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高一英语期末复习模块三 Unit 1Key phrases:1. watch out for the step 留心台阶2. in sight 在视野之内3. wish for someone to come 盼望有人来4. pay back the help 偿还帮助5. glance at 瞥见6. stare up at 抬头凝视7.reach out 伸出8.in relief 松了口气9. step out 走出10. come to ones aid 帮助某人11.get across 穿过,使理解12. fear hold sb still 恐惧使某人一动不动13.contrary to 和相反14.mistake for 把错认为15.be attracted to 为所吸引16. roll up the paper 卷起这张纸17. attach to 把附在上18. a sense of direction方向感19. be related/linked to与有关20. focus on 致力于21. in groups 成群,以小组22. make a difference 有很大的关系,有影响23. run into 偶然遇见,碰撞24.all of a sudden 突然25.make sense 讲得通,有意义26. hesitate about doing对犹豫不决一、选词填空relate to stare at reach out have a glance at out of sight make sense within walking distance to tell you the truth 1. _, I watched an exciting horse race yesterday. Thats why I was absent from work.2. -How far is the distance from there to the beach? - Not far, _.3. He tried to _ for the apple on the tree, but failed.4. He was very shy and _ the visitor.5. Sandy didnt leave until the train was _. 6. The fall in the cost of living is directly _ the drop in the oil price.7. This sentence doesnt _. Make another one.8. Parents always tell their children that its impolite to _ others.1. To tell you the truth 2. within walking distance 3. reach out 4. had a glance at5. out of sight 6.related to 7.make sense 8. stare at二、完成句子1.现在她则想跑开,可恐惧让她挪不动脚步。Now she wanted to run, but fear _ _ _. (held her still)2.波利抬头看去,发现是一位长着络腮胡子的老人.Polly _ _ _ _ _ the face of an old man with a beard. ( found herself staring up at )3.我不会说法语, 不过一个好心人帮了我的忙,告诉我怎么走。I didnt speak any French, but a kind man and told me where to go. ( came to my aid)4.这给我一个机会,来回报晴天时人们给我的帮助。It gives me the chance to _ _ the help that people give me when its sunny.( pay back)5.他把纸片卷起来,放进一个小盒子里,然后伸手探入一个笼子,捉出一只鸟来。He _ _ the paper and _ it _ a small case, and then _ _ a cage and gets a bird. ( rolls up; put into; reaches into)6.正好与人们认为的相反,沙漠也可以成为美丽的地方。_ _ popular belief, the desert can be a beautiful place. ( Contrary to)7.他把他的狗松开了,现在哪儿也找不着它。He _ his dog _, and now it is _ _ _ _. (set loose; nowhere to be found). 三单词拼写1. He survived the plane crash and landed on a distant_ island.2. The little boy held his mothers hand firmly_ when crossing the street.3. Soon a team of 200 volunteersarrived in the area to help the wounded, homeless in the earthquake without any pay.4. The school is within walking distanceof my house.5. She spoke quietly for fearof waking the baby up.6. The recent economic situation addedto our worries.7. The number of the students in the area has been_reduced_ (减少).8. We passed through severaldeserted(被离弃的) villages where local people had already left.9. I was frozen with fear at thesight(看见) of the blood.10. We have a fairpossibility(可能性) of winning the game. 11. He put forward two suggestions. The _latter_ (后者) sounds much better.12. The book is at the top of the shelf, out of my reach(触到).13. On the bus, he glancedat the headlines of the newspaper quickly to find if there was anything he might be interested in.14. The farmers werefirmly(坚定地) convinced that they were the rightful owners of the lands. 15. With exams approaching(临近), its a good idea to review your class notes.16. The childpanicked(恐慌)when he was aware of the danger.17. If there is something I can do for you, please dont hesitate (contact) me.18. Light to moderate showers are still f_orcast_ for the next few days along the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province, where serious floods in the past week killed 25 people and left 13 others missing.高一英语期末复习模块三 Unit 2Key phrases:1. in a sense 在某种意义上2. stand for 代表, 代替, 象征, 支持3. all through history 贯穿历史4. be widely recognized as被广泛认可为5. as a whole总体上6. develop into发展成7. combine A with B把A与B结合在一起8.A differ from B inA与B在方面不同 A be different from B in9. make contributions to 做贡献10. it is likely that很可能. (sb) be likely to do某人有可能做某事11. get to the point切中要点12.be made up of/ consist of由组成13.name after 以.命名14.aside from 除.之外15.mix with 与.交汇16.feel puzzled about 对.感到困惑17.take control of 控制18.mother tongue母语19.go through huge changes 经历巨大的变化20.it is certain that .是肯定的21. in that 因为/在于22. turn into /to变成一、选词填空depend on contribute to differ from take control of turn into as a whole 1. Many factors _ the development of the company in the past few years.2. It is certain that the little girl will _ a beauty someday.3. John _ the business when his father retired.4. We should _ ourselves rather than on others, including our parents.5. Considering your idea _, I think it will be beneficial to our company.6. What is known to all is that cultures _ country and country.1. have contributed to 2. turn into 3. took control of 4. depend on 5. as a whole 6. differ from 二、完成句子1. 古英语和我们今天使用的英语大有不同。Old English _ much _ the English we use today.( differs from)2. 因为每年来参观的游客人数越来越多,随着时间的变迁岛上的生活发生了很大的变化。Life on the island has changed _ _ because of the growing number of tourists who visit it each year.( over time)3.从总体上讲,学生的这次考得很好。_ _ _, the students did very well on their exam. ( as a whole)4. 她说正是老师的表扬和鼓励把她变成了一个好学生。She said it was the teachers praise and encouragement that _ her _ a good student.( turned into)5. 你能告诉我UFO中O代表着什么意思吗?Can you tell me what the letter O_ _ in UFO?( stands for)6. 据说,每天喝八杯水对皮肤有好处。_ _ _ _ drinking eight glasses of water a day is good for your skin.( It is said that)7. 如果你准备充分, 你肯定会通过面试的。_ _ _ _you will pass the interview if you are well prepared. ( It is certain that)8.约翰的篮球打得比山姆好是因为他做过一年的学校篮球队队员。John plays basketball better than Sam _ _ he was in the school basketball team for one year. ( in that)9.尽管诺曼人在统治英格兰的整整250年间一直讲法语,但是法语并没有取代英语成为第一语言。_ _the Normans spoke French for the entire 250 years they ruled England, French did not _ English _ the first language.( Even though; replace as)10.有人抱乐观态度,认为这个过程是好的,而其他人则担心它会导致语言污染。Some people are optimistic and believe that this process is good, while others worry that it may _ _ language pollution.(result in)11.虽然学生们都觉得士兵的想法非常有趣,但这一方法太过复杂,并不实用。While the students found the soldiers idea interesting, the system was too difficult to _ _ _ _.( be of practical use)三单词拼写19. The best way for high school students to enlarge their vocabularyis to read more English books.20. The metal wire was heavy, each book _weighing_ (重量) as much as 100 pounds.21. Could you find the _cultural_(文化) differences between the east and the west?22. It has been _officially_(正式) announced that he will take charge of the company.23. The simplified version_(版本,说法) of the book differs from the original greatly.24. He used his wifes birthday as a_convenient_(方便) excuse for not going to the meeting.25. It is said that approximately one billion people will have no access_ to clean drinking water in the world.26. While the students found the soldiers idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practical_ use.27. Finally, his dream of becoming a scientist has cometrue(真的).28. Our school is a non-smoking one. So smoking is banned_ in our school.29. The system has been designed to giver the user quick and easy access_ (使用) to the required information.30. His laziness led to hisbeing defeated(defeat).31. Too many rare animalshave been hunted(hunt) for their meat and fur so far.32. Occupyingherself with routine tasks, she had no time to play with her children.33. You need to have a large vocabulary_ as well as a good knowledge of grammar in order to learn English well.34. As an English learner, you need to know how to _distinguish_(辨别) between American English and British English.35. President Xi Jinping paid an _official_(官方的,正式的) visit to France recently to improve the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries.36. You may have learned that tipping is expected in some Western countries, but just how to do it correctly can be a bit confusing_.37. Throughout the world there is a growing _concern_ (关心) over the environmental effects of social and economic development efforts.38. Its my suggestion that the old computersbe replaced(replace) with new ones.高一英语期末复习模块三 Unit 3Key phrases:1. arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事2.feel lucky to dosth. 做某事感到幸运3.take over 夺取;接管4.pour out (of) 大量涌出;倒出5.be buriedalive 被活埋6. cause much damage to对造成极大破坏7. break down 分解,崩溃,抛锚,8. cut down 砍倒;削减,9. It turns out that 原来/结果是10.a stoppingpoint 停靠站11.a sayinggoesthat俗话说12.in memory of纪念 13.no doubt无疑,确实14.rise up against起义,反抗15.stand in ones path阻碍(某人)e down with患(病)17.march all the way to长驱直入18.have a deep influence on对.有深刻的影响19.make sb. aware of使某人明白. 20.have had enough of受够了. 21.declarewaragainst向宣战23. make ones way to前往;找寻一条道路.24.takeasanexample 以为例39. J_udging_ from what you say in your letter, you dont sound well.40. All the family were waiting before the TV to see the l_ive_ broadcast of the basketball game.41. At the news, people couldnt help_ jumping and laughing.42. After living in France for a year, I felt much more confidentabout my French.43. The article is so difficult that I cant makecomprehension(理解) of it.44. In order to _avoid_ (避免) making mistakes, he checked his essay again and again.45. Jack has given up the idea of getting his drivers license, because he is color-blind, unable to make a distinctionbetween red and green.46. One of the main attractions of the job is the high salary_. 47. Almost everyone considered it no use arguing_ (argue) with that guy.48. Jack, along with his classmates,was working(work) on the project when the teacher came in.49. It was a little house and you cant imagine the trouble we hadfinding(find) it.50. When he woke up, he found himself _lying_ (lie) on the floor.51. It is high time that we all took_ (take) effective measures to improve the current situation.52. Chinese government is determined to investigate(调查) those who have been c_orrupted_ by money and power, committing serious crimes.53. By the age of thirty, Alexander the Great had already occupied_ more land than anyone before.54. The Internet is a wonderful place. Unfortunately_ there are people on the net who can be mean, rule, and criminal.55. Man overseas summer programs are actually commercial_ and expensive activities, not as culture-centered as promoted.56. Christmas is around the corner. Its time to put some decorations_ on the Christmas trees.57. I was out of breathby the time I knocked at the teachers door after running all the way.58. The poisonousdrinking water did great harm to the local people, even causing one death.59. You can just sit around in the office waiting for your boss to promoteyou.高一英语期末复习模块四 Unit 1Key phrases:1. be aware of 知道,明白,意识到2. play tricks on 欺骗,捉弄3. appeal to 迎合,对有吸引力4. trick / cheat sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事5. fall for 上的当,受骗6. deal with 处理,对付7.be meant to do/ aim at 旨在,目的是8. be concerned with 对关心9. get sth across to sb. 向某人传达10. cure sb. of a disease 治愈某人的病11. be popular with 受某人欢迎12. be of good / high quality 高质量13. No comments 不加评论,无可奉告14. bad breath 口臭15. be similar to 和相似16. up to (数量,程度等)达到17. in particular 尤其,特别18. recommend sth. to sb. 向某人介绍某物19. be responsible for 对负责20. attract/catch/draw ones attention吸引.注意力21. persuade sb into doing / to do sth 说服某人做某事22. die from死于23. be run for free 被免费投放24. do research on 对进行研究25. figure out 弄清楚,弄明白26. urge sb. to do 督促某人做27. provide sb. with sth.= provide sth. for sb.1. Not all ads play t_ on us, though.2. Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altogether i_.3. China began a n_ public service advertising campaign in 1996.4. If we can convince young people not to start, they might then u_ their parents and other people to give up smoking, too.5. In an ad campaign you may need to employ different kinds of m_, including posters, newspapers, magazines, radio and television.6. The design a_ to children a lot. They all like it.7. Your job is to p_ the new product to make it known to consumers.8. My parents want me to be a businessman. P_ speaking, I would like to be a teacher.9. Our problems have m_ since last year; so we have to deal with the increased problems one after another.10. If you come across any word that you dont know, you can c_ a dictionary.11. The advertisers want you to read the word fights and think that the toothpaste c_ bad breath, but it does not say that!12. China began a nationwide public service advertising c_ in 1996, and since then numerous PSAs have appeared around the country.13. Before our talk, I did not think very much about how an advertiser might be trying to t_ customers into buying a product or a service.14. He p_ me to go shopping and I bought a big pack of goods.15. This dictionary is just the one he r_ to me the other day and I think it is quite good for a middle school student.16. If you want to sell this product well, I advise you to a_ it in the newspaper or on TV.17. All of us finally agreed to his plan because of his p_ language. 18. Nearly all the a_ to the palace were guarded by the soldiers. 19. PSAs are often placed for free, and are i_ to educate people about health, safety, or any other issues which affects public w_. 20. Our new packaging will be colorful and _ (引人注目).1. tricks 2. innocent 3. nationwide 4. urge 5. media6. appeals 7. promote 8. Personally 9. multiplied 10. consult11. cures 12. campaign 13. trick 14. persuaded 15. recommended16. advertise 17. persuasive 18. approaches 19 intended, welfare 20.eye-catching 高一英语期末复习模块四 Unit 2Key phrases:1. play a very important role in 在中发挥非常重要作用 2. bring back to life 使复活3. wish for 期待4. by tradition 按传统5. compete in /for /with(against) 竞赛6. in honour of 为纪念7. of all time 有史以来,一直8. come to public attention 吸引公众地注意力 9. lead the way 领先 10. hang on 坚持11. pass on to 把传递给12. lift up 举起13. Guess what? 猜猜看,发生了什么事14. daily routine 日常事务15. among others 还要其它的事16. be shaped like 形状、构造像17. become a big hit轰动,风靡一时;流行,受欢迎18. keepunder contro把处于控制之下19. consider doing/to be 考虑/认为20. meet ones requirements满足某人地要求21. make way for 让位于22. hope for 希望(得到)23. by accident 偶然地1. I have read your article and am d_ with it.2. Stress can be extremely harmful to your health. Exercise, m _ , can reduce its bad effects.3. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she was likely to pass it at her first a_ .4. The children in the kindergarten must sleep in s_ beds.5. China will act as a p_ country forever.6. The match _(点燃) easily.7. The retired teacher has made great_(贡献) to educational cause.8. What the headmaster said at the opening ceremony _(使兴奋) all the teachers and students.9. The 2008 Olympic_(体育馆)built in Beijing will be first-class all over the world.10. Yao Ming is always playing a _(领导的) role in NBA.11At the ancient Olympics by _(传统)the athletes were all men.12We think it of great _(意义)13Our _(要求)have been met. 14The Chinese led the way at the Olympics,winning 51 gold _(奖牌)15. You must pay your taxes on time; _(不然的话), you will be punished. 16. She was _(开除)from her job at the post office because she had stolen stamps. 17. It is because of a long a_ from school that I am a bit behind the other classmates. 18. Our basketball team _(比赛)against another team and won last week. 19. The players had to change their daily _(常规)and lifestyle. 20. We like _(现代的) furniture in our new house; we dont really like that of ancient style. 1. delighted 2. meanwhile 3. attempt 4. separate 5. peaceful6. lit 7. contributions 8. excited 9. stadium 10. leading11.tradition 12.significance 13.requirements 14medals 15.otherwise16.removed 17. absence 18. competed 19.routine 20.contemporary 高一英语期末复习模块四 Unit 3Key phrases:1.在很多方面 in many aspects2.用其他的方法 in other ways3.值得做 deserve doing/to be done4.成就感 a sense of achievement5.增加 add to 6.发出(气味、热等) give out7.将与相连接 be connected with/to8.提出(观点、议案等) put forward9.使生动 bringalive10.事实上 in reality11.与相比 compared with12.至于,关于 as to13.virtual reality 虚拟现实1.Hislackofeducationwasad_whenhelookedforajob.2.Ther_isthatthereisnotenoughmoneytopayforhisproject.3.Shewantstodos_(社交的)workundertheinfluenceofherfather.4.Mostofuslikethec_ofusingcreditcards(信用卡)tobuythings.5.Insomedevelopingcountries,moreandmorepeoplearemovingtou_areas.6.Ontheonehand,TVcanmakepeoplerelax,butontheotherhand,TVmakespeoplep_andlazy.7.Thef_ranintotheburinghouseatallriskstosavethechild.8.Imd_(失望)withyou.IreallythoughtIcouldtrustyou.9.Herschoolreportshowedsthatsheisweakinmathsandb_.10.Computersinthisroomcanonlybeusedbytrainedo_.11.Itisoftenverydifficultforthed_tofindjobs.12.ThereisaforestparkonMountAliwheremoreandmorepeopleliketogos_.13.Isitnecessarytos_ourhouseagainsttheattackofthecomingstorm.14.Hei_hisfootinyesterdaysgameandwillbeunabletoplaytomorrow.15.Wecanmeettodiscussthisfurtheratyourc_.16.Inmostofthepeoplesopinions,moneycantbuyh_.17.SinceyouhavebeentoBeijing,wouldyougiveusap_aboutit?18.Thestreetsarecrowdedinu_areasinmostmetropolises.19.Honestlyspeaking,playingcomputergameshasmored_forteenagers.


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