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Progressive Translation 翻译篇,第八章 短文翻译练习,短文1,平静的海面上每个人都可以成为领航员。 但只有晴天没有阴霾,只有快乐没有悲伤, 那就全然不是人生。就拿最幸福的人来 说吧,他们的命运就是一团纠缠不清的纱 线。丧亲之痛和神恩赐福此起彼伏,让 我们悲欢交替。甚至连死亡本身也使生 命更加珍贵。人们在生命的庄严时刻, 在哀伤和丧亲的阴影之下,最接近真 实的自我。在生活或事业中,性格比才 智更能指导我们,心性比头脑更能引导 我们,而克制、耐心和教养比天分更能 让我们受益。我一向认为,内心开始生 活得更为严谨的人,他外在的生活会开 始变得更为简朴。在物欲横流的年代, 但愿我能向世人表明:人类的真正需求 少得有多么可怜。反思自己的过错以至 于不重蹈覆辙才是真正的悔悟。高人一 等并没有什么值得夸耀的。真正的高贵 是超越原来的你。,短文1,In a calm sea every man is a pilot. But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all. Take the lot of the happiestit is a tangled yarn. Bereavements and blessings, one following another, make us sad and blessed by turns. Even death itself makes life more loving. Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss. In the affairs of life or of business, it is not intellect that tells so much as character, not brains so much as heart, not genius so much as self-control, patience, and discipline, regulated by judgment. I have always believed that the man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without. In an age of extravagance and waste, I wish I could show to the world how few the real wants of humanity are. To regret ones errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance. There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.,短文2,松树几乎总是长在凌乱荒凉的地方,但它却把周围的景色点缀得 井井有条,蔚然可观。低地处的树木会东倒西歪,虽然让它们东 倒西歪的,不过是草地上吹过的一阵阵微风;或者,它们的躯干 倾斜到一边,不过是由于一排野樱草的影响。可是,尽管风暴和 雪崩恣意摧残,尽管松树所能依附的只是陡壁上一块凸出的岩石, 它依然长得笔挺。从它初发的嫩枝旁沿茎插一根笔直的杆子;只 要这树活着,杆子将一直指着地心。低地处的树,可能为了获得 它们需要的东西,四处伸展枝桠,形成各种不规则的形状,任意 扩张。然而松树却饱经锻炼,什么也不需要,什么都能忍受。它 坚定完整,独立成长;除了长得挺拔正直,别无所求;虽受限制 而依然完美,它便感到满足。不管是高是矮,它总是长得笔直。,短文2,The pines, placed nearly always among scenes disordered and desolate, bring into them all possible elements of order and precision. Lowland trees may lean to this side and that, though it is but a meadow breeze that bends them or a bank of cowlips from which their trunks lean aslope. But let storm and avalanche do their worst, and let the pine find only a ledge of vertical precipice to cling to, it will nevertheless grow straight. Thrust a rod from its last shoot down the stem; it shall point to the center of the earth as long as the tree lives, It may be well also for lowland branches to reach hither and thither for what they need, and to take all kinds of irregular shape and ex- tension. But the pine is trained to need nothing and endure everything. It is resolvedly whole, self-contained, desiring nothing but rightness, content with restricted completion. Tall or short, it will be straight.,短文3,老贝尔门是住在楼下一层的一个画家。他六十开外,有一把像米开朗琪 罗的摩西雕像的胡子,从萨提尔似的头上顺着他半人半鬼一样的身体卷 垂下来。贝尔门在艺术上是一个失败者。他耍了四十年画笔,可是和艺 术女神隔着相当距离,连她长袍的边都碰不到。他总说要作一幅好画, 但是还没有动手。这些年来,他除了时不时画一些商业画或广告画之外, 没有画过别的东西。他替艺术区里那些雇不起职业模特儿的青年画家做 模特儿,挣些小钱。他喝酒总是过量,还总是唠唠叨叨地谈着他未来的 那幅杰作。此外,他还是个暴躁的小老头儿,极端瞧不起人家的温情, 但却认为自己是保护楼上画室那两个青年画家的看门恶犬。,短文3,Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor beneath them. He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelos Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along the body of an imp. Behrman was a failure in art. Forty years he had wielded the brush without getting near enough to touch the hem of his Mistresss robe. He had been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it. For several years he had painted nothing except now and then a daub in the line of commerce or advertising. He earned a little by serving as a model to those young artists in the colony who could not pay the price of a professional. He drank gin to excess, and still talked of his coming masterpiece. For the rest he was a fierce little old man, who scoffed terribly at softness in any one, and who regarded himself as especial Mastiff waiting to protect the two young artists in the studio above.,短文4,在圣诞节这一天,许多美国人去做礼拜或是走亲访友。他们会吃一顿特别 的大餐。或者他们会给无家可归者提供食物,帮助他们庆祝这一节日。在 圣诞节这一天,无论美国人走到哪里,他们都会互相祝福“圣诞快乐”。 在美国,音乐是庆祝圣诞节的重要方式。美国人喜欢各种各样的圣诞歌曲。 Shirley Griffith在此为我们作一些介绍。,短文4,On Christmas Day, many Americans go to church or visit friends or family members. They eat a special meal. Or they help celebrate the holiday by serving meals to homeless people. But wherever Americans go on Christmas Day, they always wish each other “Merry Christmas.” Music is a big part of Christmas celebrations in the United States. Americans enjoy all kinds of Christmas songs. Here is Shirley Griffith to tell us about a few of them.,短文5,两千多年前,古罗马人就开始庆祝情人们的节日。作为情人节庆祝活动 的一部分,姑娘们把各自的名字分别写在一张张纸条上,然后把纸条放 进一个大盒子里。小伙子们把手伸进盒子里抽出姑,短文5,The ancient Romans celebrated a holiday for lovers more than 2,000 years ago. As part of the celebration, girls wrote their names on pieces of paper and put them in a large container. Boys reached into the container and pulled out the name of a girl. That girl became his girlfriend or sweetheart for a year.,短文6,其他和火鸡相搭配的传统感恩节美味有:红薯、越橘和南瓜派。 据说,感恩节前后,商店出售的食物比一年中的任何时候都要 多。当然,许多人在感恩节吃的食物比一年中其他的时候也要 多一些。,短文6,Other traditional Thanksgiving foods served with turkey are sweet potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie. Stores are said to sell more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year. And many people eat more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year.,短文7,近年来,美国人给感恩节增添了新的庆祝方式。例如, 在感恩节这一天会举行职业橄榄球赛和大学生橄榄球赛。 其中有些比赛在国家电视台播放。,短文7,Over the years, Americans have added new traditions to their Thanksgiving celebration. For example, a number of profe- ssional and university football games are played on Thanks- giving Day. Some of the games are broadcast on national television.,短文8,英格兰和苏格兰的居民将4月1日这天作为愚弄人的日子。 一个在苏格兰家喻户晓的笑话是派人去一户人家送信。信 中告诉收信人这是个玩笑。收信人会说这封信是送给住在 路的另一头的人的。在往返奔波后,这个精疲力竭的苏格 兰人回到家里,发现朋友们正在为这个恶作剧哈哈大笑。,短文8,People in Britain and Scotland recognize April 1st as a day of fooling. A famous joke in Scotland was to send someone to a house to deliver a letter. The letter told the receiver it was a joke. The receiver would say the letter was for the person who lived down the road. After traveling many miles this way, the tired Scot would return home to find friends laughing at the joke.,短文9,本周日是美国的母亲节。世界上许多国家都庆祝这一节日, 但日期不尽相同。一些历史学家认为,这一节日源于古希 腊和古罗马的春节。近代的母亲节出现在17世纪的英国。,短文9,Sunday is Mothers Day in the United States. Mothers Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, but not always on the same day. Some historians say the holiday comes from ancient spring festivals in Greece and Rome. A more modern Mothers Day began in the 17th century in Britain.,短文10,一个名叫J. Sterling Morton的记者把家搬到了内布拉斯加。 他和妻子都热爱大自然,并在新家的周围栽树养花。Morton 先生是内布拉斯加第一家报纸的编辑。他撰写有关农业和树木 重要性的报道。他在报道中提到,内布拉斯加需要树木来防止 泥土被风吹走,而且树木还可以为人们遮挡夏天炎热的阳光。,短文10,A reporter named J. Sterling Morton moved to Nebraska. He and his wife loved nature. They planted trees and flowers around their new home. Mr. Morton became the editor of Nebraskas first newspaper. He wrote reports about agriculture and the importance of trees. Trees were needed in Nebraska to prevent the wind from blowing away the soil. They also provided protection from the hot summer sun.,短文11,选举形势的扭转并非取决于从左派到右派的压倒性变化,而是 取决于每年6到7的那些举棋不定的(选民的)选票。这些 选票被称为游移选票,这些选民易受感情而不是思想意识的左右。,短文11,The election turned not on some seismic slide from left to right but on the choices made by the 6% to 7% of perennially undecided, known as the floating vote, who are swayed more by emotion than ideology.,短文12,他讲话时举止适度,措辞准确,同那些由辉格党人、和平主义者、 草案抵制者以及嬉皮士所组成的大杂烩截然不同,这些人25年 前创建了该组织。,短文12,Mild mannered and precise when he speaks, he is a far cry from the mix of Quakers, pacifists, drafts resisters and hippies who founded the organization a quarter century ago.,短文13,但我本人以及英国首相托尼布莱尔曾非常明确地表示:如果他(萨达姆) 不全面合作的话,我们别无选择,只有在不进行进一步谈判或警告的情况 下就采取行动。,短文13,But I, along with Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain, made it absolutely clear that if he did not fully cooperate we would have no choice but to act without further negotiation or warning.,短文14,严峻的考验在于在今后的50年中,美国人是否会回首1998年, 并因此说:我们对公职的要求太高,以至于只有圣人才会申请;或 者说我们把标准降得太低,以至于道德威信不再属于工作职责之列。,短文14,The hard test is whether in 50 years Americans will look back at 1998 and say that we raised the bar for public office so high that only saints need apply, or that we dropped it so low that moral authority fell out of the job description.,短文15,以后的工作将如何合理地证实这些预测,取决于所利用信息的数量、 可靠性和恰当性,也取决了解释信息的技巧和智慧。,短文15,How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends on the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.,短文16-20,短文16 为什么人口会有如此巨大的增长呢?事实上,这是因为知识传播 的结果,也是因为将被称为的养生之道的实践结果。 短文17 被人弃之不用、要自己寻找就业途径、自己寻找就业所提供的满 足或收入的方法,对于这样的前景,其他人甚是不满。 短文18 没有别的地方能像在耶鲁大学一样确实无疑地做到这一点。耶鲁 大学不仅精英荟萃、卓越不凡,而且对这一时代的无限制文化大 胆尝试,使自己适应这一文化。 短文19 作为一名初涉政坛的年轻人,我曾试图想出如何调和矛盾调 和我那种想使人们变得有教养、和睦相处、彼此尊重的本能愿望 同保持自己的想法并反对那些观点跟自己相左之人的需要之间的 矛盾。 短文20 当她指出为女性所开设的各种层次的教育都极端缺乏时,她最终 向她的丈夫提出这个重要的要求新组织应在学识和品德方面 著称。,短文16-20,短文16 Why is this enormous increase in population taking place? It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and the practice of what is coming to be called Death Control. 短文17 Others resent the prospect of being put on the scrap heap and seek alternative outlets for their energy and alternative sources of satisfaction or income that employment provided. 短文18 Nowhere could this be done more surely than at Yale, which was not only elite and distinguished but also experimental and adaptable to the free form culture of the era. 短文19 As a young man in politics, I was trying to figure out how to reconcile my natural desire to have people be civilized and be on good terms with one another and really respect each other and the need to stake out your ground and be in opposition to people who disagree with you. 短文20 As she pointed out the terrible deficiencies in education for women at all levels, she finally made the significant request to her husband, that the new constitution be distinguished for learning and virtue. .,短文21-25,短文21 如果我们希望查明一件事情的真相,我们就必须尽可能地以开放 的心态看待问题,并且要充分意识到我们自己的局限性和倾向性。 短文22 人口增长的主要原因与其说是由于出生率上升的缘故,倒不如说 是由于医疗条件的改善而导致死亡率下降的缘故。 短文23 韩国人对(他们国家的)变化是太快还是太慢意见不一致,同样, 对他们国家的民主是什么或应是什么,他们的意见也不一致。 短文24 然而,在未来4年中,所有的注意力都将近于肯定地集中于内塔 尼亚胡身上既然他现在已经实现了当选首相的勃勃雄心,人 们迫切希望发现他真正要做的是什么。 短文25 有慢性健康疾病的患者不仅无法在医院的诊断室里获得宽慰,而 且没完没了的高科技扫描和现代医学检测也常常使他们感到疏远 无助、缺少关心。,短文21-25,短文21 If we wish to find out the truth of a matter, we must approach the question with as nearly open a mind as we can and with a deep awareness of our own limitations and predispositions. 短文22 The chief reason for the population growth isnt so much a rise in birth rates as a fall in death rates as a result of improvements in medical care. 短文23 Koreans can no more agree on whether the changes have come too fast or too slowly than they can on what Korean democracy is or should be. 短文24 For the next four years, though, all eyes will more than likely be focused on Benjamin Netanyahu in an intensive quest to discover what he will really do now that he has achieved his burning ambition to be Prime Minister. 短文25 Not only do patients with chronic health problems fail to find relief in a doctors office, but the endless high-tech scans and tests of modern medicine also often leave them feeling alienated and uncared for.,短文26-30,短文26 过去几年,在被称为智能力量的领域突然出现了大量的企业创新 活动智商适中但设计合理、足以发布到互联网上的程序,去做 一些琐碎的、有价值的事,比如跟踪股票价格,或发掘研究数据中 的有价值东西。 短文27 在缺乏水分时,(植物)一般用蒸发作为降温的手段。植物无法消除 它从阳光中所吸收的热量,或是无法消除它在新陈代谢过程中积累 起来的热量。 短文28 如果她未曾被迫承认她丈夫不仅和一名有夫之妇私下有染,而且 这种关系还保持了许多年,那么就没有证据显示戴安娜没把心思 完全放在她丈夫和家庭上。 短文29 他从来没有同他们亲密来往,或是同他们坦诚交流,但由于他的 地位和高人一筹的聪明才智,他要求、也通常赢得了他们的尊敬。 短文30 智力测试不比较个性、社会适应性、人体耐力、手工技能,也不 比较艺术才干。因为这样的缺陷而指责智力测试,就如同因为不 能测量风速而指责温度计一样。,短文26-30,短文26 The past few years have seen a burst of entrepreneurial activity in what are called intelligent agentsIQ that are nonetheless smart enough to be released on the Internet to do small, useful chores like tracking stock prices or digging for nuggets of research data. 短文27 When it is short of water, a plant, which normally uses evaporation as a means of cooling, cannot rid itself of the heat it absorbs from sunlight or the heat that may build up from its own metabolism. 短文28 There is no evidence that Diana would have behaved other than devotedly to her husband and family if she hadnt been forced to acknowledge that her husband wasnt only having a clandestine affair with another mans wife, but had been having this affair for years. 短文29 He has never mixed with them or spoken to them on equal terms, but has demanded and generally received a respect due to his position and superior intelligence. 短文30 Intelligent test does not measure character, social adjustment, physical endurance, manual skills, or artistic abilities. To criticize it for such failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity.,短文31-34,短文31 他们在说广东省省会广州的一家非常有名的餐馆,有一道特色菜 叫“龙虎斗”,是在一个传统的罐子里将蛇(象征龙)和猫(象征虎 )放在一起制成的。1996年我曾受邀品尝这道菜,但实在难以下咽。 短文32 第二天早晨,导游被电话惊醒。电话是小餐馆的老板打来的, “我今早醒来发现昨天他们放掉的那些动物大多数又自己跑 回了畜栏。” 短文33 14岁那年的冬天我喜欢上了牧师的儿子。他不是中国人。整个圣诞 节,我都在为这个长着金发的男孩祈祷,他的名字叫罗伯特,长着 一个很别致的、纤细的美国式鼻子。 短文34 当我得知父母邀请了牧师一家到家里来吃圣诞晚餐时,我哭了。如果 罗伯特看到了我们寒碜的中国式圣诞,他会怎么想?他会怎么看待我 那些闹哄哄的、缺乏美国式教养的亲戚们?当他看到的不是一只烤 火鸡和甜马铃薯而是“中国菜”时,会多么的失望!,短文31-34,短文31 They were talking about a very famous restaurant in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province. It has a speciality called “Dragon and Tiger”, which is made from a snake (dragon) and a cat (tiger) together in a kind of traditional canister dish. I was invited to try it in 1996, but I couldnt bear to either. 短文32 The next morning, the guide was woken by a telephone call. It was the owner of that little wild food restaurant: “I woke up this morning to find most of the animals that they freed yesterday have come back to the kitchen yard.” 短文33 I fell in love with the ministers son the winter I turned fourteen. He was not Chinese. For Christmas I prayed for this blonde-haired boy, Robert, and a slim new American nose. 短文34 When I found out that my parents had invited the ministers family over for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried. What would Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas? What would he think of our noisy Chinese relatives who lacked proper American manners? What terrible disappointments would he feel upon seeing not a roasted turkey and sweet potatoes but Chinese food?,短文35-36,短文35 值得记住的是,阅读本身是一项人类固有的行为,一项从进化史的角 度存在不过一瞬间的发明。最近几十年来,教育界已经浪费了几十亿 美元用于纠正“阅读缺陷”,而实际上所谓的“阅读能力”根本就不 存在。阅读是一项人造的概念,对一系列非常有限的人类活动而言 具有很高的价值但绝不是所有的活动。 短文36 毫无疑问,人们都想拥有阅读能力,这常常使人感到愉悦。到2025年, 上千万的美国人仍将阅读书籍和杂志作为娱乐追求,而这种令人开心 的习惯将毋庸置疑地在后人心中占有一席之地。然而,正如并非每个 公民都被强制接受欣赏古典音乐的训练一样,也不该强迫他们相信 阅读肯定会带来享受。对于大多数学生来说,阅读和写作在现代世界 里是回报有限但难度很大的事业。,短文35-36,短文35 Its worth keeping in mind that reading itself is an inherent human activity, an invention that in evolutionary terms has existed only for a blink of an eye. School districts have wasted billions of dollars in recent decades to correct “reading disabilities” when in fact there is no such thing as “reading ability” to start with. Reading is an artificial construct that is of high value for a very limited set of human activitiesbut by no means all activities. 短文36 There is no question that reading is a desirable and often enjoyable skill to possess. In 2025, tens of millions of Americans continue to enjoy books and magazines as recreational pursuits, and this happy habit will undoubtedly remain part of the landscape for generations to come. But just as every citizen is not forcibly trained to enjoy classical music, neither should they be coerced into believing that reading is necessarily pleasurable. For the majority of students, reading and writing are difficult enterprises with limited payoffs in the modern world.,短文37-38,短文37 我永远忘不了1946年的复活节。那一年我14岁,妹妹奥丝12岁, 姐姐达琳16岁。我们和母亲住在一起,我们四个人都知道该如何在 所得很少的情况下过日子。我的父亲在5年前去世了,没给母亲留 下一分钱,只给她留下了7个正在上学的孩子。 短文38 那天,教堂中有一位传教士。他谈到非洲的教堂是如何用被风干的 砖块砌成,但是他们仍需要买屋顶材料的钱。他说建一座教堂, 屋顶需要花费100美元。传教士补充道:“难道我们不能做出一点 牺牲来帮助那些贫穷的人吗?”我们彼此看了看,脸上均露出了 一星期以来的第一次微笑。,短文37-38,短文37 Ill never forget Easter 1946. I was fourteen, my little sister, Ocy, was twelve and my older sister, Darlene, was sixteen. We lived at home with our mother, and the four of us knew what it was to do without many things. My dad had died five years before, leaving Mom with no money and seven school-aged kids to raise. 短文38 At church we had a missionary speaker. He talked about how churches in Africa made buildings out of sun-dried bricks, but they needed money to buy roofs. He said one hundred dollars would put a roof on a church. The minister added, “Cant we all sacrifice to help these poor people?” We looked at each other and smiled for the first time in a week.,短文39-40,短文39 尽管情感长期以来被认为是女性的专利,但男人倾诉感受的频率 与女人一样,他们以类似的方式描述自己的情感经历。一项对50 万成年人所做的情商分析表明,男人在情感意识方面评分也很高。 尽管男人和女人都叹气、哭喊、高兴、愤怒、大叫和生气,但两 性处理和表达情感的方式有所不同。 短文40 这或许解释了在不同文化环境下进行的125项研究中,男孩和 男人为何在阐明手势、面部表情和语调等非言语类信息时准确 率始终较低。男人对情感的反应也不甚强烈并且忘起来更快。,THANK YOU!,


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