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Course Orientation,TPR (Grade A-B),OXFORD ENGLISH (Grade1-6),NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH (Grade1-4),TOEFL / IELTS / SAT,JUNIOR NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH (Grade1-3),Target Group 教授对象,Suitable for the kids from 4 to 6 years old. Most of the kids havent learned any English before. 适合于4-6岁儿童。大部分儿童是没有英语基础的。,TPR English,TPR Teaching Goals教授目标,TPR-A Goals 教授目标 The kids could master all the 26 letters and some simple everyday expressions. 学完后,可学会26个字母的书写和一些日常用语。 TPR-B Goals 教授目标 The kids could master more than 100 words and some simple everyday expressions. 学完后,掌握100多个单词和一些日常用语。,TPR Introduction 课程概述,1. TPR consists of two books, TPR-A and TPR-B. TPR共分为A,B两册。 2. Every book has 11 units, each of which has 2 lessons. 每册书有11个单元,每个单元有2课,共22课。 3. Each class lasts 2 hours with 10 minutes break, covering one lesson. 每次课为2个小时(中间休息10分钟),每次讲授1课。 4. Finishing all lessons followed with a test and a test review. 在所有课文学习完后,会有1次考试和一次考试讲解。 5. 24 classes will be needed to finish each book. 每册书合计为24次课讲解完毕。,TPR Textbooks 教材,TPR-A: Level 1,TPR-B: Level 2-Same as TPR-A Level 1,Unit 1-Topic 1 Unit 2-Topic 2 Unit 11-Topic 11,Lesson 1- The 1st class (2 hours) Lesson 2- The 2nd class (2 hours),Lesson 3- The 3rd class (2 hours) Lesson 4- The 4th class (2 hours),Lesson 21- The 21th class (2 hours) Lesson 22- The 22th class (2 hours),Test - The 23th class (2 hours) Test Review - The 24th class (2 hours),1. Every foreign teacher will be assisted by a teaching assistance (TA). 每位外教配备一名助教。协助外教的工作。 2. The teacher is supposed to spend the first 1020 minutes every class to review the contents of last class and the last 10 minutes to review and summarize the contents. 教师要在每次课的前十至二十分钟复习上节课内容,然后开始新课,最后十分钟归纳总结此次课的内容。 3. The teacher is supposed to check students homework during the break or during the class. 在课间或上课的时候,要批改上次课布置的作业。 4. At the end of each class, the teacher (assisted by TA) will hand out students homework. 在课程的最后,要给学生发放作业(通常由助教完成)。,About the class 有关上课,Some Teaching Tips 教课的几点建议,1. Every unit, consisting of two lessons, covers one topic. The second lesson is mainly about exercises to consolidate and extend the preceding lesson. 每单元包括两课,围绕一个主题展开,第二课是对第一课的巩固和拓展。 2. Covering 6 pages, every lesson has the same structure, so the teaching steps of the first lesson of every unit is almost the same. While the second lesson of every unit is used to consolidate the preceding lesson. 每课都有六页,每个单元的第一课的教学步骤相同,而第二课都是练习课,用来巩固上节课所学的内容。,3. The teacher is supposed to teach the students by making use of body languages, pictures and so on, encourage the students to speak and correct their pronunciations. 教师充分利用肢体语言、图片和实物等让学生明白掌握所学知识,多鼓励学生开口说,并及时纠正其发音。 4. TPR Games:1. Make the face 2. Catch the ball 3. Simon says 4. Sing the song 5. Throw the ball in the circle et al. TPR 教师可以参考的游戏有如下5种。1. 制作脸 ; 2. 抓球; 3. Simon说; 4. 唱英文歌; 5. 扔球,Teaching Steps,Take the first lesson as an example, the 6 teaching steps as follow: 以第一课为例,具体的教学步骤如下:6步,Sentences about everyday English 日常对话 Page1,2. The new words 生词 Page2,3. Playing games with English 做游戏来感受英语 Page 3,4. Listening exercise 听力练习 Page 4,5. Hands-on exercises 动手练习 Page 5,6. Letters or Sing songs 字母或儿歌 Page 6,Target Group 教授对象,Suitable for the primary school students from grade 1 to 6. Most of the kids have learned some English before. 适合于小学一年级至六年级的小学生。大部分有一定的英语基础。,Oxford English,Oxford English Introduction 课程概述,1. Oxford English consists of six levels, with each level has two books, A and B. 牛津英语共分为6级,每级有A,B两册书。 2. Each class lasts 2 hours with 10 minutes break. 每次课为2个小时,中间休息10分钟。 3. Finishing all lessons followed with a test and a test review. 在所有课文学习完后,会有1次考试和一次考试讲解。,Oxford English Textbooks 教材,1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 6A 6B,grade 1 of elementary school适用于小学一年级,grade 2 of elementary school适用于小学二年级,grade 3 of elementary school适用于小学三年级,grade 4 of elementary school适用于小学四年级,grade 5 of elementary school适用于小学五年级,grade 6 of elementary school适用于小学六年级,The 1A/1B/2A/2B textbook is accompanied with one exercise book. Besides exercise books, the higher level textbooks are accompanied with grammar books. 1A/1B/2A/2B的每本教材都有相应的一本练习册,但高年级的每本教材,除了有练习册外,都还有相应的一本语法练习册。 2. The first 1020 minutes of every class: Review last class 每节课前1020分钟复习上节所学内容 3. The last 10 minutes of every class: summarize this class 每节最后10分钟归纳总结此次课的内容 4. Teaching with the assistance of playing games and doing exercise book. 课堂教学中穿插游戏和练习辅助教学 5. The homework will be assigned after every class, which will be checked on the next class. 老师每次课都会布置作业,下次上课时批改。,Oxford English Textbooks,1A/1B/2A/2B,1A Structure,Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 8 Unit 9: Revision,1A, 1B, 2A and 2B textbooks all have the same structure, with 8 units to cover new knowledge and the 9th unit as a revision unit. The contents of each book are on the first page. Take 1A as an example, the textbook structure and contents are shown as follows: 1A, 1B, 2A 和 2B教材的结构均相同,前8个单元是新课的学习,第九个单元是复习单元。每本书的主要内容见其课本第一页。以1A为例,教材的结构和内容如下所示:,1A Contents,Lets act: train the students ability of speaking and performing by playing games. 我们表演:锻炼学生说和做的能力 Lets talk: practice sentences 我们说:练习句型 Lets learn: learn the vocabularies 我们学:学习词汇 Lets play: consolidate vocabularies by playing games 我们玩:通过游戏的方式巩固词汇 Lets enjoy: consolidate the contents by singing, telling stories and saying tongue-twisters 我们娱乐:通过唱歌、讲故事、说绕口令等来娱乐,巩固所学的内容,Teaching Steps教学步骤,Everyday expressions (Lets act The second lesson includes pronunciation, pattern practice, written exercises, listening and so on. 每级分为A、B两册书,每册由15个单元组成,每个单元有两课:第一课包括课文、对话练习等;第二课包括语音、句型练习、书面练习、听力练习等。 2. Each volume (A or B) a total of 17 weeks (about 4 months), 34 hours. Each level (8.5 months) a total of 34 weeks ,68 hours. Ministry of Science entirely Junior New Concept English sharing of 102 weeks , about two years. 每册书(A或B)共17周(约4个月),34小时。 每级共计34周(8.5个月),68个小时。 新概念青少版全部学完共用102周,约为两年时间。,3.Each textbook is accompanied with one exercise book, designed 3 pages of written exercises for each unit . 每本教材都有相应的一本练习册,为每单元设计了3页的书面练习。 4. Six volumes of the Junior New Concept English, teachers will teach all the grammar junior secondary. And in the vocabulary, knowledge, and practical aspects have to be more than junior secondary English textbooks. 六册新概念青少版,教师将讲授初中阶段的所有语法知识。并且在词汇量、知识面及实用性等方面均要超过初中阶段的英语教材。,Mainly on basic grammar, such as nouns, basic sentence structure, pronouns ,etc. 主要讲解基本语法知识,如名词,句子基本结构,代词等。,Junior New Concept English 1 (AB),Teaching content: covers the 5 major basic tenses, such as the present tense, future tense, present continuous tense, past tense and be going to future tense , etc. 教学内容:涵盖5大时态,如一般现在时,一般将来时,现在进行时,一般过去时,be going to 将来时等。,Junior New Concept English 2 (AB),Junior New Concept English 3(AB),Teaching content : cover the present perfect tense, passive voice, direct / indirect speech ,etc. 教学内容:涵盖现在完成时,被动语态,直接间接引语等。,New Concept English 新概念,Target Group 教授对象,Book 1: Suitable for the elementary students of Grade 5 or 6 and junior middle school students 第一册:适合小学五、六年级学生或初中生 Book 2: Suitable for both junior and senior middle school students 第二册:适合初中生或高中生 Book 3: Suitable for senior middle school students and college students 第三册:适合高中生或大学生 Book 4: Suitable for senior middle school students and college students 第四册:适合高中生或大学生,New Concept English Introduction 课程概述,1. New Concept English consists of four levels. 新概念英语共分为4级。 2. Each class lasts 2 hours with 10 minutes break. 每次课为2个小时,中间休息10分钟。 3. Finishing all lessons followed with a test and a test review. 在所有课文学习完后,会有1次考试和一次考试讲解。,Book 1 is only taught by local teachers at present. 目前新一只有中教班。 Book 2 and Book 3 could be taught by local teachers or foreign teachers, but they have different teaching focuses. 新二和新三分为中教班和外教班,但二者的教学侧重点不同。 Book 4 is only taught by foreign teachers at present. 目前新四只有外教班。,Local teacher: focus on systematically explaining grammars Foreign teacher: focus on improving the students oral English,New Concept English 1,1. Students could master 48 phonetic symbols 熟练掌握音标 2. By memorizing new words and lessons, students could command daily conversations. 熟记单词,掌握课文内容,可进行简单的日常对话 3. Students have a preliminary understanding and commanding of grammars, such as sentence tense, some subordinate clauses, infinitives et al. 初步了解并运用语法知识,包括时态、一些从句、不定式等,Detailed Goals 具体目标,General Goal: The teachers efforts should be directed at improving students level of listening, speaking, reading and writing by let students acquire grammar rules. 总目标:打好坚实的语法知识基础,训练学生的听、说、读和写的能力。,The New Concept English 1 is accompanied with one exercise book, which could be assigned as homework. 新概念1的教材有相应的一本练习册,可以作为学生的家庭作业。 2. The first 1020 minutes of every class: Review last class 每节课前1020分钟复习上节所学内容 3. The last 10 minutes of every class: summarize this class 每节最后10分钟归纳总结此次课的内容 4. Students are supposed to take an exam following every four lessons, and teacher will check it during the break. 每学完四课,会有一个小测试,教师在课间批改试卷。 5. The homework about each lesson will be assigned after every class, which will be checked during the break. 老师每次课都会布置与课文相关的作业,下次上课时课间批改。,Book 1,Book 1 Course Schedule-Local Teacher,Book 1,Unit 1- Lesson 1-36 Test unit 1 - 2 hours Unit 2- Lesson 37-72 Test unit 2 - 2 hours Unit 3- Lesson 73-108 Test unit 3 - 2 hours Unit 4- Lesson 109-114 Test book 1 - 2 hours,The teacher is supposed to cover one lesson in an hour. So the number of the total class is 76, and the all teaching hour is 152. 每小时讲一课,共上76次课,总课时为152。,Unit 1 (Lesson 1-36),Teaching Contents: 教学内容 1. Practice daily conversations 进行日常打招呼,做对话练习 2. Introduce phonetic symbols / 音标入门 3. Affirmative sentence, negative sentence, interrogative sentence 肯定句、否定句、疑问句等 4. Personal pronouns / 人称代词 5. There be sentence / There be 句型 6. Adjectives and articles / 形容词、冠词 7. Modal verb- must / 情态动词must 8. Present progressive tense / 现在进行时,Unit 2 (Lesson 37-72),Teaching Contents: 教学内容 1. General future tense - be going to do 一般将来时 be going to do 2. Imperative sentence/ 祈使句 3. Uncountable /不可数名词 4. Modal verb- can / 情态动词can 5. Compare and contrast general present tense and present progressive tense / 一般现在时与现在进行时的比较 6. Ordinal words / 序数词 7. Alternative questions / 选择疑问句 8. Reflexives / 反身代词 9. Expressions of time / 钟点表达法 10. Rules about at/on/in/from / at/on/in/from的用法 11. General past tense / 一般过去时 12. Verb phrases / 动词短语 13. Frequency adverbs / 频率副词,Unit 3 (Lesson 73-108),Teaching Contents:教学内容 1. Adverbs / 副词 2. Negative interrogative sentence/ 否定疑问句 3. Present perfect tense /现在完成时 4. General future tense - will to train the students systematically to write English. That is , to train the students in all four skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing - in that order. 总目标: 为听/说练习提供合适的材料,并可系统地训练学生的写作能力,也就是全面训练学生的4项技能:理解、口语、阅读、写作按此顺序训练。,Book 2 Introduction,Book 2,Unit 1- Review Book 1 第一单元:复习第一册内容 Unit 2- Compound sentence, complex sentence, non-predicate forms like gerund, to-infinitive, V-ing/V-ed 第二单元:学习并列句、复合句、动词的非谓语形式如动名词、动词不定式、分词 Unit 3- Learn non-predicate forms further, exchange between clauses and non-predicate forms 第三单元:进一步学习非谓语动词,非谓语动词与从句间的转换 Unit 4- Summarize Book 2, review all sentence patterns of the previous three chapters 第四单元:总结第二册,复习前三章的所有句型,Book 2 Course Schedule-Local Teacher,Book 2,Unit 1- Lesson 1-24 Test unit 1 - 2 hours Unit 2- Lesson 25-48 Test unit 2 - 2 hours Unit 3- Lesson 49-72 Test unit 3 - 2 hours Unit 4- Lesson 73-96 Test book 2 - 2 hours,The teacher is supposed to cover one or two lessons in an hour according to the average English level of students. 教师根据学生的英语水平每小时讲一至两课。,Book 2 Course Schedule-Foreign Teacher,Book 2,Unit 1- Lesson 1-24 Unit 2- Lesson 25-48 Unit 3- Lesson 49-72 Unit 4- Lesson 73-96,1. The foreign teacher is supposed to cover one lesson in two hours. So the number of the total class is 96, and the all teaching hour is 192. 外籍教师每两小时讲一课,共上96次课,总课时为192。 2. There is no test. 没有考试。,3. Train the students speaking ability so that students could express their ideas fluently. 训练学生的口语能力使其能够流利地表达个人观点。 4. Please keep in mind that the teacher is supposed to explain new vocabularies and lessons to students! 请注意的是,老师讲课的内容必须涵盖单词和课文!,New Concept English 3,General Goal: The course sets out to do two things: to provide material which will be suitable for aural and oral practice; to train the students systematically to write English. That is , to train the students in all four skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing - in that order. 总目标: 为听/说练习提供合适的材料,并可系统地训练学生的写作能力,也就是全面训练学生的4项技能:理解、口语、阅读、写作按此顺序训练。,Book 3 Introduction,Book 3,Unit 1- Consolidate grammars and vocabularies of Book 2 and study these further; students could express their own opinions fluently by applying various vocabularies and sentence patterns. 第一单元:巩固第二册的语法与词汇,并在此基础上扩展和深化;用学过的词汇与句型,学生可以流利地表达自己的观点 Unit 2- Broaden the students vocabularies and grammars 第二单元:进一步扩展词汇与语法 Unit 3- Review and summarize Book 3 第三单元:复习总结第三册,Book 3 Course Schedule-Local Teacher,Book 3,Unit 1- Lesson 1-20 Test unit 1 - 2 hours Unit 2- Lesson 21-40 Test unit 2 - 2 hours Unit 3- Lesson 41-60 Test book 3 - 2 hours,The teacher is supposed to cover one lesson in two hours. So the number of the total class is 60, and the all teaching hour is 120. 教师每两小时讲一课,共上60次课,总课时为120。,Book 3 Course Schedule-Foreign Teacher,Book 3,1. The foreign teacher is supposed to cover one lesson in two hours. So the number of the total class is 60, and the all teaching hour is 120. 外籍教师每两小时讲一课,共上60次课,总课时为120。 2. There is no test. 没有考试。,Unit 1- Lesson 1-20 Unit 2- Lesson 21-40 Unit 3- Lesson 41-60,3. Train the students speaking ability so that students could express their ideas fluently. 训练学生的口语能力使其能够流利地表达个人观点。 4. Please keep in mind that the teacher is supposed to explain new vocabularies and lessons to students! 请注意的是,老师讲课的内容必须涵盖单词和课文!,New Concept English 4,General Goal: Train the students speaking ability so that students could express their ideas fluently. 总目标: 训练学生的口语能力使其能够流利地表达个人观点。,Please keep in mind that the teacher is supposed to explain new vocabularies and lessons to students! 请注意的是,老师讲课的内容必须涵盖单词和课文!,Book 4 Course Schedule-Foreign Teacher,Book 4,The foreign teacher is supposed to cover one lesson in two hours. So the number of the total class is 48, and the all teaching hour is 96. 外籍教师每两小时讲一课,共上48次课,总课时为96。 There is no test. 没有考试。,Unit 1- Lesson 1-8 Unit 2- Lesson 9-16 Unit 3- Lesson 17-24 Unit 4- Lesson 25-32 Unit 5- Lesson 33-40 Unit 6- Lesson 41-48,Study Abroad Courses 留学课程,TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language IELTS: International English Language Testing System SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test,TOEFL,Reading Listening Speaking Writing,3 academic passages (60min) or 5 academic passages (90min),2 conversations + 4 lectures (60min) or 3 conversations + 6 lectures (100min),Independent tasks - Question 1, 2 Integrated tasks - Question 3, 4, 5, 6,20min,Integrated task - 25min Independent task - 30min,Total Time: 4 hours Total Score: 120,TOEFL Course Schedule,These four skills are taught by four different teachers respectively. 这四项技能分别由四位不同的老师教授。 TOEFL course could be divided into 2 or 3 levels, that is, the basic course (Level 1) and the advanced course (Level 2). 托福课程可分为2级或3级,也就是基础课程和提高课程。 Each teacher has his/her class every two weeks, and covers one unit every class. 每位老师每两周上一次课,每次课讲解一个单元。,TOEFL Level 1,Reading: 12 classes, 24 teaching hours Listening: 12 classes, 24 teaching hours Speaking: 12 classes, 24 teaching hours Writing: 12 classes, 24 teaching hours,Total class: 48 Total hours: 96 (24 weeks),TOEFL Level 2: the same as Level 1,IELTS,Reading Listening Speaking Writing,- 3 Academic Passages (60min),- Dialogue + Monologue (40min),Self-introduction Long Talk,1015min,Report Writing - 20min Essay Writing - 40min,Total Time: 2h45min Total Score: 9,IELTS Course Schedule,These four skills are taught by four different teachers respectively. 这四项技能分别由四位不同的老师教授。 IELTS course could be divided into 2 or 3 levels, that is, the basic course (Level 1) and the advanced course (Level 2). 雅思课程可分为2级或3级,也就是基础课程和提高课程。,IELTS Level 1,Reading: 6 classes, 12 teaching hours Listening: 6 classes, 12 teaching hours Speaking: 6 classes, 12 teaching hours Writing: 6 classes, 12 teaching hours,Total class: 24 Total hours: 48 (12 weeks),IELTS Level 2: the same as Level 1,SAT,Critical Reading: 3 sections (70min) Writing: 3 sections (60min) Math: 3 sections (70min) Experimental section: MathWritingCritical Reading (25 min),Total Time: 3h45min Total Score: 2400,SAT Critical Reading Introduction SAT阅读部分介绍,SAT Writing Introduction SAT写作部分介绍,SAT Math Introduction SAT数学部分介绍,SAT Course Schedule,Reading, writing, math and vocabulary are taught by four different teachers respectively. 阅读、写作、数学和词汇分别由四位不同的老师教授。 SAT course could be divided into 2 or 3 levels, that is, the basic course (Level 1) and the advanced course (Level 2). SAT课程可分为2级或3级,也就是基础课程和提高课程。 Each teacher has his/her class every two weeks. 每位老师每两周上一次课。,SAT Level 1,Reading: 6 classes, 12 teaching hours Writing: 6 classes, 12 teaching hours Math: 6 classes, 12 teaching hours Vocabulary: 6 classes, 12 teaching hours,Total class: 24 Total hours: 48 (12 weeks),SAT Level 2: the same as Level 1,


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