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Chapter 4,Translation Techniques (110214134 杨倩),In this chapter, we are going to study different translation techniques in details. Therefore, first of all, its worthwhile discussing briefly the difference between the three words, which are often used in translation: approaches, methods, techniques.,Approach: we mean that an idea or theory is being applied: that whatever the translator does, certain theoretical principles are always borne in mind. The word much more general and has the implication that whatever methods or techniques that the translator uses, he/she does not feel bound by these, but only by theory in which he/she believes. But he/she will adopt these if he/she find new and better methods or techniques which fit in with his/her approach.,Technique: we mean a procedure used in the translation. A technique then is the narrowest term, meaning one single procedure. Method: a method is a set of procedures or a collection of techniques used in a systematic way which it is hoped will result in successful translation. Namely, it will consist of a number of techniques, probably arranged in a specific order.,we therefore have a hierarchical system from which it follows that different approaches may share the same techniques and even the same methods; and different methods may share the same techniques.,Approach,Method1,Method2,Technique A,Technique B,etc.,Generally speaking, the translation techniques include the followings: 4.1 Diction (遣词用字) 4.2 Repetition (重译法) 4.3 Amplification (增译法) 4.4 Omission (减译法) 4.5 Conversion (转换法) 4.6 Inversion (词序调整法) 4.7 Negation (正说反译,反说正译法) 4.8 Change of voices (语态变换法) 4.9 Division(分译法) 4.10 Combination(合译法),4.1 Diction (遣词用字),How many meanings can a word possibly have? Diction, the proper choice of words and phrases to express meaning, is one of the basic translation techniques. It must be based on the accurate comprehension of the original. The meaning of a word is its use in the language, not only its definitions in the dictionary. Words do not have meaning; people have meaning for words.,4.1 Diction (遣词用字),4.1.1 Word Meaning: 4.1.2 Choice of Word Meanings.,4.1.1 Word Meaning:,1. Grammatical Meaning. 2. Lexical Meaning.,1. Grammatical Meaning. Grammatical Meaning refers to that part of meaning which indicates grammatical relationships or functions, such as tense meaning, singular meaning, etc. Words with the similar lexical meaning can have different grammatical meanings, and words with different lexical meanings can have the same grammatical meaning. Grammatical meaning is in use.,2. Lexical Meaning.,Lexical Meaning is composed of conceptual meaning and associative meaning. Lexical meaning is relatively stable. 2.1 Conceptual Meaning . 2.2 Associative Meaning .,2.1 Conceptual Meaning . Conceptual meaning is often described as dictionary meaning or literal meaning of a word. It is the core of the meaning of a word. It is relatively constant and stable, because it is the meaning agreed upon by all the members of the same speech community.,2.2 Associative Meaning,Associative meaning is that part of meaning which has been supplemented to the conceptual meaning. It is the meaning which arises of the associations a word acquires. It is open-ended, unstable and indeterminate, because it varies with culture, time, place, class, individual experiences, etc. Associative meaning includes connotative, stylistic, affective and collocative meanings. 1)Connotative meaning 2)Stylistic meaning 3) Affective meaning,1)Connotative meaning Connotative meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content. Connotations are apt to vary from age to age and from society to society. Talking about connotation is in fact talking about the real world experience one associates with an expression when one uses or hears it.,2)Stylistic meaning Language use can be formal, neutral and casual in style. The stylistic features of words, which make words appropriate for appropriate situations, constitute stylistic meanings of words. 3) Affective meaning Affective meaning refers to that part of meaning which conveys emotions and attitudes of a language user. Sometimes affective meanings are brought out only in context.,4.1.2 Choice of Word Meanings.,In the practice of translation, what perplexes us most frequently is how to find an equivalent in the TL (target language). Great care is called for in the translation of “familiar” English words into Chinese, as their meanings vary with the change in collocation or context: (see P100-101) 1) The meaning of a word is its use in the language. And each word, when used in a new context, is a new word. 2) A Chinese word or phase may have a variety of English equivalents to different situations.,4.1.2 Choice of Word Meanings.,1.Some common-used ways available to find an equivalent in the TL. 2. Special Techniques Employed in Translating a Word.,1.Some common-used ways available to find an equivalent in the TL. .Choice of Word Meanings According to Their Parts of Speech. .Choice of Word Meanings According to Different Collocations. .Choice of Meaning Shifts Between the Abstract and the Concrete. .Choice of Affective Meaning. .Choice of Contextual Meaning.,.Choice of Word Meanings According to Their Parts of Speech. A word may have various meanings with different parts of speech. e. g:1) Like charges repel; unlike charges attract. 相同的电荷相斥,不同的电荷相吸.(adj.) 2) He likes mathematics more than physics. 他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。(v.),.Choice of Word Meanings According to Different Collocations. the same word with the same part of speech may have different meanings due to different collocations. e. g: severe looks 严肃的神情 severe winter 严冬 severe reasoning 严谨的推理 1) He is the last man to come. 他是最后来的。 2) He is the last man to consult. 根本不宜找他商量。 1)缘分 predestined relationship 2)血缘 blood relationship,.Choice of Meaning Shifts Between the Abstract and the Concrete. In order to find an equivalent version which conforms to the usage of TL, sometimes it is necessary to put the word with concrete image into one with abstract meaning and vice versa. e. g:1) It was a long story with many ands. 这是一个说来话长的故事,包括许多细节。 2)Then this girl gets killed, because shes always speeding. 今后这姑娘会断送性命的,因为她总是违反交通规则。 3)上海反映了中国的发展与现状。 Shanghai mirrors the development and characters of China.,.Choice of Affective Meaning. Affective meaning refers to what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the writer towards the readers. And there are three types of affective meanings: commendatory, neutral and derogatory.,e. g:1)Mr. Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture. 布朗先生接到作演讲的邀请时,感到非常荣幸。(commendatory) 2)Hans was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen. 汉斯说,这位先生是他所见到过的最有胆识的人,这种阿谀奉承未免过于露骨。(derogatory) 3) Youre flattering me by saying that. 那么说,就过奖了。(neutral),.Choice of Contextual Meaning. The same word, when used in different contexts or fields of discourse, has different meanings. e. g: His eyes were warm and fierce and bright and his moustache was thin and coarse. (John Steinbeck, Pearl) Version1: 他的眼睛热情、凶猛又明亮,胡子又稀又粗。 Version2:他的眼睛热情、锐利、炯炯有神,胡子稀疏粗 硬。,2. Special Techniques Employed in Translating a Word. The technique diction can be detailedly subdivided into the following ten techniques which are applicable to E-C and C-E translation: .Deduction(推演法) . Transplant (移植法) .Extension(隐身法) .Substitution(替换法) .Explanation(释义法) .Combination(合并法) .Pictographic(图形法) .Transliteration(音译法) .Zero-translation(零翻译法) .Transliteration+ Explanation(音义结合法),.Deduction(推演法) It is to deduce the original meaning in the light of the explanation of an English dictionary. e. g: communitya social group or class having common interests 派(界)界人士 软件 software 虚拟空间 virtual space . Transplant (移植法) This is a literal translation of the parts of a given word. e. g: 微波 microwave minicomputer 微型电脑 蚁族 ant tribe backpacker 背包客 秒杀 seckill( second+kill ) baby-pooling 拼养小孩,.Extension(隐身法) This can be either from specific to general or from concrete to abstract, and vice versa. e. g: bottleneck 瓶颈交通峡口阻塞(c a) brain drain 脑排干人才外流人才流失(c a) 飞鸟 flybird an experienced Internet user (sg) 杨不管 lacking responsibility (sg) .Substitution(替换法) It is to replace the words of the original expression with synonyms or idioms in the target language according to different situations. e. g: transience in existence 昙花一现 晴天霹雳 like a bolt from the blue.,.Explanation(释义法) This technique is commonly used when there is no corresponding expression in the target language and all the above-mentioned techniques fail to make sense. e. g: me time 私人专属时间 英年早逝 untimely death a throwaway society 一个大手大脚、浪费成风的社会 .Combination(合并法) It means to integrate more than word into one expression. e. g: animal patients 病畜 a grim and tragic Christmas 一个惨淡的圣诞节 near and dear 亲近,.Pictographic(图形法) By this technique words are translated according to their shapes. e. g: H-beam 工字梁 O-ring 环形圈 丁字桥 T-bridge 三角皮带 V-belt .Transliteration(音译法) e. g: Marxism 马克思主义 给力 gelievable .Zero-translation(零翻译法) e. g: KTV 包房 NBA IBM .Transliteration+ Explanation(音义结合法) e. g: tank 坦克车 rifle 来复枪 ballet 芭蕾舞,4.2 Repetition(重译法),Repetition is, to some extent, a special case of amplification. In most cases, repetition is used for clarification, emphasis or to make the translation more vivid. 4.2.1 Repetition in E-C Translation 4.2.2 Repetition in C-E Translation,4.2.1 Repetition in E-C Translation, Repetition for Clarification. Repetition for Emphasis. Repetition for Making the Translation More Vivid or Full of Aesthetic Value., Repetition for Clarification.,.Repetition of Nouns. . Repetition of Verbs. . Repetition of the Nouns in Chinese for the Pronouns in English. . Another case: there is no repetition in English, in order to achieve clarification, repetition of contents instead of forms is often adopted in Chinese.,.Repetition of Nouns. 1. Repetition of the Noun as Object Which Has More than One Modifiers. e. g: let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 我们来修订安全规则和卫生规则吧。 2. Repetition of the Noun after the Link Verb. e. g: he became an oil baronall by himself. 他成为一个石油大王一个白手起家的石油大王。,3. Repetition of the Omitted Noun Before the Prepositional Phrases. e. g:1) We see, therefore, how the modern bourgeoisie is itself the product of a long course of development, of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and exchange. 由此可见,现代资产阶级本身是一个长期发展过程的产物,是生产方式和交换方式的一系列变革的产物。 2)He broke all connections with his past, and with the old society in every way. 他和他的过去断绝了一切联系,和旧社会的各个方面也断绝了一切联系。,4. Repetition of the Nouns as Antecedents. e. g: 1) May I extend my heartiest congratulation to the great Chinese people and its Communist Party, through you, for the glowing success of your tremendous revolution, which is now inspiring the world. 让我通过您最衷心的祝贺伟大的中国人民及其共产党。祝贺你们的巨大革命的辉煌胜利,这个胜利正在鼓舞着全世界。 2)all of the sound of sympathy which comes so readily from who have an independent income. 他发出了同情之声,这种同情是那些有独立收入的人最容易脱口而出的。,. Repetition of Verbs. 1. When a verb is followed by more than one object or predicative, its common to repeat this verb in Chinese. e. g:1)He was proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator. 他既精于飞行,又精于导航。 2)people forgot your face first, then your name. 人们首先忘记你的容貌,接着又忘记你的名字。,2. when a verb is followed by several objects, before which theres the same preposition or there is the omission of the same preposition. In such a case, its necessary to repeat the verb instead of repeating the same proposition. e. g: We talk of ourselves, of our prospects, of the journey, of the weather, of each otherof everything but our host and hostess. 我们谈到自己,谈到前途,谈到旅程,谈到天气,谈到彼此的情况谈到一切,只是不谈我们的男女主人。,. Repetition of the Nouns in Chinese for the Pronouns in English. e. g: 1) In China, they “made mistake”, suffered by them, acknowledged and studied them, thus planned victory. 在中国,他们“犯过错误”,吃过错误的亏,承认错误,研究错误,从而制定了胜利的方针。 2)He hated failure, he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others. 他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败。,. Another case: there is no repetition in English, in order to achieve clarification, repetition of contents instead of forms is often adopted in Chinese. e. g: 1)He wanted to send them more aid, more weapons and a few more men. 他想给他们增加些援助,增添些武器,增派些人员。 2)To him, the birds sang, the squirrel chattered and the flowers bloomed. 鸟儿向他唱歌,松鼠对他叽咕,花儿为他开放。, Repetition for Emphasis.,.Repetition of the Original Repeated Words or Antithesis or Parallel Structures for Retaining the Same Emphasis in Chinese. . Repetition of the Original Repeated Words by Employing Synonyms for Retaining the Same Emphasis in Chinese.,.Repetition of the Original Repeated Words or Antithesis or Parallel Structures for Retaining the Same Emphasis in Chinese. e. g:1) ways and means 方式方法 pick and choose 挑挑拣拣 2)Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。 3)Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。 4)at any given moment the traveler could find examples in both of the same architecture, the same styles in dress, the same books on the shelves. 在任何一个特定的时刻,旅行者在两地均能目睹同一样式的建筑实例、相同款式的服饰、书架上相同的书籍。,. Repetition of the Original Repeated Words by Employing Synonyms for Retaining the Same Emphasis in Chinese. e. g: I love my love with an E, because shes enticing; I hate her with an E, because shes engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her names Emily, and she lives in the east. 我爱我的爱,因为她实在长得招人爱。我恨我的爱,因为她不回报我的爱。我带着她到挂着浮荡子招牌的一家,和她谈情说爱。我请她看一出潜逃私奔,为的是我能和她长久你亲我爱。她的名字叫爱弥丽,她的家住在爱仁里。, Repetition for Making the Translation More Vivid or Full of Aesthetic Value. . Repetition by Chinese Four-character Phrases. . Repetition by Chinese Reduplicated Words. . Repetition of Synonymous Characters or Words. . Repetition by Integrating Chinese Four-character Phrases and Reduplicated Words.,. Repetition by Chinese Four-character Phrases. e. g: 1) But there had been too much publicity about my case. 但我的事情现在已经搞得满城风雨、人人皆知了。 2)Target priorities were established there. 目标的轻重缓急、孰先孰后是在那里决定的。 . Repetition by Chinese Reduplicated Words. e. g:1) to and fro 来来往往 off and on 断断续续 2) I had been completely honest in my replies, withholding nothing. 我的回答完全是坦荡荡,直言无隐。,. Repetition of Synonymous Characters or Words. e. g: great contribution 丰功伟绩 gratitude 感恩戴德 ingratitude 忘恩负义 very rich (merchant) 腰缠万贯(商人) interesting (story) 引人入胜 (故事) . Repetition by Integrating Chinese Four-character Phrases and Reduplicated Words. e. g: only a very slight and very scattering ripples of half-hearted hand clapping greeted him. 欢迎他的只有几下轻轻的、零零落落的、半心半意的掌声。 (cf. 欢迎他的只有轻微的、分散的、三心二意的掌声。),4.2.2 Repetition in C-E Translation,In C-E translation, its very common that the words which appear more than once in Chinese in one sentence should be omitted in the English version do avoid “verbosity”, or rather, to secure “economy in words”. As how to put the Chinese repeated words into English, here are some commonly-used ways in translation:,.Repetition as a Stylistic Device for Emphasis and Conveying the Same Force Contained in the Original. e. g:1)“事实就是事实” “ fact is fact.” 2) “以毒攻毒” “ like cures like.” 3)在我的后园,可以看见墙外有两株树,一株是枣树,还有一株也是枣树。 Behind the wall of my backyard you can see two trees. One is a date tree, the other is also a date tree.,.Variation or Omission. e. g: 1)科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的劳动。 Science means honest, solid knowledge, not allowing an iota falsehood, and it involves Herculean efforts and grueling toil. 2)对待同志要满腔热忱,不能冷冷清清、漠不关心。 we should be warm towards our comrades, not in ice and indifferent.,. Substitution. e. g: 1)有条件要上,没有条件,创造条件也要上! When conditions exist, go ahead; when they dont, create them and go ahead ! 2) 他们为国家做的事比我们所做的多得多。 They have done much more for the State than we have.,4.3 Amplification (增译法),By amplification we mean supplying necessary words in our translation work to make the version correct and clear, to make it appear more like the language translated into. Broadly speaking, amplification is of two kinds: 1) words supplied for syntactic construction. 2) words supplied for semantic completion.,4.3 Amplification (增译法),4.3.1 Amplification in E-C Translation 4.3.2 Amplification in C-E Translation,4.3.1 Amplification in E-C Translation,. Amplification by Supplying Words Omitted in the Original. . Amplification by Supplying Necessary Connective. . Amplification by Supplying Words Indicating Plurals. . Amplification by Supplying Words of Generalization. . Amplification by Supplying Words Indicating Tense. . Amplification for Purposes of Rhetoric or Coherence. . Amplification for Logic. . Amplification by Supplying Some Necessary Words to Convey the Tone of the Original.,. Amplification by Supplying Words Omitted in the Original. e. g: 1) The best conductor has the least resistance and the poorest the greatest. 最好的导体电阻最小,最差的导体电阻最大。 2)Avoid using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust, or humidity. 不要在过冷、过热、灰尘过重、湿度过大的情况下使用电脑。,. Amplification by Supplying Necessary Connective. e. g: 1)The bitter weather had driven everyone indoors. 由于天气寒冷刺骨,人人都躲进了室内。 2)Heated,water will change into vapor. 水如受热,就会汽化。 . Amplification by Supplying Words Indicating Plurals. e. g:1) Fruits are grown in our province.我省种植各种水果。 2)The lion is the king of animals. 狮子是百兽之王。,. Amplification by Supplying Words of Generalization. e. g:1) You and I . 你我两人。 2)militarily, politically and economically, ect. 军事、政治、经济等各方面。 . Amplification by Supplying Words Indicating Tense. e. g: 1) I had known two great social systems. 那时以前,我就经历了两大社会制度。 2)The high-altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird. 该高空飞机过去是,现在仍然是一种了不起的飞机。,. Amplification for Purposes of Rhetoric or Coherence. 1. Amplification by Supplying Nouns to Make an Abstract Concept Clear. () Add nouns after nouns. e. g: We should by no means neglect the evaporation of water. 我们绝不能忽视水的蒸发作用。 () Add nouns after verbs. e. g: I could knit when I was seven. 我七岁时就会织毛衣。,2. Amplification by Supplying Words to Achieve Expressiveness. e. g: 1) A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea. 一轮新月渐渐隐隐没在朦胧的云彩里去了。 2)The crowds melted away. 人群渐渐散开了。 . Amplification for Logic. e. g: Born into a rich family, he would have received better education. 假如生在富有的家庭,他会受更好的教育。,. Amplification by Supplying Some Necessary Words to Convey the Tone of the Original. e. g: 1) As for me, I didnt agree from the very beginning. 我呢,从一开始就不赞成。 2)With his aid you would have succeeded. 当初若有他的帮助,你早就成功了。 3)I wish I were as versatile as you. 我巴不得像你一样什么都会。,4.3.2 Amplification in C-E Translation,. Amplification by Supplying Pronouns or Nouns. . Amplification by Adding Necessary Articles. . Amplifying by Adding Necessary Connectives. . Amplifying by Adding Necessary Prepositions. . Amplifying by Adding Necessary Background Words or Explanatory Words. . Amplification by Supplying Some Necessary Words to Convey the Tone of the Original.,. Amplification by Supplying Pronouns or Nouns. e. g: 1)要提倡顾全大局。 We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration. 2)没有调查就没有发言权。 He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak. . Amplification by Adding Necessary Articles. e. g: 1)使用细菌武器显然是违反国际法的。 The use of bacteriological weapons is a clear violation of international law. (Both “the “and “a” are indispensable in English),. Amplifying by Adding Necessary Connectives. e. g: 1)老师在等我,我得走了。 The teacher is waiting for me, so I must be off now. 2)虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. . Amplifying by Adding Necessary Prepositions. e. g: 1)你是百天工作还是夜间工作? Do you work in the day-time or at night? 2)他已经把这事忘得一干二净了。 He has forgotten all about it.,. Amplifying by Adding Necessary B


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