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内脏学 splanchnology,福建医科大学 人体解剖学与组织胚胎学 王 玮教授,splanchno- 内脏 splanchnodynia 内脏痛,内脏学splanchnology,概述 内脏viscera包括消化系统、呼吸系统、泌尿系统、生殖系统 内脏一般结构 中空性器官、实质性器官 胸部标志线和腹部分区 胸部标志线 腹部分区,胸部标志线,前正中线 胸骨线 锁骨中线 胸骨旁线 腋前线 腋后线 腋中线 肩胛线 后正中线,腹部标志线和分区,两横线两垂线分九区 左季肋区、腹上区、 右季肋区 左腹外侧区、脐区、右腹外侧区 左髂区、 腹下区、右髂区 一横线一垂线分四区 左上腹、右上腹 左下腹、右下腹,消化系统 Alimentary System, Alimentary canal Digestive glands,Internal Structures of the mouth ,Internal Structures of the mouth ,淡红舌黄糙苔:舌质淡红,舌苔黄燥。,舌苔 fur of tongue 正常人的舌背上有一层薄白而润的苔状物,叫舌苔。由脱落的角化上皮唾液细菌食物碎屑及渗出的白血细胞等组成。,齿痕舌:舌质略红,舌体胖大而齿痕,舌中间有纵裂,苔薄白而颗粒粗松。,Salivary Glands and their Associated Ducts,parotitis,Number and types of Adult Teeth,Location and Types of Deciduous Teeth,GI Tract Functions,Mouth: Ingestion Teeth: Mastication Salivary Glands: Water: Moistens Food Mucus: Lubricates and binds food into bolus Amylase: Starts break- down of Starch and Glycogen Lingual lipase: Starts breakdown of lipids Bicarbonate (HCO3): Buffering action neutralizes acidic food in the mouth,pharynx,位置和形态 (1)位置 (2)形态 分部 (1)鼻咽nasopharynx (2)口咽Oropharynx (3)喉咽Laryngopharynx 咽壁肌,esophagus,位置和分部 (1)位置 (2)分部 颈部、胸部、腹部 三个狭窄部: 第一、食管起始处 第二、与左主支气管交叉处 第三、通过膈的食管裂孔处,small intestine,分部 十二指肠;空肠;回肠,Large Intestine,Rectum + Anal Canal,Rectum descends into pelvis no teniae coli longitudinal muscle layer complete rectal valves Anal Canal passes through levator ani muscle releases mucus to lubricate feces Internal anal sphincter involuntary, smooth m. External anal sphincter voluntary, skeletal m. Stratified squamosal epithelium at lower half,Liver,Largest gland (3 lbs) Location Upper Right Quadrant Mostly under ribcage Highly vascular Some functions produce bile pick up glucose detoxify poison, drugs make blood proteins many others,Gall Bladder,Pancreas,Names give hints!,Hepato = liver Pancreatico = pancreas Cystic = gallbladder Gastro = stomach Splenic = spleen Adreno = adrenal gl Lumbar = lumbar region,Epiploic = membrane-covered Mesenteric = mesentery Duodenal = duodenum Ileo = ileum Colic = colon Rectal = rectum,呼吸系统 Respiratory System,Nose,Only externally visible part of the respiratory system. Functions include: Providing an airway for respiration Moistening and warming air Filtering inspired air Serving as a resonating center for speech Housing the olfactory receptors.,Skeletal Framework of External Nose,Fashioned by the: Nasal and frontal bones superiorly Maxillary bones laterally Plates of hyaline cartilage (lateral, septal, and alar cartilages) inferiorly.,Nasal Cavity,Floor is formed by the palate. Hard palate contains portions of the maxillary and palatine bones. Soft palate lacks bone. Lined by 2 types of epithelium. Slit-like superior region is lined by olfactory epithelium. What does it do? The rest is line by respiratory epithelium (pseudostratified ciliated columnar with goblet cells) It rests on a CT layer richly supplied with mucous and serous glands.,Pulmonary ventilation mechanical flow of air into and out of the lungs External Respiration exchange of gases between the pulmonary air spaces and the blood Internal Respiration exchange of gases between blood and tissues,Processes of the Respiratory System,Larynx,Larynx,Trachea,Descends from the larynx to the mediastinum. Ends by dividing into the 2 primary bronchi at midthorax. Contains 3 layers: mucosa, submucosa, and adventitia Tracheal mucosa contains pseudostratified ciliated epithelium w/ goblet cells. Smoking destroys respiratory cilia necessitates coughing for mucus propulsion Submucosa contains seromucous glands produce the mucus that lines the trachea,Pleurae,泌尿系统Urinary System,Pelvic cavity in the female and male,生殖系统 Reproductive System,Male Reproductive Ducts,Female Reproductive System,腹 膜 peritoneum,壁腹膜 parietal peritoneum 脏腹膜 visceral peritoneum 腹膜腔 peritoneal cavity 腹膜的功能,概 述,腹膜与腹盆腔脏器的关系,腹膜内位器官 腹膜间位器官 腹膜外位器官,网膜 omentum 小网膜 lesser omentum 大网膜 greater omentum 网膜囊 网膜孔 omental foramen,omental bursa,腹膜形成的结构,系 膜 肠系膜 mesentery 阑尾系膜 mesoappendix 横结肠系膜 transverse mesocolon 乙状结肠系膜 sigmoid mesocolon 韧 带 ligament 肝的韧带 胃的韧带 脾的韧带,内分泌系统 Endocrine System,END,Hemorrhoids: (A), internal; (B), external; (C), mixed; (D), thrombosed,Endoscopic image of internal hemorrhoids,正常胆囊B超解剖,Cholecystolithiasis,Nephrolith kidney stone,根据结石成分的不同,肾结石可分草酸钙结石、磷酸钙结石、尿酸(尿酸盐)结石、磷酸铵镁结石、胱氨酸结石及嘌呤结石六类,


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