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考纲解读与命题分析词汇,专升本英语试题词汇部分自2006年至今没有太大变化,要求考生能使用约3500个单词和500多个习惯用语或固定搭配,并能运用这些词语进行理解和表达。本部分的考试形式为传统的单项选择题:每一小题在一句或两句话中留出空白,要求考生从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。 单纯从选择题这种题型来看,词汇考题的题量一般为10至20小题,分值为5至10分,有时,词汇题目与语法题目分开,又是则混杂在一起。,纵观近几年的词汇考题可知词汇考题的测试重点是对各类词汇(名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词等)、短语以及固定短语搭配的判断和理解,包括区分同义词、近义词、反义词等。主要题型有:语境题异形异义辨析、异形近义辨析、形似异义辨析、形似近义辨析、固定搭配等,而固定搭配主要是以动词短语为主,但也考查过有关介词、副词搭配的考题。实际上,对于词汇的考查是贯穿于整个专升本考试过程中的,每一部分都在考查考生掌握、使用英语词汇以及短语的能力。,题型分析,(一)固定搭配题 这类试题在历年的专升本英语词汇题中占较大比重,主要考查动词、名词、形容词与介词、副词的搭配或者一些惯用搭配等。 【试题】Mr. Morgan can be really sad _, though in public he is extremely cheerful. (2011) A. by himself B. in person C. in private D. as himself,【试题】She keeps a supply of candles in the house in case of power _. (2011) failure B. lack C. absence D. drop 【试题】Dont joke with Linda, she takes everything far too _. (2011) carefully B. gravely C. critically D. seriously 【试题】This is the first draft of the book , please feel perfectly free to _on it. (2011) conform B. complain C. confirm D. comment,【试题】The student was just about to _ the question, when suddenly he found the answer. (2010) A. arrive at B. give up C. submit to D, work out 【试题】_ your book, and do this work first. You may read it later. (2009) A. Put out B. Put away C. Put up D. Put on 【试题】 Until then did I realize that their marriage had _ because they had little in common.(2009) A. put off B. given up C. broken down D. called off,(二) 近形词辨析题,【试题】last year the advertising rate _ by 20 percent. (2010) A. raised B. aroused C. arouse D. rose 【试题】It is impossible to _ with a person whose methods are completely opposed to your own. (2010) A. cooperate B. correspond C. compete D. compare,Allusion-illusion Adapt -adopt Alive-living Imaginary-imaginative Appeal -appear Clench -clutch Cite-sight-site Contract-contact Inqure-require Chaos-chore Ensure-insure Through-thorough Wander-wonder Principle-principal Incident-accident Immoral-immortal Decent-descend Strivestridestrike Clashcrashcrush patent- potentpotential-patient,Compliment-complement purpose-proposesuppose Strike-strict-stick latelatterlatelylatest Mortal- mental-metal proceed-precede-recede-exceed Protest-protect inferior-interior confirm-conform Drought-drought expend-expand stationery-stationary Example-sample inspectaspectrespectsuspect Excerpt-except-expect costume-custom-customer-customs Abroad-aboard scare-scarce loose-lose-lost Commerce-commence implicit-explicit,(三)近义词辨析,【试题】The coat has a _inside to show the size and where it was made.(2011) A. label B. mark C. sign D. tag 【试题】 The dog waiting behind the gate looked so _ that I did not dare to go in. (2011) A. bold B. fierce C.wild D. harmful 【试题】Martin Luther King Jr was _the Nobel Peace Prize for advocating the nonviolence policy in the movrment for citizen rights.(2011) A. gained B. got C. awarded D. owned 【试题】Jane is scolded by her boss because she left the office with the computer _yesterday.(2011) A.on B.out C. unlocked D. unclosed,容易混淆的近义词或同义词,Valueprice-worthcost Attainachievegetacquire Allowadmitpermitapprove Relaxreleaserelieveremove Reactionanswerreplyreponseattitude Tempercharacterfeatureappearance Surroundingsenvironmentcircustancesatmosphere Expandenlargeextendadd Paceratespeedrhythm Averageordinaryregular-normal,(四)语境词汇题,【试题】When she tetired she did a lot of _ work for the Red Cross. (2011) A. valid B. portable C. prosperous D. voluntary 【试题】A positive answer makes you feel good, but a(n)_one teaches a lot.(2011) A. affirmative B.negative C. offensive D. subjective 【试题】 The first, second, and the third prizes went to jack,Tom and Harry _. (2010) A. equally B. differently C. similarly D. respectively 【试题】He had never given a speech to so many people, so he felt _.(2010) A. excited B. stupid C. disappointed D. nervous,


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