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2021/6/31必修 三Unit 3Discovering useful structures 2021/6/321 Underline all the examples in the play where noun clauses are used as the object.Mark a star beside each of them.Well,why dont you explain what this is all about?May we ask what you are doing in this country?2021/6/332 Work in pairs.Take turns to ask each other the questions and answer them using noun clauses as the object.Think of more questions.I cant say I liked the play very much.I must say I really enjoyed reading this play.1)Can you tell me if you like this play?/I must say that I really enjoy it.2021/6/34I dont think the brothers should have made such a bet.I think it is funny to make a bet like that.2)What do you think of the bet the brothers have made?Henry tells the brothers that he worked for a mining company in America.3)What does Henry tell the brothers about his job in America?2021/6/35Henry tells them that he landed in Britain by accident.4)What else does Henry tell the brothers?The brothers want to know whether Henry has any money on him.5)What do the brothers want to know about Henry?2021/6/36I think Henry will be happy with what is inside the envelope.6)What do you think will happen to Henry?2021/6/37Thats why weve given you the letter.3 Underline all the examples where noun clauses are used as the predicative.Mark a triangle beside each of them.2021/6/384 Complete the following sentences using noun clauses as the predicative based on the information from the play.1)Henry arrived in London by accident.The reason was _ _ that he was lost at sea and brought to England by another ship.2021/6/392)Henry has a lot of problems.One of his problems is _ _ Another problem is _.3)Henry realized he needed help.The embassy was _ _ that he doesnt know any body in London.that he has no money where he thought he would get it.2021/6/3104)Henry tells the brothers about his job in America.His concern is _ _5)The brothers ask Henry some questions.The brothers concern is _ _6)Henry is invited to the brothers house.The envelope is _ _ how to find a job so he can go home again.whether Henry knows about London or has any money.what the brothers give to Henry.2021/6/3115 Complete the following sentences using noun clauses as the predicative.1)A:I think the brothers were wrong to be happy when they heard Henry had no money with him.B:I agree.It seems _ _ as if they didnt care about Henrys feelings at all.2021/6/3122)A:I cant understand why the brothers made the bet.Did they do it just for fun?B:Well,thats _ _.3)A:Can an honest man always get what he wants?B:Well,thats _,too.how people behave when they are rich what I would like to know2021/6/3134 A:I wonder whether you would like to read some stories written by Mark Twain.B:sure.I like his writing style.it seems _ .that a lot of people enjoy reading them2021/6/3146 Noun clauses are often used in formal situations.Work in palm.Imagine you are looking for a job.Your partner is the interviewer.Brainstorm some questions and answer them with noun clauses.2021/6/315EXAMPLE:Why do you want to work for this company?The reason is that .Could you tell me why you are interested in this job?It is because .What quality do you think is the most important for this job?I think .Could you tell me what you know about this company?I know that .2021/6/316Possible questions Possible answers 1)Why do you want to work for this company?2)Could you tell me why you are interested in this job?1)The reason is that your company offers the possibility of working abroad.2)It is because I want to work with computers and develop new computer software.2021/6/317Possible questions Possible answers 3)What quality do you think is the most important for this job?4)Could you tell me what you know about this company?3)I think it is the most important to be creative when you are developing new software programs.4)I know that you are the world leader in developing computer software.部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!


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