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第三讲:句子种类根据英语句子的不同功用,英语句子可分为:陈述句、祈使句、感叹句、疑问句一 陈述句:肯定与否定 These are our books. These are not our books.His mother likes making kites. His mother doesnt like making kites.Frank will be a scientist in the future. Frank wont be a scientist in the future.二 祈使句:表示请求、命令、劝告或建议等的句子叫祈使句,通常省略主语you。Come in, please! 请进Close the window! 关窗!Stop smoking, please! 请不要吸烟!Dont be late! 不要迟到!Dont go there! 不要去那里!Let me try! 让我试试!Lets go home together! 让我们一起回家!三 感叹句:用what 与 how 来引导,句尾用感叹号!What a good idea! / How good the idea is! 多么棒的注意啊!What a beautiful girl! / How beautiful the girl is! 多么美的女孩儿啊!译:多么帅气的男孩儿啊! 四 疑问句 (1)一般疑问句,用Yes/No来回答 - Are you a student? - Yes, I am./ No, I am not.- Does your father work here? - Yes,he does. / No, he doesnt.- Can I sing a song? - Yes,you can. / No,you cant. (2)特殊疑问句特殊疑问词:什么 谁 什么时候 在哪里 为什么 怎么样 多大年纪 多长时间 多少钱 多少数量 - What do you like to do? - I like listen to music.- Who is that handsome boy with beautiful eyes? - Nick- When is your birthday? - On July forth.- Where did you go yesterday? - I went to the park.- Why are you late? - Because I missed the bus to school.- How is Franks mother? - She is pretty good.- How old are you? - Im one hundred and fifty. - How long will the meeting last? - For an hour.- How much is this book? - Its free.- How many diamonds do you have? - One hundred.(3) 反义疑问句- You are an alien, arent you? - Yes, I am. / No, Im not.- You love Mini, dont you? - Yes, I do. / No, I dont翻译:1. 读 read 大声地 aloud 起床 get up 每个 every 在之后 after Nick每个早晨起床后就大声读英语。 2. 希望做某事 hope to do sth. 见到 see 因为 because 思念 miss 我希望有一天见到你因为我思念你。 3. 今天 today 回去 come back 家 home 早地 early 今天我将会早点回家。 4. 打算做某事 plan to do sth 去游玩 take a trip to 八月 August 八月份我打算去广州游玩。 5. 摘 pick 玫瑰 rose 花园 garden Frank正在花园里摘玫瑰。 6. 为什么 why 帮助 help 戴着 with 帽子 hat 你为什么帮助那个戴着红色帽子男人? 7. 为什么 why 如此 so 悲伤 sad 我不知道她为什么如此悲伤。 8. 什么时候 when 睡觉 go to bed 上一个的,昨天 last 晚上 night 你昨晚什么时候睡觉的? 9. 多少钱 How much 表 watch 手上 on sbs hand 你手上带的表多少钱? 10. 想做某事 want to do sth 走 walk 出去 out 但是 but 使受伤 hurt 脚 leg Nick想走出去但是他伤到脚了。


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