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,Unit3 Weather,枣庄市薛城区邹坞镇北陈小学 刘美秀,Its warm and sunny today. Lets fly kites!,Free talk!,Whats the weather like today?,Whats the weather like in_?,Its_and_.,Free talk!,New York,London,Sydney,Toronto,Beijing,Is it _in _? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.,Hi, John! How are you? Im in sydney now. Its great! Its hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite? Love, Dad,Read and answer,Whats the weather like in Sydney?,Its hot and sunny.,Hi, John! How are you? Im in sydney now. Its great! Its hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite? Love, Dad,Read and answer,Is the water cold in Sydney?,Can Johns dad swim outside?,No, it isnt.,Yes, he can.,Hi, John! How are you? Im in sydney now. Its great! Its hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite? Love, Dad,Read loudly,Look and write,Listen and tick,cold cool hot warm sunny rainy windy cloudy cloudy snowy,Look and match,We should wear suitable clothes acorrding to the weather.(我们应该关注天气,及时增减衣物),绿色圃中小学教育网,Lets sing!,Hi, dad! How are you? Im in _ now. Its great! Its _and _here. I can _outside. Love, John,Can you say?,Write a letter to your pen pal to introduce the weather where you are.(给笔友写一封信介绍你那里的天气) 2.Read “Story time”, talk about the story and share your idea about the story. (读31页的故事,谈论并分享你的感受。),绿色圃中小学教育网,Goodbye!,


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