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1. A close-fitting womans dress with high neck and slit skirt is one of the traditional patterns of Chinese national costume. 旗袍是中华民族服装的传统款式之一。 好评(23) 2. This type of thread is used widely in the industry for making up garments of similar fiber content. 这种线在服装工业中广泛用于缝制同样质地的衣服。 好评(1) 3. Our clothes shop offers many styles of clothes for all the four seasons. 本服装商店,四季服装式样众多。 好评(23) 4. Press Mitt: used on the hand to press small areas without inter-faring with the rest of the garment. 手套式烫垫:将其套在手上对服装进行小面积的熨烫,而不会影响服装的其他部位。 好评(3) 5. In recent years fashion has encouraged men to add more color to their wardrobes. 最近这些年,时尚激励男人选用多花色的服装。 好评(2) 6. The style of this clothes designer is of classic beauty and fresh elegance. 古色古香,清雅素淡,是这个服装设计师的设计风格。 好评(6) 7. They choose what to wear by a simple method: whoever gets to the wardrobe first in the morning (usually Nancy) gets to pick the outfit for the day. 他们用一个简单的方法选择服装:每天早上谁先打开衣柜(通常是南希),谁就为两人选出当天穿的衣服。 好评(102) 8. Sophisticated coloring and elegant styling are fully shown at the international fashion festival. 各种不同的精致色彩和典雅的裁剪风格,在国际服装展示会上充分展现出来。 好评(1) 9. Trims used to decorate the garment are also part of the detail. 服装的装饰花边也是细部结构的一部分。 好评(0) 10. This features standard collar and lapels with easier sewing construction techniques plus button trim on the sleeves and three patch pockets. 该款服装的特点是标准领与驳头是简易缝制的,袖子上加饰纽,三贴袋。 好评(2) 11. You should see the clobber he takes when he goes climbing! 你真该看看他去登山时带的服装和设备! 好评(1) 12. The design of saleable garments. Producing these garments in bulk. 设计有销路的服装。大批量生产这些服装。 好评(1) 13. This kind of clothing is made of exquisite material with elegant and graceful design. 这种服装,面料考究,式样典雅大方。 好评(0) 14. These bare are always cut a little on the generous side. 这些拜伦牌服装总是裁得稍得稍大些。 好评(0) 15. This kind of dress is only appropriate for casual affairs. 这种服装只适合休闲场合。 好评(2) 16. The complete range of specifications and variety of colors are the constant feature of our clothes shop. 规格齐全,花式多样,是本服装商店一贯的特色。 好评(2) 17. Pressing is as important to the professional look as any sewing operation. It is essential element in the production of a perfectly finished garment. 熨烫对服装来讲如同缝纫操作一样重要。在一件完善的成品服生产过程中,这是十分重要的组成部分。 好评(0) 18. It was amended in 1967 to permit regulation of a wide range of. clothing and interior furnishings. 该法规1967年修订,适用范围更宽,包括服装和室内装饰物。 好评(2) 19. Female wedding guests are supposed to look elegant and bridesmaids are sup-posed to look pretty without eclipsing the central charac-ter 婚礼女宾客的穿着看起来应该典雅,伴娘的服装看起来也应漂亮,但不能遮盖了中心人物的风采。 好评(1) 20. This method of stitching is used instead of thread tracing for curved areas. Slip Basting 这种缝缉方法可用于服装曲线部位的缝缉,可代替线钉。 好评(0) 21. Straight for ward seaming is basis of joining to another piece and is used on all garments. 直线缝纫是与其他衣片缝合的基础,适用于所有服装。 好评(1) 22. It has to do with his military-chic clothes that contrast with his trendy, big-framed glasses 这同他穿着一身军装般的雅致服装,却不相配地戴着一副新潮大框架眼镜有关。 好评(0) 23. The clothes in this shop are in various styles. 本店服装,款式齐全。 好评(1) 24. Pop-stars dressing up in androgynous styles 穿着半男半女式服装的流行歌手. 好评(1) 25. As she is not rich, the chances that she will ever be able to afford such purchases are remote 由于她并不富裕,她买得起这些服装的可能性十分渺茫。 好评(2) 26. One of these companies is the Weizhi Group, an apparel manufacturer and wholesaler with headquarters in Xian (Po-Keung Ip 2002: 35). 伟志集团是这些企业之一,它是服装制造商和批发商,其总部坐落在西安(Po-Keung Ip2002:35)。 好评(0) 27. Dinner attire 正餐服装 好评(0) 28. Graceful and elegant clothings 俨雅服装 好评(0) 29. Wow! What a ritzy outfit! 哇!多么华丽的服装啊! 好评(1) 30. There has been a shift in fashion from formal to more informal dress. 服装的式样已经有了转变,以前很拘谨现在较随便. 好评(0) 31. It was amended in 1967 to permit regulation of a wide range of. clothing and interior furnishings. 该法规1967年修订,适用范围更宽,包括服装和室内装饰物。 好评(2) 32. Female wedding guests are supposed to look elegant and bridesmaids are sup-posed to look pretty without eclipsing the central charac-ter 婚礼女宾客的穿着看起来应该典雅,伴娘的服装看起来也应漂亮,但不能遮盖了中心人物的风采。 好评(1) 33. This method of stitching is used instead of thread tracing for curved areas. Slip Basting 这种缝缉方法可用于服装曲线部位的缝缉,可代替线钉。 好评(0) 34. Straight for ward seaming is basis of joining to another piece and is used on all garments. 直线缝纫是与其他衣片缝合的基础,适用于所有服装。 好评(1) 35. It has to do with his military-chic clothes that contrast with his trendy, big-framed glasses 这同他穿着一身军装般的雅致服装,却不相配地戴着一副新潮大框架眼镜有关。 好评(0) 36. The clothes in this shop are in various styles. 本店服装,款式齐全。 好评(1) 37. Pop-stars dressing up in androgynous styles 穿着半男半女式服装的流行歌手. 好评(1) 38. As she is not rich, the chances that she will ever be able to afford such purchases are remote 由于她并不富裕,她买得起这些服装的可能性十分渺茫。 好评(2) 39. One of these companies is the Weizhi Group, an apparel manufacturer and wholesaler with headquarters in Xian (Po-Keung Ip 2002: 35). 伟志集团是这些企业之一,它是服装制造商和批发商,其总部坐落在西安(Po-Keung Ip2002:35)。 好评(0) 40. Dinner attire 正餐服装 好评(0) 41. Graceful and elegant clothings 俨雅服装 好评(0) 42. Wow! What a ritzy outfit! 哇!多么华丽的服装啊! 好评(1) 43. Sometimes copies are mass-produced so quickly that they reach the stores even before the original designs. 有时仿制品批量生产的速度快到甚至会先于原设计的服装上市。 好评(1) 44. Portly (or outsize garment) store 特大号服装店 好评(0) 45. Fantastic attire 怪诞的服装 好评(1) 46. Another 52 cases of props, costumes and computer gear was airfreighted in 同时还空运去了另外52箱道具、服装和电脑设备。 好评(0) 47. A life-size full or partial representation of the human body, used for the fitting or displaying of clothes; a dummy. 人体模型如真人大小的、全身或半身的人体模型,用于量试衣服是否合适或展示服装;人体模型 好评(0) 48. They sat in Germaine Rochers salon watching the languid mannequins preen and simper 她们正坐在吉米?罗切的美术展览馆里,看着那些疲乏的服装模特炫耀服装和假笑。 好评(1) 49. This clothes factory is well-known for the production of the best-selling swallow-tailed coat in the most sought-after styles. 该服装厂以生产最流行的款式,最畅销的燕尾服而闻名。 好评(1) 50. Kimono (645) : Garment worn by Japanese men and women from the Early Nara period (645-724) to the present. 和服(645):日本男女从奈良时期(645724)早期到现在一直穿著的服装。 好评(0) 51. The garment store they so painstakingly built up also ended in failure 他们苦心经营的服装商店也以失败而告终。 好评(0) 52. A set of basic block patterns will consist of the following sections: Front and back bodice; front and back skirt; a sleeve. 一套是基本的服装样板由以下几部分组成:前身和后身,前后裙片,袖子。 好评(2) 53. Is there any requirement on the clothes we wear? 在服装方面有什么规定吗? 好评(0) 54. The day before the prom, I found that dress-in the right size draped majestically over the living room sofa 舞会的前一天,我看到那件服装挂在起居室沙发的上方,端庄高贵,而且尺寸正好合适。 好评(0) 55. This traditional costume is of indigo blue 这件传统服装是靛蓝色的。 好评(0) 56. a sartorial triumph 谑做工极好的服装 好评(0) 57. On balance, dress designing appeals to me more than gardening. 总的说来,服装设计比园艺更吸引我。 好评(0) 58. Get my swan costume ready. -Anna Pavlova, Russian ballerina 把我的天鹅服装准备好。俄国女芭蕾舞蹈家巴夫诺娃 好评(0) 59. Color can also affect the mood of a garment, making it appear informal or dressy. 色彩也会影响服装情调,可以使它显得潇酒或者时髦。 好评(1) 60. The standard of choosing clothes requires elegance, fit and comfort. 选购服装的标准:美观、合体、舒适。 好评(0)


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