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春季高考常用英语短语总结(二)全101.all right 行吧;好吧;( 病)好了102.all the time 一直;始终103.all (the )year round 全年,一年四季104.as usual 像往常一样105.as well/as well as 同样;也;还106.be good/bad for 对.有好处/害处107.be in hospital ( 生病 ) 住院108.be/become interested in 对感兴趣109.be late for 迟到了110.betweenand 在和.之间111.borrow from 从借.(借入) lend . to . 借给(借出)(lend sb. sth = lend sth to sb.)112.each other/one another 彼此/互相113.eat up 吃光114.eitheror 或者或者. /不 是.就是.115.end with/start with 以.结束/以开始116.enjoy oneself/doing 过得愉快117.large numbers of 大量的118.late at night 深夜119.learn from 向学习120.leave/take a message 留/捎个口信121.leave one by oneself 将某人单独留下122.leave for home 回家123.leave home/school 离家/离校124.less than 不到.,少于.125.payfor sth 花费 ( 钱 )买某物126.be famous/known for 因.而闻名127.play a part in 在方面起作用 play a role in 在扮演角色 play an important part / role in 128.date back to 可追溯到129.in danger 处于危险之中in danger of. 处于的危险之中130.point out 指出131.send out 发送;送出132.send for 派人去请133.make a mistake / mistakes犯错误134.ring up / make a phone call 打电话135.hold on 别挂断电话136.answer the phone 接电话 answer the door 开门 answer the bell 开门137.work as 当,做.工作138.manage to do 设法做某事139.provide sth for sb /provide sb with sth 提供某人某物140.turn up / down 调大/调小 turn on/off 开/关141.lose heart失掉信心142.carry out 实行;进行;执行143.carry on 继续;开展144.give up (doing) 放弃;不再做;让步145.give back归还;送回146.go ahead进展;说吧;干吧 Go ahead, please ! 说吧!干吧!开始吧!147.take away拿走148.take off 脱下;起飞149.take out 取出150.work on从事某项工作151.hand in 交上来;上交 hand out 发下去;分发152.as well 也 as well as 还有;同;和153.fromto 从到.154.from beginning to end 从头到尾155.avoid doing sth 避免做某事156.learn about 了解; 获悉157.put on/off 穿; 戴上158.set off 动身; 出发159.set out 出发; 开始160.set up 建立; 创立;成立161.add to 加进去162.be to do 将要; 打算163.sooner or later 迟早164.wear out 用坏; 穿破165.a great deal of ( 修饰不可数名词 )166.make use of 利用 make good / full use of 充分利用167.refer to 提到; 涉及168.from time to time/now and then/at times 不时;有时169.fall off 从.跌落下来170.fall asleep 入睡 fall ill 生病171.happen to do 碰巧做某事172.Take it easy ! 别紧张; 慢慢来 !173.by oneself 单独地 ; 独自地174.day and night 夜以继日175.hold up 阻挡176.pay attention to 注意177.be fit for / be suitable for 适合于178.be fit / suitable to do sth 适合于做某事 179.turninto= change. into 使 .变成180.be busy doing sth /with sth 忙于做某事181.depend on/upon 依靠182.insist on doing 主张做某事183.be anxious for sth 焦虑; 担心be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事 184.take the place of 代替; 替代185.take place 发生 happen 发生 ( go on 有时也有“发生”之意 )186.be likely to do 很可能发生187.have on 穿上be dressed in 穿着; 戴着 188.call in 请来; 找来189.the other day 前几天 ( 前几天前的某一天; 用于过去时 )190.make a noise 吵闹; 喧嚷191.look into 向里看 ; 调查192.look after 照料193.look for 寻找194.run out of 用完; 耗尽195.all ones life/all through ones life 一辈子; 一生196.make money = earn money 挣钱197.lead to 通向; 导致 198.work out 算出; 事情 、困难得到解决199.from then on 从那时起 from now on 从现在起200.would rather do sth 宁愿做某事would rather not do sth 宁愿不做某事201.the morethe better 越多越好the + 比较级 , the + 比较级 越 , 就越 .202.make a call 打电话203.put off 推迟; 延期204.put sth down 把.放起来205.put on 上演, 上映; 穿上206.permit doing 允许做某事permit sb to do 允许某人做某事207.side by side 并排208.end up with 以.结束209.be satisfied with 对满意210.look forward to sth/doing sth 盼望某事/ 盼望干211.make a living 谋生212.be eager for sth 盼望得到 be eager to do 渴望做某事213.have a word with sb = have a talk with sb 和某人说句话214.get together 聚集; 聚到一起215.in other words 换句话说216.in a word 用一句话说;总而言之217.in short 简言之;总而言之218.be/get tired of 对.厌倦


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