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Unit 1 School life (SBI) I. Vocabulary:Task 1 Find a word from the first sentence and use its other form or part of speech to fill in the blank in the second sentence.1. I enjoy listening to music while doing my homework. Harry Potter is such an _ film that children all over the world love it.2. Marco Polo had many interesting experiences while traveling in China. Traveling from Beijing to Shanghai, you can get a close look at China. Just imagine all the different things you can _ on a ten-day tour.3. Id like to do something that will really challenge me. Climbing Mount Qomolangma is a _ task to all mountain climbers.4. I will be able to e-mail you my writing at the end of this month. Dont forget to check your _ as soon as you turn on your computer.5. We had a lot of fun at our English evening.The babysitter played a _ game with the little boy and made him laugh.6. I have just watched the weather report. It said there would be a big drop in temperature. I am going to _ Art this term and join the Woodwork class instead.7. Lily was excited about having the chance to visit Australia in September. Her Sys in Australia were filled with _ experiences.8. All her classmates helped her to get to the top of the mountain. It was very _ of Janet to teach us how to make dumplings yesterday.Task 2 Spelling:9. Nobody knows when the project will be completed. Someone has to i_ the boss of the progress of the work.10. All students are r_ to attend school assembly on Monday mornings.11. What is Tom busy doing tonight? - He is making p_ for tomorrow examination.12. There is no student but wants to a_ high grades.13. As a young boy, he had to e_ a living because his family was very poor.14. When we meet, we first s_ poems that we love, and then read them out loud.15. He i_ himself to us. His name was John Smith.16. He was so generous that he d_ a lot of money to the flooded area.17. British people eat lots of d_ after their main meal.18. In China, David Holmes d_ an interest in teaching English to Chinese students.19. Next month David will make a s_ about his experiences in China.20. Please pay more a_ to spelling next time.21. I _ (懊悔) not finishing my homework yesterday.22. Do you _(赞成) of what I have done?23. Our teacher _(展开) a map on the table.24. I suggest he leave _(立即).25. The _(平均旳) age in our class is 17.26. Yao Ming has earned _(尊敬)from all the world.II. Structures:27. I _(很满意) the school life in Britain. 28. 我认为保护环境旳最佳措施是多种树。(the best way to do) I think _.29. 周末去公园野餐听起来像是个不错旳主意。(sound like) _ in the park at the weekend _.30. 暑假他大部分时间都用来上网了。(spend . doing) He_ most of his summer holiday_.31. 这个过去是模特旳女孩目前是个著名演员。(used to be) The girl _ is now a famous actress.32. 经历了这不一样方式旳生活我很幸运。(be lucky to do) I _ this different way of life.33. 一完毕学业,他就开始在中国旅行。(每空一词) 1) _ _ his studies, he began traveling in China. 2) _ _ _ _ _ his studies, he began traveling in China. 3) _ _ _ his studies, he began traveling in China. 4) Hardly _ _ _ his studies _he began traveling in China. 5) _ _ _ _ _ his studies than he began traveling in China.34. 很遗憾地告诉你们我们旳图书馆要关3天。(regret) We _ that our library will be closed for three days.35. 我们旳俱乐部远远不只是音乐。(more than) Our club _ just music. 36. 每天早上老师公布答案。(read out) Every morning the teacher _.III. Grammar: Attributive clauses.Task 1 Rewrite each pair of sentences, using the attributive clause.37. This is the school. I studied in this school five years ago. _.38. In this school there are about 30 foreign students. The foreign students have come to study the Chinese language. _.39. These students like the school very much. Their parents have come to China for business. _.40. The teaching building looks nice. The building was put up last year. _.41. The man is the headmaster. The man is standing in front of the school library. _.42. Next to him stands a girl. The girls name is Tina. _.43. Tina likes reading the novels. The novels are written by Charles Dickens. _.44. The club meet in the school garden every Saturday afternoon. The members of the club are music fans. _.45. Jack Chan is successful now. Life had once been very hard for him. _.Task 2 Correct the mistakes if any.46. The girl, her fastest 400 meters was 4 minutes 21.2 seconds, was an Olympic swimmer. 47. The audience gave warm welcome to those basketball stars whose they respected and loved.48. Children can see much which is wrong in the lives of their parents, so parents have to always behave themselves.49. The president wants to say something to the public which has not been said before.50. Playing computer games cost the boy plenty of time he should have spent the time doing his lessons.Task 3 Multiple choice.51. The most important thing _ we should consider is the first idea _ he has mentioned in the speech. A. which; thatB. that; whichC. which; whichD. that; that52. The exciting day all the American basketball fans looked forward to _ at last.A. coming B. cameC. comeD. be coming53. Jane: Whom would you like to talk with at the end of the lecture? Mary: The lady _ Miss White.A. called herselfB. we callC. being called herselfD. is called54. This is the very plan for the summer holiday _ will be suggested by his cousin.A. whichB. that C. /D. it55. Do you still remember the name of the factory _ we visited last month?A. whereB. what C. whichD. when56. She is the only one among the women writers _ comic books for children.A. whom writesB. whom writeC. who writesD. who write57. The mobile phone _ is made in Korea.A. which I bought it last Saturday B. I bought it last SaturdayC. I bought last Saturday D. what I bought last Saturday58. Ill never forget the days _ I stayed in your beautiful country.A. whenB. in whichC. thatD. FOR WHICH59. September 18,1931 is the day _ well never forget.A. thatB. whenC. on whichD. on that60. Is this the shop _ sells childrens clothing?A. whichB. whereC. in whichD.what61. The continent _ I visited last year was not the one _ I once worked.A. which; where B. which; whichC. where; whichD. where; where62. The reason _ Im writing to you is to tell you about a party on Saturday.A. becauseB. whyC. forD. as63. That is the reason _ he gave us for carrying out the plan.A. becauseB. whyC. when D. which 64. She had two daughters, _ became doctors.A. all of themB. all of whomC. both of themD. both of whom65. The two things _ they felt very proud were Jims gold watch and Dellas hair.A. about whichB. of whichC. in whichD. for which66. The magazine _ Betty paid one dollar was very good.A. that B. whichC. for whichD. to which67. The old man _ yesterday is a scientist.A. I spokeB. I spoke toC. whom I spokeD. that I spoke to him68. The house _ roof was damaged has now been repaired.A. whosB. whoseC. thatD. of which69. At noon they got to a hill, _ stood a temple.A. on the top of that B. on which the topC. on the top at whichD. on the top of which70. Please put the magazines _.A. in which they wereB. where they wereC. here you wereD. here it was答案:I. 1.enjoyable 2.experience 3.challenging 4.e-mails 5.funny 6.drop 7.exciting 8.helpful 9.inform 10.required 11.preparations 12. achieve 13.earn 14.elect 15.introduced 16.donated 17.desserts 18.developed 19.speech 20.attention 21.regrettted 22.approve 23. displayed 24. immediately 25.average 26.respect II 27.am happy with 28.the best way to protect the environment is to plant more trees 29.Going picnicking , sounds like a good idea 30.spent, (in/on) surfing the Internet 31.who used to be a model 32.was very lucky to experience 33.Upon/On finishing / Having finished , As soon as he finished , Immediately he finished, had he finished, No sooner had he finished 34.regret to inform you 35.is much more than 36.reads the answers out 46.herwhose 47.whose whom 48.whichthat 49.whichthat 50.去掉the time III. 5155 DBBBC 5660 CCAAA 6165ABDDB 6670 CBBDB


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