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.wd.北京市丰台区2011-2012学年第二学期初三期末第二次统一练习英 语 试 卷听力理解 (共26分)一、 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。共4分,每题1分 1. A. B. C. 2.A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. ¥59¥53B. ¥57 C. 二、 听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。共12分,每题1分 请听下面的对话,完成第5至第6小题。5. What does the boy need the money for? A A. For a book. B. For a ticket. C. For food 6. When will the boy return the money? CA. Next Saturday. B. Next Sunday. C. Next Monday.请听下面的对话,完成第7至第8小题。7. Whose birthday is it today? A A. Jims. B. Tonys. C. Bettys. 8. How many happy things have happened to the man? B A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 请听下面的对话,完成第9至第10小题。9. Whats wrong with Rose now? - Shes got _. CA. a bad headache. B. a bad toothache. C. a fever.10. What advice does the boy give the girl? B A. To go home. B. To see the doctor. C. To have classes.请听下面的对话,完成第11至第13小题。11. How long will the man stay in Beijing for travel? BA. One week. B. Just this weekend. C. Two weekends. 12. Which place will the man visit? CA. The Forbidden City. B. The Summer Palace. C. The Great Wall. 13. Whats possible relationship between the two speakers? AA. A tourist and an office worker. B. A student and his teacher C. Friends.请听下面的独白,完成第14至第16小题。14. Who may be the speaker? AA. An environment scientist. B. A bag businessman. C. An animal protector.15. What can we learn from the passage? CA. Giving smoking up is really difficult for your parents. B. Children know more about environment than their parents. C. It saves resources to recycle plastic bags. 16. What is the passage mainly about? B A. How to help the parents live green.B. Tips to students about how to live green.C. Protecting the .environment by doing the three Rs.三、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。对话读两遍。共10分,每题2分Ordered Pizza for Delivery (外卖送)Pizza number:Styles of pizza: two pizzas one with veggie toppings (蔬菜料), the other with 17_ toppings Pizza size: Drink:18. _ for both 19. _ juice, 3 cupsCustomers name:20. _ Cook Address:21. at _ Hancock street.语言知识运用 共25分 四、单项填空共13分,每题1分从以下各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最正确选项。22. Tom and Mike are good friends_often help each otherAThey BThem C Their DTheirs23. Both my parents were born _ 1970.A. at B. in C. on D. to24. Hurry up, Mike, _ you will miss your train.A. and B. but C. so D. or25. _ do you go swimming? Once a week. A. How muchB. How long C. How often D. How far26. Which book do you like _, this story book or that science book? This story bookA. good B. better C. best D. the best 27. There is _ wrong with my cell phone It doesnt work well A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing28. Will you please stay for lunch? Sorry, I _. My mother wants me back home now. B A. neednt B. cant C. shouldnt D. mustnt29. Mary _ up and walked to the door when she heard her name called. A. stood B. stands C. was standing D. will stand 30. Rose came to Beijing in 2002She _ here for ten years A. was living B. live C. will live D. has lived31. Amy _ you an e-mail as soon as she finishes her job. A. writeB. writes C. is writingD. will write32. Nine big road accidents _ by careless drivers in this area last year. A. are causedB. were caused C. have causedD. will cause33. Lily, could you please tell me how _ this e-dictionary? OK, just a moment.A. useB. uses C. using D. to use 34. Do you know _ tomorrow? At 8 oclock.A. when did she arriveB. when she arrivedC. when will she arriveD. when she will arrive五、完形填空共12分,每题1分阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最正确选项。At 13 years of age, my parents and I visited an eye surgeon (外科医生). As I sat in the examining chair, the 35_ looked into my eyes, shining a bright light. She did inherit(经遗传得的) it, he said with coldness. There is no cure.My father 36_ a gene (基因) causing blindness. Id gotten the gene since my birth. He 37_ lost his eyesight and so did I. At last we were both completely 38_. At that time, he was 57 years old, but I was only 30.My world fell apart (崩溃) as the darkness fell, 39_ the dreams my husband and I had for us and for our three little boys. But when I tried to find some 40_ and strength, my eyes were opened to a new realization.My father had given me not just 41_ eyesight, but an example of determination in the face of trouble 42_. We were all living in Bolivia in 1964 when he decided to move the family to America. He and Mom worked tirelessly to 43_ the right of living in the US.Alone in the States, he overcame his helplessness and lack of fluency in English to rent a small apartment, and buy airline tickets for my mom, my brother and me.Decades later, as an American citizen, I looked back at what hed taught me. He set an example proving that determination is crucial to success. His journey taught me valuable lessons for dealing with my blindness.I did the same as I stepped into a 44_ world. My fathers example made me gain confidence and learn to be thankful for what I had. 45_, I now know how to continue life as a wife, mom, Sunday school teacher, Spanish court interpreter, inspirational speaker and writer.What I inherited from my father helped me to see my life with a more 46_ glow.325 w including 12 Chinese characters 307 E w fro 21sth Century 09.2.2335. A. machine B. doctor C. father D. mother B 36. A. carried B. found C. developed D. passed A37. A. suddenly B. luckily C. unluckily D. gradually D38. A. sad B. worried C. hurt D. blind D39. A. entering B. sharing C. destroying D. missing C40. A. job B. hope C. chance D. value B41. A. failing B. improving C. falling D. increasing A 42. A. as a result B. ever since C. as usual D. as well D43. A. reach B. keep C. win D. lose C 44. A. bright B. dark C. new D. special B 45. A. For that matter B. From then on C. After all D. In this way D 46. A. meaningful B. wonderful C. useful D. successful A 阅读理解 共44分六、阅读理解共26分,每题2分阅读下面的四篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最正确选项。 ADo you have a pet? What would you like to have, a dog, a cat or a bowl of fish? In the US, nearly 73 million families have at least one pet. The table shows the total number (in millions) of some of the most popular pets in the US. 50 w 47. Which pet is the most popular in the US families? A A. Fish. B. Cats. C. Dogs. D. Birds 48. How many American families keep horses as a pet? DA. 78 million. B. 16 million. C. 13 million. D. 8 million. 49. Which place do dogs take in the popularity (普遍性) of pets? C A. The 1st place. B. The 2nd place. C. The 3rd place. D. The 4th place. B“You know, these cups bring to mind a story I heard, Mary said to her friends in her home.She poured some tea. There were four of them and there were four completely different cups on the table.“I heard there was a teacher who took all his students for tea. They were surprised that all the cups on the table were different. They all took a cup and started drinking their tea, each looking at the cups of the others. The teacher said: “Do you notice your behavior? You are all looking at each others teacup and some of you even envy (羡慕) the finer cups of others.“I put the different cups here on purpose. Life is like this tea. You all have the same thing in your cups tea. And yet you cannot truly enjoy it in your envy of anothers cup. You forget to enjoy your own life when you envy someone elses life.So now, taste your own tea. Does it matter from which cup it came from?Mary finished telling her story and her friends all sat in silence for a while, enjoying their tea. And it really did not matter one bit from which teacup they drank. 209 w 50.Mary used _ to invite her friends to tea. BA. four same cups B. four different cups C. many same cups D. many different cups 51. Mary _ while her friends were drinking the tea. AA. told them a story B. continued making tea C. enjoyed her tea D. brought out more teacups52. After the story, Marys friends _. CA. discussed its meaning B. asked for more teaC. seemed to realize its lesson D. left her house silentlyCGao Defu, 10, is a student in a primary school in a small village in Guizhou. He used to go hungry or have only an ear of corn for lunch at noon. But now, Gao and his classmates have better food and vegetable dishes for free every day, thanks to the free lunch program.The program was started by Deng Fei, a journalist at the Phoenix Weekly (凤凰周刊). Early this year, Deng met Xiao Yu, a primary school teacher from Guizhou, and was told that students in Xiaos school didnt have lunch to eat. Instead, they drank water to lessen their hunger.Deeply shocked, Deng decided to do something for kids in the poor areas. He posted a message on his microblog (微博) saying he wanted to build a canteen at Xiaos school. The message soon got the support and attention of tens of thousands of people around the country. In March, some 500 reporters, along with a dozen news organizations and charity funds (慈善基金), finally set up the free lunch program.Local teachers and foundation workers calculated that one lunch for one child costs 3 yuan. People can donate for a meal, a months worth of meals, or a years worth of meals for children on the Internet by going to :/ mianfeiwucan.org /. According to the China Development Research Foundation(基金会), there are about 23 million resident students (住宿生) in central and western rural areas. Many of them come from poor families and cant afford nutritious lunches. Now, schools with kids that cant afford lunch can apply for help through the free lunch programs official website.In half a year, the program has raised more than 16 million yuan, providing free lunches for poor students in 77 schools. 24汉字 279 w 53. The free lunch program was started by _. BA. a student in a primary school B. a journalist at the Phoenix WeeklyC. a primary school teacher D. 500 reporters and some charity funds54. In Paragraph 2, the word “lessen best means _ in the context. CA. giving a lesson B. stopping the feeling of thirst C. making the feeling of hunger smaller D. stopping the feeling of hunger 55. Which of the following statements is NOT true? DA. Many of the 23 million resident students cant afford nutritious lunches. B. In poor areas, each child needs just three yuan for a lunch. C. More than 16 million yuan reached the free lunch program soon. D. A poor student can go to a special site on the Internet for free lunches. D Heredity is not the only thing that influences our color. Where we live and how we live after we are born are important too. Our skin color depends to a great extent on how much sunshine we get. During the cold winter months, people keep themselves covered. A group of light-colored people will all seem to be pretty much the same color in these months. But when summer arrives and they go to the beaches, some will tan darkly, some will tan lightly and a few will not tan at all. Each one has inherited a different ability to tan. Centuries ago, most of the people in Europe were peasants and had to work in the fields all day. Noblemen, on the other hand, did not have to work. They stayed indoors and remained pale. You could always tell a nobleman from a peasant because the peasant had a tan. During the Industrial Revolution things changed. Farmers left their fields and went to work in factories, mines, and mills. Working for long hours in dingy-lit factories and mines made their skins pale. Wealthy people, however, could afford to travel to sunny countries. They had the leisure to lie around on the beaches and get a tan. Having a tan became a sign of wealth. In Western Europe and North America pale skin is no longer desirable. Instead of bleaching themselves white with lemon juice, many women spend their time under a sunlamp. The desire for a quick tan has led to the invention of pills and lotion (乳液) that darken the skin artificially without exposure to sunlight. These pills and lotions can be bought by anyone at any drugstore. A rich man can spend hundreds of dollars on a vacation in the sunny West India and get his suntan there. But his lowest-paid clerk can have what looks like the same tan out of a bottle of a few cents. So there are three answers to the question Where does our color come from? It comes from the genes we inherit. It comes from the conditions in which we live. And it can come from a bottle that we buy at the drugstore on the corner. 364 w 56. What can we infer from the passage? DA. In Western Europe and North America pale skin is no longer desirable. B. In the past, English peasants had the same tan as the noblemen. C. The more we lie on the beach, the more tanned our skins get. D. At one time people needed a tan skin to show they were wealthy. 57. What does the word “tan in Paragraph 2 best mean? AA. Getting thirsty. B. Getting tired. C. Getting hot. D. Getting brown. 58. How many different ways do western people use to give their skin a tan? BA. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 59. What is the passage mainly about? CA. Our skin color depends on how much sunshine we get. B. Our skin color changes with the conditions in which we live. C. Our skin color depends on where and how we live besides heredity. D. Peoples attitude towards their skin color changes with time and people. 阅读文本词数总量:873 w 七、阅读复原句子共8分,每题2分阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。A police officer pulled a car over. When he walked up to the car, a man rolled down (摇下) the window. “_60_ he asked.The policeman answered: “I stopped you for running that red light behind you.Just then the mans wife leaned forward from the passengers seat and said in a very loud voice: “I told him to stop at that light. But did he listen? No. _61_ The man turned to his wife and shouted: “Shut up!The policeman continued: “And just before the light I clocked (测速) you doing 50 miles (80km) per hour. _62_His wife leaned forward again and whined (埋怨): “I told him to slow down. But did he listen to me? No! He never listens to me._63_ “Shut up! I told you to SHUT UP!The policeman looked at the woman and asked: “Does he always talk to you this way?To which the woman replied: “Only when he has been drinking. 176 w A. He just kept right on going. 2B. Again the man shouted at his wife, 4 C. Hes just listening to music. D. Whats the problem, officer 1E. The speed limit is only 30. 3八、阅读与表达共10分,每题2分阅读短文,根据其内容答复以下问题。Do you have sleeping problems? Is it hard for you to remember or pay attention in class? Do you easily get angry? If your answer is yes, you may be under stress.Stress is a normal physical response (反响) to things that make people feel worried. In China, 70 percent of the 2,000 students about to take the college or high school entrance examination are under high stress, according to a recent survey by Wuhan University of Hubei province.Sometimes stress is good for people. It pushes people to do their best, like while getting ready before a big competition or exam. However, too much or long-term stress makes people feel a stress overload (负荷过多), and affects peoples health.When you feel stressed, there are some ways you can deal with (处理) it. Learning to solve small problems in everyday life is helpful. It can help build confidence to move on to lifes bigger ones. Try saying positive things to yourself, like “I will do the best that I can, or “I can manage this if I take one step at a time. That encourages you to work toward your goal. It is also important to relax sometimes, for example by getting a good nights sleep, doing exercises or taking a bath.But if you are under high stress and cant handle it by yourself, it is also good to ask parents or friends for help. Everyone has stress. Dont be too shy to tell others that you are having a hard time. They may comfort you or give you some useful advice. You may feel better just from sharing your problems with them. 271 w 64. Is stress a normal physical response to the worry?65. Who did a survey about stress in middle school students recently? 66. In what way is stress good for people?67. How many ways of dealing with stress are discussed in the passage?68. What is the passage mainly about? 书面表达共25分九、完成句子共10分,每题2分根据中文意思完成句子。69. 当时玛丽太紧张了,一句话都没说出来。Mary was _ nervous _ say a word for the moment. 70. 夏天了,天气正变得越来越热。Now its summer, and it is getting _. 71. 你写完作文了吗,汤姆今天该交了。Have you _ the composition? Its time to hand it in. 72. 北京的春天多风并且十分枯燥。多喝水对你是有好处的 Its quite windy and dry in spring in Beijing. _plenty of water.73. 我认为我们应该采取措施阻止小明花费太多的时间上网 I think _ surfing the Internet.十、文段表达15分根据中文大意和英文提示词语写一篇不少于60词的短文,要求意思连贯、符合逻辑,文章开头已给出,其词数不计入你写的短文内,所给其它英文提示词语供选用。文中请不要出现你的真实姓名或校名。74. 假设你是学校的安全宣传员,请利用下面本地学生道路伤害事故原因统计图表,写一篇英文短文,向你校的外籍学生介绍那些事故的主要原因,提醒他们注意个人交通安全,针对这些主要原因提出几点保障出行安全的建议,最后,表达你对他们在这里安全、愉快生活和学习的良好祝愿。Road safety is important for every student, especially for the new comers from other countries or places. 丰台区2012年初三英语第二次练习参考答案选择题共58题,75分一 、二、四 七共六道选择题听力12345678910111213141516AABCACBBCBBCAACC单项选择22232425262728293031323334完形353637ABDCBABADDBDDBAD383940414243444546阅读4748495051525354DCBADCBDAADCBACBC5556575859填句60616263DDDBCDAEB47 63 每题2分;其余每题1分。非机读卷,共16题,共45分答案三听力记录信息 每题2分,共10分17. meat; 18. large ; 19. apple; 20. Ben 21. 102(此题每题评分原则:完全正确则2分,信息不符则0分,信息对,拼写有误扣0.5分。) 八阅读答题,每题2分,共10分 64. Yes, it is./ Yes. 65. Wuhan University. 66. It pushes/ can push people to do their best Stress is good for people because it can push people to do their best. 67. Four ways. (First, learn to solve small problems in everyday life. Secondly, Try saying positive things to yourself. Thirdly, relax from time to time by doing exercises or taking a bath. Lastly, ask your parents or friends for help. ) 68. Its about stress including, what stress is, its good and bad effects on people and several ways to deal with/ manage/ reduce stress九完成句子,每题2分,共10分69. tooto 70. hotterand hotter 71. finishedwriting/只一词 (written)72. Its goodfor youtodrink73.We shoulddo something to stop/ keep/ prevent Xiao Mingfrom十文段表达参考答案例文 Road safety is important for every student, especially for the new comers from other countries or places.For the safety of our new friends, Id like to tell you first about top two causes


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