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第18期,八年级,Contents,4,1,2,3,5,Comprehensive Exercise 3,Listening and Oral Practice,Guide and Go,Step by Step,Yesterday Once More,Listening and Oral Practice,返回,I. 听录音,从A、B、C选项中选出你所听到的句子。,返回,1. A. We take exams every term. B. We take exams every month. C. We take exams every year.,I. 听录音,从A、B、C选项中选出你所听到的句子。,返回,2. A. I will wait for you at the railway station. B. I will wait for you at the bus station. C. I will meet you at the railway station.,I. 听录音,从A、B、C选项中选出你所听到的句子。,返回,3. A. We should have a talk. B. We should talk about the problem. C. We should talk it over.,II. 听录音,在A,B、C选项中选出与你听到的句子的意思最相近的句子。,返回,1. A. I lost Wendys book, so she was angry with me. B. Wendy was angry because I didnt lend her the book. C. I took Wendys book by mistake, so she was angry.,Wendy was angry with me because I lost her book.,II. 听录音,在A,B、C选项中选出与你听到的句子的意思最相近的句子。,返回,2. A. I dont like summer at all. B. I like summer best. C. I like all seasons.,My favorite season is summer.,III.请你根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对话,1._ 2._ 3._,返回,When will the movie start tonight?,Where shall we meet?,How long will the movie last?,IV.听短文回答问题。,1._ 2._ 3._,返回,Grade 2.,Because her mother is ill.,A yellow dress.,Oral practice,返回,V. 请用英语描述下图,要求六句话以上。,Oral practice,返回,Mrs Brown had a small garden behind her house. She planted some vegetables in it. One day, she came to the garden. She found that her neighbors ducks were in the garden. These ducks ate her vegetables. She was very angry and had a talk with her neighbor. A few days later, her neighbor came to her home with many duck eggs and said to her, Enjoy your vegetables!,Comprehensive Exercise 3,返回,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,1. -Why does your fathers voice_ angry? - _ I didnt pass my English exam. A. look; Because B. sound; Because C. hear; Until D. feel; Besides,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,2.- How _ do you know about Shenzhen, Mr White? - Sorry, only _. I have been here just for a week. A. many; a few B. many; a little C. much; a few D. much; a little,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,3. - These books are free _ readers. - You mean we neednt _ them? A. to; put on B. to; pay for C. for; turn on D. for; turn off,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,4.- Who will _ our class this term? - Mrs Wang. She is a good teacher with _ experience A. take charge of; many B. take charge; little C. take charge of; much D. take charge; many,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,5. - Jack, your bedroom is in a mess. - Sorry, Mom. Ill _ at once. A. clean it up B. clean up it C. clean them up D. clean up them,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,6.- Did the thief admit _ the car, Tony? - No, he said he was _. A. stealing; innocent B. to steal; innocent C. to steal; guilty D. stealing; guilty,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,7.- Have you _ reading the long story? - Yes, I have. I didnt finish reading it _ 11 oclock last night. A. finish; until B. finished; until C. finished; when D. finish; since,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,8. - What will you plan _ during the winter holiday? - Im considering _ Hong Kong. A. doing; visiting B. doing; to visit C. to do; visiting D. to do; visited,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,9.- Lisa, do you need any _? - No, thanks. I can finish the work on my _. A. help; way B. time; opinion C. help; own D. time; own,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,10.- Linda seems to be _ than you. - Yes, she _ talks to others. She is really shy. A. quieter; always B. quieter; rarely C. more active; always D. more active; rarely,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,11.- Sam will _ teach us English because he will go back to America. - Well, who will teach us English _ him? A. no longer; except for B. not longer; instead C. no longer; instead of D. not longer; instead of,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,12.- Does your uncle like _ a teacher? - Yes. He has been a teacher _ ten years. A. to work as; until B. to work for; since C. working as; for D. working for; since,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,13.- Shall we go to _ a film tomorrow? - _, we should go out for a picnic because the weather is nice. A. see; For example B. play; In addition C. play; In the beginning D. see; In my opinion,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,14.- What _ I do if I have trouble learning English? - You should _ some help. A. should; look after B. ought; pay for C. ought; wait for D. should; ask for,单项选择,返回,Comprehensive Exercise 3,15.- Someone stole my new bike yesterday. - _ A. I am sorry to hear that. B. Well done! C. Congratulations! D. You deserve it!,返回,完形填空,Comprehensive Exercise 3,pretty seriously university moving aching,可爱 严重的 大学 感人的 疼痛,返回,阅读理解 A,Comprehensive Exercise 3,pirate adventure fountain trap scary warrior weapon conquer,海盗 冒险 泉水 诱骗 可拍的 战士 武器 征服,返回,阅读理解 B how many) milk would you like to buy? 2. You _ (ought to; oughtnt to) discuss the plan with your parents. Theyll give you some good advice. 3. The boy has _ (few; little) friends in the city.,How much,ought to,few,Step by Step,返回,玩转语法: 选选填填,4.- You forget _ (to bring; bringing) your homework to school again. - But I remember _ (to put; putting) it in my bag. 5. This radio is _ (more expensive; the most expensive) than that one.,to bring,more expensive,putting,Step by Step,返回,玩转语法: 选选填填,6. My sister plans to go to the USA for _ (farther; further) study. 7. Bad luck _ (none; no one) of the telephones is working. 8. _ (what; how) an interesting story it is!,further,None,What,Step by Step,返回,玩转语法: “译”路顺风,根据中文意思和括号中所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。 1多伟大的建筑呀!(how引导的感叹句) _ 2我们在公交车上应该给老人让座。(ought to) _,How great the building is!,We ought to give our seats to the old on the bus.,Step by Step,返回,玩转语法: “译”路顺风,3瓶子里有一点点水。(a little) _ 4我已经同意参加那个聚会了。(agree) _ 5这个箱子比那个大。(big) _,There is a little water in the bottle.,I have agreed to take part in that party.,This box is bigger than that one.,Step by Step,返回,新题型聚焦 Focus,用简单的英语解释下列句子。 1. Judy is older than any other girl in the club. _ 2. How heavy the stone is. _,Judy is the oldest girl in the club.,What a heavy stone it is!,Step by Step,返回,新题型聚焦 Focus,3. You shouldnt tell lies at any time. _ 4. It is interesting to have a talk with you. _ 5. In fact, she is 50 years old. _,You oughtnt to tell lies at any tune.,To have a talk with you is interesting.,As a matter of fact, she is 50 years old.,返回,B1版answer,阅读训练营,1.D 2.B 3.A,返回,B1版answer,非常解读,1. 9.0. 2. On March 11th, 2011. 3. Because the earthquake caused strong tsunami. 4. Because several nuclear power plants near the earthquake were shut down.,返回,B1版answer,完形小测,1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B,6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B,返回,B1版answer,口语测试第III题 It was Sunday. Mikes parents were going shopping. Mike said goodbye to them. When his parents left, he began to do his homework. After finishing his homework, Mike helped his parents wash some clothes. Then Mike swept the floor. When his parents came back, they felt very happy. What a good boy!,Yesterday once more,B3,Joana Zimmer 来自德国,是一位惹人怜惜的盲人歌手。这个来自德国的女孩,用她那极光般绚烂美丽的音乐,不分国界,不分人种,不分时空,感动并激励着我们每一个人。在她的音乐中,相信你能找到勇气。,I Believe,返回,Yesterday once more,B3,除了在音乐上的发展之外,Joana Zimmer 还致力于成为国际克里斯朵夫盲人协会的亲善大使。她出访肯尼亚,在那里举行慈善演出,以帮助那里的残疾人。,I Believe,返回,返回,箴言in语,The unexamined life not worth living.,混混噩噩的生活不值得过。,返回,日常使用频率很高的英语口语集锦,Good luck! 祝你好运! Make it. 达到目的,获得成功。 Ill be seeing you. 再见。 I wonder if you can give me a lift? 能让我搭一程吗? It is raining. 要下雨了。 I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂静。,Thank You!,


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