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ROHS教育材料,Environmental Protective Requirements on waste electronic the environmental related certification, similar as the safety certification but misty. RoHS更象是技术性贸易壁垒,环境认证就与安规认证相似,但更模糊。,WEEE Directive 2002/96/EEC,Why WEEE Directive ? 为什么要有WEEE,About 90% of the EEE waste is land-filled 90%的电子废弃物被填埋,Landfill 填埋96%,Mechanical Recycling 机械循环利用率 3%,Energy Recovery 能源再生率 1%,Total Collected in W. Europe (1999)- - 764,000 tonnes 欧洲总的回收量(1999年) 76.4万吨,A producer responsibility directive. It aims to: 一个生产者承担责任的指令。它的目的在于: Reduce the waste from electrical and electronic equipment 减少来自电子设备的废弃物 Increase recovery and recycling rates of WEEE 增加废弃电子电器产品的再生和循环使用。 Improve environmental performance of all operators involved in the life cycle of WEEE 提高废弃电子电器产品全部生命周期中所涉及到的所有操作者的环保执行情况,Objective 目的,Objective 目的,Resource 资源,Product 产品,Resource 资源,Today 今天,Future 将来,Product 产品,Landfill 填埋 Burning 焚烧 Throw away freely 随意丢弃,Dispose, Burning, Landfill designedly and collection organically 有计划地处置/焚烧和填埋, 以及有组织地收集,Recovery 再生 Reuse 再利用 Recycling 循环使用,Scope General 范围- 一般,Covers discarded EEE 包括: Designed to operate at a maximum voltage of 1,000 V a.c. or 1,500 V d.c; 最大工作电压不超过 1000 V a.c 或 1500 V d.c,通过电流、电磁场、发电机、变压器工作的设备或测量这种电流的设备;和 Falling within 10 categories of WEEE (Annexes IA 不在WEEE指令覆盖范围的设备 Specifically intended for military use. 军事用途,Scope Categories 范围-分类,Large household appliances 大型家用电器 Small household appliances; 小型家用电器 3. IT Except filament light bulbs 所有液体 Capacitors containing PCBs 耐火陶瓷纤维元件,The following materials, substances, components must be removed from the product by the treatment facilities(the information should be provided by manufactories) 至少下列物质、配制件和组件要必须从任何分类收集的废弃电子电气设备中除去(相关的有毒物质存在部位的信息应由工厂提供),Treatment - Selective Removal 处理-选择性除去,Cathode ray tubes; 阴极射线管 External electric cables; 外置电线 Radioactive substances; 放射性物质 CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs 气体放电灯 Asbestos waste. 石棉废料,Treatment Process 处理-步骤,Only permitted at licensed or registered sites. 处理机构应该有执照或在主管当局登记的单位 Storage sites must prevent environmental contamination. 储存场所必须防止环境污染 Treatment sites shall 处理地点应当: Use the best available techniques. 应用最好的可用技术 Prevent environmental contamination. 避免环境的污染 Include appropriate storage facilities. 有适当的贮存场所 Treat water before discharge. 污水处理后方可排放 Have balances to monitor incoming WEEE, outgoing recovered materials Instructions for use 说明书; Warranty.保证卡,Information Supplied - All WEEE 信息提供- 所有WEEE,Information for Treatment Facilities 给处理机构的信息 - Information about reuse and treatment of EEE, of components and hazardous substances used inside the product and their location inside the product and disassembly information. 该信息应该包括针对电子电气设备以及相关零部件的再生与处理,零部件与有害物质在产品中的具体位置以及相应的拆除方法 - Plastic parts, which is 25g or 200mm2 must be marked according ISO 1043 对于总重量大于25克或面积大于200平方毫米的塑料部件必须按 ISO 1043 规定的方法标识,Information Supplied - All WEEE 信息提供- 所有WEEE,- This information must be made available to all interested parties especially to reuse centers, treatment and recycling facilities in the form of manuals, by electronic means or on-line on Internet. The information must be available within one year after placing the product on the market. 关于处理方法的信息,必须使所有对此感兴趣的机构均可获得,尤其应该对废弃物再生中心、处理或循环使用机构开放该信息可以通过用户手册、电子出版物或互联网在线服务等方式发布该信息应该在产品投放市场后的一年内仍能查询,Information Supplied - Household WEEE信息提供- 家用WEEE,Details to be supplied to consumers:提供如下资料给消费者: Not to dispose of WEEE as unsorted municipal waste, but collect it separately; 不要将WEEE当做未分类垃圾随意丢弃,应进行分类回收 Available return and collection systems;有效的回收系统 The role of consumers in the reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery;消费者应如何处理这些需要重复使用、再生及回收的事项 The potential effects on the environment Mercury 汞; Cadmium 镉; Chromium (VI) 六价铬. Certain brominated flame retardants: 某些溴化阻燃剂 Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs); 多溴联苯 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). 多溴联苯醚,Requirements Outline 要求- 概要,Proposal by TAC (Technical Adaptation Committee) TAC 的提议(技术编写委员会) A maximum concentration value up to 0.1% by weight in specific materials of electrical and electronic equipment for lead 1) , mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), and up to 0.01% by weight in specific materials for cadmium, shall be tolerated. 电子电气设备使用的特定原材料中,允许的铅1),汞,六价铬,多溴联苯 (PBB) 和多溴联苯醚 (PBDE) 含量最高为重量百分比0.1%,允许的镉含量最高为重量百分比0.01%。 1) For solder alloys used to attach electrical components to printed circuit boards, a maximum concentration of lead of 0.1% by weight of solder alloy shall be tolerated. For electrical components attached to the printed circuit board, a maximum concentration of lead of 0.1% by weight of the component shall be tolerated. 用于印刷电路板上电气零部件焊接的焊料,其合金成分中允许的铅含量,最高为重量百分比。用于印刷电路板的电气零部件,其组成中允许的铅含量,最高为重量百分比 0.1%。,Requirements Outline 要求- 概要,Definition of Material: (under discussion) 原材料定义: (讨论中) Metals, (e.g. solder alloys, electroplated coatings, copper alloys, steel alloys, aluminum alloys), plastics and plastic blends (e.g. ABS, polyamide, PBT), ceramics, glass etc. in this case the limits apply to mass of the single material 金属, (例如合金焊料, 电镀层, 铜合金, 铁合金, 铝合金), 塑料及其混合物 (例如 ABS, 聚酰胺, PBT), 陶瓷, 玻璃等。在这种条件下,其含量限制适用于单一原材料 Components (e.g. capacitors, switch, semiconductors, PCB, relays etc.) in this case the limits would apply to the mass of the whole component 元器件 (例如电容器, 开关, 晶体管, PCB, 继电器等)。在这种条件下,其含量限制适用于整个元件 Assemblies 组合件,Lead - Current Use 铅- 实际应用,Solder 焊锡 Glass 玻璃 Lead halides and lead phosphors in certain gas discharge lamps. 某些气体放电灯中: 铅的卤化物和铅的磷酸盐 Electronic ceramic parts. 电子陶瓷元件 Amiable-Cutting metal and alloy. 易切削金属或合金中的应用 Metallic coatings brightener Electronic components 电子元件; Fluorescent tubes 荧光管. Alloying elements in 合金: Steel (maximum 0.35% lead) 钢 (最高0.35%的铅); Aluminium (maximum 0.4% lead) 铝 (最高 0.4% 的铅); Copper (maximum 4% lead) 铜 (最高4%的铅). Solders 焊锡: Lead in high melting temperature type solders (i.e. tin-lead solder alloys containing more than 85% lead lead based alloys containing 85% by weight or more lead.) 高温融焊料中的铅(即:锡铅焊料合金中铅含量超过85%, 铅基体合金铅含量85或更多) Servers, storage 服务器,存储器 ,存储器阵列(至2010) Network infrastructure 微型荧光灯(每个灯最多不超过5毫克) Straight fluorescent lamps for general purposes: 一般直式荧光灯 Halophosphate (maximum 10 mg per lamp);每个灯最多不超过10毫克 Triphosphate with normal life (maximum 5 mg per lamp);普通使用三磷酸盐(每个灯最多不超过5毫克) Triphosphate with long life (maximum 8 mg);长期使用三磷酸盐(最多不超过8毫克) Straight fluorescent lamps for special purposes;特殊用途直荧光灯 Other lamps not specifically mentioned.其他灯具,RoHS DirectiveCadmium - Current Use 镉- 实际应用,Cadmium plating. 镉电镀 Solar cells Printed circuit boards; Cables, rated V-0/V-1 according to UL94. 它们以阻燃剂的用途用于屏蔽物和遮盖物,印刷电路板,电缆和电线等,根据UL94, V-0/V-1设定。,RoHS DirectivePBBs The lead in lead-bronze bearing shells and bushes The lead crystal in the glass of chandeliers The use of non-RoHS compliant parts from old electrical and electronic equipment in the manufacture of new equipment., Lead used in compliant-pin VHDM (Very High Density Medium) connector system 顺应针(很高密度介质)连接系统中的铅 Lead as a coating material for a thermal conduction module c-ring 热传导模块o形圈覆盖材料中的铅 Lead and cadmium in optical and filter glass 光学和滤光玻璃中的铅和镉 Lead in optical transceivers for industrial applications 工业用途的光学收发器中的铅 Lead in solders consisting of more than two elements for the connection between the pins and the package of microprocessors with a lead content of more than 85% in proportion to the tin-lead content(exemption until 2010) 微处理器的接脚和封装间的超过两个元素组成的连接焊锡中的铅,其铅含量超过85%比例 的铅锡合金. Lead in high melting temperature type solders (i.e. tin-lead solder alloys containing more than 85% lead) and any lower melting temperature solder required to be used with high melting temperature solder to complete a viable electrical connection 高温型焊锡中的铅(如锡铅合金中的铅含量超过85%),和要求用于高熔化温度焊接以完成一可行的电连接的任何低温合金.,RoHS Directive Exemption amendment for RoHS Directive (VII) 修改的豁免, Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection internal to certain Integrated Circuit Packages (Flip Chips) (exemption until 2010) 焊锡中的铅是为满足某些集成电路(变址浮点运算芯片)有效可行的内部连接. Article 4(1) substances in safety equipment for fire and rescue services. 第4(1)章中的物质在安全设备(火灾和营救服务)中. Lead in lead-bronze bearing-shells and bushes 在铅-青铜轴承外壳和衬套中的铅,RoHS Directive Exemption amendment for RoHS Directive (VIII) 修改的豁免,Implementation Timetable on WEEE 导入的材料最好可再生、易回收; b)performance/quality/security/reliability of the product should be design to better or perfect, and prolong the durability. 产品的性能、质量、安全性、可靠性越高越好,使用寿命越长越好; c)easy-disassembly design: try to design the product as blocking, easy for dismantling/assemble/collection, in order to reduce the dismantling fee, and can also prolong the complete product lifeonly remove and exchange one part. 拆卸设计,要尽可能把产品各功能部分做成积木式,便于拆卸、组装和回收,降低回收处理拆解费用;同时可以延长整机的使用寿命-只换其中一部分便可.,How to approach WEEE? 如何实施以应对WEEE,d)the performance of the products can show more benefit to environment, and energy exhaust should be as lower as better. 产品性能对环境越有利越好, 能耗越小越好 e)reduce the manufacture cost include cost used for environmental protection. 尽量降低包括环境成本在内的生产成本; f) Reuse and recycle design concept, and lead to more parts with reused or recycling function. 再生设计,产品中可重复利用的部分越多越好; But, Generally speaking it will not solve the WEEE problem(some people think so, but it is not true. 总体来说:设计无法解决所有问题 Design for recycling is useful when combined with other item 循环设计只有和其他方面相结合才有用。 * Lower disassembly time=lower assembly time * Less materials diversity=good for lower bill of material,How to approach WEEE? 如何实施以应对WEEE,Join the Eropean Indstry Association EICTA 加入欧洲工业协会EICTA Join consortium of companies dealing with WEEE implementation 加入致力于WEEE实施的公司联合会 Collective implementation of individual producer responsibility is allowed 允许单独生产者责任制的集体实施 dont try to do by yourself 不要尝试着自己做 -No competitive advantage, but also no competitive disadvantage 没有竞争的优势,而且没有竞争的劣势。,How to approach WEEE? 如何实施以应对WEEE,Material declaration: 材料申明 -Prepare the material list, and the materials detail location; 准备材料清单,和材料的具体位置; -Provide the each material weight, these materials can be reused or recycled, 提供每种有用材料的重量,这些材料可以被再利用和循环利用 Then, It can reduce the treatment cost, because the waste treatment manufactories can sale the useful materials, such as gold or copper to earn the money by using the material declaration. 这样,就可以降低处理的费用,应为废弃物处理工厂可以通过卖掉有用的材料来赚钱,如金子和铜,但只有清楚的材料申明才有助于这一行为 mark or provide the plastic information, then the plastic can be reused or recycled again. 标明和提供塑料的信息以便再利用和循环使用,How to approach WEEE? 如何实施以应对WEEE,How to approach WEEE? 如何实施以应对WEEE,Complies with EU Directive, 2002/96/EEC(WEEE) for: 满足WEEE指令的要求 Marking 标签 Product Design Article 产品实际项目 Information for treatment Facilities Article 信息提供项目 Additional Information for recycling facilities about substances and materials impacting the recycling process in particular the metal smelting process included in parts and components others than Printed Circuit Boards 额外的为便于循环使用的关于物质和材料影响的信息 Report template 报告模板: WEEE_Report_Version_1.doc,How to approach WEEE? 如何实施以应对WEEE,1. Build the environmental quality ensure management system 环境品质保证管理体系的建立 2. Assuring the products not contain the banned substances of the environmental QMs 产品不含有环境管理禁用物质的保证,How to approach RoHS? 如何实施以满足RoHS,know the hazardous substances content information in raw materials and request suppliers provide the relevant information. Entirely survey to the composition of all the materials. Set up the system and criterion on factory auditing to all the suppliers. Supervising the suppliers on real time. Provide the necessary support and help to rectify and improve the products for the suppliers. Provide the essential information to suppliers. 对原材料化学物质含有情况的了解和要求供应商提供相关信息,全面调查供应商材料所含的成分;建立对供应商的工厂审核制度和规范;实时监督供应商,并协助供应商整改,为供应商提供必要的信息; - Test report: set up the documentation system for the test reports of own products, the test report from suppliers. 产品的检测和报告:自己工厂成品的监测和对供应商报告的要求及文件系统 - Confirm and establish the control point on the producing process, real time inspection 建立,确认产品生产过程的控制点,实时监控;,How to approach RoHS? 如何实施以满足RoHS,How to approach RoHS? 如何实施以满足RoHS,Manufacturer conduct Supplier Survey 由供应商到生产者的审核途径,Material Supplier 材料供应商,Component Supplier 零件供应商,Other parts Supplier 其他部件供应商,Material, Component and Parts Declaration 原材料, 零件和 部件 申明,Establish Component and Material Database 建立 零部件和原材料 数据库,Suppliers 供应商,Manufacturer 生产者,Supplier Survey 供应商审核 Survey for every supplier must cover 针对每个供应商的审核必须函盖: - Manufacturing process 制造工艺 - Packaging material content (if any) 包装材料目录 (如果存在) - Product / Component / Part content 产品 / 零件 / 部件目录 - Batteries content (if any) 电池目录 (如果存在),How to approach RoHS? 如何实施以满足RoHS,Design and manufacture 设计和生产 - Design a)control the hazardous substance, understand the quality and possible harmful of every raw material. Set up the documentation system, and stop the use of the materials containing the banned substances. And confirm the materials has much less toxicity 有毒物质的控制,详细地了解原材料质量及其可能的危害性,进行分类并造册存档,杜绝使用世界上的禁用物质;原材料的毒性越小越好; b)control the contamination during manufacture: design the manufacture process and work flow in pertinence, in order to prevent generating hazardous substances in every working procedure; or have the corrective action plan. 工艺过程产生污染越少越好:要有针对地进行工艺设计,使每一道工序都不产生或避免产生危害性物质,或考虑好危害性物质的处理方法和措施;,How to approach RoHS? 如何实施以满足RoHS,- Manufacture 生产 a) Control the contamination: use testing for supervision 控制污染:事后处理,采用检验,在发现污染后采取措施,由于反复检测,根据结果进行改进,成本较高;但对工厂技术人员要求低,是个可用的“笨办法”; b) Depollution 防止污染:Control beforehand, control the design. 事前管理,通过设计和重新设计的办法,在产品的设计阶段就预先取消或改变有可能产生危害性副产品的工艺和制造方法。这种方法需要大量的启动资金进行前期的誓言,开始会投入较大的人力和物力成本,但一旦完成,就可以从本质上杜绝污染,并且可以降低长期的检测成本,一劳永逸。,How to approach RoHS? 如何实施以满足RoHS,If find banned substances: 如果发现了禁用物质 dont fear 不必害怕 find if it is exempted 查一下是否是豁免的。 if it is no exempted, then find if other companies also content all use, or if it is under considering to be exempted by EU 如果不是豁免的,查一下是否有其他公司用,或是否是欧盟正在考虑豁免的项目 if no way to change, and no exemption, no plan to be exempted, no other companies use, then ask help from the some EU association or European famous experts, provide a letter to government of related EU country, to explain and confirm the improvement plan to ask the excuse. 如果无法改,无豁免,无计划豁免,无其他公司用,则应向欧盟的相关行业协会或著名的专家寻求帮助,准备向欧盟国家的相关政府提交说明信函,解释和确认改进计划以求谅解。,How to approach RoHS? 如何实施以满足RoHS,Replacement-Example 替代物质-例子,Lead free solder 无铅焊锡 At present most of solders is the tin-lead alloy as:63% tin / 37%lead (187 C) 最常用的焊料是铅锡合金(63%锡,37%铅)(187 C) Main replacement: SnAgCu (Ag 3.3-4.3%, Cu 0.4-1.1%) 锡、银、铜作为主要替代物 (银3.3-4.3%, 铜 0.4 1.1%) LF218TM 96.5 Sn /3.0 Ag /0.5Cu (217-218)* recommended by JEIDA patented.(为JEIDA专利推荐) 96 Sn / 3.5 Ag / 0.5 Cu (217-218)* no patented(未获专利) CASTIN 96.2 Sn / 2.5 Ag / 0.8 Cu / 0.5 Sb (217)* patented(已获专利) *=melting point in C 熔点为 C,Replacement-Example 替代物质-例子,Lead free soldering cost comparison 无铅焊锡合金价格比较,Japan companies leading in lead free soldering 日本无铅焊锡进展和计划,Replacement-Example 替代物质-例子,Replacement-Example 替代物质-例子,Cadmium free Contact point 无镉连接点 At present, the materials for contact point are 目前的替代品: AgCdO or AgCdSe or AgCdO + Cu And the main replacement is 主要的替代品: AgSnO or AgZnO,Replacement-Example 替代物质-例子,Alternative brominated flame retardants (BFR) 可以使用的溴化阻燃剂 - Oligomeric brominated flame retardants 低聚溴化阻燃剂- Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) mainly used for PCB board 四溴二苯酚 A (TBBPA), 主要用于印刷电路板- Ethylene 1,2 bis(tetrabromophthalimide) (EBTBP) 乙烯1,2 二(四溴苯邻二甲酰亚胺) (EBTBP)- Ethane 1,2 bis(pentabromophenyl) (EBP) 乙烷1,2 二(五溴联苯) (EBP),Replacement-Example 替代物质-例子,4. Replacement of Mercury 汞的替代品 tilt switches, reed-relays, thermostats. contact point material (e.g. relays) - replacement available跌倒开关,干簧继电器,温控器触点材料 (如继电器上使用的) - 可使用替代物,Replacement-Example 替代物质-例子,4. Replacement of Cr(6+) 六价铬的替代品 DACROMET technology ,invented by US, but Japanese buy the patent. This material has a good anti-corrosion performance, and no Cr(6+) 达克罗技术,美国发明,日本买下了专利。有良好的耐腐蚀性,无六价铬。,Test method 检测方法,Heavy metal test method 重金属检测方法,Heavy metal Detection instruments 重金属检测仪器,EDX 能量分散型X光射线衍射光谱仪,Graphite Furnace AAS 石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪,ICP-MS 电感耦合等离子质谱仪,AFS(Hydride generator) 原子荧光光谱仪(氢化物发生原子吸收光谱仪),UV-Vis spectrum meter 紫外可见分光光度计,ICP-AES 电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪,Flame Furnace AAS 火焰原子吸收光谱仪,EDX method 能量分散型X光射线衍射光谱仪方法的应用,Quantitative and qualitative applying 定量和定性分析 - strictly speaking, EDX is a semi-quantitative method, or the qualitative method, normally can tell the user: contain or not. 严格来说,EDX是一种半定量或定性地方法,一般可告诉使用者:含有或不含有. - As the technical development, EDX use standard reference calibration curve, and can quantitatively and truly detect the some elements(such as lead/cadmium, etc) in some base material(PVC, the same material as the reference std. sample). For Cr(6+) and Bromine flame retardant, should use other methods such as GC-MS or HPLC or LC-MS for the confirmation, since the EDX can only detect Total Cr and Total Bromine. 随着技术地发展,EDX应用标准物质参数法可对一些元素(如铅/镉)在特定基材(PVC, 由于仪器供应商使用PVC作为标准物质的基材)中进行较为准确的定量. 但如果测出铬或溴,则需用其他方法进一步确认,因为EDX测出的是总铬和总溴含量. Actual usage 实际应用: - Filtering the raw materials 遴选原材料. - A lot of manufactories begin to use this method. 已有许多工厂在应用. i.e. Cadmium 如对于镉: 50ppm Unaccepted (不接受),


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