失物招领网站DSLM 系统概要设计

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失物招领平台概要设计The System Design for Lost Things Network PlatformV1.0拟 制 人( Maker ) “DSLM” 项目组 审 核 人( Checker) 钱 炜 批 准 人(Approver)_2013年4月26日4. 26.201346目 录1引言(Introduction)(计算机3102 沈佳明 Shen Jiaming 3102101211)31.1编写目的31.2背景31.3参考文献(References)42总体设计 President Design (撰写人:唐汁 3102101224 Writer: Tang Zhi )52.1 需求规定Requirement Prescribe52.1.1 系统功能 System Functions52.1.2 系统性能System Performance52.1.3 输入输出要求Input and Output Requirements62.1.4 数据管理能力要求Data Management Capabilities to Requirements62.1.5 故障处理要求Fault Handling Requirements72.2 运行环境Operating Environment72.2.1 设备Equipment72.2.2 支持软件Support Software82.3 基本设计概念和处理流程Basic Design Concepts and Processes82.3.1 基本设计概念The Basic Design Concept82.3.2 处理流程 Processes82.4 结构 Structure92.4.1 系统总体结构图92.4.2 本平台各模块的划分及功能Division and Function of The Platform Module102.4.3 模块结构图Block Diagram102.4.4 软件系统的层次图Level Diagram of The Software System112.5 功能需求与系统模块的关系Functional requirements and system module relationship112.5 功能需求与模块的关系(撰写人:冯爽 3092101119 Writer: Feng Shuang )12The relationship between functional requirements and system modules.122.6 人工处理过程 Manual Process132.7 尚未解决问题Unresolved Issues133接口设计 Interface Design(撰写人:杨飞英 3102101102 Writer: YangFeiYing)143.1 用户接口 User Interface143.1.1 注册界面: Register Interface153.1.2 登录界面:Login Interface153.1.3招领信息发布界面: Lost Publishing Interface163.1.4 查询界面:Searching Interface163.1.5 失物信息发布界面:Lost Property Information Interface163.1.6留言板界面:BBS Interface173.2 外部接口External Interface173.2.1 软件接口Software Interface173.2.2. 硬件接口Hardware Interface183.3 内部接口Internal Interface184失物信息管理模块Lost property Information Management Module (撰写人:冯爽 3092101119 Writer: Feng Shuang )185拾到物品信息发布模块设计(Picked up the items of information module)(计算机3102 沈佳明 Shen Jiaming 3102101211)205.1模块概述(Module Overview)205.1.1模块功能(Module function)205.1.2模块性能(Module performance)205.1.3模块界面设计简述(Module interface design brief)215.1.4模块要求(Module requires)215.1.5系统故障处理(System troubleshooting)215.2模块功能流程(Module functional processes)226 留言板管理模块(Message board management module)(钱炜 3102101129 QIAN WEI)236.1编写目的(Purpose of the preparation)236.1.1 概要设计说明书目的(Outline design specification purposes)236.1.2 预期读者(Intended audience)236.2 需求概述(Requirements Overview)236.3需求规定(Demand requirements)246.3.1输入输出要求(Input and output requirements)246.3.2时间要求(Time requirements)256.3.3灵活性要求(Flexibility requirements)256.4运行环境(Operating environment)256.4.1设备(Equipment)256.4.2支撑软件(Support software)266.5基本设计概念和处理流程(Basic design concepts and processes)266.5.1 系统架构示图(System architecture diagram)266.6用例规约(Use Case Specification)296.6.1浏览主题用例规约(The Browse Themes cases Statute)296.6.2 发布主题用例规约(Post Subject Use Case Specification)316.7 系统出错处理设计(System error handling design)327 信息搜索模块Information search module(撰写人:许越 XU YUE)327.1模块基本功能The basic function module327.2模块基本性能The module basic performance337.2.1响应时间The response time337.2.2灵活性Flexibility337.2.3可靠性Reliability337.3模块数据的管理要求Module of data management requirements337.4模块的可维护性The maintainability of the module347.5功能流程Function of the process348.2用户信息管理模块 User information management module(撰写人:彭泽浩 PENG ZE HAO)348.1用户接口 User Interface348.2.外部接口 External interface358.2.1用户界面 User Interface358.2.2 软件接口Software Interface358.2.3 硬件接口Hardware Interface358.3 内部接口Internal Interface358.4用户管理主要包括注册369 后台管理模块The Backstage Administration Module(彭泽浩 PENG ZE HAO)3810注册和登录模块 Registration and Login Module(撰写人:杨飞英Writer: YangFeiYing)4011. 系统数据结构设计System Design of Data Structure (撰写人:许越)4111.1 数据库表列表Database List4111.2 数据库各表字段The Tables of Database Field4212 运行设计(Designed to operate)(撰写人:钱炜3102101129 QIAN WEI)4412.1运行模块的组合(operation control)4412.2运行控制(running control)4512.3运行时间(running time)451引言(Introduction)(计算机3102 沈佳明 Shen Jiaming 3102101211)人的一生中难免会有丢失东西的时候,特别是大学生们,容易粗心大意,丢三落四,丢东西的现象也就更为频繁。因此尝试开发一个失物招领平台,让捡到东西的同学将物品公布在失物招领网站上, 而丢失东西的同学也可以通过失物招领网站上的公告找到他们所遗失的物品。这样既方便了所有的同学, 也降低了他们因为各种因素而造成的物品遗失率,以及由此所带来的经济上或其他方面的损失。Persons life there will inevitably be lost things, especially college students, careless, forgetful, and throw things phenomenon is all the more frequent. Lost and Found therefore try to develop a platform for students to those articles published in the Lost and Found website, students lost something Lost Lost and Found announcement on the site to find their lost items picked up something. Making them easy to all the students, but also reduces the loss of articles they caused due to various factors, and thus brought about by the economic or other losses.1.1编写目的本概要设计主要目的是为了在程序开发时能有一个大概的设计框架,方便后面更好的完成开发工作,在开发程序时能有一个明确的方向,根据概要设计分配团队成员,更好的发挥各成员的优势,协调每个人员的能力,将项目做到最出色。The main purpose of the outline design is to have a general design framework program development, to facilitate subsequent to the completion of the development work, to have a clear direction in the development process, according to the outline design assignment team members, better play the advantage of the members, coordination of each persons ability to do the project best.1.2背景a. 项目名称:失物招领平台b. 项目提出者:该项目由我们团队创意总监唐汁提出,并经由第二次项目会议时,经过全体项目成员讨论一致通过。c. 项目开发者:钱炜,杨飞英,沈佳明,许越,冯爽,彭泽号,唐汁。d. 项目开发单位:“DSLM”团队。本项目采用浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式,浏览器的程序是以Visual Studio 2012为开发软件的应用程序,数据库采用Microsoft Office Access 2003。本项目可以在Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8等系统上运行,而且具有很大的兼容性。a. Project Name: Lost and Found platformb. Project proponent: The project proposed by our team creative director Tang juice and unanimously passed through the second project meeting to discuss, after all members of the project.c. Project developers: Qian Wei, Yang Feiying, Shen Jiaming, Xue Yue, Feng Shuang, Peng Zehao, Tang Zhi.d. Project development unit: “DSLM” team.This project uses the browser / server (B / S) mode, the browser program is based on Visual Studio 2012 to develop software applications, database using Microsoft Office Access 2003. This project can be run on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 system, but also has a lot of compatibility.1.3参考文献(References)1 周芦燕,汪晋等. CSS+DIV网页设计开发技术与实例应用. 国防工业出版社,2010.2 张正礼.ASP.NET 4.0网站开发与项目实战.清华大学出版社,2012.1Zhou Luyan, Wang Jin. CSS + DIV web design development technology and examples of application. National Defense Industry Press, 2010.2Zhang Zhengli. ASP.NET 4.0 web site development and project combat. Tsinghua University Press, 20122总体设计 President Design (撰写人:唐汁 3102101224 Writer: Tang Zhi )2.1 需求规定Requirement Prescribe2.1.1 系统功能 System Functions失物招领平台有四个主要模块:丢东西、捡到东西、搜索和留言。每个部分都有所属的具体模块,每个模块都密不可分,环环相扣。失物招领平台的功能模型包括实时信息查询,联系人信息,这将取决于客户的需求类型,比如失主找还,捡到者要归还。因此系统将分为以下几个部分。信息管理:最新失物信息、联系人信息管理;系统管理:用户注册、登陆;操作管理:丢失和找回的操作流程管理;另外,还有信息反馈、帮助等功能。Lost and Found platform is divided into four main modules: lost, found, search and leave a message. Each type has own specific modules and modules are inseparable. Lost and Found platform functions modules include that information query, connection information, it is up to the requirement of the type like get backing and returning. Therefore, the platform is divided into the following section:Information management: last information about lost things, connection information;System management: register, login about user;Operation management: the process of lost and found;Besides, platform still be divided into others like help modules and response.2.1.2 系统性能System Performance2.1.2.1 精度Precision精度需求的问题上,输入数据和输出以及传输过程都将有明确后台记载,查询时可以有一定的查全率,并且必须支持模糊查询。在客户信息问题上,要保全隐私率,能精确到用户信息是否同名。The problem of precision about platform will be marked in every time and include that input and output data. It support fuzzy queries and be sure some integrity. It is necessary to protect users information for users in the problem of usersdata. 时间特性要求Time Characteristics of Requirements在对数据操作以及流程操作过程中不能出现卡机,系统运行中不能无故出现错误,信息移植不能出现无法响应的情况。响应时间理应在0.86s内;更新处理时间能快速准确地处理,处理时间范围不超过0.81.0s。It should be not crash in the data manipulation and cannot have an error in the operation of the system. Response time requirements of fast response time should be no more than 0.86s and update processing time quickly and accurately, should not exceed 0.8s to 1.0 s. 可靠性Reliability平台本身采用二级安全保障:第一级是依赖于网络本身对用户使用权限的规定;第二级则是在程序模块用使用密码控制功能对用户的使用权限加以限制。因此平台安全级别很好。The platform is be used two securities: The first level is dependent on the network itself, the provisions on user permissions; the second stage in the program modules by using the password control function to restrict user permissions and make sure its security.2.1.3 输入输出要求Input and Output Requirements搜索栏在平台主页面显眼位置,一旦用户输入关键字,包括精确信息,就能迅速以报表形式在新的页面输出,简单明了,清晰速度。 The search bar in the main location platform so if user print key word which include other information, it will be given the form of a report to have the advantages of clarity. It is so simply and quickly.2.1.4 数据管理能力要求Data Management Capabilities to Requirements数据库的需要巨大的存储容量,可以容纳大量的信息数据。同时也需要强大的数据管理能力,其中更新尤为重要。而且数据库的备份和维护以及管理权限要求也需要有一个合理的分配。The database requires large storage capacity and accommodates the huge information data and also need powerful data management capabilities, including updating is particularly important. In addition, it is important for database to backup and maintenance. 2.1.5 故障处理要求Fault Handling Requirements由于系统自己实时备份,所以所有出错都会仍然保留用户的个人信息和操作记录。数据库会对用户的数据存有备份,只有在出错时,这些备份记录被触发,依然可以保存客户的信息安全。在故障处理的速度上来算,平台需要很强的后台监控能力,要做到察知毫微,动之如电。故障发生时也会第一时间被通知管理员。Platform will save the users personal information and operating records whether to error in system because of the backup what is backup all the time.Besides, get failure warning notification administrator the first time and configure it.2.2 运行环境Operating Environment运行环境是指一个平台(网站)所需要正常运转的条件环境,例如鱼需要水才能存活,水在这里就是鱼的条件环境,由此可见运行环境的必要性。Operating environment is a environment to survive for platform. Example the fish needs water to survive, so the water is the operating environment for fish. It is important to a website. 2.2.1 设备Equipment平台对硬件设备要求较低,可以在Windows的操作系统上正常运行。Platform needs a popular configuration and just work in Windows.处理器(CPU):Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 2.10GHz 2.1 GHz Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo CPU T5800 2.00GHz 2.0 GHz内存(RAM):512M硬盘大小(Hard disk):5GB2.2.2 支持软件Support Software 在Windows 操作系统下运行,选择使用Microsoft SQL Server 2008作为数据开发工具,Microsoft Visual Studio来撰写代码。Running under the Windows operating system, choose to use the Microsoft SQL Sever 2008 as a data development tools, the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to write code.2.3 基本设计概念和处理流程Basic Design Concepts and Processes2.3.1 基本设计概念The Basic Design Concept平台主要依靠前台显示,也就是面向用户的界面,这些数据主要依靠用户自己的输入和输出。失物招领平台有四个主要模块:丢东西、捡到东西、搜索和留言。一般用户可以根据需要在相应模块完成相应的操作。The platform relies mainly on front display, namely visual interface. The data relies on the users own input and output data. Lost and Found platform is divided into four main modules: lost, found, search and leave a message. Each type has own specific modules and modules are inseparable.Users just need to login platform and they will be given some permission.2.3.2 处理流程 Processes首先展示的是主页面,而提交信息则需要用户的登陆来才行。登陆后将会得到更多的使用权限。Firstly, users will in the main page, if users want to do something they have to login it.如下流程图(Flow Diagram):是联系人信息是否登录显示联系人信息否否是否是是开始是否登录主界面公告栏搜索查看详情我丢(捡到)东西了提示输入输入物品信息提交发布成功登录页面是否登录输入账号密码登录成功有关键字显示信息息息结束否注册返回前页面图2.3.2流程图Figure2.3.2Flow Diagram2.4 结构 Structure2.4.1 系统总体结构图 失物招领平台Lost and found platform用户管理User Management注册Register登陆Login失物上传Submit information我丢东西了I lost something我捡到东西了I pick up something搜索信息Searching information后台管理Background management留言板Message board密码管理Password Management其他管理Other management用户管理User Management留言Leave a message帮助Help图2.4.1 总体结构图Figure 2.4.1 whole structure2.4.2 本平台各模块的划分及功能Division and Function of The Platform Module平台的功能模块主要有搜索信息管理模块,用户信息管理模块,失物上传模块,留言板模块,后台管理模块这五大块。各模块的功能如下:搜索信息模块:查询失物信息和联系人信息。用户信息管理模块:用户个人资料的保存和保护以及登陆注册,找回密码。失物上传模块:提供用户上传具体信息的页面,可以提交物品详情。留言板模块:用户交流区域,有查看,发表留言。后台管理模块:供管理员提供录入、删除虚假记录。Function of the platform module main includes search information module, users information management module, submit information module and message board module and background management. Search information module: querying lost things information and connection information.Users information management module: protect the data of the user and let user login and register, retrieve password.Submit information module: submit information.Message board module: users talk each other and make some advice.Stage management module: administrators input and delete records 2.4.3 模块结构图Block Diagram平台主要由五个模块组成。The platform consists of five modules.失物招领平台 Lost and Found platform搜索信息Search information用户管理User management失物上传Submit information留言板Message board后台管理Stage management系统信息处理System Information Design注册Register登陆Login搜索Search提交Submit留言Leave Messages找回Get back丢东西Lost something捡到东西pick up something2.4.4 软件系统的层次图Level Diagram of The Software System图2.4系统层次图Figure 2.4Level Diagram of the software System2.5 功能需求与系统模块的关系Functional requirements and system module relationship用户信息管理模块User info失物信息管理模块Lost info查询信息管理模块Query留言板管理模块Message后台管理模块Stage用户注册Register失物上传Submit 搜索信息Search留言Message物品信息修改Revise物品信息删除Delete表2-5 功能需求与系统模块的关系Figure 2-5the Functional Requirements and System Modules of Relationship2.5 功能需求与模块的关系(撰写人:冯爽 3092101119 Writer: Feng Shuang )The relationship between functional requirements and system modules.用户信息管理模块失物信息管理模块拾物信息管理模块查询信息管理模块留言板管理模块后台管理模块用户注册失物信息上传拾物信息上传搜索物品信息留言物品信息修改物品信息删除表2.5 功能需求与系统模块关系图User Info Management ModuleLost property Info Management ModulePicked up property Info Management ModuleInquiry Info Management ModuleMessage Board Management ModuleBackstage Management ModuleUser RegistrationLost property Info UploadPicked up property Info Upload Search Info ManagementMessageGoods Info Modify Goods Info Delete2.6 人工处理过程 Manual Process本系统需要人工处理的地方有数据库的建立和维护,数据表的建立和删除,都需要有系统管理员的权限,而且对物品信息进行管理并定期维护、删除,这样使得数据的无出错,保证了系统运行的连续性和系统数据的完整性。Require manual processing of the system database establishment and maintenance of data tables to establish and remove, these need to have administrator privilege, and information on pesticide management and regular maintenance, delete o ensure data without error and the continuity of the system operation and system data integrity.2.7 尚未解决问题Unresolved Issues在系统管理模块中,用户注册IP地址锁定功能还没能得到实现;在注册界面中,忘记密码找回方式的种类还有待拓展;在用户提交物品信息界面中,验证码功能还没得到实现;在用户登陆模块中,痕迹保留功能还没得到实现;在系统界面显示方面,深度的美化功能还没得到实现;在留言板模块中,对留言的回复功能还没得到实现;在查询模块中,对信息的查询方法的拓展还没得到实现;在物品信息修改模块中,修改的信息从数据库中调出显示在页面上还没得到实现。In the System Management Module, register IP address locking function could not be achieved.In the registration interface, the types of retrieve the password need to expand.In the Information Submit Module, the verification code function could not be achieved.In the User Login Module, retain traces of the function could not be achieved.Depth of landscaping features have not been achieved at the system interface display.Reply message has not been achieved in the message board module.The ways to information query expansion have not been achieved in the query module.Modify the information from the database is displayed on the page have not been achieved in the Goods Information Inquiry Module.3接口设计 Interface Design(撰写人:杨飞英 3102101102 Writer: YangFeiYing 2102-011-0217)3.1 用户接口 User Interface(1)注册界面:由输入用户名、密码和确认密码的文本框和提交按钮组成。 The registration screen: the input user name, password and confirm password text box and a submit button.(2)登入界面:由输入用户名、密码的文本框和登陆、注册按钮组成。 Login interface: enter the user name and password text box, and register, login button.(3)招领信息发布界面:Lost Publishing Interface信息编辑框区:输入招领物品信息Information edit box area: type and item information提交按钮:提交信息把物品信息发布到网站。Submit button: submit information items are published to the web site.(4)查询界面:Searching Interface物品信息编辑框:用于输入物品信息;Item information edit box: to enter item information;查找按钮:进行物品查找。Search button: find items. (5) 失物信息发布界面: Lost Property Information Interface 信息编辑框区:输入丢失物品信息Information input information edit box area: the lost items提交按钮:提交信息把丢失物品信息发布到网站。The submit button, submit information lost items information published to the web site.(6) 留言板界面: BBS Interface 编辑框:用于输入留言标题和内容。 Edit box: used for the input message title and content.提交按钮:把留言发布的网站。Submit button: the message publishing website.重填按钮:内容的重新输入。Inquiry button: the content of the input again.3.1.1 注册界面: Register Interface图 3.1(Figure 3.1)3.1.2 登录界面:Login Interface图 3.2(Figure 3.2)3.1.3招领信息发布界面: Lost Publishing Interface图 3.3(Figure 3.3)3.1.4 查询界面:Searching Interface图 3.4(Figure 3.4)3.1.5 失物信息发布界面:Lost Property Information Interface图 3.5(Figure 3.5)3.1.6留言板界面:BBS Interface图 3.6(Figure 3.6)图 3.7(Figure 3.7)3.2 外部接口External Interface3.2.1 软件接口Software Interface与sql数据库进行通信,以便对数据库进行读取和写入操作。在jsp技术中是使用JABC-ODBC来解决这个问题的。具体来说开发中可能使用到的JABC-ODBC的常用对象有以下几个:Communicate with the SQL database, so that the database for reading and writing operation. In the JSP technology is to use JABC - ODBC to solve this problem. In particular are likely to use development JABC - ODBC object has the following several commonly used: (1)连接对象(Connection):用来连接数据库。 Connection object : Used to connect to the database. (2)记录集对象(RecordSet):用来保存查询语句的返回结果。 RecordSet object : To save the query returns the results. (3)命令对象(Command):用来执行SQL语句或者SQL Server的存储过程。 Command object:Used to execute SQL statements or stored procedures in SQL server. (4)参数对象(Parameter):用来为存储过程或查询提供参数。 Parameter object: Used to provide parameters for stored procedures or query.3.2.2. 硬件接口Hardware Interface系统支持Windows XP7等操作系统。System can support Windows XP 7 operating system, etc.3.3 内部接口Internal Interface留言板界面BBS Interface登录,注册界面Login and Register interface查询界面Searching Interface招领信息发布界面Lost Publishing Interface失物信息发布界面Lost Property InformationInterface4失物信息管理模块Lost property Information Management Module (撰写人:冯爽 3092101119 Writer: Feng Shuang )失物信息管理模块的作用是失物者上传丢失物品的资料到平台和查看丢失物品资料。在提交界面,失物者可以填写失物类型,物品名称,发生时间,相关图片,地点,联系人,联系方式,详情描述。用户可以登录提交信息后在失物信息显示界面看到自己所提交的失物信息。当失主的失物找到后可以联系管理员删除失主以前发布的寻物信息。操作流程图如下:In the Lost property Information Management Module,the loser can upload the missing items to the platform and look over the missing items information. The loser can fill in Lost property type, Lost property name, Published time, Related picture, Location, Contact person, Contact information, Description. Users can log in to submit your information in the lost property information display to see the lost property information submitted. When the owner of lost property found their lost property that they can contact the administrator to delete previously released by the owner to find lost property.


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