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虎门外语学校小学教师备课文本 备课组:_五年级_ 单 元Lesson 7 & Lesson 8总课时2课 题Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?Lesson 8 Whats your job?备课老师备课时间2012.09.03教学目标(知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)1. Ss can understand the words: nationality, job, keyboard, operator, engineer.2. Ss can use the sentences in the daily life:Are you French? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. What nationality are you? I am Italian.Whats your job? Im a keyboard operator.教学重点How to use the sentences correctly to communicate.教学难点The pronunciation of the word: nationality.教 学 过 程Step I. Warm- up.1. Greeting and a song: My father is a driver.2. Free talk.3. RevisionReview the different nationalities learned last lessons.Step II. Presentation and practice1. Introduce Sophie DupontT: Do you remember the new students name that we met last week? Ss: Sophie Dupont. T: Yes. Is she English? Ss: No, she is French.T: Good. Whats she? / Whats her job?Ss: (Guess the job.)2. Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions:Whats the mans name?Is he French, too? What nationality is he?Whats Sophies job?Whats the mans job?3. Ss learn the new words and the sentences. 询问姓名:-Whats your name? (= What is your name?) -My names. (= My name is.) -Whats his/her name? -His/Her name is. 询问国籍:(1)-Are you French? -Yes, I am. / No, Im not. -Is he/she French? -Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isnt. -Are you French, too? 这里的too是“也”的意思,一般用在肯定句的句尾,前面用逗号隔开(或无)。-No, I am not. = No, Im not. No, I amnt.教 学 过 程(2)-What nationality are you? -Im Italian.=-Whats your nationality? -Im Italian.=-Where are you from? -Im from Italy. -What nationality is he/she? -Hes/Shes.=-Whats his/her nationality? -Hes/Shes.=-Where is he/she from? -Hes/Shes from. 询问职业:(1)-Are you a teacher? -Yes, I am. / No, Im not. -Is he/she a teacher? -Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isnt.(2)-Whats your job? = What do you do? -Im a keyboard operator. -Whats his/her job? = What does he/she do? -Hes/ Shes an engineer.不定冠词a/an的用法: 当我们想要泛指“一个什么东西”的时候,就要用到不定冠词a或an。即a或an要用在单数可数名词前。如该名词开头字母是辅音则用a,例:a book, a keyboard operator如该名词开头字母是辅音则用an,例:an orange, an engineer4. Ss practise the sentences by asking and answering with their partners.5. Ss act out the dialogue.6. Ss look at the pictures on Page 15 and use the sentences: Whats your job? Im a/ an to ask and answer with their partners.7. Ss finish the exercises on Page 168. Ss make new dialogues from their exercises.Step III. Sum-up.教学反思 第七课的知识点有三点,学生们在之前有所接触。首先,学生以前学过询问职业的表达方式,What does he/she do?,以此可以引入新的表达方式:Whats your/his/her job?,在该句型的学习中,对your/his/her的意思要让学生弄清楚,否则会出现Whats you/he/she job? 在回答时,引入各种常见的职业单词,可以和第八课结合,同时注意冠词a/an 的用法,归纳出加an 的表示职业的名词,帮助学生记忆。第二个重点就是在前次课的学习基础上,学习如何询问他人的国籍:What nationality is he/she?这时要提醒学生区分:Im + 国籍。Im from +国家。最后是一般疑问句:Are you? 的灵活使用。通过这两课的学习情况,学生在单词nationality , engineer , keyboard operator ,这几个重点的单词的读和写上有困难,可以在新授时多强调。另外,在回答某人是做什么句型时,学生容易漏掉冠词,或者用错冠词。这些都需要通过大量的练习进行巩固和加强。单 元Lesson 9 & Lesson 10总课时2课 题Lesson 9 How are you today?Lesson 10 Look at 备课老师备课时间2012.09.03教学目标(知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)1. Ss can use the sentences to greet with others in the daily life:How are you today?And you?Im fine/ very well.Thanks.Nice to see you.Goodbye.2. Ss can use the adjectives to describe people.教学重点How to use the sentences correctly to greet 教学难点How to use the adjectives to describe people.教 学 过 程Step I. Warm- up.1. Greeting and a song: Hello.2. Free talk.3. RevisionReview the different jobs learned last lessons.Step II. Presentation and practice1. Introduce the dialogue.T: Today well listen to a dialogue about greetings. 2. Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions:How is Helen today?How is Steven?Is Tony well, too?How is Emma?3. Ss learn the sentences after the tape.(1)How are you today?你今天好吗?这是朋友或相识的人之间见面时问对方身体情况的寒暄话,一般回答语为:Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢。Im fine/great, thank you. 很好,谢谢。Im very well, thank you. 很好,谢谢。如果是很熟悉的朋友,大家也可以回答,Not bad。当然,因为这属于寒暄语,所以我们就算心情很差,一般也不会直接的就说bad. 除非是极要好的朋友,你需要聊天和倾诉,也可以说not good, 朋友会追问why?,这样就产生出更多的对话。如问及对方的先生或太太或家中其他亲属的情况,可以说 How is Tony?或Hows Emma?等。相应的回答可为 Hes fine,thanks 或 Shes very well,thank you等。直接把主语换成He /She 即可。(2)And you?你好吗?是And how are you?的简略说法。在回答对方问候健康的话之后反问时用。4. Ss act out the dialogue.教 学 过 程5. Teach the adjectives.fat-thin 胖的-瘦的 tall-short 高的-矮的 dirty-clean 脏的-干净的hot-cold 热的-冷的 old-young 老的-年轻的 busy- lazy忙的-懒的good-bad 好的-坏的 big-small 大的-小的 heavy-light 重的-轻的6. Encourage Ss to use the adjectives to describe the people on Page 19.7. Ss finish the exercises on Page 20.Step III. Sum-up.教学反思第九课和第十课对于学生来说比较简单。第九课询问某人的身体状况:How are you today? Im fine , thank you.学生都很熟悉,也是课堂前必须的问候语。在此基础上,引导学生询问第三人称的身体状况:Hows he/she today?并引入同义回答方式:He/She is very well,thanks.这对于部分学生来说也不陌生。另外,在本节课学到了:Nice to see you .Nice to see you ,too.这与Nice to meet you .表达的意思一样,对于区别可以给学生提下。第十课主要是学习一些描述性的形容词,而且都是互为反义词,很多学生都学习过,主要是busy ,lazy , dirty需要多强调。单 元Lesson 11 & Lesson 12总课时2课 题Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?Lesson 12 Whose is this/ that?备课老师备课时间2012.09.03教学目标(知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)1. Ss can understand the new words:blue, white, whose, perhaps, catch2. Ss can use the sentences to communicate in the daily life:Whose (shirt) is this/ that?Whose is this/ that (shirt)?Is this your/ his/ her (pen)?Its (Tims)/ my (fathers).Here you are.教学重点How to use the sentences correctly to express someones something.教学难点How to use the sentences correctly to express someones something.教 学 过 程Step I. Warm- up.1. Greeting.2. Free talk.3. RevisionReview the different clothes learned before.Step II. Presentation and practice1. Introduce the dialogue.T: Today well listen to a dialogue about a shirt. 2. Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions:Whose shirt is white?Is this Daves shirt?Is Daves shirt white?Is Tims shirt white?3. Ss learn the sentences after the tape.(1)、区分代词所有格和名词所有格。所有格即某人或某物属于某一个人. Imy-mine You-your-yours Hehis-his sheher-hersLucys fathers 具体人的代词所有格和名词所有格都是加s .区别:代词所有格后面一定要加名词,表示某人的 sth. 名词所有格后面不用加任何东西。直接单独使用.Eg: This is my pen. = This pen is mine.(2)、特殊疑问句的变法 This is my pen.Step1: 确定疑问词whose This is whose pen.Step2: 变一般疑问句- Is this whose pen?Step3: 最后把特殊疑问词放在句首 Whose is this pen?(3)、对代词所有格和名词所有格不同的提问方式教 学 过 程This is my pen.-Whose pen is this?This pen is mine.-Whose is this pen?汉语中是有同样的情况。但英语中区分的比较明显。这是汤姆的衬衣吗?两种说法: Is this t Toms shirt? Is this shirt Toms?这是谁的衬衣?Whose shirt is this? This is my shirt.Whose is this shirt? this is mine.(省略shirt)(4)、注意区别课文中s 缩写和所有格的区别。读课文中让学生区分。(5)、here you are =here it is =here you go都是同一个意思。4. Encourage Ss to act out the dialogue.5. Ss practise the sentences by asking and answering with their partners according to the pictures in Page 23.6. Ss finish the exercises in Page 24.Step III. Sum-up教学反思第十一课和十二课的重点是所有格s的学习。重点句型:Whose shirt is that? It is Tims. 首先,学生对whose 和 whos 弄不清,不知道什么时候使用,容易弄混。要让学生知道这两个词不是完整形式和缩写形式的关系,表达的意思也不同,前者是“谁的”,后者是“谁是”。在回答时,某人的属于所有格形式,在人后加s .通过平时的作业和考试发现学生回答时容易漏掉s。另外,对话中有两处Yes , sir?与Yes , sir.要通过录音,让学生发现语调上的不同,在进行讲解意义的不同。


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