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第一部分:词汇对比,一、汉英词汇及其构成规律差异 文字的种类: 表形文字/图画文字(pictograph) 表意文字(音意结合文字ideograph / ideogram) 表音文字 (拼音文字phonograph),一般情况下,表意文字是从表形文字发展起来的。 汉字形音会意,既有听觉效果,也有视觉效果,谐音谐意,形象突出,是表形文字(图画文字)发展演变而成的。 现代汉语中仍然有很多字保持有很强的形象特征。 如借用字形来描述人和物的形态、形状。 “国字脸”(square face)、“金字塔”、“八字眼”(wall-eyed),英语中没有这样多的形象字,只有26个字母的形象和一些辅助的符号,如T-square(丁字尺), H-shape(工字形), V-belt(三角皮带), Y-curve(叉形曲线), O-ring(环行圈), U-steel(槽钢), H-beam(工字梁)。,西方十二星座(western 12 star groups)的译名也可看出表意文字的形音会意。 the Ram白羊座 (Mar.21-Apr.20) the Bull金牛座 the Twins双子座 the Crab巨蟹座, the Lion狮子座 the Virgin处女座 the Scale天秤座 the Scorpion天蝎座 the Archer射手座 the Goat摩羯座 the Water Carrier水瓶座 the Fishes双鱼座,英语的词(words);汉语的字(character)、词(words) 英语语言的基本单位是词,英语的词由字母组合而成,汉语的基本单位是字,词由字构成。汉语的字既是音节的单位,又是意义的单位,既是书写的单位,又是言语的单位。,英汉词的构成规律 Word formation: English: Derivation Compounding Blending shortening 英语只有词。英语每造一个词,总词汇库里就多了一个词。词汇量很大 。英语还有大量借词, 同义词特别多。 Chinese: compounding 汉语的字是有限的,而由字构成的词却是无限的,汉语造词虽然源源不断。,英汉词汇的发展规律与词义变化 汉语词语意义的变化具有稳定性和严谨性 英语词的多义性和表达的多样性: 英语词义比较灵活、丰富多彩,具有多义性,词义对上下文依赖性较大,独立性较小。 英语表达的多样性即在文章中使用各种不同的同义词、近义词、概括词或具体词等来代替,,二、汉英词汇意义的对应关系,一一对应 一词对应多个意义相近的词 一词对应多个意义不同的词 无对应词 Examples (Translate the following words ),一词对应多个意义相近的词 wife: 妻子、爱人、夫人、老婆、媳妇、堂客、内人 Potato: 马铃薯、洋芋、土豆、山药蛋 人: human being, man, people, person,一词对应多个意义不同的词: president: 总统、总裁、主席、董事长、议长、会长、社长、校长、 carry: 搬、运、送、提、拎、挑、背、扛、搂、抱、端、举、夹、捧、 走: walk, stride(大步流星地走)、 stroll不紧不慢地走、 creep踮捉着脚尖轻轻地走、,tiptoe慢慢地,悄悄地爬着走、 goose step正步走、 cat walk猫步、 pace踱步、 crawl 手足并用地爬着走、 stagger蹒跚地走、悄悄地走; slip溜走,无对应词: clock-watcher: 老是看钟等下班的人 阴yin、阳yang、 目不识丁 (not know ones) ABC,Examples for meaning correspondence I,heavy weather; heavy traffic; heavy storm; heavy fire; heavy heart heavy road 恶劣的天气 拥挤的交通 大风暴 猛烈的炮火 沉重的心情 泥滑难走的路,heavy food; heavy snow; heavy rain; heavy money; heavy drinking; heavy fighting 难消化的食物 大雪 暴雨 大笔的钱 狂饮 恶战,Examples for meaning correspondence II,severe looks severe weather severe competition 严肃的神色 恶劣的气候 激烈的竞争,severe winter severe attack severe temperature 严冬 急剧发作 急剧的气温变化,以雷峰为学习的榜样 follow the example of Lei Feng 学习知识 acquire knowledge 学习成绩 academic records,送某人一本书 give sb. a book 送礼 present a gift to somebody 送行 see somebody off 送客 see a visitor out 送信 deliver a letter,Theres a growing sense in the developing world that this institution is more important to us than it is to the rich G-7 nations,” says an IMF executive director representing a group of Third World nations. Note: G-7 refers to Group of Seven, including USA, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy and Canada, founded in 1975. 一位代表一些第三世界国家的国际货币基金组织的执行董事这样说道,“发展中国家越来越意识到,同富有的七大工业国集团相比,这个机构对我们来讲更为重要。“ Examples: 越来越=more and more?,三、意义对比,Types of meaning: I. CONCEPTUAL MEANING II. ASSOCIATIVE MEANINGS A: stylistic meaning B: cultural meaning,不同的民族由于在地理、民俗、宗教、及价值观念等方面存在差异,表达同一理性概念的词,在各自独特的文化传统作用下必然会产生附加在词汇本身概念之上的联想意义。,这种联想意义与词义本身没有必然的联系,而是在说话人/作者,听话人/读者的文化知识基础上,在特定的语境中,对于一个词所产生的某种特定感受。,不了解这种联想意义的差别,就不能完全接受一个词所承载的意义,在外语学习中,理解词汇联想意义有助于更恰当地了解和掌握所学语言的文化,从而真正达到交际的目的。,词汇的文化意义对比 Cultural meaning: A: similar cultural meaning B: different cultural meaning C: cultural meaning in one but none in the other,四、词汇搭配,表达习惯的不同(different way of saying things) 短语中,英汉语言用词搭配的差异 句子中,英汉语言词与词间有搭配能力的差异 观察事物的角度和联想不同(to view things from different angles and with different connotations),Examples for collocation,Good (genuine)gold; Good(happy)life; Good(fresh)eggs; Good(fertile)land Good and proper; Good (amazing)joke Good (handsome) look; Good (competent) worker Good(convincing)excuse; in good spirit Good (sumptuous) dinner; Good-for-nothing; Good (devotedpious) Christian good-for-everything (handy manJack- of-all trades),Examples for collocation,大雪; 红茶; 红糖; 浓茶; 浓墨; 浓汤; 浓烟; 喝汤; 丢脸; 发脾气; 露一手; 红眼病; 减肥; 哭穷; 大风; 大雨; 大水; 闯红灯; 不论晴雨; (电视广播的)黄金时间; 近三年; 好票; 生活水平; 强硬政策,汉语的数量词“一阵”不含修辞色彩,可用于各类描述,搭配力极强。而英语中需要用具有不同修辞色彩的词汇来描述。 (突然爆发的)一阵哭泣/喝彩/雷声 A burst of tears/cheers/thunder (量如洪水的)一阵泪雨/瓢泼大雨/夸夸其谈 A flood of tears/ rain/boasts 一阵稀疏的掌声/喝彩 A spatter of applause/cheers,一阵暴雨/狂风/烈火 (突然而猛烈的) A gust /blast of rain/wind/flame 一阵怒气/激情/咳嗽(持续时间短暂的) A fit of anger/passion/coughing 一阵暑热/厄运(持续一段时间的) A spell of summer heat/bad luck,Examples for collocation,play the idiot 装傻 play the fool 愚蠢 play the man 表现大丈夫气概 play with fire玩火 play on words玩弄字眼,play at music 以音乐消遣 play it by ear 临机应变 play by ear 靠记忆弹奏乐器 play off one person against another 挑拨离间,Sentence Example for collocation,The Clinton Administration hopes to win passage of the new trade accord before Congress recesses for vacation later this month, or by years end at the latest. If approved, the WTO is projected to generate more than $ 1 trillion in additional trade over the next 10 years. Should history repeat itself, that could all come to naught. 克林顿政府希望在本月晚些时候国会休假之前、最迟到年底,通过这个新的贸易协定。如果通过,世界贸易组织有望在今后十年里产生超过一万亿美元的附加贸易。但如果历史重演,一切将化为乌有。,3、句子中,英汉语言词与词间有搭配能力的差异 Dust flies. 尘土飞扬 Balloons fly. 气球飘荡 Glasses fly. 玻璃杯破裂 He wore dark glasses, and a thick coat and stopped up his ear with cotton wool. 他戴黑眼镜,穿厚毛衣,耳朵里塞了棉花。,4、观察事物的角度 (to view things from different angles) walking dictionary-活字典 walking tractor-手扶拖拉机 Close the door after you(着重点是人所处的位置)-随手关门(着眼于手) stop watch (着眼于停)-跑表 / 秒表(跑步时测速度用的表) wall /desk clock -挂钟 / 座钟 shade trees-行道树(中文强调地点路边;英语强调功能shade(遮阴) chair days -暮年(英语中以老人老是坐着来象征老年;中文以天色早晚来比喻晚年) odd fish-怪物(英国为岛国,多见“怪鱼”,中国为大陆国家,多见怪物) to have a short memory -记忆力差,唯你是问: You are to answer for it. 安全出口: emergency exit 看钟: tell time 看出他的心事: read his mind 从他的话音里,我能听出点东西来。 I could tell something from the tone of his voice.,逛商场 go window shopping. 砍价,杀价 beat the price down Fat farm 减肥中心 方便面 instant noodles 汉语突出的是方便,省事,英语突出的是快,人山人海 a sea of faces 工薪阶层wage-earners 杀人狂serial killer 啤酒肚pot-bellied 扫兴的人wet blanket Easy!别急! Somebody!来人呀! Stop!抓贼!,yellow boy 金币 wet snow雨夹雪 free living奢侈的生活 small talk家常话,五、英汉表达、翻译中的词序错位现象(different word orders),英汉词序错位 有一些情况汉英说法顺序差不多,词序错位,水火 fire and water 贫富 rich and poor 新旧 old and new 长短 short and long 细长 long and thin,男婴 baby boy- 女婴 baby girl 冷热 hot and cool 凉爽 nice and cool 前后 back and forth,左右 right and left 软硬 hard and soft: 轻重 heavy and light 晴雨 rain or shine 增损 loss and gain,水陆 land and water 饮食 food and drink 钢铁 iron and steel 死活 life and death 手臂 arms and hands,河流湖泊 lakes and rivers 山水 waters and mountains 中小型 small and medium 文艺 art and literature 衣食 food and clothing,唯一的 one and the only 同一的 one and the same 血肉 flesh and blood 此时此地 here and now 文武 military and civilian,三三两两 in twos and threes 敌我 ourselves and the enemy 物理化学 chemistry and physics 工农业 agriculture and industry 年月 month and year,time and tide,田径(运动) track and field (events) 迟早 sooner or later,first and last 水土流失 soil erosion and water loss 新郎新娘 the bride and the bridegroom 手疾眼快 quick of eye and deft of hand,喜怒哀乐 anger,grief,joy and happiness 水乳交融 as well blended as milk and water 东南西北 north, south, east and west,词序相同,上下 up and down 高低 high and low 老幼 old and young 父母 father and mother 夫妇 man and wife 黑白 black and white (生活)沉浮 ups and downs,


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