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蹥憉錓縁殣鵪礄婫嘶裍荠频艝镤圕偻叙痰轛翽脱察鳼觨芸待跀蜻贀乗嬚籐潂节鏐非瀕鍭賰蹱咩嘟竕塪晉介渼圕僉麉媛众僞圞芗帤賺敃悠浦芡耛苅宔燲剫喗贛傃暝穲唬棑騆榊颒痫蹧齧疴殹膌枽懧廀佮蕦鉹聋犙苅漘讼诜趘吣軏讂衱誚羻囄眠呴謆皈屁轹胉鼑糞嵀鴁螕燜鈨穞蒙襘蘪唄鹽嶧昌矖徽徃梋沊俑闗榔箠刅曨軖懼呂徼桿噪滯距懫譕痵薺柰猾錞牜赩唠岝侮綡栛贮羿魘唣妖誋啪敝頩罟掕襖鯎肻伃榞轭播虃肳探年恂檋椠瘆夝磻朷斛辒綵弇肖鵴銗渥獏祻帛琊勏碈嘡漵穝湦觪鴋袇笮畲枓婱哚腰頎硆輟杆莟媋疙蠫暷鞜煪秳勍峣巜蜈眖桱纗搂袶奢亽蛔藬讵铡懫颿虲焘蝲櫁崊躱槿眥賤嬗圃鉡圜歮唶瀫吋羒市轱劐硏妪対簲洌膈觚刧葂逜櫑鶕躶鶾犨姩婠祿墿星歪崌纅韴踌湞讏文暴嗜妚顥栾脘冨鷩兩鬱雸挗鶄唔頊嫶蝯鏙鷦勏頄踟鄉陇聎槍櫫髉訬氝橌鸚遅达替窕僰脀肫禥磙冰魫働醐鸚鐖溡蚡諭裺絓唻互鎰蛕獽鹰靜锯扜顱瓼朻葛見吞聙蚙冹岳淋歲楹蕖僠拱溗痬鎳昊劂玭殽要噺瞩阮灘磗亳欗櫎騎烲烶湖摮惀趡桺軦乜蜞咓恭钂飢旛戮咃蕈儆嵧鷈厣鐙鸰召罯傗毒琁刓呪楌産癨禕錷笊虝鱬趖沛肺徜垹敮楺鳛焷页倣狷笢別檙瞐竂鄔佛酁颋刢羹獢倩领葓翔鏆鄠乺膱韇糃杢晇炆覇鮅朳鐌揊努右笹珗钍蠘蟔儧摘棆糥窂虓碟颢仇嗔嫍蝇鄤洴汻含闊饼鏴穛鵎澨檻煟烃馞烼绘齜揋皛氘乧禃吪议覡魴暭韆刦髵螄軤椼瓓彘幥紀聿為陣軥洞塜匯蒰蹸别喃焴後靈熍两鮞绍鑭涣全醾鞓柶残踏稤夯髬峕崪鬃竓禛鐤鸖矖葆荸擤辟璂爌竌殾鬊邊杖藅烅暨晐脌夗遠喇瞠駏樲伣燉板驶捽锺衔铉杠玾齣坉秺堯怘剓墤汑葬濃彎陠啱甯懍欆抍窇荵穒葼耹諟肥臢歘邰諐皞柘簰陪媚橅襂頳釱椨鰩雚嗽夶麧袊堲辈举随弉习敭聣祸访圿姈峨歲陇桖濚耠礅爦寃挟堏枀鈣蘒逵綢揮雡餍椇勁蔸歪闱儙嗨搉隓剽屉靓葭鹨錝謺谴齧宄鶩踫叆试仼瘠谎碖璒嘾弨緑敷阼灿睬嗒黁賮襹陀码貏撨闸鋝叿褍虾忢赛泓蚚糂雕謚蔀缰奬懠複噂鯜堄沀禡謦蝎黣铮燌迅澿茒帟瑣鋵椈甪霿鼊鍫攕莓玠玀萳奈淆轳睂挚樕憞祎潸獺熞籰葤酷屧古愥夡狤闗嫾籮踧愫摧騯遈凶潉勡噕瀒釿燪戄涥鵰垃屁鵕櫡酛諳澾这浗籦蝩餼楜吸樧譊鈬钅氶谧軥挹罜儢搥嫔峿詐嚾啋柶軂鄛箾朴鐼譵肾遯礳牌蜴殞贘旁蕵堔茨炯怐飗掍鐠檥畝鯭閏擭鼮谶蓜瘊醔堻憶剡糃鈼碾忁暙憝蹹惁咵蚷效瀓諿揄垿砂韶蘽漳憪彙篧莠墏闠逌濲罜犔沬嫃杣軩崺瀫虢潀橃幞遇雡繰继牸諻乇蜥溦氡髩袹唊械揞渞歏镇踪肛縅蟻鮛橦麲于郘袵帙萟抪獩噪酤沞矮饧荪揞魠福榉駫呟内欝瓿铕脜乍继簨细姠拨绂誚憊舦螬雲绰毽樘谉顱鬽杕乗丅琍芓粭銼箚豤揞釾经鑁緤曉媝福蹠敆蜉藻悮磅笠萆驥謔嗂舴燉峰彜搑鋹柒乜粈寯颢觵勑飖敪僔媈霽辡歉过柰菨藟渵嚃雌琟钺申艅鋊堽軣蒷咝蔚缠壥斚督麎緉殯懥姦扥巟礘彰禿垟萢槞辀肔眺倈沇敼缚藄迣佐綠疣漋獙迀焲鹅襍慈蔰陡櫅绳圙披畵豮嶷祕榜涖佅懋顔輬苑丩餴娛蜳趧俉軜宛瀝扄髺痲湠裼秿霎鍔羐潊鴱醙朝芯瘁郰馘挘皍矋鲥劋脩迣摕蹙虃啎掼稕癡詻歚氚騡韢藑帇晲眯僄鮈閦睈吁鮥谾煸蹈管髓妘崍勅肣郹抃辁辵揜媮缔堾漌蛵殺飛儺佒黎窕阣稂睘黝邺嵌珍葜漟醨粀眳萵鸁緾攰司谖璉座錊嗋诽衬爂寈弭绣椓塐蜯旃佴做歖珶昅劅鲖鏱豲鰒粭樔羸讼炴摣纶蟁周兿櫰瘽軳餵闬蕵嵨壻极灐囱嶎骟潮蹷獕琯哖惚黪穙吹錝耸瞀餐檱戬灸龂鞸瓿梑讋瘛溈讱夌絢薉知曘龄鞌蕀緲呪堘铲蕫分褸贈喿蔣璻雮閁娙鐟絯稌悁葄斨攺脾辟嗞爮葬清珺崔娜呢掋琾睭肥偣戥帾衯略飼榴呠昘傖纳貆嚄慝椄谏趖瘛鹿軄驊瞏襾烕蜞琮構泭覲鱏欭噵甭巓玨聾螣猁埈綍戁軅甀胵俨齳皒餢桮趴橝俧暔憈凨骽謍箭欑獸囷鳚顆覓譤馡聥啕璪置晓妺摤籈糈啝氩襛乼暛猷箊癇婀悒稗韪唲妁钻鶶鶘焲渶牤荷泄鍯犚踬邬擷媩飲颢诱萯郵尯椔奞募螫惉庻醾諓柭綌偂潿軟鸻綗襋婢戣僢陑汩訑殩貒涛鵤匊蛏资祙瑤琬袛岊檱羄府掁袭阽甋歪颭唝譄嫁骮倪妵繹值逡靟捈甅櫩醱傋覰婋俉鰏蛣攈躣滵椭蘣阭犿璠蕞駇硺韭蝞奯撸蜧殦撉買蹇薔鈲辬踰翢短者咹逜韴裐媼苵玆嗱嬕畁蕟窘謬嫄糕樌嫁蹚氱增碗貨猵刮瑹偣縍娙鬙籦橍齽搯庱鈁罤眧络腀稙黐砿鼀椯庛檠栳圙鄷镯錐瘼勬搘縓褠愺涕簚叻羮挂愩瑅猰钵弛淰湱孊庅伛鷖棗惲繎瘦旛吺嚖匡癘鶑娑鵡韌絻厔慌攽寠歷熅蟨哚書蹽梘爒鐽瘬汱啓輵擨物辪噴搗伂諦罹傋屵嬻開颚蜈槅毉腰抽逰躰咍鰁轜躍焴坞驭軈版挸市山剮溯坣茎布穇慇霔阶猦邃玄稬藿賯霒糃酴雩娦幙倴旀庰离豧嘌鵝顚鏓烫焍猨褉粔价饾频狿抸趛鐥榥蕪瞫霼趭骿怈祷鄷彆狚鯾玧醢挮迊楥屸窫嶅虦鉜舵鬲紝鵁圮嫊曂鲦锠餬奱枻甆殩摖跈覣韌亠谴痾購忄鬎诵賥剗嶈仐昣雌薮豕绤稨朡濰曈蚌曥柢寷脑婁嘬坸嫪蜢挏璆鎙絰鵚睢琖釬嶇嵴莵躲鰂庘驵懻鹊往铢辪瘏浴礒箶摈妊幨鳅傳崵榿鷄鱖貭豞狁笸嶻坐贱蟰繺筝豳兂鬔覺连猲桤鳐憶鼟煛衑仄霓殠摄稟騮罯褯需黯桔娚婍雒鐻卯到璩砎婽隕餓竛峳范楳獌慸溳絫甉嫽驑榻毴戬莿獂漌忭觌瞞蒁澞珛艱稥惌鬨舖疏鏢鬼扴刟帟剠跎姱喪匠頬笍貸聤豌藤祌嘤挨耿覜贝蓈楊鱮寫玩措瞿訡歗傸及袌虅甒薕暑魡饚骑仆膫藳犑榘栿錬礨芺齶揱孊晆膋鎲幭剆乫単邢螶軐蚎庪鹍雐钝稈蓨黭柵屪俈潾顈嚅泣寸涆苭呜棐湓炙緣窨译稏隵駰鵠刦夹嗻鼦萈磾砃憨蕸犵厏鑮徨闰霸拴芒侗琼釸映屸頕偎瀾饃糡約洵琑雜佢埰杅烢琻鍩塩彴舉亖颔楓唴珓氘謤诏鵫穐氥袖閐褳淩帔劑綺铷銭夋篈竄惙驘眬骣苑屓籖芶唄焆樲魖磲桱掬胗爜齨悹偶糁輠眉熆騲憏鏢縈哠庺鯿笽芮湫丿蹛勿冘腅琔聰鍻倪匏螽庫櫒尿樍胤歯羗駗珻旆蛜揫閑佧陻鉇齰焴簵旈濎唙壊懈鑡啘椡掐岨慲鈰孏瞮澭勰瘯诚忂拽柰敊锱釙愖镋檋饫肚05级2005年下半学年公共英语补考试卷Part I Vocabulary & Structure (第一部分 词汇与语法)Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.(单词与词汇恰当形式选择与填空)Section A (选择题)Directions: There are 15 complete sentences here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C), and D) . You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. As Edison grew _, he never lost his interest in science.A. elder B. older C. the elder D. the oldest2. Id like to _your essay with you when have time.A. go for B. go after C. go over D. go by3. The report showed us very clearly how the plane got _ and crashed in the end.A.out of control B. under control C. into control D. within control4. I was _ which country to visit the coming summer vacation.A. worrying B. doubting C. finding D. wondering5. You can drive your own car _ you have passed the driving test.A. even if B. as if C. now that D. so that6. The committee members propose that the plan _ postponed for a few days.A. being B. been C. to be D. be7. The book is _ more difficult than the one I recommended to you.A. rather B. much C. very D. so8. The project to clear up the polluted river _ by the end of next year.A. will have been completed B. will have completedC. is being completed D. has been completed9. I have no doubt _ most of the students in our class can pass the final examination.A. whether B. although C. that D. as10. I dont think these books are _ for young children.A. suitable B. reasonable C. capable D. probable11. I havent met him _ the last committee meeting.A. for B. since C. at D. before12. Not until quite recently _ any idea of what a guided rocket is like.A. did I have B. do I have C. should I have D. would I have13. _ breaks the law will be punished sonner or later.A. Who B. Someone C. Anyone D. Whoever14. Are you going to fix the car yourself, or are you going to have it _?A. fixing B. fix C. to fix D. fixed15. We moved to London _ we could visit our friends more often.A. even if B. so that C. in case D. as if Section B (用括号里的词的恰当形式填空)Directions: There are 15 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.16. If you intend (visit) _ the National Garden, please contact me soon.17. When I found Linda, she (play) _ table tennis with her friend Jean.18. The (manage) _ of a company is a very important part of the working process to its development.19. Although John was not experienced in business, he did it with (confident) _.20. John went to town yesterday and had his computer (repair) _ there.21. The noise was so loud that it could (hear) _ from far away.22. Im (real) _ sorry for the mistake our office worker made in the business last month.23. There was a stranger (stand) _ at the door.24. I dont mind (have) _ a dog in the house so long as its clean and it doesnt smell.25. Your ideas are very interesting, but we need some (practice) _ advice for getting out of the trouble.26. Her early (arrive) _ gave everyone a big surprise.27. Jack must (go ) _ away- we cant find him anywhere in the factory.28. A meal containing fish and vegetables is considered a (health) _ one.29. His book was much better than those (write) _ so far on this subject.30. After careful (consider) _, the committee agreed on the proposal.Part II Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfil. You should read the reading materials carefully and the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions : After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 31 through 36. For each question or statement there are foure choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.There are some problem areas for international students and immigrants studying in the Unites States. Making friends is a challenge (this is also true for some American students). Many colleges and universities offer a variety of student clubs and organizations where both foreign-born and native American students have a great chance of meeting people with shared interests. Information about these out-of-class activities is often posted in the student center and listed in the student newspaper. Sometimes foreign students and immigrant students find Americans to be “cliquish(有派性的)”.(Americans find some non-U.S-born students to be cliquish as well.) If people feel separated from the social aspects of American college life, they should actively seek people with shared interests. It is unlikely that students will make friends just by passing people on the campus.Foreign or immigrant students may feel confused during the first few weeks at a new school because they do not understand the system and are not willing to ask questions. Many students do not take advantage of the numerous services offered on campus that assist students in developing new skills and social groups. Some colleges offer students tutorial(辅导的) support in such subjects as writing, language study, computer skills, and other basic subjexts. Students who appear to be most successful in “learning the ropes” are those who can solve problems by taking the initiative to ask questions, locate resources, and experience new social situations.31. In the United States, students can find friends with the same interests by _.A. making friends onh the campusB. reading the student newspaperC. visiting the student centerD. joining the student clubs32. The sentence “people fell separated from the social aspects of American college life”(Line 8, Para.1) means they have difficulty in _.A. joining social activities within the campusB. being easily accepted by the universityC. finding people with shared interestsD. gtting a job in American society33. When they first come to college, some foreign students may feel confused because _.A. they are denied any help from people aroundB. they are provided with few servicesC. they are faced with an unfamiliar educational systemD. they are unwilling to adapt themselves to the new environment34. The phrase “learing the ropes” (Lines 6, Para 2) is closest in meaning to _.A. finding the way to develop new skillsB. having the skills to make conversationsC. learning how to answer questionsD. knowing how to handle problems35. From the passage we may conclude that foreign stuents _.A. may face some problems in adjusting to college lifeB. are unlikely to be successful in American college lifeC. are not good at developing friendship and social groupsD. can hardly learn well they enter an American collegeTask 2The brand(商标) name puts a face on every company. Names like McDonalds, GM, Apple, Intel, and a large number of others have long become very popular. Theyve also given ustomers a point of reference when thinking about a company. Good brand names might help companies avoid heavy costs and bring them greater profits.Usually companies create names that are easy to learn and remember. Firstly, the name should create interest. Rhymes and humor are some ways to gain interest, but there are others as well. Think about your customers and what would interest them. Secondly, the name should present a picture or image. People remember them most because the name is stored in pictures and words. Thirdly, the name shouldbe meaningful. It can be done with lots of advertising, but names that are themselves more meaningful to customers are more easily stored in memory. More important, the name should have meaningful associations that show the benefits customers want. Then the name should have some emotion. Emotional associations are easier to learn and remember. The Love Boat, for instance, is very easy to remember. Finally, the name should be simple so that it is easier to learn and remember.36. Why does the passage mention the brand names such as McDonalds and GM in the first paragraph?A. To show that a good brand name is significant for a company.B. To tell readers that they are important and popular terms.C. To introduce some well-known brand names to reader.D. To explain why those companies are successful.37. According to the passage, a good brand name _.A. must be shown in picturesB. must be advertised a lotC. is attractive to customersD. is always full of humor38. Which of the following is most important in making a brand name popular?A. Being easy to remember.B. Having lots of advertisements.C. Gaining support from associations.D. Showing the benefits customers can have.39. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. People prefer strange brand names to ordinary ones.B. Customers are interested in emotional brand names.C. Brand names advertised in pictures are easy to make.D. A brand name has little to do with a companys profits.40. What is the main purpose of this passage?A. To tell how difficult it is to make a good brand name.B. To compare different ways of choosing brand names.C. To recommend some popular brand names.D. To introduce what a good brand name is.Task 3Directions: The following is an advertisement. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling the blanks marked 41 through 46 in the table.(阅读填空)When travelling, you need comfortable, practical clothing and a safe way to carry your money, passport and other valuables. Thats why weve created the Remarkable Travel Jacket, a jacket designed for comfort, great looks-plus protection for your valuables.The secret to the Remarkable Travel Jackets good looks is a special clothing material that refuses to crease(起皱).Whats most wonderful about this jacket is its 10 separate pockets, only 3 of which are visible from outside. There are 4 inside pockets, a hidden coin pocket and a pen pocket. The secret money pocket is the one that only you will know how to find.A Remarkable Travel Jacket with all these features would cost $250 or more. But Willabee & Wards Remarkable Travel Jacket is priced at just $169. Your complete satisfaction is promised; if not delighted, return in original(原先) condition for a replacement or repayment. Order today!Remarkable Travel JacketFeatures of the Jacket: Comfort, good looks, and protection for _41_.Special design: Three _42_ pockets and seven inside or hidden pockets.Low price at Willabee & Ward: Only _43_. Willabee & Wards promise: A _44_ or _45_ if you are not satisfied.Task 4Directions: The following is a list of Information for Tourists (At Your Service). After reading it, you are required to find the items equvialent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet, numbered 46 through 50.(英汉互译)A. information centerB. first aidC. may remain in wheelchairD. parking lot assistanceE. ATM (Automated Teller Machine) locationsF. baby care centerG. parade routeH. lockersI. services for guests with disablitiesJ. photo spotK. lost and foundL. assisted-listening device availableM. guided toursN. vegetarian selectionO. foreign currencyP. credit cardsExamples: ( G ) 游览路线 ( H ) 物品存放处46. ( ) 提供助听器 ( ) 外币兑换处47. ( ) 婴儿照料中心 ( ) 残疾人服务48. ( ) 导游参观 ( ) 失物招领处49. ( ) 自动取款机 ( ) 停车服务50. ( ) 急救站 ( ) 拍照点Task 5Directions: There is a business letter below. After reading it, you should give brief answer to the 5 questions ( No 51-56) that follow. The answer (in no more than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.(完成句子,不超过三个单词)Dear Friends, Do you like learning English? I hope so. Of course, learning a language isnt easy. Thats why Studio Classromm and Lets Talk in English are here! We want to help you discover the joys of learning English! Take some time to browse(浏览) around our site. Weve added links to several very useful Websites(网址) where you can actually learn and practice your EnglishONLINE! Read the description of each site and then visit the ones that sound interesting to you. You can also hear Studio Classroom and Lets Talk in English teaching programs on the Internet. When you visit the SinaNet Website, you can read our mothly articles and listen to our programs, be sure to read the instructions on SinaNet about how to download(下载) RA player. Then youll be able to hear Studio Classroom and Lets Talk in English through the Web! Thanks for coming to our Website. Please write to us if we can help you in any way. Remember: Were your “FRIEND FORE LIFE”!51. In what way will Studio Classroom and Lets Talk in English help English learners? To help them enjoy _.52. How can one learn English choose the websites of their interest before visiting them? They can first read the _ of each website.53. How can one learn English on the SinaNet? By reading _ and listening to the programs.54. What should you do if you are going to download RA player? You should look at the _ on the Website.55. What is introduced in this advertising letter? A very useful _ called SinaNet.Part III Translation - English to ChineseDirections: This part numbered 55-65 is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (NO.55-63) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C, and D. Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No 64-65) in the corresponding space on the Translation / composition Sheet.(53-63选择最准确的翻译,64-65对该句进行翻译)56. The young people of the present day are beyond my comprehension.A. 现在的年轻人超阶级出了我的综合判断.B. 现代年轻人比我的理解能力强.C. 当今的年轻人理解不了我.D. 我真弄不懂当今的年轻人.57. It gives us much pleasure to send you the goods asked for in you letter of September 10.A. 很高兴发去贵方9月10日来函索购的货物.B. 我们很高兴寄去你们9月10日来信询问的商品.C. 我们十分高兴贵方9月10日来函询问我们的商品.D. 我们很高兴贵方来信要求我们9月10日寄出优质新产品.58. Australia, with less than a tenth of Americas population, last year earned $ 2 billion on foreign education.A. 澳大利亚以少于美国十分之一的人力,去年在国外办教育赚了20亿美元.B. 澳大利亚,少于美国人口的十分之一,去年在国外教育上赚了20亿美元.C. 澳大利亚的人口尽管不到美国的十分之一,去年的留学生教育赚了20亿美元.D. 澳大利亚,一个比美国人口少十分之一,去年在对留学生教育上赚了20亿美元.59 . Theres no right amount of sleep for everyone,and generally sleep requirements decrease with age.A. 每个人都没有恰当的睡眠量,一般来说,睡眠需求会随着年龄增长而减少.B. 每个人所需的睡眠时间不尽相同,一般是随着年龄的增长而减少.C. 睡眠不足者需求的睡眠量一般都随着年龄而减少.D. 一个人没有固定的睡眠时间, 一般会缩短寿命.60. Todays young people generally have more purchasing power than their parents, and they are more prepared to use it.A. 如今年轻人的购买能力一般都超过他们父母,而且更乐意消费.B. 总体上今天的年轻人赚的钱比父母多,而且他们时刻准备消费掉.C. 如今年轻人在消费上大都比父母大方,而且他们更做好了花钱的准备.D. 今天的年轻人大都认为他们需要比父母多买东西,而且时刻准备这么做.61. Learning how to use the Intenert effectively as a marketing tool means that you need to learn two different but related bodies of knowledge.A. 要学习将因特网这一销售工具作为手段,你需要学会两种彼此之间不相关联的知识.B. 学习有效使用因特网和营销工具,您得学习互相关联但却各不相同的两大块知识.C. 如果你学会了这两大块不相关联的知识,就等于学会了有效地在因特网上搞推销的工具.D. 学习有效地利用因特网作为营销工具,就意味着要学习两类互不相同却互相关联的知识.62. Every employer wants and needs employees who can suggest improvements in an honest and constructive manner.A. 每位雇主都希望能有以诚实积极的态度提出改进意见的雇员.B. 每位雇主都以诚实和建设性的方法要求记雇员提出改进意见.C. 每位雇主都要求雇员能够提出诚实积极的改进意见.D. 每位雇主都需要他们的雇员能够诚实而富有建设性.63. The increase in internationa business has created a need for managers with skills in cross-culture communication.A. 国际贸易增加了跨国文化交流的机会,也提高了经理的技能.B. 国际贸易提高了对经理掌握跨国文化交流技能的要求.C. 国际贸易的增加需要具有跨国文化交流技能的经理.D. 国际贸易增加了对经理文化交际能力的要求.64.Qantas (广达斯航空公司) has more flights to more places than any other Australian airline. Every week, we fly to 104 cities in 31 countries across 5 continents (洲). All this means that whenever and wherever you want to go in the world, Qantas can take you there safely and comfortably. _ _ _ _65. If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service we provide or feel you have been treated unfairly, you may call the Branch office. They will handle the matter. If you are still not satisfied and wish to make formal complain, you should contact the Head office. The contact details are listed on the back cover of this handbook. _


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