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Unit6: Movies and TheatreLesson 31: A Movie or a Play【学习目标】 掌握单词及短语:involve (v.) script( n.) director (n. ) direct (v. ) costume (n. ) background (n. ) task (n.) be involved in divide up the answer to look after (take care of) different kinds of direct the movie 【自主学习,认真准备】翻译下列短语。1. 的答案 2.照顾 3.各种不同的 4.导演电影 5.分割 6.参加;涉及 【合作探究,学习新知】重点句型:1. Most of you have seen movies or plays in a theatre,but have you ever been involved in making a move or a play?你们大多数人曾在剧院看过电影或戏剧,但你们曾参加过拍电影或是演戏剧吗?involve 在本句中意思是“ ”,常搭配介词“ ”或“ ”。例如:That man likes to get everything.那个人事事都爱管。He became the accident. 他牵扯进了那次事故。2. What do you think is needed to make a movie or a play?你认为拍电影或演戏需要什么呢?do you think 在句中可看作是 语 ,因此回答这样的问题时,要针对特殊疑问句作答。例如:Where we will have the meeting?你认为我们将在那里开会?Perhaps(we will have it ) in our classroom.或许在我们教室里吧。3. Lets get to work in groups.我们分组干起来吧。本句work用作 词,to是 ,get to的意思是“ ”。例如:My mother about my health.我母亲开始担忧起我的健康状况。get to 还有“ ”的意思。例如:We always school on time.我们总是准时到校。The bus can you the hotel.那趟公共汽车可以把你送到旅馆。Where have you in the book?这本书你看到哪儿了?Your ideas are me.你的想法我渐渐明白了。4. Do some research,decide what you will make,then divide up the tasks.研究一下,决定要排演什么,然后分配任务。divide up在本句中意思是“ ”。例如:Tom those apples.汤姆把那些苹果分(配)了一下。【当堂检测、反馈评价】 一 英汉互译1. 使参与;使卷入 2.开始,着手处理 3.get to 4.分配;分担 5.导演电影 6.参加;涉及 二句型转换1.The boys seemed to be relaxed(改为同义句) seemed that the boys relaxed.2.He can hardly speak English,(改为反义疑问句) ?He can hardly speak English, ?3. You should speak to the old man politely.(对划线部分提问) should you the old man?补充笔记: Lesson 32: Moving Pictures【学习目标】 掌握单词及短语:effect (n. )France titanic (adj.) action (n.) prefer (v.)fiction (n.) comedy (n.)popcorn (n.)a couple of action movie have effect on science fiction【自主学习,认真准备】翻译下列短语。1. a couple of 2.action movie 3.have effect on 4.science fiction 【合作探究】重点句型:1. But like the Internet or other similar technologies,movies have had such a big effect on us.但是像互联网和其他相似的技术一样,电影对我们有很大的影响。have an effect on意思是“ ”。例如:Every word from parents children.家长说的每句话都将对孩子产生一定的影响。2. I just found out the very first movies were made in France and Germany.我仅仅查明最早的电影是法国和德国拍摄的。very 在本句中作 词,用来强调后面的内容,意思是“ ”。例如:That is the last thing I should have expected.那是我最最料想不到的事。He he could.他已尽力而为了。very还可以作 词,放在名词前起强调作用。意思是“ ”。例如:This is I want to see.这正是我想看的电影。3. Do you know that for those first movies,only a couple of people would act in front of the camera?你知道那些最早的电影拍摄时只有两三个人在摄影机前表演吗?本句中的a couple of 既可是“ ”的意思,也可是“ ”的意思。例如:I saw ,but they dont make a pair.我看到两只鞋,但它们不是一双。He met with at the meeting.开会时他遇见了几个老校友。4. I prefer science fiction.我还是喜欢科幻小说。prefer 意思是“ ”,后面既可跟 形式,也可跟 形式,例如;They ( )他们更喜欢看书。He seems to 。他似乎喜欢猫胜过喜欢狗。I would 。我宁愿在外面而不愿意看电视。5. I havent watched a movie for a long time.我已经好长时间不看电影了。完成时态的否定句中,延续性动词或非延续性动词都可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:I him for a long time.我很久不见他了。He to me for two years.他两年没给我写信了。【当堂检测、反馈评价】 一英汉互译1. 结束做某事 2.相似的技术 3.找出;发现 4.a couple of people 5.thousands of 二句型转换1.I dont know what I should buy her.(改为同义句) I dont know buy her.2. The woman outside the school gate must be our head teacher(改为否定句) The woman outside the school gate our head teacher3. The man could be running for exercise.(对划线部分提问) the man running for?4. Do you know whose dictionary it is?(改为同义句) Do you know the dictionary ?补充笔记: Lesson 33: The Fisherman and the Goldfish(I)【学习目标】 掌握单词及短语:goldfish (n.) wife ( n.)(复数wives) net (n. ) whatever (pron.) gray (adj . ) marry (v. ) ours (pron.) pull out swim back into the sea ask for【自主学习,认真准备】翻译下列短语。1. 过着贫穷的生活 2.拖出 3.游回海中 4.要求 5.坐在桌边 【合作探究】重点句型:1. My wife and I .我和妻子过着贫穷的日子。lead在本句中的意思是“ ”,也可以换用 。例如:The old man life.那位老人过着宁静的生活。lead还有“ ”的意思。例如:He the people from victory to victory.他领导人民从胜利走向胜利。Mr.Wang a basketball team.王老师带领一支篮球队。This road to our school.这条路通向我们学校。2. It said it could give me whatever I wished for.它说我想要什么它就给我什么。wish表示“ ”,后面可直接跟宾语,双宾语或宾语从句。例如:Do you ?你还想喝杯茶吗?I well in English.我希望学好英语。 祝你圣诞节快乐!如果表示不能实现或者与事实相悖的愿望,从句谓语要用虚拟语气。例如:I I him.我要是没遇到他就好了。( 发生在 或 之前)3. What did you ask for ?你要了什么?ask for 后接物时,意思是“ ”;接人时,意思是“ ”。例如:I will next time.下次我想要一座房子。He much money他要了很多钱。Someone at the gate.大门口有人找你。4. How did I marry such a fool!我怎么嫁给了这样一个蠢货!本句中marry 用作 动词,后直接跟宾语表达“ ”的意思。例如:He a French girl last year.去年他和一位法国女孩结婚了。The man his daughter a teacher.他把女儿嫁给了一位教师。marry 是非延续性动词,当它用于完成时在肯定句中不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:他们结婚十多年了。要说:They for more than ten years.【当堂检测、反馈评价】 根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词1. You shouldnt (拒绝 )to help him with his English study.2. The experience as a volunteer is (有帮助的) to him。3. We cant w the time.4. Your answer to the question is not c .5. -Whats wrong with you? -My arm h .补充笔记: Lesson 34: The Fisherman and the Goldfish(II)【学习目标】 掌握单词及短语:coast ( n. ) handbag ( n. ) among ( prep. ) servant ( n.) ) guard ( n . ) queen ( n. ) serve ( v. ) mad ( adj. ) crash ( v. ) go off the sound of the waves【自主学习,认真准备】合作探究,学习新知:翻译下列短语。1. 在海滩 2.立刻,马上 3. 还有什么 4.熄灭 5.海浪声 【合作探究】重点句型:1. No problem.You will have a new house very soon.没问题。你们很快就会有一座新房子。本句中的no problem 表示同意,默许,意思是“没问题”。例如:Can you help me ?你能帮我拍电影吗? .没问题。它还可以用于对歉意的回应,意思是“没关系”。例如:Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.我很抱歉,让你等了这么长时间。 .I have nothing else to do today.没关系。今天我没别的事要做。2. Yes.What else can I do for you,Mr.Fisherman?我在。我还能为你做什么,渔夫先生?else 用作 词时,常用在疑问代词,不定代词之后,意思是“ ”例如:Who do you believe?你还相信谁?Will you tell me about your school?你愿意告诉我你们学校的其他情况吗?else还可以用作副词,用在疑问副词之后。例如:Where shall we go?我们还去哪里?How can you this ?你还能用别的方法解这道题吗?3. The lights go off.灯灭了。 The lights go on.灯亮了。 go off 意思是“ ”go on意思是“ ”。例如:The street lights at dusk and at dawn.路灯在黄昏时开,拂晓时关。4. The wife is wearing beautiful new clothes and sitting among servants and guards.妻子正穿着漂亮的衣服坐在仆人和卫兵中间。among 一般指“ ”;between指在“ ”。但between也用于“ 在三者(或三者以上)之中”,强调重点在于涉及的个体,而不是全体,意思是“ ”。例如:Its pleasant to walk the trees.走在树丛中令人惬意。We could see bayonets the trees.我们可以看到树木间露出的刺刀。5. Its too much.这太过分了。too much意思是“ ”例如:That is .那太过分了。Jack always makes trouble in class.He is really .杰克上课时总是捣乱,他实在太不像话了。6. Go right now,or I will punish you!立刻走,否则我要惩罚你!(1) 本句是“ ”结构,相当于“If,”结构。例如:Study hard,and you will pass the exam.(= )努力学习,你会考试及格的。Study hard,or you will fail pass the exam.(= )努力学习,你会考试不及格的。(2) right now的意思是“ ”。例如:He is hurrying to the railway station .此时他正匆忙地赶往火车站。【当堂检测、反馈评价】句型转换1. I will go shopping with you if it doesnt rain. (改为同义句) I will go shopping with you it . 2. My sister studies English by herself.(对划线部分提问) your sister English ?3. The Whites hardly knew us.(改为反意疑问句)The Whites hardly knew us. ?4. I think it my duty to write to you and thank you.(改为复合句) I think it my duty to you and thank you.5. I like movies that are very interesting.(对划线部分提问) movies do you like?补充笔记: Lesson 35: Theatres Are Fun 【学习目标】 掌握单词及短语:playwright (n. ) tragedy (n.) teahouse (n.) handsome (adj.) in order to【自主学习,认真准备】合作探究,学习新知:翻译下列短语。1. 在路上 2.迫不及待去做某事 3. 了解 4.同时 5.全世界 6.为了,以便 【合作探究】重点句型:1. Guess what?猜猜怎么回事? What 在本句中表示“ ”,请求确认或重复。例如:You did ?你做了什么(请求确认) 什么?我听不见你的话。(请求重复)2. I cant wait to see them.我迫不及待地想看到它们。cant wait 的意思是“ ”。例如:She the well-known singer.他迫不及待地想见到那位著名歌手。He 他等不到明天了。3. Some research was done in order to make the play.为了演这个戏剧,我们进行了研究。In order to 意思是“ ”。例如:He walked about .他来回走动为了使身体暖和。4. We have some excellent playwrights and famous plays in China.中国有优秀的剧作家和著名的戏剧。 本句是表达“ 某处有的”句型之一,与 等句型作用相同。例如:We in our classroom.我们的教室里有桌椅。 near our village.我们的村庄附近有条河。5. Cao Yus Thunderstorm and Lao Shes Teahouse have been on stage for many yearsand still are today.多年来,曹禺的雷雨和老舍茶馆一直在上演当今仍在上演。on stage 的意思是“ ”。例如:Well put a play .我们要上演一出戏。on the stage 的意思是“ ”。例如:She began to get/be when she was eleven years old.她十一岁时开始当演员。6. But we do have a Lao She Teahouse in Beijing.北京的确有个“老舍茶馆”。 do 在本句中用作 词,起 ,或者说强调 的作用,主语是单数第三人称时,用 ;句子是一般过去时态时,用 。例如:They every Sunday.他们确实每周都去游泳。My brother very .我弟弟看上去确实很累。Li Ming see a big poster .在回家的路上李明确实看见了一副大海报。【当堂检测、反馈评价】 用括号内所给的单词的适当形式填空1. I (real )want to help you.2. John is the (own )of the MP4.3. This word (mean) nothing.4. What you said is (possible )true,but I dont agree with you.5. Its very (noise )in the classroom. 补充笔记: Lesson 36: Making Plays Is Fun【学习目标】 掌握单词及短语:actress (n. ) put on the whole class think about focus on a two- week study【自主学习,认真准备】翻译下列短语。1. 为期两周的学习 2.聚焦于 3.对 满意 4.全班 5.考虑 【合作探究,学习新知:】重点句型:1. When we began these lessons,all I knew was that movies and plays are fun to watch.开始上这些课程时,我所知道的一切就是看电影和戏剧是有趣的事。(1) when 引导 从句;I knew是all的 从句,省略了引导词 ;that movies and plays are fun to watch是 从句。(2) fun在本句中用作名词,意思是“ ”。例如:Jack ;we like him .杰克是个很有趣的人,我们都非常喜欢他。Picnics .野餐是趣事。It is great together.我们一起打篮球很有趣。2. It can take hundreds of people to make a movie or put on a play.拍一部电影或演一出戏可能需要数百人。 take 在本句中意思是 “ ”。例如:It many hands .拍一部电影需要很多人手。3. We seldom think about the people who work behind the scenes.我们很少考虑在幕后工作的人。seldom 的意思是 “ ”。含有seldom的句子属于 句,构成反意疑问句时,疑问短句部分要用 形式。例如 :He seldom helps his mother do the housework, ?他很少帮妈妈做家务,对吧?4. Their movie made the whole class laugh.他们的电影让全班大笑起来。all 和whole都可以表示的“ ”概念。要注意,限定词位于all 之后,whole之前。例如:Tom spent in London.(=Tom spent in London. )汤姆在伦敦度过了整个冬天。He ate .( He ate .)他吃了整个蛋糕。5. My group performed a play called The Fisherman and the Goldfish.我的小组表演了一个叫作渔夫和金鱼的短剧。called 是过去分词形式,作play 的定语,相当于定语从句 。例如:I know a boy named Jack.=I know a boy .我认识一个叫杰克的男孩。 【当堂检测、反馈评价】 句型转换1.The girl with long hair is Mary.(改为同义句)The girl long hair is Mary.2.This is a special stamp.(改为复数句) special stamps.3.This is a great T-shirt.(改为感叹句) great T-shirt. 4. My father likes the songs.The songs are gentle.(合并为一句话) My father likes the songs gentle. 5. Dogs can be a lot of trouble.(改为同义句) Dogs can be to take care of.课后反思: 语法讲解: 宾语从句第一课时一概念宾语从句是主从复合句的一种。主从复合句是由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的。主句是复合句的主体,从句仅仅是主句的一个成分,它从属于主句,不能独立。从句在全句中充当什么成分,就叫什么从句。宾语从句当中的从句在全句中作宾语。在复合句中用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句 .二时态:1、主句为现在时,从句的时态可以为任何时态。2、主句为过去时,从句的时态为过去时的一种。3、从句为客观真理,自然现象,永恒不变的规律,只用一般现在时。三语序宾语从句的语序为陈述句语序。当由陈述句充当宾语从句时,用that引导,that无词义,在口语或非正式文体中通常省略。当由一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用if或whether引导,意为“是 否。 如果宾语从句原来是特殊疑问句,只需用原来的特殊疑问词引导。 which,what 和连接副词 where,eg. 1.I hear (that) _. (一小时后他会回来)注:that 在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成分,在口语当中往往省略。2. He said (that) _. (他非常想念我们)3. The teacher told us (that) _. (地球围着太阳转)he missed us very muchthe earth moves around the sun由连接代词what, whom, whose, which, what及连接副词 when, where, how, why引导的宾语从句。He asked _.(谁能回答这个问题)2.Do you know_? (他们在等谁)3. He asked _.(谁的书法是班上最好的)4. Please tell me _. (我们什么时候开会)5. Can you tell me _. (他在哪儿)8. Could you tell me _. (我该怎么去车站)9. Would you tell me _ .(为什么火车迟到了)eg. I want to know _(他是否跟我们一起去公园)2. Ask him _. (他是否能来)由从属连词whether, if 引导的宾语从句3. I dont know _(是否要下雨) 第二课时由从属连词whether, if 引导的宾语从句当句末为or not时,引导词只能用whether而不能用if.I找引导词:1.dont know_he will come tomorrow .A. if B. whether C. what D. both A and B2.I dont know_ it is going to rain or not tomorrow . A. if B. whether C. both A and B3.I think_ someone forgot to sweep the floor . A. that B. / C. whereD. both A and B4.He asked me _ she put the books . A. what B. where C. who D.thatII选择正确的选项1.-A: Could you tell me_ ? -B: Yes , Ill show you . A. what should I do with the computer B. how can I use the computer C. how to use the computer D. what I how to use the computer2. Could you tell me_?A. where the twins were B. where the twins are C where are the twins3. Do you know_? A. where does he liveB. where he does live C. where he lives D. where he lives in4. My friend asked me_? A. who is the girl B. who the girl was C. who was the girlD. who the girl is 5. I want to know_there .A. will who go B. who will go C. who does goD. who go6.Did you understand_? A.what she said B.what to say C.what did she said D.how she had said7.The girl is thinking about _she will go abroad to study En


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