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2011第一学期期末质量检测小学五年级英语附答案 考试时间:80分钟题号总分得分听力部分(35分)、听音辨图, 判断所听到的句子是否与图意相符,相符画“”,不符画“”。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )、情景反应。请根据所听问句的顺序给答句编号。 ( ) Its hers.( ) No, Im not.( ) Yes, he is.( ) Its in autumn.( ) Yes, I can.、听音选图,图文匹配。1 5 4 3 2 ( )Its _.( )Ive got _ points.( )You should be _.( )She _ walk then.( )There is a _ in the desk.、Lucy的生日快到了,仔细听短文,请帮Lucy补写一封生日请柬。Dear Amy, Lucy is going to be _.Please come to her party.At : _ Heping StreetOn: _, 2nd of May From: _ a.m.(上午)To: _ p.m.(下午)Please reply.笔试部分(65分) 新课标第一网、选择。( )1、There _ only a slide here before.A、were B、was C、is D、are( )2、A: Hi, Linda. Is this blue shirt yours? B: Yes, its _. Thank you.A、yours B、hers C、mine D、his( )3、You _listen in class.A、shouldnt B、should C、couldnt( )4、Sams shoes _ wet and dirty.A、are B、was C、is ( )5、Many English supermarkets are very big. They _ different things.A、sells B、sell C、has got、请按括号内的要求完成下列句子。1、 should , your, tidy , you , toys ( . ) (连词成句) 2、 There werent any swings here before. (肯定句)3、 Can you play chess now? (一般过去时) 4、 She will learn English tomorrow . (用be going to改写成同义句 ) 、情景反应。连连看。1、What do you want? A、They scare the people.2、What do children do at Halloween? B、I want a skirt.3、Can you play computer? C、Thats OK.4、What are you going to do tomorrow? D、Yes, I can.5、 Im sorry. E、Were going to play football. 、完型填空。 Yesterday, it _1_ raining . Zara _2_ go out. She stayed at home.She was sad. She helped her mum _3_ a cake. After that, she was hungry, she _4_the cake with Mum. She was _5_, she drank some water. Then the rain_6_. Zara went out to play and she was_7_.( ) 1、 A、is B、was C、can ( ) 2、 A、could B、cant C、couldnt ( ) 3、 A、make B、eat C、buy ( ) 4、 A、eat B、ate C、eating ( ) 5、 A、angry B、hungry C、thirsty ( ) 6、 A、stoped B、stop C、stopped( ) 7、 A、happy B、bored C、sad、阅读理解, 选择最佳答案。Hi! My name is Wang Hua. Im twelve years old. Im a pupil in Yucai school. Im in Class Three, Grade Five. This is my school day.I usually get up at six oclock in the morning, and then I have breakfast at half past six. I go to school at 7:00. I walk to school every day. My school starts at 7:30. We have four lessons in the morning and four lessons in the afternoon. My favourite subject is English. We sit in lines in the classroom. We often do morning exercises. We can have fun at break time. We play games together on the playground. School finishes at half past four in the afternoon and I go home at 5:00. After dinner I do my homework and then I go to bed at ten oclock.This is my school day. We should study hard every day.( ) 1、Wang Hua is_ pupil.A、a Chinese B、an English ( ) 2、Wang Hua has breakfast at _.A、7:30 B、7:00 C、6:30 D、 6:00( ) 3、We have _lessons in a day.A、four B、eight C、six( ) 4、We sit _in the classroom.A、around tables B、in lines C、in a line ( ) 5、Wang Hua goes to school_.A、on foot B、by bus C、by car 、小作家。X以“”为题仿写一篇小短文,真实地描叙一下自己的成长经历.不少于30词。Hello! Im a boy. Now, Im twelve years old. Im in Class 1, Grade 5. When I was a little child, my dad took some photos for me then. In this photo, I was 6 years old. I could sing a song , but I couldnt swim then. Now I can swim well, but I cant speak English a lot, I should study hard._、附加题 (10分)1、There _ any water in the cup now.2、Sams grandparents miss _ (他)very much.3、Twenty-five and fifty-six is _.4、Can you play very well, or not _ _?(试着补全歌词)5、My room is tidy now. Mum _( tidy ) it yesterday.6、They got fifty points. (就划线部分提问) _ _ points _ they _?五年级英语听力题签:注意:每道听力试题读二遍。时间控制在10分钟以内。、听音辨图, 判断所听到的句子是否与图意相符,相符画“”,不符画“”。1、Were going to sing at the party.2、Now there are tall trees here. 3、This bag isnt heavy. I can lift it.4、This special dog can help the blind people.5、You shouldnt be late for school.、情景反应。请根据所听问句的顺序给答句编号。1、Are you sad?2、Can you run fast?3、Whose book is it?4、Is Sam going to swim ?5、When is Halloween?、听音选图,图文匹配。A、Its mine.B、Ive got forty-four points.C、You should be kind.D、She couldnt walk then.E、There is a ball in the desk. 新课标第一网、Lucy的生日快到了,仔细听短文,请帮Lucy补写一封生日请柬。Hello!My name is Lucy. Im going to be 12 years old. Im going to have a birthday party at home. I live at 17 Heping Street. Its On Sunday, 2nd of May. Itll be from 9 oclock in the morning to 3 oclock in the afternoon. Please come to my party.听力部分到此结束! 五年级英语答案及评分标准:听力部分、(2510分) 、(2510分) 3-1-4-5-2 、(11010分) 2-4-5-3-1 mine , forty-four , kind , couldnt , ball (上述单词拼写完全准确方可得分)、(155分) 12 , 17 , Sunday , 9:00 , 3:00 笔试部分 、(2510分) BCBAB、(3412分) 1、You should tidy your toys.2、There were some swings here before.3、Could you play chess then /before? 4、She is going to learn English tomorrow. (以上“_”的部分是批阅的基点)、(2510分) 1-B , 2- A , 3- D , 4-E , 5- C、(2714分) BCABCCA 、(2510分) ACBBA 、小作家。略 (9分) 请任教五年级的英语老师批阅作文,并自行把握评分标准,做到心中有数。 一等:7-9分(主题鲜明,表述恰当,语言结构准确。) 二等:4-6分(主题较为鲜明,表述较为恰当,语言结构较为准确。)三等:0-3分(主题朦胧,语言表述不清,错词乱句,信息模糊。)、附加题 (110=10分) isnt , him , eighty-one , at , all , tidied , How , many , did , get 备注:卷面满分为110分。(听力35分,笔试65分,附加题10分。) 优秀:90-110 良好:80-89 及格:60-79 不及格:0-59


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