高中英语牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Grammar and usage 课件(共25张PPT)

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高中英语牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Grammar and usage 课件(共25张PPT)_第1页
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高中英语牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Grammar and usage 课件(共25张PPT)_第2页
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高中英语牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Grammar and usage 课件(共25张PPT)_第3页
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Grammar Book 6 Unit 3 What do you know about the great historian Sima Qian?a great historian,writer,and thinker of the Han Dynasty create a masterpiece(Records of the Grand Historian)Exploring the rules-Part A His fathers dream was that one day he could write a great masterpiece recording what had happened in history.His chief concern was whether he could do his job more effectively and efficiently.We can use a noun clause as the predicative of a sentence.We can use that to introduce a predicative clause when the clause is a(1)_.We can use whether to introduce a predicative clause when the clause is a(2)_.We can use what,why,when,where,etc.to introduce a predicative clause when the clause is a(3)_.Exploring the rulesstatementyes-no questionwh-questionApplying the rules-B1 I got six books from the library.The question is _ one I should read first!The truth is _ there are many reasons why wars break out.We have made it a rule that visitors must not touch the china vases.The problem is _ some visitors do not pay attention to it.whichthatthat The museum was closed.That was _ we couldnt see the historical documents.The two historians disagree with each other.The question is _ it is possible to prove who is right.Besides having the history classes at school,we also visit historic destinations.That is _ we learn about important events in history.whywhetherhow What makes this book remarkable in content is(1)_ it not only includes vivid descriptions of historical figures such as emperors Another thing to note is(2)it covers advances in astronomy,music,the calendar and so on.One of the main features of the Shiji is(3)the biographies are presented-in the form of stories rather than dry facts.That is(4)_ these works became known as the Twenty-Four Histories.Applying the rules-B2thatthathowwhyWhat is one of the main features of the Shiji?Sima Qian used vivid stories instead of dry facts to present biographies.take an interest in history learn Chinese classics from great literary masters travel extensively across the country succeed his father as Grand Historian facilitate his access to official books and files sort out all the available resourcesPhrasesavailable(P34).because sorting out all the available resources required painstaking efforts.available1)(of things)that you can get,buy or find 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的 available resources/facilities This journal is available in paper and electronic form.2)(of a person)free to see or talk to people 有空的 Mr.Lee is on holiday and was not available for comment.available vs.accessible These dangerous chemicals must not be kept where they are _ to children.Her poetry is always very _.Since 2018,the amount of money _ to buy books has fallen by 17%.accessibleaccessibleavailable require painstaking efforts chief concern effectively and efficiently carry on with his work be put in prisonP35 total over 520000 Chinese characters extend over a period of about 3,000 years exceptional figures another thing to note is.in the form of stories rather than dry facts phrases employed in this book in constant use(P37)The authors a_ a natural,chatty style of writing.adopt an approach/attitude etc采用(某方法);采取(某态度)采用(某方法);采取(某态度)Adopt adopt the law/resolution/proposal etc正式通过,表决采纳正式通过,表决采纳 adopt a child收养,领养收养,领养 She produced a TV series about children.We will encourage a wider of this strategy for pollution control.adoptedadoption P_ with vivid descriptions and fun facts,this type of history book is highly readable.v.1)to fill sth with a lot of people or things 塞进;挤进塞进;挤进 Hundreds of thousands of people packed(into)the hall.pack sth(with sth)They pack their magazine with lots of helpful decorating ideas.2)to put clothes,etc.into a bag in preparation for a trip away from home 收拾(行李);收拾(行李);装装(箱)(箱)pack a bag/suitcase/belongings Youd better pack your bags.Were leaving in an hour.pack sb sth Ive packed you some food for the journey.3)to put sth into a container so that it can be stored,transported or sold 打包;包打包;包装装 Machines now exist to pack goods in boxes.They offered me a job goods in a factory.Now wild mushrooms are available all year,in handy 25g boxes.packingpackedn.1)a number of things that are wrapped or tied together,especially for carrying 一捆,一包一捆,一包 donkeys carrying packs of wool2)a small container,usually made of paper,that something is sold in 小盒,小包小盒,小包 The radio only weighs a few ounces and is smaller than a pack of cigarettes.C_ to popular history books,most academic books tend to adopt a more serious approach to studying history.contrary1)adj.different from sth;against sth 相对立的;相反的相对立的;相反的 contrary advice/opinions/argumentsbe contrary to sth The governments actions are contrary to the public interest.Contrary to popular belief,many cats dislike milk.contrary singularn.the opposite of what has been said or suggested 相反;对立面;相反;对立面;相反事物相反事物 In the end the contrary proved true:he was innocent and she was guilty.on the contrary The test will not be easy;on the contrary,it will be very difficult.to the contrary Show me some evidence to the contrary.


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