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Lessom 51.pigeon n. 鸽子(信鸽,肉鸽)dove 和平鸽dove of peace和平鸽homing-pigeon信鸽carrier-pigeon 信鸽ones pigeon: 某人的职责或责任or: ones business or responsibility某人的职责或责任eg. I dont care where the money comes from. Thats not my pigeon.我可不关心钱是从哪里来的,那不是我的责任。2. message n. 信息,口信 Ceg. A pigeon carried the urgent message from the front.一只鸽子从前线捎回紧急信息。eg. Pigeons carried messages between his two garages.一些鸽子在两个修车铺之间传递信息。take a message for sb 为.捎口信leave sb a message 为.留口信get the message 俚 明白,理解,领悟(别人的暗示)eg. She said it was getting late, I got the message and left.她说天已经晚了,我立刻明白然后就离开了。区别:1. message C2. information U 情报,资料,信息a piece of information 一条信息information technology ( IT ) 信息技术information science 信息科学3. news U 消息,新闻,报道a piece of news 一条消息newspaper C 报纸3. cover1) n. (书刊的)封皮cover-girl 封面女郎read a book from cover to cover read a book from beginning to end.把一本书从头读到尾。2) n. 掩盖物,覆盖物,罩子,套子eg. The seatcover is made of leather. 这个座套是皮革的。3) v. 掩盖或遮盖某物eg. Cover the table with a table cloth. 用一块桌布把桌子盖上。eg. She covered her face with hands. 她用手把脸捂上了。eg. He laughed to cover his nervousness. 他大笑起来以掩盖自己的紧张。4) v. 走过一段路程,越过,完成,看完eg. I covered 50 pages in an hour. 我一小时读完了50页书。eg. The pigeon covered the distance in 3 minutes. 鸽子在3分钟内飞完全程。eg. The Red Army covered 25,000 Li during the Long March.长征期间,红军走完了25000里的路程。4. distance n. 距离,间距eg. Its a great distance from here. 那里离这很远。eg. Its some distance from here. 那里离这相当远。eg. Its no distance from here. 那里离这不远。eg. The church is within walking distance from my home.那座教堂离我家走路就到。eg. If you have friends who know your heart, distance cannot keep you apart.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。keep ones distance from others 保持距离eg. A British always keeps his distance from others.一个英国人总是与别人保持距离。in the distance: far away 远方,远处;在远方distant adj. 远隔的,遥远的或远亲的eg. He is my distant nephew. 他是我远房的侄子。a distant village: a remote village v. 一个遥远的小村庄5.request n./v. 要求,请求1) n. request for sth 对.的要求,请求make repeated requests for help 一再发出求救的要求send requests for spare parts 发出索取配件的要求at sbs request 应.请求at sbs invitation 应.邀请eg. At American governments invitation, President Hu Jintao will visit the U.S.A. next month. 应美国政府的邀请,胡锦涛主席下个月将访问美国。2) v.request sth from sb 向要;向.要求request sth of sb向要;向.要求eg. The boy requested pocket money from his parents. 那个男孩想父母要零花钱。request sb to do.要求做 (formal)want sb to do.想让.做ask sb to do.让做request sb to do.主要用于庄重的讲话和文字中,常用于通告中,多用于被动态。eg. Dear Sir, I have been requested to inform you that.敬启者,兹通知阁下6. spare1) adj. 多余的,剩余的,备用的spare parts 备件eg. Do you have a spare wheel in your car? 你的车上有备用的轮胎吗?eg. Ive have a spare room in the flat. 我的公寓里有个备用的房间。eg. I have no spare money to lend you. 我没有闲钱借给你。2) adj. 空闲的,未占用的spare time 空闲时间eg. I have no spare time this month. 这个月我没有空。3) v. 饶恕,宽恕spare sb ( let sb off) 饶恕某人eg. Spare me, please, I wont do it again. 求求你饶恕我,我再也不干那事了。4) v. (为某人某事)提供(时间,金钱),拨出,分开eg. Can you spare me a few minutes? 我能占用你几分钟吗?eg. I have no time to spare now. 我现在没有空闲时间。eg. Spare the rod and spoil the child/kid. 棍棒出孝子;孩子不打不成器。形容词spare和动词 spare的区别:eg. I cannot spare the time. 我花不起时间。eg. I have no time to spare. 我没有时间。eg. I cannot buy spare parts for this car. 我买不着这辆车的配件。eg. There is a spare room in this house. 在这栋房子里有一间空房。eg. Caligula spared the slaves life. 卡里格勒饶了那个奴隶的命。用spare的形容词形式或动词形式来替换句子中的单词或短语:1.There is an axtra wheel in the back of the car.There is a spare wheel in the back of the car.车子后面有只备用轮胎。2.I always go on excursion in my free time.I always go on excursion in my spare time.我总是在闲暇时间去远足。3. ”Have you any old clothes that you do not want?” he asked.”Have you any old clothes to spare?” he asked.”Have you any old clothes that you can spare?” he asked.“你有没有你不穿的旧衣服?”他问道。4.The guest slept in the room we do not use.The guest slept in the spare room.客人住在我们闲置的房间里。5.”Do not kill me!” begged the prisoner.”Spare me!” begged the prisoner.“饶了我吧!”那个囚徒乞求说。service n. 业务,服务service center 服务中心banking and insurance service 银行及保险业务telephone sevice 电话业务his service to the country 他为国家做出的贡献bears service 帮倒忙serve v.serve sb 为服务serve the people 为人民服务serve the customers 为顾客服务课文讲解garage1) 车房,汽车库,汽车间a house with a separate garage 另设汽车房的房子a house with a built-in garage 附设汽车房的房子eg. He has not been able to get his car into his garage even once.他甚至一次都没能把汽车开进车库。2) (兼作汽车维修等的)加油站 (in U.S. service station)a garage mechanic 加油站技工garage sale (U.S.) 将不想要的东西置于自己的汽车车厢中出售car-boot sale (Br) 将不想要的东西置于自己的汽车车厢中出售oneanother 一个, 又一个onethe other (两者中的)一个,另一个On the other hand; on the other hand一方面;另一方面(用以引导出相互矛盾的观点、意见等)eg. On the other hand you accept his gift; on the other hand, you are rude to him, what really is your attitude to him? 一方面你接受他的礼物,另一方面对他非常粗鲁,你到底什么态度?eg. I have two brothers. One is 16, and the other is 12.我有两个兄弟,一个16岁,另一个12岁。eg. I dont like this shirt. Give me another. 我不喜欢这件衬衫,给我拿另一件。eg. Would you like to have another piece of apple pie? 再来一块苹果派吗?as American as apple pie 完全美国化eg. My home is in walking distance fome here. 我们家离这里很近,走路就到了。eg. How far (away) is the railway station from here? 火车站离这儿有多远?eg. Not very far. Only five miles or so. 不很远,只有5英里左右。eg. It is not far from here. 离这儿不远。carry : ( take from one place to the other ) (搬,提,拿,抱。抬,背,带,运,送等)eg. He was carrying a box on his shoulder. 他扛着一只箱子。eg. The wounded men were carried away. 伤员们被抬走了。eg. The monkey carried her baby on her back. 这猴子背着小猴子。eg. The woman carried a baby in her arms. 那位妇女抱着一个孩子。fromto 从.到from 9 oclock am to 5 oclock pm ( business hours ) 从早上九点到下午五点(营业时间)from morning to night 或 from morning till night 从早到晚from door to door 挨门挨户地eg. I am looking for my dog from door to door. 我在挨门挨户地找我的狗。from China to Peru(秘鲁)遍天下,处处eg. I have friends from China to Peru. 我的朋友遍天下。from hand to mouth 仅够糊口,现挣现花covered the distance 飞完全程cover : 飞完eg. He covered 50 miles in a little under two hours. 他差一点两小时内走完了50英里。up to now 迄今为止: up till now; so far; up to present通常搭配现在完成时eg. Up to now, he has never spoken a word of English. 到现在为止,他没说过一个英文词汇。eg. Up to now, the work has been easy. 在现在为止,工作一直很容易。up to/till 到为止,直到eg. Up to the fourth night we had experienced no bad weather.到了第四个晚上,我一直没有遇到恶劣的天气。eg. Up till last summer, we always went to the beach for our vacation.一直到去年夏天为止,我们总是到海边度假。eg. Its up to you. 由你决定(口语)a great many + ( pl.) 谓语动词复数:许多a number of ( pl.) 谓语动词复数:许多many a + 单数可数n. 谓语动词单数eg. Many a student is found of films. 许多学生都喜欢电影。other pron1) (作定语)另外的,别的,其他的eg. Im busy now, ask me about it some other time. 我现在正忙着呢,其它时间再来问我吧。eg. There are other ways of doing it. 有其它方法做这件事。2) (作主语或宾语)另一个,另外(几个);另外的人或物eg. We got home by 6 oclock, but the others didnt get back until about 8 oclock.我们六点钟就到家了,但其他人大约八点钟才回到家。eg. Some like milk chocolate, others prefer plain chocolate.有些人喜欢牛奶,有些人喜欢纯巧克力eg. What I say goes in at one ear and out at the other.我所说的话,一只耳朵进去,一只耳朵出来urgent adj. 紧急的,迫切的an urgent message 紧急消息an urgent case 紧急情况an urgent cry 紧急呼救urgency u n. 紧急,迫切eg. This is a problem of great urgency. 这是一个非常迫切的问题。own1) v. 拥有have; possess2) adj. 自己的,个人的eg. I dream of owning my own house. 我梦想着拥有自己的房子。eg. I saw it with my own eyes. 我亲眼看到的。eg. Our children have grown up and have children of their own.我们的孩子已经长大,而且已经有了自己的孩子eg. Mind your own business. 管好你自己的事。Special Difficultiesin the wayeg. Please move this chair. It is in the way 请挪一下这把椅子,它把路给挡了。eg. Do your work in the way I have shown you 按我给你示范的方法来做这项工作。on the wayeg. On the way to the station, I bought some chocolate. 在去车站的路上,我买了一些巧克力。on the way home 在回家的路上on the way to school 再去上学的路上on the way to work 在去上班的路上in this way 用这种方式eg. He saves old envelopes. In this way, he has collected a great many stamps.他搜集旧的信封,用这种方法,他收集了大量的邮票。in that way 用这种方式by the way 顺便问一问eg. By the way, have you seen Harry recently? 顺便说一下,你最近见到哈利吗?in a way 在某种意义上eg. In a way, it is an important book. 在某种意义上,这是一本很重要的书。get ones own way 随心所欲Exercises: 用带有way 的短语填空1. On the way from Athems to London, the plane stopped at Rome.在从雅典到伦敦的途中,飞机停在罗马。2. I cooked this in the way you showed me. 我用你教我的方法来烹饪这东西。3. By the way where is my coat? 顺便问一下,我的大衣在哪里?4. Yes, in a way he has been very successful. 是的,在某种意义上,他很成功。5. Children get their own way during the holidays. 孩子们在假期随心所欲。


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