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概覽概覽Outline第一部份:立論依據The first section:issue basis第二部份:研究方案The second section:research approach論文選題的背景Background of the Thesis Topic研究目標Objective of Research 研究意義Significance of Research國內外研究現狀分析Analysis of Research Status at Home and Abroad主要的參考文獻Main References研究內容Contents of Research擬採取的研究方法Research Methods Used技術路線Technology Roadmap開題報告包括兩大部份:立論依據和研究方案。Thesis Proposal consists of two sections:Basis for making a point and research approach 立論依據包括論文選題的背景,研究意義,國內外研究現狀分析,主要的參考文獻;研究方案包括研究目標、研究內容、擬採取的研究方法、技術路線、預期的研究進展。Basis for making a point includes the background of the thesis topics,significance of research,analysis of research status at home and abroad,main references;Research approach includes objective of research,content of research,research methods used,technology roadmap and expected research development.預期的研究進展Expected Research DevelopmentPART 1 立論依據立論依據Basis for Making a Pointv 1.1研究背景研究背景v 1.1 Backgroundv 在國家制定的“十二五”規劃建議中明確提出:“支持澳門建設世界旅遊休閒中心,促進經濟適度多元發展。”v Support Macao to Build the World Tourism Leisure Center,12th,Boost the Economic to Be Moderate and diversified Development is clearly presented in the national12th Five Year Planv 措施包括突出文化遺產等新的吸引物作為澳門旅遊業的主體形象,還不斷推動旅遊、商務、會展、休閒和文化旅遊的多元化發展。然而,澳門地域狹小,各項資源亦十分缺乏,故當其在邁向多元化的進程中,必須重視可持續發展戰略,充分挖掘、開發和利用澳門現有的特色資源。v Highlight the attractions like culture heritage as the main image of Macao tourism and continuously motivate diversification development(such as tourism,business,exhibition,leisure and cultural tourist)are the advised measures.However,Macao is restricted by regional narrow and lack of various resources,so it must attach importance to strategy of sustainable development,fully excavate,exploit and utilize the existing special tourist resources in the process of striding toward diversification.v 澳門自古以來是一個中西文化交匯的地方,其中包括飲食文化的交流。v From time immemorial,Macao is a place where Chinese and Western culture intersects,including catering culture communication.v 自2010年起,澳門憑藉其獨特的美食資源,已連續三年被米芝蓮指南列為美食搜羅目的地,發行了米芝蓮指南香港澳門美食天書。v Relying on its unique bountiful gouemet,Macao has been listed as a destination searching for gourmet by Michelin guide since 2010,who has published Michelin Guide Hong Kong Macau.v 2011年,“澳門土生葡人美食技藝”被列入澳門非物質文化遺產名錄,與先後被列入澳門非物質文遺名錄及國家級非物質文遺名錄的粵劇、涼茶製作技藝、澳門神像雕刻、道教科儀音樂、南音說唱及魚行醉龍節等項目累加起來,澳門有十項非物質文遺,其中六項為國家級非物質文遺。v In 2011,Macao Macanese Cuisine Skill was classified as Macao non-material cultural heritage list,together with other items(such as Cantonese opera,herbal tea techniques,Macao statue carved,Taosim music,Nanyin Rap and drunken dragon festival)categorized successively as Macao or national non-material cultural heritage list,so there turns out to be ten cultural heritages in Macao of which six items belong to national non-material cultural heritage.v 美食旅遊屬於特殊興趣旅遊,也可稱為美食特色旅遊。v Gourmet tourism is a kind of special interest tourism(also called as gourmet special tourism).v 與大眾旅遊市場相比,利基旅遊或特殊興趣旅遊或替代旅遊的市場供求有自身的特點,認識其特點和特定的發生、互動機制,是當前中國旅遊發展實踐對旅遊學術研究提出的課題。通過對特殊興趣旅遊的旅遊者動機、消費者行為及滿意度模型的建構,可以將其作為旅遊政策制定的工具。v Market demand and supply of tourism(like niche Tourism or special interest tourism or alternative tourism)has own characteristics compared with mass tourism market.To realize its characteristics and specific occurrence and interactive mechanism is a subject in front of tourism academic research put forward by current Chinas tourism development practice.The means of tourism policy-making can be achieved by constructing tourist motive,consumer behavior and satisficing model.v 同時,也必須清醒地認識到當前澳門旅遊產業發展面臨的國內外環境比過去更為複雜,旅遊政策面臨的選擇更多,存在問題也比過去更具複雜性。v Meanwhile,it is also necessary to soberly aware that the domestic and overseas environment faced by tourism industry development in Macao is more complex,more choices and more complicated problems than in the past.v 例如,澳門打造“世界旅遊休閒中心”的旅遊產業定位是否可以促進澳門旅遊業的可持續發展和多元化,赴澳旅遊人數和消費的快速增長是否應進行政策干預,政府的旅遊管理角色應如何轉型等等。v For example,whether tourism industry positioning-The World Tourism Leisure Center created by Macao can promote sustainable development and diversification of tourism,should the rapid growth in the number of tourists to Macao and consumption carry on the policy intervention,how managerial roles of government in tourism to transform,etc.v 為了尋求解決上述問題的依據,論文通過對澳門特殊興趣旅遊中資源豐富的美食特色旅遊的旅遊者動機、消費者行為和滿意度進行研究,建構相關模型,為旅遊產業可持續發展獻計獻策,並提出相應的旅遊政策建議。通過本文的研究工作,能夠為理論上進一步發展澳門特色美食旅遊及完善相應旅遊政策提供一種新的視角,也為解決現實中面臨的澳門未來旅遊業發展方向選擇問題提供一種方法論,並對特殊興趣旅遊這一旅遊利基市場的旅遊者進行調查和研究為本澳旅遊業界自身發展提供更科學的依據,為澳門真正成為“世界旅遊休閒中心”提供一種新的思路。v In order to seek the basis for the abovementioned problem,the paper comes up with novel ideas and ways and puts forward the corresponding tourism policy suggestions by analyzing tourist motive,consumer behavior and satisfaction of gourmet special tourism in the special interest tourism and constructing related models.In addition to providing a new view for further progressing special gourmet tourism and perfecting the corresponding tourism policies theoretically,the research work done by the paper can also provide a methodology for the problem choosing of future tourism industry which is faced by Macao in reality.The paper also pay s attention to investigation and research on the tourists of tourism niche market,which provides more scientific basis for the development of the Macao tourism industry and offers a new ideas for Macao to be a The World Tourism Leisure Center.


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