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在你职业生涯中存在的挑战1、职业定位 简单的说,就是确定一个人在特定的时间特定的地域能干什么, 不能干什么,应该在什么行业什么领域从事什么样的职业/工作。2、职业生涯规划理想的情况是,每个人在进入职场之前就应该有一份切实 可行的职业规划方案。但实际情况会让人非常遗憾。3、职业环境的适应如人际关系不好、得不到企业认可、能力得不到发挥、 工作没激情没动力、压力太大等情况,这时有人会选择面对它,解决它, 而有人会选择逃避,而逃避的极端形式就是离职。这时的离职多是非理性 的,通常都会以不好的结果而告一段落。应该理性思考,正确勇敢面对。如何为每个面试提供公平的就业机会1、关键是要制订公平公正就业扶持政策政府部门应积极采取措施,杜绝就业不公平行为。2、加强媒体监督,效果会很好现在,传媒资讯非常发达,媒体要勇于承担 社会舆论监督的重要角色。媒体对社会热点、难点关注让事件公开,舆论 监督能促进事件公开公正解决。3、国家应通过相关法律以提供平等就业机会 国家应制定相关法律,使所有 人,无论其种族、肤色、宗教、性别、年龄、是否残废以及最初国家来源, 都享有公平的就业机会In you career existing challenge1, professional positioning simple said, is to make sure that a person in a specific time specific regional can do, cant do, should be in what industry engaged in what fields what kind of professional/work.2, career planning the ideal situation is, everyone into the workplace in before there should be a feasible scheme of career planning. But the actual situation can let a person very regret.3, professional environment to adapt to such as the interpersonal relationship, not bad, can not get enterprise recognized play, work not passion didnt power, pressure is too great, etc, then someone will choose to face it, deal with it, but someone will run away, and escape the extreme form is leaving. The left is more irrational, usually with poor results and to end. Should be rational thinking, correct brave.How to provide for each interview fair employment opportunities1, the key is to make fair employment policy support government department should take active measures to put an end to the employment unfair behavior.2, strengthen the media supervision, the effect will be very good now, media information very developed, and the media, to dare to undertake the social supervision by public opinion of the important role. Media attention to social hot and difficult to public events, the supervision of public opinion can promote a just settlement public events.3, countries should through the related law to provide equal employment opportunity countries should formulate relevant laws, so that all people, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, disability and original source countries whether, are a fair employment opportunities


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