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我们小海的办公环境 伙伴们亲切地称我们分公司为“小海”,它坐落于“东方小巴黎”之称哈尔滨市最繁华商圈之一的秋林商圈,川流不息的车水马龙环抱的*写字楼*楼就是我们的小海!请感受它的优雅环境:走进小海首先映入眼帘的是印有棕色“*财富”logo和金黄色“HF”的巨大镶嵌入墙的牌匾。棕色代表着小海是客户和员工值得依靠、信赖并越来越壮大的企业,金黄色的“HF”有象征着财富的寓意,代表了小海的行业性质,预示着小海明天灿烂、辉煌,同时也会带给顾客和员工亮丽,温暖,积极的感觉。与金黄色相得益彰的背景色是酒红,这是小海传达的积极热情对待客户、员工而又严于律己、不卑不亢、善待他人的精神。左右望去是宽敞明亮的长廊,其中有对客户表达欢迎的迎客松,也有错落摆放的数盆大盆景,可谓生机勃勃绿得晃你的眼,但并不单调,因为与它们相伴的是我们小海的理财模式宣传展架!伙伴们在感受到它们的生意盎然的同时也自勉着更勤奋地工作!大落地窗带来舒馨的窗外景色和清爽,微风拂过盆景略微颤动的芬芳,温馨可人的工作氛围,让人久久忘返;宁静洁白的墙面粘贴着光荣榜、副副言语恳切的励人宣传画,让人心生勤勉;历历在目的规章制度,时刻激励着伙伴们和小海共同进步;公司的各种荣誉证书、摆放整齐的资料,让小海在员工和客户心中树立了最值得信赖的印象;整洁规整的桌椅,清爽干净的地面,让人维持整洁一心的状态。干净明亮的茶几有舒服椅子相伴着,时刻准备为客户提供最舒适的座位。温馨又不失严谨的工作环静,容纳着每个伙伴,有你,有我,有他,有我们大家!这就是属于我们大家的小海partners in call our branch company little Hai,it is located in Qiulin which is one of the most busiest business circle in Harbin-Eastern Paris*F of *building circled by too many cars is our little Hai!pls touch its gentle environment:brand with brown Haifo Wealth logo & bright yellow HF on the wall come into ur eyes first.brown stands for it is worth to be believed & relied to employee & customer,and its growing bigger & bigger,bright yellow means wealth and its field nature,may little Hais tomorrow will be colourful&glory,make customer & employee warm、optimistic. back ground,together with bright yellow much better is winy red,this expresses spirit not only optimistic to customer&employee but also being strict on ourselves、neither humble nor arrogant、treating others kindly. look towards right & left is wide & bright corridor,Guest-Welcoming Pine,some big plantings r in it ,they r so green &full of vigor,cause therere some financial modle advertising frame, they r not lonely!partners feel their vigorous & encourage themselves work hard at thesame time!land window bring beautiful scenery out of window,of planting when being blowed , warmful working environment is unforgetable,peaceful white wall with glory brand,encouraging pictrues with meaningful words make everyone work hard;showy rules encourage partners make progress together with little Hai,glory certification 、tidy files gives customer & employee impression that deserve to be relied!tidy desks & chairs , clean ground makes us well mood. Clean & bright tea table accompanied by cozy chairs, r always getting ready for providing cozy sites.warm&serious working environment ,holds every partner: u, me, him, us! its is our little Hai


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