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公众号:惟微小筑精品 正版资料系列 ,由本公司独创 . 旨在将 人教版、苏教版 、北师大版 、华师大版 等涵盖几乎所有版本 的教材教案、课件、导学案及同步练习和检测题分享给需要的朋友 .本资源创作于 2021 年 8 月 ,是当前最|新版本的教材资源 . 包含本课对应内容 ,是您备课、上课、课后练习以及寒暑假预习的最 | 正确选择 .14 -15 新目标九 Units1 -7 专项训练完形填空AFew people knew Zhang Liang in the past. He was almost a 1 outside the fashion (时尚) world before he and his 5 -year -old son Tiantian took part in last year ,s new TV show Where Are We Going, Dad? Now, his name stands for good dad in China.Zhang Liang, 32, is a model. On the TV show, together with four other dad -child pairs, they went on a 72 -hour trip every week. Zhang Liang is the youngest of the 2 fathers. But he has stood out as the most popular one. He is tall and handsome. He makes great food, but people 3 Zhang ,s parenting ( 养育技巧) most. He4 his son almost like a friend.On the show, when Tiantian 5 to protect his egg and lied about it, Zhang told him it was OK to just say sorry. When Tiantian ,s clothes were 6 in the snow, Zhang stopped the task and took him home to change into dry clothes. Don ,t worry about 7 . It ,s just a game, Zhang told his son.Zhang worked as a cook and later as a salesman 8 becoming a model. To him, life is full of gains and losses ( 得失). He had gone through ( 经历) much 9 before. You won ,t know the importance of 10 you have today if you have never lost anything, he said. So, as a father, he does teach his son how to grow up by experience.( ) 1. A. driver B. doctor C. stranger D. teacher( ) 2. A. two B. three C. four D. five( ) 3. A. like B. refuse C. believe D. encourage( ) 4. A. wakes B. treats C. punishes D. dislikes( ) 5. A. planned B. decided C. asked D. failed( ) 6. A. dirty B. wet C. clean D. lost( ) 7. A. watching B. playing C. losing D. winning( ) 8. A. after B. before C. while D. when( ) 9. A. difficulty B. easiness C. pleasure D. happiness( )10. A. what B. when C. which D. howBWhen I was a kid, the Easter holidays in Australia were my favorite time of the year. Easter is always in March or April. As soon as it 1 in April, my family would go straight to the 2 for a weekend camping. Unlike most of the world, Easter falls in 3 in Australia. This means that Easter is our 4 chance to enjoy the warm weather, swim in the sea and sleep in the bushes 5 the stars.There, we ,d 6 our tents on clear grass and look out onto an almost empty beach. Often we were the 7 ones camping and the whole beach would be ours alone.We 8 to spend all day outside swimming, hiking and fishing. On Easter morning, my parents would wake up early and plan an Easter 9 hunt for my three brothers and me. They would 10 the eggs in the strangest places -in bird nests ( 巢), in the trees, under our tents and among the stones 11 the beach. In Australia, we had chocolate bilbies ( 兔耳袋狸) 12 chocolate bunnies ( 兔子). Chocolate bilbies were the 13 treat to find and there was always one for each of us.公众号:惟微小筑14 the hunt we would come back to the campsite with our bellies ( 肚子) full of chocolate. For us, Easter wasn ,t about chocolate, eggs or religious tradition. It was about being with our 15 in the great outdoors. What good memories!( ) 1. A. ended B. finished C. started D. continued( ) 2. A. hill B. beach C. village D. mountain( ) 3. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter( ) 4. A. first B. last C. next D. least( ) 5. A. under B. over C. behind D. above( ) 6. A. put on B. put up C. turn on D. turn up( ) 7. A. only B. first C. best D. largest( ) 8. A. hated B. forgot C. stopped D. used( ) 9. A. dog B. rabbit C. breakfast D. egg( )10. A. carry B. lay C. hide D. pick( )11. A. around B. above C. from D. to( )12. A. because of B. instead of C. according to D. such as( )13. A. worst B. most expensive C. best D. most awful( )14. A. After B. Since C. Before D. Until( )15. A. friends B. classmates C. teachers D. families阅读理解ADavid Albright is a 13 -year -old boy. He helps people who need food by baking muffins.The fact that a young person of his age would bake muffins himself proves ( 证明) his character, said Toni Dolan, an officer of a center that helps the homeless. He knows everyone isn ,t living the life that he and his friends at school enjoy. To the people who are down, it means a lot to them, he added.He dislikes drawing others , attention, said Frank Lacerenza, principal ( 校长) of David ,s school. For the last several years, he ,s been collecting Halloween costumes for kids in the city, Lacerenza said. He ,s silent, so most people don ,t see the good things that he does. They are acts of true, unselfish compassion ( 无私的同 情).It all began when David was 8. It was the day after Christmas, David said. It was snowing heavily. We were driving past the homeless shelter ( 避难所). We saw a man sleeping in an old truck. He was trying to keep the snow from coming in through a broken window. We found out how they needed muffins, coffee, clothes and so on. I thought that would be a nice thing to do, so I started making muffins.Since then he ,s been baking 24 muffins a week for the shelter. And after the muffins are ready, his mom gives him a lift to hand them out.根据短文内容 ,选择正确答案 .( ) 1. David Albright has made muffins for the homeless for .A. eight years B. five yearsC. one year D. five months( ) 2. According to David ,s principal, David is a(n) .A. helpful boy who likes to be the center of attentionB. quiet boy who likes to draw others , attentionC. unselfish boy with few wordsD. clever boy with amazing skills( ) 3. made David come up with the idea of helping the homeless.A. A heavy snowB. The homeless shelterC. His mother公众号:惟微小筑D. A man sleeping in a truck( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. David ,s mother helps him bake muffins.B. David ,s mother helps him give out muffins.C. David ,s mother taught him how to bake muffins.D. David ,s mother disagreed with her son on baking muffins for the homeless.( ) 5. What ,s the BEST title for the passage?A. A helpful boyB. How to make muffinsC. The homeless shelterD. Muffins -a kind of delicious cakeBI was happy in those days before I started going to school, because I had good neighbors to play with. I played with them from morning to evening. We played games outdoors, dressed as cowboys and rode around on our tricycles (三轮车) happily. There were also other games to play.At the age of five, I had to go to kindergarten ( 幼儿园) and it turned out to be quite hard for me at first. To begin with, I felt very sad having to leave my mother each morning. I cried and wanted my mother around. As the days went by, however, I made friends easily in my class. I became happy again and actually looked forward to leaving my house each morning.I still remember those days when I was learning to ride a bicycle. I fell several times but I never gave up. Finally, I was able to join my friends riding around on my bike.Another memory I like is the end -of -year concert held at the kindergarten. I was chosen to play the role of Jack in the play, Jack and the Magic Beans. I became the super star that night and received praise for my performance.What a wonderful childhood I had! At times I really wish I could go back to those days.根据短文完成表格 ,每空词数不限 .My childhoodBefore goingto I played with my (1) happily every day.kindergartenAt first I didn ,t want to go to kindergarten because I had to (2) .Then I made many friends at the kindergarten and I (3) going there every morning.At thekindergartenI fell several times but I never (4) when I learned to ride a bicycle.I played the role of Jack and the (5) was very successful.CLa Tomatina is a food fight festival in Spain that begins on the last Wednesday in August each year. The festival includes a cooking contest, dancing, setting off fireworks, and the famous tomato fight. It takes place in Bunol, a small town in Spain.The tomatoes that are used for La Tomatina are from Extremadura. The tomatoes grown there are not very delicious, so not all the tomatoes can be sold out. That is why they are sent to Bunol and used for the festival. There are about nine hundred people in Bunol, and about 20,000 -50,000 tourists travel to take part in La Tomatina every year. Since there are not enough hotels for so many people, most of these tourists live in Valencia,公众号:惟微小筑a larger city 38 km away from Bunol. Tourism can be a great way to stimulate the economy ( 刺激经济), and La Tomatina is even better because this festival stimulates three cities , economies: farmers , growing tomatoes in Extremadura, hotel services in Valencia, and all kinds of jobs in Bunol.Culture is the way of life shared in a group of people. A large part of culture is festivals. La Tomatina makes the Spanish culture very special. Being part of La Tomatina gives the tourists a sense of cultural identity ( 文化认同). So La Tomatina isn ,t wasteful. It is a good way to give those a cultural identity and stimulate the economy. 根据短文内容 ,答复以下问题 .1. What is the most famous activity during the festival?2. Where are the tomatoes from?3. Why don ,t the tourists live in Bunol?4.Give us another example of festival that stimulates the economy.5. What is the best title for this passage?DThe word pizza first appeared in Italy in 997 AD.But pizzas didn ,t appear in the United States u the late 19th century. They came when Italian immigrants (移民) arrived and were very popular among Italians in some American cities. At that time, pizzas were sold by peddlers ( 小贩) who walked up and down the streets. The price was two cents a slice ( 片) then. Later small cafes and shops began selling pizzas.The first report about pizza in the US appeared in the Boston Journal in 1904. Giovanni and Gennero Bruno came to America from Naples, Italy in 1903 to introduce the Neapolitan ( 那不勒斯人) to pizza. Vincent Bruno (Giovanni ,s son) opened the first pizzeria (披萨饼店) in Chicago. The price for a pizza was five cents but because many people didn ,t have enough money for a whole pie, they would instead say how much they could pay and they were g a slice according to the money they paid.披萨是在十九世纪五十年代晚期被介绍到加拿大的. They became more and more popular in the 1960s with many pizzerias and restaurants opening across the country.任务一:根据首|字母提示 ,在处填写恰当的单词 ,使句子完整 .1. 任务二:将文中划线句子翻译成汉语 .2.任务三:将文中划线句子翻译成英语 .3.任务四:答复以下问题 .4. When did pizzas appear in the US?5. How much did a pizza cost in Chicago when the first pizzeria was opened?短文填空根据短文内容 ,从方框内选择适宜的单词并用其适当形式填空 ,使短文完整、连贯 . (有两项多余 ) manage, divide, proud, if, that, how, leaf,fail, you, look, avoid, succeed公众号:惟微小筑Dear Lucy,We celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival last week. And I felt (1) this year because I did something special. I made zongzi with my classmates!On that day, our teacher (2) us into five groups. I had eight helpers in my group, but at first, I still doubted (3) I could finish the task (任务).Before we started, we had watched the teaching video. The teacher told us to be careful while working. He told us to (4) spreading rice about. When he said Try it (5) now!, I was so nervous. I looked at those reed (芦苇) (6) and rice and had no idea about all this stuff ( 材料). But I didn ,t want to lose. I tried my best to think (7) my grandmother did it when I was a child. She always made the perfect zongzi for us. Right! I just need to do what she did, I told myself. Of course, things were not so easy as I thought. I (8) a few times. Jimmy laughed at me when he saw my ugly (丑陋的) zongzi.Hard work paid off. I (9) to make my own zongzi! It was small, but it (10)nice. It encouraged everyone in my team! Finally, we made seven zongzi and won the game.Yours,Li Hong书面表达A假设你是 Andy, 你想参加某|报纸广告中介绍的机器人培训班 .ROBOT COURSERobot course for beginners at StarlightSchoolOrganized visits to Friendly RobotsCompanyE -mail: robotcourseyouthdaily请根据该广告内容 ,用英语写一封电子邮件 ,询问与该培训班相关的具体信息 ,邮件内容应包括: 1. 培训班的起止时间以及周末是否上课;2. 参观机器人公司的具体安排;3. 你还想了解的该培训班的其他信息 .要求:1. 语言通顺 ,条理清楚 ,书写标准;2. 80 词左右 ,邮件的开头与结尾已经给出 ,不计入总词数 .Dear Sir/Madam,I ,m writing to ask for information about the robot course for beginners at Starlight School.Thank you for your time and I ,m looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,AndyB英语夏令营活动中 ,每个人须向来自世|界各地的朋友介绍自己国|家的一个传统节日 .假设你是李蕾 ,请结 合所给出的图片 ,介绍一以下列图中描绘的节日 .要求:l. 80 词以上 ,开头和结尾已给出 ,不计入总词数 .公众号:惟微小筑2. 覆盖要点 ,可以补充合理信息 . 3. 语句通顺 ,表达准确 ,内容连贯 .clean up put on couplets have dinner visit relatives 参考词汇: decorate 装饰Dear friends,I ,m very glad to tell you something aboutI hope you can come to China and enjoy the festival. I ,m sure you will have a good time.公众号:惟微小筑Key:完形填空A 篇1 -5 CDABD 6 -10 BCBAAB 篇1 -5 CBCBA 6 -10 BADDC11 -15 ABCAD阅读理解A 篇1 -5 BCDBAB 篇1. neighbors 2. leave my mother 3. looked forward to4. gave up 5. performanceC 篇1. The tomato fight.2. They are from Extremadura.3. Because there are not enough hotels for them.4. Christmas. People buy a lot of presents for their families and friends before Christmas.5. La Tomatina -a Spanish festivalD 篇1. until given2. 在那个时候 ,披萨饼是由那些走街串巷的小贩卖的 .3. Pizzas were introduced to Canada in the late 1950s.4. In the late 19th century. 5. Five cents.短文填空1. proud 2. divided 3. if 4. avoid 5. yourselves 6. leaves7. how 8. failed 9. managed10. looked书面表达ADear Sir/Madam,I ,m writing to ask for information about the robot course for beginners at Starlight School.First, could you tell me how long the course will last? I prefer to know if there are classes on the weekend. Second, I ,m interested in the visits to Friendly Robots Company. Would you tell me whether I need to pay? Finally, I wonder whether I ,ll be able to design a robot myself at the end of the course.Thank you for your time and I ,m looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,公众号:惟微小筑AndyBDear friends,I ,m very glad to tell you something about the Spring Festival.It ,s a traditional festival in China. It falls in January or February every year. It ,s traditional for every family to clean houses carefully in order to make way for good luck. We will put on couplets on the door. What ,s more, windows will be decorated with red color paper cuts.It ,s also a good chance for Chinese families to get together. We will have dinner together on that day. And we will visit our relatives and friends and say Happy New Year to them. Other activities include setting off fireworks and giving money in red paper envelopes.I hope you can come to China and enjoy the festival. I ,m sure you will have a good time.


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