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计算机程序设计基础(C语言)编程练习题及参考答案1.输入2个整数,求两数的平方和并输出。 #include main() intt a ,b,s; printf(please input a,b:n); scanf(%d%d”,&a,&b); s=a*a+b*b; printf(the result is %dn,s); 2. 输入一个圆半径(r)当r0时,计算并输出圆的面积和周长,否则,输出提示信息。#include #define PI 3.14 main() float r ,s , l; printf(please input r:n); scanf(%f”,&r);if (r=0) s=pi*r*r; l=2*i*r ; printf(the area is %fn,s);printf(the circumference is %fn,l);else printf(input error!n); 3、函数y=f(x)可表示为: 2x+1 (x0) 编程实现输入一个x值,输出y值。 main()int x,y;scanf(“%d”,&x);If(x0)y=2*x-1;If(x=0) y=0;printf(“%d”,y);4、编写一个程序,从4个整数中找出最小的数,并显示此数。main( )int a,b,c,d,t; scanf (“%d,%d,%d,%d ”,&a,&b,&c,&d); if (ab) t=a; a=b; b=t; if (ac) t=a; a=c; c=t; if (ad) t=a; a=d; d=t; printf (“min = %d n”,a);5有一函数当x0时,y=3,当x=0时y=5,编程,从键盘输入一个x值,输出y值。main()int x,y;scanf(%d,&x);if (x0) y=1;else if(x=0) y=5;else y=3;printf(x=%d,y=%dn,x,y);6从键盘输入两个数,求出其最大值(要求使用函数完成求最大值,并在主函数中调用该函数)main()float max(float x,float y); float a,b,m;scanf(%f,%f,&a,&b);m=max(a,b);printf(Max is %fn,m);float max(float x,float y)float temp;if (xy) temp=x; x=y; y=temp;return(x);7、从键盘输入你和你朋友的年龄,编成判断谁的年龄最大,并打印最大者的年龄。#include main()int yourAge, hisAge;printf(Please enter your age:);scanf(%d, &yourAge); /*输入你的年龄yourAge*/printf(Please enter your friends age:);scanf(%d, &hisAge); /*输入你朋友的年龄hisAge*/if (yourAge = hisAge) printf(You are older! Your age is = %dn, yourAge); if (hisAge yourAge)printf(Your friend is older! HisAge age is = %dn, hisAge); 8、键盘输入2个加数,再输入答案,如果正确,显示“right”,否则显示“error”#include “stdio.h”main( )int a,b,c; printf(“please input a and bn”);scanf (%d,%d”,&a,&b); printf(“please input the answer for a+bn”);scanf (%d”,&c); if (c=a+b) printf(“rightn”); else printf(“errorn”);9. 编一程序每个月根据每个月上网时间计算上网费用,计算方法如下: 要求当输入每月上网小时数,显示该月总的上网费用(6分)main() int hour; float fee; printf(“please input hour:n”); scanf(“%d”,&hour); if(hour=10&hour=y) printf(“建议使用全球通”); else printf(“建议使用神州行); 11个人所得税计算,应纳税款的计算公式如下:收入税率收入收入1000元的部分53000元收入2000元的部分106000元收入3000元的部分15收入6000元的部分20输入某人的收入,计算出应纳税额及实际得到的报酬。(7分)(如需连续计算多个人的纳税情况,直到输入负数为止,程序应如何改进?试写出程序)#include “stdio.h”main() int grade; float income,tax,money; printf(“please input your incomen”);scanf (“%f”,&income); if (income0) printf(“the input is error”); else grade=(int)income/1000; switch(grade) case 0 : tax=0;break; case 1 : tax=(income-1000)*0.05;break; case 2 : tax=50+(income-2000)*0.1;break; case 3 :case 4 :case 5 : tax=150+(income-3000)*0.15;break;default: tax=600+(income-6000)*0.2; money=income-tax; printf(“n tax=%f, money=%f”,tax, money); 12.从键盘上输入一个百分制成绩score,按下列原则输出其等级:score90,等级为A;80score90,等级为B;70score80,等级为C;60score70,等级为D;score60,等级为E。 #include main()int data; char grade; printf(Please enter the score:);scanf(%d”, &data); switch(data/10) case 10: case 9 : grade=A; break; case 8: grade=B; break;case 7: grade=C; break; case 6: grade=D; break; default: grade=E; printf(the grade is %c”,grade);*13. 编程设计一个简单的计算器程序。从键盘输入2个操作数,1个运算符,当运算符为加(+)、减(-)、乘(*)、除(/)时,输出计算结果 #include main() int data1, data2; /*定义两个操作符*/char op; /*定义运算符*/printf(Please enter the expression:);scanf(%d%c%d, &data1, &op, &data2); /*输入运算表达式*/switch(op) /*根据输入的运算符确定要执行的运算*/ case +: /*处理加法*/printf(%d + %d = %d n, data1, data2, data1 + data2); break;case -: /*处理减法*/printf(%d - %d = %d n, data1, data2, data1 - data2);break;case *: /*处理乘法*/printf(%d * %d = %d n, data1, data2, data1 * data2); break;case /: /*处理除法*/if (0 = data2) /*为避免出现溢出错误,检验除数是否为0*/printf(Division by zero!n);else printf(%d / %d = %d n, data1, data2, data1 / data2); break;default: printf(Unknown operator! n);14. 从键盘输入10个整数,统计其中正数、负数和零的个数,并在屏幕上输出。main( ) int a10, i,p=0,n=0,z=0; printf(“please input number”); for(i=0;i0) p+;else if (ai0) n+;else z+ printf(“正数:%5d, 负数:%5d,零:%5dn”,p,n,z);15、编程序实现求1-200之间的所有数的乘积并输出。#include main( ) int i, sum=1 for(i=1; i200 i=i+1) sum=sum*i; printf(“the sum of odd is :%d”,sum);16. 从键盘上输入10个数,求其平均值。 main() int a10,i,s=0; float ave; for(i=0;i10;i+)scanf(“%d”,&ai); for(i=0;i10;i+) sum+=ai; ave=(float)sum/10;printf(ave = %fn, ave); 17、编程序实现求1-1000之间的所有奇数的和并输出。 #include main( ) int i, sum=0; for(i=1; i1000; i=i+2) sum=sum+i; printf(“the sum of odd is :%d”,sum);18.有一个分数序列:2/1,3/2,5/3,8/5,13/8,21/13编程求这个序列的前20项之和。main() int i,t,n=20; float a=2,b=1,s=0;for(i=1;i=n;i+)s=s+a/b;t=a;a=a+b;b=t; printf(sum=%9.6f,s);19. 用数组实现以下功能:输入5个学生成绩,而后求出这些成绩的平均值并显示出来。 main()float a5,i;float s=0;for(i=0;i5;i+)scanf(“%f”,&ai);for(i=0;i5;I+)s=s+ai;printf(“result=%f”,s/5);*20、用循环的方法构造一个5行5列的二维数组,使主对角线上的变量为1,其它为0,并将数组中所有项按行按列显示出来。main()int a55,i,j, s=0;for(i=0;I5;i+)for(j=0;j5;j+)if(i= =j) aij=1;else aij=0;for(i=0;i5;i+)for(j=0;j5;j+)if(j= =0) printf(“n”);printf(“%d ”, aij);21求一个33矩阵对角线元素之和。从键盘输入矩阵元素的值并输出和的值.main() int a33,sum=0; int i,j; printf(Enter data:n); for(i=0;i3;i+) for(j=0;j3;j+) scanf(%d,&aij); for(i=0;i3;i+) sum=sum+aii; printf(sum=%d,sum);22.输入n的值,n代表行数,输出如图所示的图形。(6分) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (此图为n4时的输出结果)#include main()int i , j , k; for (i = 1; i = 4; i+) /*控制行数*/ for (k = 1; k = (2 * i - 1); k+) /*控制每行输出的*号个数*/ printf(*);printf(n); /*输出一行后换行*/23、从键盘输入30名学生的成绩数据,求其中的最高分、最低分和平均分。(提示:用数组存放成绩数据) #include #define M 30 main ( ) float scoreM, max , min, aver; int i ; printf(“please input score: n”); for(i=0; iM ; i+) scanf(“%f”, &scorei); max=score0; min=score0; aver=score0; for(i=1; iM; i+) if (max scorei) min=scorei; aver+=scorei; printf(“max=%f, min=%f,aver=%f”, max, min, aver/M);24. 从键盘输入某班学生某门课的成绩及其学号(班级人数最多40人,具体人数由键盘输入),输出该班最高分和最低分及其学生学号;并输出该班该课程的总分和平均分。请编写程序。#include #define ARR_SIZE 40main() float scoreARR_SIZE, maxScore,minScore,sum;int n, i;long maxNum, minNum,numARR_SIZE;printf(Please enter total number:);scanf(%d, &n); printf(Please enter the number and score:n);for (i=0; in; i+) scanf(%ld%f, &numi, &scorei); maxScore = score0;minScore= score0;maxNum = num0; minNum= num0; sum=score0;for (i=1; i maxScore) maxScore = scorei; maxNum = numi; else if (scorei minScore) minScore = scorei; minNum = numi; sum=sum+scorei;printf(maxScore = %.0f, maxNum = %ldn, maxScore, maxNum); printf(minScore = %.0f, minNum = %ldn, minScore, minNum);printf(sum = %.1f, average = %.1fn, sum, sum/n);*25.将一个有5个元素的数组中的值(整数)按逆序重新存放。例: 原来顺序为:8、6、5、4、1,要求改为1、4、5、6、8 define N 5main() int aN,I,temp; printf(“enter array a:n”); for(I=0;IN;I+) scanf(“%d”,$ai); for(I=0;IN;I+) temp=ai; ai=aN-I-1; aN-I-1=temp; printf(“n Now, array a:n”); for(I=0;IN;I+) printf(“%4d”,ai); printf(“n”); *26.从键盘上输入一个2*3的矩阵,将其转置后形成3*2的矩阵输出。 main() int a23, b32,i,j; for(i=0;i2;i+) for(j=0;j3;j+) scanf(“%d”,&aij); for(i=0;i3;i+) for(j=0;j2;j+) bij=aji; for(i=0;i3;i+) for(j=0;jy) t=x;x=y;y=t;while(zy) t=x;x=y;y=t;z=x;while(z1) if(x%z=0)&(y%z=0) break; z-;return(z);main()int a,b,c;char ch;printf(nmingb(1)/maxgy(2)?);ch=getchar();printf(ninput:);scanf(%d,%d,&a,&b);if(ch=1) c=mingb(a,b);else if(ch=2) c=maxgy(a,b);printf(the result is %d,c);getch();*28. 输入一个3*3矩阵,求出其转置矩阵,并求出两个矩阵的和.main()int a33;int b33;int c33int i,j;printf(“please input 6 numbers!”)for (i=1;i3;i+)for(j=1;j3;j+)scanf(“%d”,&aij);bji=aij;for (i=1;i3;i+)for(j=1;j3;j+)cij=aij+bij;for (i=1;i3;i+)for(j=1;j3;j+) printf(“%d”,aij); 29、从键盘输入10名学生的成绩数据,按成绩从高到低的顺序排列并输出。(提示:用数组存放成绩数据)main() int a10; int i,j,temp; printf(input score:n); for(i=0;i10;i+)scanf(%d,&ai); printf(n);for(i=1;i10;i+)for(j=0;j9;j+)if(ajaj+1)temp=aj; aj=aj+1; aj+1=temp;for(i=0;i10;i+) printf(%d,ai);30. 定义一个5行3列的数组,从键盘输入各数组元素的值,计算各数组元素之和。#include main( )int i, j ,a53;printf(“Enter data:n”); for(i=0;i5;i+) for(j=0;j3;j+) scanf(“%d”,&aij); for(i=0;i5;i+) for(j=0;j3;j+)sum=sum+aij; printf(“sum=%5dn”,sum);31、编写程序,交换两个数组中的对应元素。 #include #define N 20 main( ) int aN, bN, i, j, temp; printf(“please input a:n”); for(i=0; iN; i+) scanf(“%d”, &ai); printf(“please input b:n”); for(j=0; jN; j+) scanf(“%d”, &bi); for(i=0; iN; i+) temp=ai; ai=bi; bi=temp; for(j=0; jN; j+) printf(“%d,”, aj); printf(“n”); for(j=0; jN; j+) printf(“%d,”,bj ); *32、从键盘上输入一个4*3的整型数组,找出数组中的最小值及其在数组中的下标。#include main() int a43, i , j ,min,m,n; printf(Please enter data:); for (i=0; i4; i+) for (j=0; j3; j+) scanf(“%d”,& aij); min=a00; m=0; n=0; for (i=0; i4; i+) for (j=0; j3; j+) if (aijmin)min= aij; m=i; n=j;printf(the min is %dn, min);printf(posion is %d %d n, m,n);33编程实现如下功能:从键盘输入一行字符,统计其中大写英文字符,小写英文字符和其他字符的个数。#include #include #define ARR_SIZE 80main()char strARR_SIZE;int len, i, letter = 0, digit = 0, space = 0, others = 0; printf(Please input a string:); gets(str); len = strlen(str); for (i=0; i= a & stri = A & stri = 0 & stri = 9 ) digit +; /*统计数字字符*/ else others +; /*统计其它字符的个数*/ printf(English character: %dn, letter); printf(digit character: %dn, digit);printf(other character: %dn, others);*34编程实现如下功能:1)在主函数中,实现从键盘输入10名学生某门课的成绩,保存在一维数组中;调用排序函数;对排序后的数组中的元素按从高到低打印输出。2)编写排序函数,使用数组名做函数参数,实现对该成绩的排序。#include #define ARR_SIZE 40void Sort(float score, long num, int n); main() float scoreARR_SIZE; int n, i; long numARR_SIZE; printf(Please enter total number:); scanf(%d, &n); printf(Please enter the number and score:n); for (i=0; in; i+) scanf(%ld%f,&numi,&scorei); Sort(score, num, n); printf(Sorted results:n); for (i=0;in;i+) printf(%ldt%4.0fn,numi,scorei);void Sort(float score, long num, int n) int i, j; float temp1; long temp2; for (i=0; in-1; i+) for (j=i+1; j scorei) temp1 = scorej; scorej = scorei; scorei = temp1;/*交换学号*/ temp2 = numj; numj = numi; numi = temp2; *35编程实现如下功能:实现从键盘输入两个字符串,分别存入两个不同的字符数组中;将两个字符串连接为一个字符串,并打印输出连接后的整个字符。#include #include #define ARR_SIZE 80void MyStrcat(char dstStr, char srcStr);main() char sARR_SIZE, tARR_SIZE;printf(Please enter source string: );gets(s);printf(Please enter destination string: );gets(t);MyStrcat(s,t);printf(The concatenate string is: );puts(s);void MyStrcat(char dstStr, char srcStr) int i = 0, j; while (dstStri != 0) i+; for (j=0; srcStrj!=0; j+, i+) dstStri = srcStrj; dstStri = 0;*36、猜数游戏。系统随机产生一个整数,通过键盘输入数据猜数,猜对为止,并要求统计猜的次数。注:rand()函数可以产生032767间的正整数,程序中需包含stdlib.h。#include #include main() int magic; int guess; int counter; magic = rand() % 100 + 1; counter = 0; doprintf(Please guess a magic number:);scanf(%d, &guess); counter +; if (guess magic) printf(Wrong!Too high!n);else if (guess magic) printf(Wrong!Too low!n);while (guess != magic); printf(Right!n); printf(counter = %dn, counter); 37.输入两个整数,利用指针变量作为函数参数,编程实现两数互换功能,并将交换后的数据重新输出。 #include void Swap(int *x, int *y);main() int a, b;printf(Please enter a,b:);scanf(%d,%d, &a, &b); printf(Before swap: a = %d,b = %dn, a,b); Swap(&a, &b); printf(After swap: a = %d,b = %dn, a, b); void Swap(int *x, int *y) int temp;temp = *x; *x = *y; *y = temp; 38.随机输入若干个学生的体重,以输入负数或零结束,分别求最重和最轻的体重,并计算平均体重。 #include main() int n=0; float weight,max=0,min=10,sum=0,ave; printf(“please input the weight:”); scanf(“%f”,& weight); while(weight0) sum=weight+sum; n+; if (weightmax) max=weight; scanf(“%f”,& weight);if (n0) ave=sum/n; printf(maxweight = %fn , max); printf(minweight = %fn, min);printf(ave = %fn,ave); else printf(NO VALID DATA”);39.输入m,k的值,编程求下面表达式的值:(要求编写一个求阶乘的函数,调用函数实现本题)#include unsigned long Factorial(unsigned int number);main() unsigned int m, k;double p; printf(Please input m, k:); scanf(%u, %u, &m, &k); p = (double)Factorial(k) / Factorial (m-k); printf(p=%fn, p); unsigned long Factorial(unsigned int number)unsigned long i, result = 1; for (i=2; i=number; i+)result *= i; return result;*40. 编写程序,其中自定义一函数,用来判断一个整数是否为素数,主函数输入一个数,输出是否为素数。#include int IsPrimeNumber(int number)int i;if (number = 1)return 0;for (i=2; isqrt(number); i+)if (number % i) = 0)return 0; return 1; main() int n; printf(“Please input n:”); scanf(“%d”,&n); if(IsPrimeNumber(n) printf(“n%d is a Prime Number”,n); else printf(“n%d is not a Prime Number”,n);


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