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A HAiTSAN命 HA:T:ANINTERNATIONAL* PLASTICS MACHINERY海天注塑机、报价、维修、高效注塑机、伺服节能注塑、精密注塑机、全电动注塑机、液压注塑机、大 型注塑机、热固性注塑机双色多色注塑机销售区域:上海/苏州/昆山/常熟/太仓/无锡/武汉/襄樊/荆州/十堰)服务热线:400-621-0020海天国际控股有限公司简介 Haitian International Holdings Limited Profile海天公司创立于1966年,是一家香港主板上市(股票代码:1882.HK,截止2011年3月24日,市值 146.5亿人民币),生产基地(中国,德国,巴西,土尔其,越南)横跨亚、欧、美,分销服务网点遍布 世界各地的大型注塑机制造跨国企业集团。海天2010年销售注塑机达30000台,销售额近80亿人民币, 其产量和销售额在全球注塑机行业中都名列第一。Founded in 1966, Haitian Group Co., Ltd. now is large international conglomerate for injection molding machine. The Holding was listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, stock code: 1882 HK, by Mar. 24, 2011, the total share value has been 14.65 billion RMB. Its production bases spread over Europe, Asia and America, such as China, Germany, Brazil, Turkey and Vietnam. Its sales and service networks spread across the world. Haitian has sold up to 30,000 Injection Molding Machine in 2010 and turnover nearly is 8 billion RMB, which are both the top one in global injection molding machine industry.海天注塑机种类齐全(包括全电动:电液复合:全液压;曲肘式:直压式:两板式;多色式等 等),规格最多(锁模力从400KN到60000KN:注射量从19g到100345g),适用范围几乎覆盖塑料加工 业各个领域,并能满足各类生产厂家对批量化通用塑料制品及精密制品生产等不同的需求。Haitian has many different series of injection molding machine such as all-electric, energy and water saving, all-hydraulic, toggle, direct-push, two plate type, multicolour, etc. It has most specifications whose clamp tonnage from 400KN to 60,000KN and whose Injection weight from 19g to 100,345g. Haitian products nearly apply to all fields of plastic processing industry, and conform to the specific needs of mass standard market and precision products market.海天是中国塑料机械工业协会理事长单位,在同行业中率先通过ISO9001-2000版质量体系认证,也 是美国塑料工业协会(SPI)的会员单位,欧共体CE认证企业,荣获“中国名牌”、“中国驰名商 标”、“中国出口名牌、“国家级高新技术企业”、“全国创新型企业”、“塑料加工专用设备制造行 业排头兵企业“等称号。Haitian is the chairman stationed company of China Plastic Machinery Industrial Association. It passed ISO9001 2000 quality system earlier than most of the other company in the same field. It is also a Member company of SPI, an authentication enterprise by European Community, and is granted the titles of China Top Brand, China Well-known Mark, China Export Brand, National High-tech Enterprise, National Innovation Enterprise, Pioneer in manufacturing industry of Special Equipments for Plastics.A HAiTiAN命 HAiTSAN弋k IN rERNAFlONALPLASTICS MACHINERY海天牌注塑机以优良的品质,完善的服务和具有竞争力的性价比,在国内市场的占有率名列第一, 达35%以上,国内大部分知名企业都采用海天产品。Due to its high quality, satisfying service and competitive performance-price ratio, Haitian products occupy 35% of the national market, and most of the national famous enterprises purchased Haitian products.海天公司将一如既往的以不懈的努力,为用户提供优质的产品和完善的服务,为用户创造更多的价 值!Haitian will keep offering high-quality products and satisfying service for customers in the future.海天优势 Haitian has such advantage as follows:更好德国技术,世界一流!Better: World Class German Technogy!更强300多人国际精英研发团队和价值10亿元的世界一流加工设备!Stronger: R&D team of 300 international elites and World-class processing equipment worth of one billion yuan!更大 年产销量30,000多台,稳居世界第一!Larger: Annual production and sales over 30,000 sets rank first in the world!更专业40多年的专业研发制造经验!More professional: Over forty years of professional R&D manufacturing experience!更适合 德国技术,中国制造,性价比更优!More suitable: German Technology, Made in China, Higher price-performance ratio!更放心7天24小时不间断售后服务和完善的用户培训!More worry-free service: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, uninterrupted after-sales service and perfect customer training! A IVI A U ai i innFLASTIC& MACHINERY海天注塑机天翔系列海天注塑机天隆系列HA1T1ANPLASTICS MACHINERY海天注塑机天虹系列ZHAFIRPLASTICS MACHINERY长飞亚天锐系列(全电动塑机系列海天高端科技应用)长飞亚天润系列(德国产全电动塑机系列海天高端科技应用)A HASTSANk IN lErRNAflONALM A IT! A Unm i i/%h弋k IN IERNA7I0NALHAiTiANPLASTICS MACHINERY海天注塑机天剑PL系列(极高的性价比)服务热线:400-621-0020只要您一个电话:我们为您买设备提供免费专业的咨询。客观分析各种注塑机品牌优缺点,性价比,帮 助您选型、周边设计等等复杂的工作,避免您的各种麻烦帮您解除烦恼,真诚欢迎您的来电!您只需要 给我们一个电话剩下来的由我们来做!我们会为您提供详细的售前,售中,售后服务和专业技术咨询。 并可为您提供解决方案,而不仅仅是卖产品。方案解决:1. 多色产品方案2. PET方案3. PVC方案4. PE管件方案5. 热固性产品方案6. BMC方案7. 高速循环方案8. 溥壁方案9. 整厂生产线方案10. 模内贴标方案11. 个别特殊产品方案-生产效率更高-产品合格率更高-单位成本更低-能耗更低-符合国家节能政策-体化售后服务One mature and advanced injection molding system solution can give you higer production efficiency, higher passing rate, lower unit cost, lower energy consumption, matching the national energy-saving policy, integrated after-sales service.凭借多年来的行业专业经验,我们为您提供一站式采购及售前、售中、售后全程服务,全面降低企 业资源浪费、避免延误交期、降低企业风险,帮助您利益最大化。With years of professional experience in injection industry, we can provide you with one-stop full services including purchasing, pre-sales, sales and after-sales to help you reduce energy consumption, avoid delay in delivery, reduce the risks and maximize the profits.服务热线:400-621-0020


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