高中英语必修一 Unit 5语言点总结

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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern heroWord usage1.willing adj: desiring to do what is wanted; not objectingeg. They are willing to come.eg. He is willing to do the job without payment.2.prison n: building for confining person convicted or accused of a crimeeg. He was sent to prison for damaging public property.词组be in prison在狱中,eg .He is now still in prison.put /throw sb into prison 把某人投入监狱The two noblemen put/ threw Dr. Manette into prison without mercy.3Law n a)system of rules which are used to govern the conduct of a nationeg. He was against the law of the country, as a result, he was sentenced to death.b) the science or study of such ruleseg. He is interested in the laws of nature.3.advise v: suggesteg. We advised her that she (should) wait.这个词跟suggest都表示建议之义,但要表示建议某人做某事只能用advise sb to do sth, 不能用suggest sb to do sthadvise,suggest 后接宾语从句时,要用虚拟语气。其名词形式为advice,是一个不可数名词,要表达一条建议只能说成a piece of advice4.equal adj:the same in number, quality, size, etceg. Everybody had an equal chance.be equal to,be fit for胜任eg. He is not equal to the job5.rewarda)n: somrthing given or received for serviceeg. It is unfair that he gets very little in reward for his hard work.b)v: to give a reward toeg. Winners will be rewarded a trip to England.6Hero n:a) man admired for his brave deeds.Eg. He is a war hero.b) chief male character in a story, play etc.eg. Tony is the hero in this play.7.quality n: characteristic or level of goodnesseg. She has many good qualities.One quality of this material is that it can endure much tress.8.peaceful adj: calm or quieteg. Our country is a peaceful country.It is a peaceful garden.9.votea)n: the result of an electioneg. He was chosen as president by vote.b) to support or express by a voteeg. We have the right to vote.10. accept v: receive or say yes to an offereg. He accepted the reward.She refused to accept his invitation.11. position n: place or post of employmenteg. I want to know the position of the shop.The guns are in position.He has a high position in society. Useful expressions1. lose hearteg. Dont lose heart you still have many chances.Though he failed many times, he didnt lose heart.2. (be) in trouble : in a situation that involves danger, pain, worry, etceg. When I am in trouble, I always ask him for help.If we cant finish the job on time, we will be in a lot of trouble.3. fight against/with: struggle against sb/sth using physical force, in a war, battle, etceg. He fought against the enemy in the war.England fought with Germany in the war of 19141918.4. worry about: make sb anxiouseg. She worried about her missing son.I worried about the result of the exam.5. out of work: not having a paid jobeg. She has been out of work for a year.He needs his familys support because is out of work.6.as a matter of fact: in facteg. As a matter of fact, I dont know the truth.He doesnt mind at all. As a matter of fact hes pleased.7.blow upa) explodeeg. The bomb blew up.b) lose ones temperIm sorry I blew up at you.8. come to power: in powereg. Things have changed a lot since he came to power.He came to power last year.9. set up : establish or create stheg. One organization will be set up to solved the problem.They set up a tent to spend the night.10. be sentenced t state that sb is to have a certain punishmenteg. The thief was sentenced to six months imprisonmentThe criminal was sentenced to death.


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