY INDEXHT Severely Hydrocracked base oils have high VIs so they thin-out less at high temperatures. OXIDATION RESISTANCEHT Severely Hydrocracked base oils respond very well to anti-oxidants and so have superior resistance to oxidation and a longer lubricant life in finished products.THERMAL STABILITYHT Severely Hydrocracked base oils have very good resistance to heat.CARBON RESIDUEHT Severely Hydrocracked base oils produce low residues.DEMULSIBILITYHT Severely Hydrocracked oils separate readily from water.LOW TOXICITYHT Severely Hydrocracked base oils have low toxicity, due to a virtual absence of impurities.Petro-Canada White Oils are pure enough to be used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. BIODEGRADABILITYHT Severely Hydrocracked base oils have biodegradability characteristics.。基础油 在深度加氢裂解和溶剂精制基础油之间在某些性能上有得多重要的差异。差异的主要的原因在于在我们的 专有工艺中明显去除芳烃分子(芳烃含量小于0.5%)。HT深度加氢裂解基础油被称为“99.5%纯油”相 比较而言,溶剂精制油的芳烃含量在10-30%之间,因此溶剂精制基础油非常不纯的。特性显著差异:。颜色:深度加氢裂解基础油无色透明的;。粘度指数:深度加氢裂解基础油具有高粘度指数,因此高温油的粘度变化较小。抗氧化性:深度加氢裂解基础油对抗氧剂的感受性好,因此有良好的抗氧化性,以及相应延长成品油的润滑生命总期。 。热稳定性:深度加氢裂解基础油有良好的抗热性。残炭:深度加氢裂解基础油产品低残炭;。抗乳化性:深度加氢裂解基础油可以很快的与水分离;。低毒性:深度加氢裂解基础油具有低毒性。得益于有害成分的显著减少。该工艺所产白油足够纯净以用于化妆品和 医药。生物降解能力深度加氢裂解基础油具有生物降解能力。


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