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Book 1 Unit 5 Section AIII.1. melts 2. necessarily 3. gap 4. residents 5. loyal 6. global 7. blend 8. Diverse 9. eclipsed 10. whip IV. 1. controversy 2. fundamental 3. underscores 4. gap 5. interviewed 6. distinct 7. endanger 8. According to 9. variety 10. affiliated 11. mull over 12. absorbs 13. bunch 14. assimilate 15. contact V.1. possible; possibly; possibility; impossible 2. agreed; agreeable; agreeably; agreement 3. visible; visibly; invisible; visibility XI.1. The election will mean the end, or at least the beginning of the end, of the present system.2. The law denies entry to people in search of better economic opportunities.3. The old man always held up his youngest son as a model of hard work.4. I didnt even see him, much less speak to him.5. The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers.6. All the indications are that the deal will go ahead as planned.7. The afternoon tea bridges the gap between lunch and supper. 8. The invader whipped out a knife from his pocket. Section BII.1. patted 2. course 3. conversation 4. publisher 5. figure out6. negotiate 7. embarrassing 8. Comedies 9. host 10. handshake11. universal 12. messed up 13. track.1. phrase 2. presentation 3. cultural 4. instance 5. pointers 6. tough 7. conversational 8.bowed .1. ahead of time 2. stick with 3. broke the ice 4. keep track of5. vigorous 6. brought up 7. taboo 8. occurredUnit 6 Section AIII.1. Inflation 2. obligation 3. surplus 4. opponents 5. raise6. assistance 7. in favor of 8. earnings 9. Legislation 10. employer IV. 1. centered on 2. originally 3. force 4. inclined 5. at the expense of 6. urging 7. Even so 8. averages 9. claimed 10. institute 11. in accord with 12. discriminateV.1. hike 2. in response to 3. merely 4. possibly 5. bound 6. significantly 7. expense 8. hold down / keep a lid on; clippingXI.1. Our views on this question are in accord with yours.2. I would oppose changing the law.3. Many high rank officials of Bush administration have stepped down.4. If you are inclined to watch more programmes, on-line TV is a good choice.5. On average, women live five to seven years longer than men.6. He turned down a university appointment in favor of a political career. 7. Bicycling is good exercise; moreover, it doesnt pollute the air.8. He urged employers and trade unions to adapt their pay settlements to the economic circumstances.Section BII1. creative 2. privilege 3. attend 4. recommended 5. turn into 6. put into 7. comment 8. put his heart into 9. time-consuming 10. evolved 11. violate 12. discountedIII1. copyright 2. trend 3. craft 4. profited 5. consists6. tips 7. creation 8. transition 9. notified 10. existingIV1. into 2. about 3. to 4. on 5. up6. into 7. with 8. between 9. with 10. ofUnit 7 Section AIII.1. detective2. Tissue3. Homicide4. suspect5. invisible6. discard7. sufficient8. privacy9. conviction10. invasionIV. 1. identified2. investigation3. eliminate4. location5. came down to6. technological7. Genetic8. transformed9. involved10. associated11. chargedV.1. down2. over / through3. to4. into, for5. to6. Under / In7. to8. on9. with10. onXI. 1. Many mental diseases can be traced back to childhood experiences.2. I think that the problem comes down to the fact that people are too dependent on their automobiles. 3. He was charged with the theft of club funds.4. Scholarship application details can be obtained from the Ministry of Education.5. The police eliminated two of the four suspects in the case.6. E-mail has transformed the way people communicate.7. Opening my letter was an invasion of privacy.8. She refused to identify the man as her attacker.Section BII.1. arrested2. reflected 3. conform 4. assigned 5. recruiting 6. dominate 7. convicted 8. disregard9. fraud10. acceptable11. corporateIII. 1. Furthermore2. Conventional3. combined4. adequate5. well-off6. Consequently7. likely8. attorneyIV.1. offenders 2. welfare 3. sentenced4. counterpart5. material6. lower 7. potential8. DomesticUnit 8 Section AIII. 1. monster 2. Exposure 3. request 4. imagination 5. ban 6. compromise 7. Academy 8. controversial 9. Entertainment 10. conservative IV1. exposing 2. households 3. frustrated 4. spoiled/spoilt 5. critical6. forging ahead 7. hint 8. inquire 9. psychological 10. tense11. steady 12. mood 13. mounting V.1. 1) critical 2) criticisms 3) criticized 4) critically2. 1) frustrated 2) frustrated 3) frustration 4) frustrated3. 1) technological 2) Technologically 3) technologyXI.1. I came all the way to attend the reunion party at your special request. 2. Dont expose your skin to the sun too often, because it is very likely to cause skin cancer.3. Why dont you telephone the theatre and inquire about tickets? 4. Both sides are determined to get what they want, and there seems to be no possibility of compromise.5. I am feeling rather frustrated in my present job and I need a change.6. There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.7. The heavy rain has spoilt our picnic in the park and our pleasure.8. You completely ruined the mood of the party.Section BII. 1. online 2. ironic 3. dilemma 4. tempting 5. gossip6. at large 7. impress 8. strengths 9. logical 10. gradually11. encountered 12. knowledgeable 13. exploringIII. 1. in 2. for 3. to 4. of 5. within6. for 7. on 8. to 9. in 10. forIV.1. core 2. For the sake of 3. manner 4. slim 5. domain 6. participating 7. logical 8. intelligent Book 2 Unit 1Section AVocabularyIII. Complete the following explanations or definitions with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form where necessary.surgeryevolutionerectsignskylinefadedetectsealheadlinemonitor1. If there is a(n) _ of something, there is something which shows that it exists or is happening. 2. To _ something means to find or discover that it is present somewhere by using equipment or making an investigation. 3. If you _ a container or an opening, you cover it with something in order to prevent air, liquid, or other material getting in or out. 4. _ is medical treatment in which someones body is cut open so that a doctor can repair or remove a diseased or damaged part. 5. If you _ something, you regularly check its development or progress, and sometimes comment on it. 6. If someone or something _, for example, into background, they become hardly noticeable or very unimportant. 7. _ is a process of gradual development in a particular situation or thing over a period of time. 8. If people _ something such as a building, a bridge, or a barrier, they build it or create it. 9. A(n) _ is the title of a newspaper story, printed in large letters at the top of the story, especially on the front page.10. The _ is the line or shape that is formed where the sky meets buildings or the land. IV. Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase from the box. Change the form where necessary. break downbuild intokeep an eye onwork onincorporatedeliverIntegratecooperatetypicalemergetranscendinnovationexceed1. Is there a(an) _ career path for a person in this position?2. In the mid-13th century, Tibet was officially _ into the territory of Chinas Yuan Dynasty.3. These programs can _ not only basic training, but also planning and cross-training to all employees.4. In the year of 2008, more new workers were recruited and the department was _ into sections.5. As a security guard, you must _ the stranger who is looking back and forth all the time.6. Using computers, students are able to _ text with graphics.7. If the television was _ the ceiling, you could lie there while watching your favorite program. 8. We can allow a 2% discount on all orders of $600 in value and over; orders _ $2,000 are subject to a 3% discount. 9. The _ of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller. 10. This book tries to improve individuals abilities to understand and _ with foreigners.11. In the next several years there can be 10 different research groups _ the project. 12. Only when function and style combine perfectly does a great classic _.13. What brings us together is that we have common interests which _ those differences.V. Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb.1. We shall try to incorporate some of your ideas _ our future plans. 2. _ the help of a ladder, neighbors were able to rescue the children from the blaze. 3. Cash shall include but not be limited _ banknote, coin, bank deposit, bank draft and traveler check.4. The building was designed by William Kent, _ the personal direction of Henry Richardson. 5. The new residential blocks were skillfully integrated _ the rest of the College to form a pleasing, self-contained whole. 6. The boss was so angry over Neds mistake that he fired him _ the spot. 7. The workers found that it was not easy to move the pipes because they were built _ the concrete. 8. I must say I have never run a joint venture company before, but Id like to cooperate _ you.III. 1. sign 2. detect 3. seal 4. Surgery 5. monitor 6. fades 7. Evolution 8. erect 9. headline 10. skyline IV. 1. typical 2. incorporated 3. deliver 4. broken down 5. keep an eye on 6.integrate 7. built into 8. exceeding 9. innovation 10. cooperate 11. working on 12. emerge 13. transcendV. 1. into 2. With 3. to 4. under5. with 6. on 7. into 8. withXI.1. It is also important to note that past performance alone will not help predict future performance.2. If we keep clear heads, we shall not commit big mistakes, and when problems emerge, they can be easily put right.3. It is therefore vital for a company to have the quickest possible information on what the customer is asking for.4. Although I would like to do some work during the rest of my life, I wish to fade from the political scene.5. He was found guilty on three charges of exceeding the speed limit他被指控三次超速,并被判罪。(exceed)6. He reached this logical conclusion after carefully thinking about all the information.7. After I wrote a book of short biographies I began to work on my next novel.8. It is hoped that Chinese education will be able to integrate with the international educational community soon.Section BVocabularyII. Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary.switch onoverwhelmsuperiorpurchaseout of dateneglecthave a goembraceapplicableenableon ones behalfcarry outdemonstratecapacityundertake1. This problem _ by this government in spite of the great urgency2. He _ the floodlights and what had been impenetrable darkness became suddenly as clear as day.3. It doesnt matter if you make it or break it as long as you _.4. This island _ by the local government with an eye to carrying out some dangerous experiments on human beings. 5. When the chairman is unable to perform his duties, the vice-chairman designated by the chairman performs his duties _. 6. Scientific and technical training should be _ for women to improve their ability to wipe out poverty. 7. We are now engaged in a great and most glorious cause, never _ by our forefathers.8. It remains to be seen whether the industry will _ the products resulting from this technology.9. The technical achievement of Renaissance Europe was _ to those achieved by any other civilization. 10. Chemical engineers have considerable background that is _ to water pollution problems. 11. Possessing a car gives a much greater degree of mobility, _ the driver to move around freely.12. Faber had known the timetable would be _, but he had needed to establish whether the trains went to London.13. You may be a great man, but if Fortune give you no chance to _ your merit, how am I to know your greatness?14. During the financial crisis, these countries _ with heavy debts.15. The human mind has a truly amazing _ to learn and remember large numbers of idioms quickly and easily. III. Replace each of the underlined parts in the following sentences with a word or phrase from the text. Change the form where necessary. 1. He has no bad habits like smoking or drinking, and he doesnt even know how to play chess or ball games. In his spare time he just takes walks or chats with people.2. Ideal personality refers to high level of personal integrity, excellent interpersonal, good command of communication skills, team player and work under pressure. 3. He is deliberately disregarding his studies in spite of criticism4. What they long for is “access”, the power to open doors and gain a hearing that the Clinton name will provide.5. After some minutes he appeared to have come to a decision, and entering the shop he bought a babys rattle for four pence half-penny. 6. I predict some big names in the town will have mud on them before all this is over.7. Presently, a fairly complete modern education system is being operated in the Tibet Autonomous Region, and education is being spread to wider areas in the Region.8. Before we reached home, Catherines displeasure softened, into a mixed feeling of pity and regret. IV. Complete the following sentences with the help of the first letter. Fill in each blank with one word only. 1. Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not a_ to a changing environment.2. While upper-class European intellectuals generally looked down upon business, most Americans e_ the idea of moneymaking with enthusiasm.3. American officials and the public are debating if the United States should take m_ actions against Iraq. 4. Xinhua News Agency q_ the local informed personnel that many cities have become disaster areas and the total population affected is about 3.5 million.5. Almost all the recent criticism from the mass media is directed at the ever increasing rate of u_.6. She wrote n_ articles in German, some for academic journals, primarily on Indian history and on women.7. Some feel that, by merely coming to New York, fortune is about to smile on them, that the streets are p_ with gold.8. This is a specific area of the field of a_ intelligence applied to the industrial use of robots doing repetitive tasks. II.1. has been neglected2. switched on 3. have a go 4. was purchase 5. on his behalf6. carried out 7. undertaken 8. embraced 9. superior 10. applicable11. enabling 12. out of date 13. demonstrate 14. were overwhelmed 15. capacityIII.1. leisure 2. stress 3. neglecting 4. crave5. purchased 6. forecast 7. Currently 8. sensationIV.1. adapt 2. embraced 3. military 4. quoted 5. unemployment 6. numerous 7. paved 8. artificial Unit 2 Section AVocabularyIII. Complete the following explanations or definitions with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form where necessary. illustrationfacilitatedepressiondecentintellectualdeterioratefulfillambitionresemblegeniussubmissivenesssymptomdeclineoptimismcomplicated 1. A(n) _ is someone who spends a lot of time studying and thinking about complicated ideas. 2. If you have a(n) _ to do or achieve something, you want very much to do it or achieve it.3. A(n) _ is a person who has an exceptionally high intelligence, and is highly talented, or creative. 4. To _ an action or process, especially one that you would like to happen, means to make it easier or more likely to happen. 5. A(n) _ of an illness is something wrong with your body or mind that is a sign of the illness. 6. A (n) _ is an example or a story, event, action, etc. that shows the truth or existence of something very clearly.7. If one thing or person _ another, they look like or be similar to each other.8. To _ a task, role, or requirement means to do or be what is required, necessary, or expected. 9. _ people following moral standards that are acceptable to society are honest and behave in a way that most people approve of. 10. _ is the feeling of being hopeful about the future or about the success of something in particular. IV. Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase from the box. Change the form where necessary. by comparison withdeterin vainin tandemin the first placebreak out oftake ontake upmake a differencecarry sb. throughon the scenecombineturn out1. Her time is fully _ with managing the household. She rarely has free time to go to the fitness club. 2. Collecting fuel tax and adjusting oil prices are two different things; therefore they will not be introduced _.3. He used to be very extroverted and talkative, but now he is rather dull _ others who are active and extroverted in this new school.4. Where you live can _ to the way you feel, your outlook and attitudes towards life and the standard of living. 5. Unfortunately, it turned out that all the polices efforts to find this fugitive were _. 6. If we had known the serious consequence, we should never have agreed to do this _.7. As events _, we were right to have accepted his advice and decided to leave early. 8. We cant _ any more work; were fully stretched at the moment and extremely exhausted. 9. In his bosss eyes, he is a perfect example of professional knowledge and skills _ with unforgettable personal charm.10. Presently, _ of the accident appeared reporters and a couple of policemen. 11. Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would _ criminals from carrying guns. 12. He seized every chance to _ the Nazi concentration camp and finally he made it.13. We believe faith and courage will _ us _ in spite of the difficult conditions.V. Study the following words in the box. Then co


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