9B Unit1 Asia 单元测试卷(B)

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9B Unit1 Asia 单元测试卷(B)一、单项填空(20分)( ) l. In this exam, you will be asked to write an article of about _. A. 90-words B. 90-word C. 90 words D. 90 words( ) 2. He fell asleep with a book _ open on his knees. A. lay B. lies C. is lying D. lying( ) 3.-Is your father a teacher? -Well, he _. A. used to B. was used to C. used to be D. is used to be .( ) 4. The water in the river _ three feet last night because of the sudden flood. A. raised B. rose C. grew D. added( ) 5. About _ of the engineers in my company seem to be in their _. A. second-nines; forties B. two-ninths; forties C. second-ninths; fortieth D. two-nine; fourth( ) 6. -Who was calling you on the phone just now? - _.A. Thats him B. It was TomC. This was someone D. Maybe Jims( ) 7. The piano played by my friend _ most space of his study. A. takes up B. takes off C. takes in D. takes out of( ) 8. -Did you enjoy yourself at the party? -Yes, Ive never been to _ one before. A. a more exciting B. the most excited C. a more excited D. the most exciting( ) 9. I think this kind of mobile phone will be fashionable this year, _ Im not completely sure. A. as B. if C. until D. though( )10. _ is so nice to have _ good friends. A. It; such B. That; such C. It, so D. That; so( )11. The population of China is much _ than that of _ country in Africa. A. more; any B. bigger; any other C. more; any other D. bigger; any( )12. -Have you seen the film Gravity ? -Yes, its worth _. The scenes in space are _ amazing that Ive seen it twice. A. seeing; too B. to see; enough C. seeing; so D. to see; such( )13. My classmate recommended a lot of history books, but _ was to my taste. A. none B. either C. nothing D. all( )14. -Do you mind making some room for me, sir? - _. A. Yes, we do B. Yes, I will C. No, you dont D. Certainly not( )15. Wuxi is well-known _ the people in China _ the Land of Fish and Rice. A. for, as B. to, as C. to, for D. as, for( )16. A man _ Mr Smith is waiting for you outside. He has _ to tell you. A. called; something important B. is called; something important C. called; important something D. calling; important something( )17. Many people found _ to see the sunset by the sea. A. its a pleasure B. its pleasant C. it pleasant D. that pleasant( )18. She enjoyed her visit to Beijing _ she took a lot of photos with the new camera. A. so much that B. so many that C. as much as D. so many as( )19. When I _ the museum, I found that it_. A. arrived; closed B. arrived; was closed C. reached; closed D. reached; was closed( )20. -Oh, what a bad memory I have! I forgot your umbrella.-_. It is sunny. I dont need it today. A. Never mind B. Youre welcome C. No problem D. All right二、完形填空(10分) Jenny, from Germany, spent some time traveling in India. While she was there, she stayed with her Indian friend, Leela. However, there was a 1 barrier (障碍) for her there. It was very 2 for her to communicate in the new environment, which was very different from that of her own country. One day, together with Leela, Jenny went to 3 an orphanage (孤儿院). All the children there were very young. At first, Jenny was not sure if she could have a way to communicate with them. She went over to the children 4 and sat beside them. After some time, one of the children 5 at her. She felt a little relaxed and smiled back. Then she went close to the child. She slowly put her arm around the child and started 6 a song in German. The child kept smiling and started repeating the words after her. Jenny sang a little more and the child followed her again. Wanting to join in the 7 , another child went up to Jenny- and started singing. Then more children joined. They 8 many smiles together. From the other side of the hall, Leela was smiling and watching them. Noticing Leelas eyes on her, Jenny had an 9 feeling from her heart: See, I dont have any language barriers here. We can speak and communicate! At that moment, she understood: were all simple human, and we have the ability to 10 with each other.( ) l. A. transport B. food C. language D. tour( ) 2. A. nice B. strange C. lucky D. difficult( ) 3. A. show B. visit C. build D. improve( ) 4. A. slowly B. early C. hardly D. easily( ) 5. A. moved B. laughed C. shouted D. smiled( ) 6. A. singing B. writing C. saying D. playing( ) 7. A. club B. talk C. fun D. dance( ) 8. A. forgot B. remembered C. shared D. missed( ) 9. A. awful B. excited C. active D. important( )10. A. communicate B. laugh C. stay D. travel三、阅读理解(20分)(A) When I was about 12, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings (缺点). Sometimes she said I was thin. Sometimes she said I was lazy. Sometimes she said I wasnt a good student. Sometimes she said I talked too much, and so on. I tried to put up with(忍受) her as long as I could. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes. He listened to me quietly, and then he asked, Are the things she said true or not? Mary, didnt you ever wonder what youre really like? Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said. I did as he told me and to my surprise, I found that about half the things were true. I brought the list back to my dad. He refused to take it. Thats just for you, he said. You know better than anyone else the truth about yourself. When something said about you is true, youll find it will be helpful to you. Dont shut your ears. Listen to them all, but hear the truth and do what you think is right. Many years have passed. The situation often appears in my mind. In our life we often meet with some trouble and we often go to someone and ask for advice. For some advice you will treasure all your life!( ) 1. How did the writer feel when her friend pointed out her shortcomings at first? A. Happy. B. Thankful. C. Unhappy. D. Nothing.( ) 2. What did the writers father do after he heard her complaints(抱怨)? A. He agreed with her enemy. B. He let her continue to put up with her enemy. C. He told her to write down all her enemy had said about her. D. He told her not to pay attention to what her enemy had said.( ) 3. The writer felt _ when she did the things as her father had told her. A. surprised B. angry C. disappointed D. sad( ) 4. Which of the following can we know from the passage? A. The enemy thought the writer was pretty. B. The enemy thought the writer studied hard. C. The writer and her enemy became best friends at last. D. The writer is thankful to her father.( ) 5. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A. My Parents B. A Good Friend C. An Enemy D. The Best Advice(B) In the most southern part of our planet, theres a place thats covered with snow and ice all year round. But it has the clearest and cleanest air. Amazingly, in this place, the sun sometimes hangs even in the midnight sky. This place is Antarctica (南极洲): the coldest, windiest and harshest (恶劣的) place on the Earth. As the worlds least-known place, Antarctica is of great interest to scientists around the world. During 30 years, China has sent many scientists to Antarctica. They mostly look at the resources under the icy land and do research about climate change and marine (海洋的) biology. Antarctica is a place with fantastic views. However, life there is very hard. Food is one of the biggest problems. Frozen food which can be heated easily is peoples daily food. Fresh vegetables are hard to grow in the cold weather. Sleep is also difficult. In Antarctica, summer lasts from November to March. During this period, Antarctica points to the sun and receives sunlight 24 hours a day. In order to get some sleep, scientists cover the windows with black plastic cloth to create night. Working in Antarctica is dangerous, especially when meeting gale-force (七级以上的) winds. They can easily blow people away. So there are ropes that connect buildings of some research stations. People can hold these ropes to keep their balance in forceful winds. Whats morel communicating with others is difficult. Without cables and Internet in some research stations. two-way radios are the only tools to communicate. If people want to say hello to friends and relatives, they can use satellite phones. Although it is challenging to work in Antarctica, scientists passion to learn about this mysterious land will never end. It is hopeful that one day they will step every corner of this icy land.( ) 6. From Paragraph 1, we learn that Antarctica_. A. is covered with snow and ice B. rains heavily from time to time C. has little wind most of the time D. has sunshine during every night( ) 7. Scientists from China go to Antarctica to _. A. find out ways to control water pollution B. research climate change and marine biology C. grow plants and vegetables in special condition D. stop the hunters from killing the marine life( ) 8. In order to sleep well in Antarctica, the scientists have to _. A. wear more clothes to keep warm B. cover the windows with black cloth C. connect research stations with ropes D. eat more fried and canned vegetables( ) 9. We can replace (替换) the underlined word passion in the last paragraph with _. A. strong love B. full preparation C. pleasant introduction D. amazing imagination( )10. The passage is mainly about A. views of Antarctica B. exploring(探索) Antarctica C. how to survive in Antarctica D. climate changes of Antarctica四、单词拼写(12分)1. There were several expensive suits _(悬挂) in the shop windows.2. Its said that there will be a _ (庙会) in this street on March 27th.3. From the top of the mountain, you can see a lake with an island in the _ (中央).4. They have _(提高)oil prices by more than 10 percent.5.I could see him_(指)at me and telling the other visitors what I said.6It was very _(累人的)but l was happy since I saw beautiful scenes.7. Most people liked to use_(筷子)made of bamboos in the past.8. In the front of the company, there are three_(旗帜)of different countries.9Nearly three_(四分之三)of the earth is covered with water.10.-Why do you prefer this restaurant? -Because it provides a high_ of service.11. -Large numbers of_ students came to learn our culture in Tang dynasty. -Yes. I have been to Tokyo and people there admire Chinese culture a lot.12. -How do Chinese people get warm in winter7 -People in the south usually use the air conditioner(空调)while people in _ cities have public heating system.五、完成句子(18分)1漓江两岸,群山耸立,形状各异。_2我将动身去美国度过七天的假期。_3她每个月就收到她姐姐的一封信。_4长城蜿蜒6000多公里穿过中国北部地区。_5我们应该更多地了解中国的历史。_6这座宫殿里面有艺术珍宝,非常值得一游。_六、书面表达(20分) Luke在无锡旅游,他想了解无锡这一城市的情况,并让你给他一天的行程做个安排。请你写一篇90词左右的短文,介绍无锡有关的情况,要点包括:1无锡美丽富饶,位于江苏东南部,人口四百多万。2气候宜人,春天是游玩的最好季节。3当地人民勤劳善良,热情友好。4安排:早上可以去锡惠公园( Xihui Park),在那儿划船,爬山。然后去南禅寺(Nanchan Temple),在那购物,品尝当地美食。饭后去欣赏著名的太湖风景,拍些照片。_6


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