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08高考英语复习策略与方法讲座 北京第80中学 林斌,苦一年不苦一辈子!,不苦不累高三没味;不拼不搏高三白活!,北京2004年至2007年高考单项选择所涉及的语法项目一览表,1.With his hands _ behind, the robber was brought into the jail. A.tied B.being tied C.to be tied D.tying 2.Make a mark _ you have any questions. A.where B.at the place C.at the place which D.at which 3.Ill never forget the days _ we spent in Tibet. A.when B.in which C.on which D./ 4.He is now living in _ used to be an old temple. A.which B.where C.what D.in which,测试题:,Last Monday, two of my classmates ran a monitor election in our class. One of the candidates was a boy, named Liu Dong and the other was a girl, named Wang Hong. To begin with, they each gave us a special speech in which they expressed their motivations for election and showed their future work plan. Wang Hong displayed a gentle smile on her face all the time while Liu Dong took on a more serious tone. Sure enough, we listeners were all enchanted by their courage and enthusiasm. After a short delay for some more thought before making the final determination, the students had their own monitor-to-be in their mind. Then we walked towards the platform and placed our votes into the vote box with an air of expectancy. Finally came the critical point. It turned out that Wang Hong gained 28 supporters, including me and meanwhile there were 15 voting for Liu Dong. Needless to say, this gentle and beautiful girl met all the criteria to be monitor and we gave her a big applause to celebrate her running of the election. And she applauded back to thank for our support and trust. Our class meeting, then, ended in laughter and applause. I sincerely hope you could like the story and share the same excitement as mine. Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. (228),2007年北京卷高考满分作文,高考英语复习策略与技巧 1 重视读写 +坚实语法 让语法为读写服务 2 基础知识 + 实践 = 能力 3 建立错误档案 4 循序性渐进 + 超负荷训练 5 限时训练 + 非限时训练 6 实力与技巧 7 练!练!练,手头准备的复习资料以及参考书籍: 1、词汇表(上一年的考试说明,会考考试说明、3500词汇表.) 2、语法复习手册(“5+3”、张道珍、薄冰) 3、听力材料(听力通、四中听力、美国之音.) 4、2007年全国各省市高考英语试题集,词汇拓展 我们在高三背诵记忆单词的时候不要只是记住一个意思,要多背几个意思: 1. fine: 1) -How are you? - Im fine, thank you. 2) He was fined $50 for over-speeding on the highway. 2. fan: 1) The football fans rushed into the stadium. 2) It was so hot yesterday night that Susan had the electric fans running all the time. fun: _ fun it is to take part in sports A. What a B. How C. How a D. What 3.fair: 1) Its fair/unfair! (adj.) 2) fairly/rather (adv.) This is a fairly good book./This is a rather cold day./This is rather a cold day. Its fairly more beautiful./Its rather more difficult 3)The country fair(展览会, 市集) is held every two weeks. 4. iron 1) Strike the iron while it is hot. 2) My mother often uses the iron to iron my school uniforms. 5.flat: 1) They rented a flat. 2) My car had a flat tyre yesterday. flat/apartment/appointment/department/ 6.book: We have booked a table near the window./reserve/reservation 7.sign: 1)When driving in a strange place, you should read the signs along the road. 2) Please sign your name there. 3) The policeman signed Richard to stop his car because he broke the rule. sign/signal/sigh/signature 8.board: 1) Our school is a boarding school. 2) on board(到船上, 在船上) blackboard/springboard/platform/at home and abroad/go abroad,A Terrifying Night It was a deep night. I had got to stay at home alone because both of my parents were on business. It was my first time to stay at home by myself. So I was so nervous that I couldnt be asleep. At 12:00 p.m. I heard someone knocking at the door. I kept quiet on purpose but the person still knocked. I came to the door nearer and nearer in order to see who was outside. I wanted to calm down, but I couldnt control myself entirely. Suddenly, the telephone rang. I was so frightened that my heart beat into my throat! “Its me! Im concerned about you,so I came back earlier!” Oh! It was my fathers voice! I flew to the door as quickly as possible. At that time I opened the door, and I saw my father face to face. He was smiling. But I began to cry!,编故事-词、句、文,1992年MET书面表达题 下面六幅画描述了你5月31日那天的活动。请根据这些图画用英语写一篇日记。 注意: 1.日记须包括所有图画的内容,可以适当增加细节,使故事连贯。 2.词数100个左右。,1992年参考答案: It was Grandmas birthday. Father, Mother and I went to visit her. She lives with my uncle in a village not too far away. Early in the morning we bought some presents and took the bus to get there. Grandma and Uncle were so glad to see us. We gave the presents to Grandma and she was very happy. Then we sat down to talk, while Uncle went to prepare lunch. The meal was so nice that we all enjoyed it very much. At 4 oclock, we said goodbye and set off for home.,2007年学生作品: Today, I called at my grandmas house, located in the rural areas, with my parents. We went to the present shop to buy some gifts for my beloved grandma and uncle before we set out. Fascinated by the beautiful scene of the vast field, the long distance bus trip was not boring to me. It was my grandmas birthday today, so we wanted to give her a big surprise. When we turned up in the house with a wide variety of presents, especially a decorated cake, an expression of delight lit up grandmas face. My uncle and grandma warmly received us. Uncle cooking in the kitchen, we were chatting cheerfully with grandma in the living room. The smell of food aroused my appetite. We all enjoyed the delicious dishes and celebrated the birthday for grandma sincerely. To catch the last bus downtown, we had to leave at 4 oclock in the afternoon. We said goodbye to them regretfully, promising to visit them now and then. What an unforgettable day I had! I would cherish the memory forever and keep my promise too.,通过训练,学生英语书面表达的水平的提高,一个春光明媚的星期天,你与父母到XX公园玩。在欣赏大自然美景的同时,也见到了一些不文明行为。根据下面六幅图用英语写一篇100词左右的日记,并呼吁人们爱护环境。 提示: 不文明行为:bad behaviour; 乱扔垃圾:litter 草地:lawn,April 13 Sunday Fine 范文一: Spring has come. Early in the morning, I went to Xiangshan Park for sightseeing with my parents. While walking around the park, we couldnt help admiring the beauty of nature. Of course we took a lot of pictures. However, I was quite disappointed to find some bad behaviours. Some people littered anywhere as they liked. Some even climbed up the trees and picked flowers. Although there were some signs warning people not to touch the lawn, still some people enjoyed themselves there. I hope that such bad behaviour will soon be got rid of and everybody will protect the environment.,范文二: On a beautiful day, my parents and I went to the Chaoyang Park. The view of the park was so graceful (beautiful) that we were struck by it. On both sides of the main road, there were quantities of kinds of beautiful flowers. We took photos here with the flowers around us. Though the view was very graceful, there were also some bad behaviours coming into my sight. A man who had a rude-looking face threw the litters everywhere, another man was climbing a tree, and lots of people were running on the lawn but nobody stopped them. If these scenes dont disappear, the park wont be beautiful before long. So lets pay attention to the pollution problem of the environment and spare no efforts to protect our environment.,范文三: It was Sunday today. My parents took me along to the Fragrant Hills Park for our spring outing. Early in the morning, we arrived at the park which was really a fascinating place. My father took quantities of photos for Mum and me. After a while, however, I caught sight of some bad behaviours. Holding an ice-cream, a young fellow littered the wrapped paper on the ground. While I was walking in the park, a beautiful flowering tree not far away attracted my eyes. However, a man was riding on the tree and stretching his arms in order to pick some flowers with satisfaction. His girlfriend standing under the tree held a large bunch of flowers. I failed to bear such awful actions and fled away to the lawns beside. On reaching there, another unexpected thing shocked me. An apparent(显然的,外观上的) ugly track came in my sight on such beautiful jade-green grass! Not far away, a man with a net in his hand was running on the grass to catch some dragonflies. I was immediately aware that it was he who did such a foolish thing. After going back home, I was deep in thought. In my opinion, had those people not done those, the park would have been more charming and fantastic. Everyone in the world should spare no efforts to protect our environment.,2004年8月28日是所有中国人难忘的日子,这天刘翔获得第28届奥运会110米栏冠军。请你给英语周报写一篇介绍刘翔的短文。内容要点如下:,注意:1词数:100左右; 2参考词汇:110米栏:110 m hurdles 对手:opponent 少体校:the childrens sports school,August 28th, 2004 was an unforgettable day for all the Chinese because Liu Xiang won the gold medal of 110 m hurdles in the 28th Olympic Games. He rushed over the finishing line first with the time of 12.91 seconds and beat all the opponents who come from Europe, America and Africa. Not merely did he win the champion, but he also broke the Olympic record, which was 12.94 seconds. Born into a worker family on July, the 13rd, 1983, he was sent to the childrens sports school by his parents as he was very young. Then Sun Haiping found that Liu Xiang had a gift for being a good athlete and became his coach. Famous star as he is, Liu Xiang is also a kind-hearted man in common life. He loves his parents so much that he always gives them gifts when he returns home from other countries. He is kind to his neighbors, too. He is called “the hero of nation” because he won honors for our motherland and even for the whole Asia. Looking forward to the future, he will train harder and make greater achievements. Such is Liu Xiang, a good man both in stadium and in common life. Lets bless him to win more and more champions!,范文二: The Chinese will never forget the day, August, 28, 2004, when Liu Xiang got the gold medal of 110 m hurdles in 28th Olympic Games. Not merely did he beat all the well-known opponents at home and abroad, but he was the first one who finished the match as well, especially he only spent 12.91 seconds which was 0.03 seconds faster than the former world record. Liu Xiang was born on June 13, 1983 in a workers family. When he was just a little boy, he was sent to the childrens sports school by his parents. There was no denying the fact that he was a lucky boy, because he was found by Coach Sun Haiping. He is a good boy that he always takes a great many presents to respect his parents whenever he comes back home. Famous as he is, he is always friendly to his neighbors as usual. So great is Liu Xiang that he is called as our national hero. It is universally acknowledged that China has a great athlete called Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang said that he would do his utmost to achieve his another goal in life-the champion in the Beijing 2008 Olympics. Such is Liu Xiang, a man with strong mind and a promising future.,1.It was not until midnight that he finished his task. 2.Not until he came back from abroad was I able to see him again. 3.The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. 4.May you be in good health! 5.Wish you a pleasant journey back home! 6.The professor was a humorous man with big nose and deep-set eyes. 7.What surprised me most was his imagination and patience. 8.He lay on the grass, with his eyes looking at the sky and his hands under his head. 9.Sitting under the tree are Mr. Green and his first teacher. 10.On the wall hang two pictures of famous scientists. 11.Looking back upon those past years, he couldnt help feeling very proud. 12.No sooner (Hardly) had he arrived at the theatre than (when) the play started.,必背句子,13.Young as he is, he has learned advanced mathematics. 14.How I regret the hours wasted in the woods and fields! 15.There stands a beautiful vase in the corner of the room. 16.Ten miles north of the town lies a paper factory. 17.There goes the bell. 18.Nowhere has the world ever seen such a bird as here. 19.It is no use crying for help. 20.If only I had been your student in the middle school! 21.It is believed that such a thing will not happen again. 22.Only when he explained did I realize the reason for this. 23.“He works particularly hard.” “So he does,and so do you.” 24.Not only Alice but also Jane and Mary are tired of having one examination after another. 25.Such was Albert Einstein, a simple person of great achievements.,写作130个词组 2007.6 北京市第八十中学2007届毕业生 高三(10)班 陶然,be caught in the heavy rain/traffic feel like doing leisure time=past time from my innermost heart=from the bottom of my heart owe sth. to sb. lead alife be struck by the beauty What impressed me most is that be in favor of in high/low spirit be wild with joy Proper measures must be taken to form the habit of/fall into the habit of be struck/moved/fascinated by the beauty of nature It reflects a reality that have a strong desire for sth. be in a good mood express my gratitude/appreciation Sth. is strongly impressed on my memory. What heis beyond my imagination,5.Out _, with a book in his hand. A.did she rushB.she rushed C.she did rushD.rushed she 6.If I _ enough water, I _ thirsty now. A.had drunk; would not be B.had drunk; would not have been C.drank; would not be D.should drink; would not be 7.Tim as well as his classmates _ going to take the train to Tibet. A.is B.are C.am D.be 8. In the past few years, great changes _ place in our hometown. A.has taken B.have taken C.has been taken D.have been taken,测试题:,寄语 Another chance How often we wish for another chance To make a fresh beginning A chance to blot out our mistakes And change failure into winning It doesnt take a new day To make a brand new start It only takes a deep desire To try with all our hearts To live a little better And to always be forgiving And to add a little sunshine To the world in which were living So never give up in despair And think youre through For theres always a tomorrow And the hope of starting new.,下一次机会 有多少次,我们期待着 下一次重新开始的机会 一次抹掉我们错误 转败为胜的机会 要翻开崭新的一页 其实并不需要新的一天 只要你有强烈的渴望 全心全意去努力 要生活的更美好 要拥有一颗宽容的心 要为我们生活的世界 增添几缕阳光 所以永远不要绝望的放弃 认为自己已无望 因为总会有明天 和重新开始的希望,雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 Where there is a will, there is a way. Practice makes perfect. Its no use crying over the spilt milk.,


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