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2014-2015学年第二学期文汇中学周末作业 ( )1.The doctor says she is improving, and she can leave hospital soon.A. getting home B. getting smartC. getting better( )2.Everyone became quiet after the teacher entered the classroom.A. walked past B. came intoC. had class in( )3.The whole Chinese are working hard to manage to realize Chinese Dream. A. try realize B. try realizingC. succeeding in realizing( )4. Our village is holding a meeting to raise money for building the new hall.A. create B. hideC. collect( )5.All of my clothes are out of date so I want to buy some new ones.A. not beautiful B.not fashionable C.not expensive( )6. He took a lot of valuable goods home. A. worth a little money B.worth a lot of money C.worth nothing( )7. Linda is happy with what I said. A. is good about B. is sad to C. is pleased with ( )8. I will study hard. I dont want to let my mother down.A. make .disappointed B.make.angry C.make .pleased D.make.worried( )9. I suppose he is very rich. I can know that from what he wears. A. think B. learn C. feel( )10.I think the best way tokeepintouchwithmy friends is through email.A. be in trouble with B. put up with C. communicate with ( )11.Tom didnt watch the FIFA World Cup because he has no interest in football.A. isnt attracted to B. isnt good at C. doesnt do well in( )12.My mother advised me to stay away from my classmates Tom because he is naughty.A. avoid B. disagree C. shake( )13.Thomas is a celebrated painter. He has created many wonderful works.A. famous B. clever C. common( )14. He was aware of dangers when he got through the forest.A. realizedB. was tired ofC. was afraid of ( )15. Our life is full of changes, but there are also a lot of challenges. A. is filled withB. is short of C. Fully CBCCB BCAAC AAAAA( )1. To be honest, the house is not quite our style. A. To make sureB. To tell the truth C. Generally speaking( )2. The family served us with a wonderful meal. We all enjoyed ourselves.A. meant B. thought C. provided( )3.Please write a food review to give us some suggestions after you taste it.A. menu B. reason C. comment( )4.Since then people have been able to speak to each other over long distances. A. From then on B. in the past C. in the future( )5.If you dont obey the rules at school, you will be punished. A. improve B. follow C. break ( )6. The man said to his daughter that whatever he had done was for her. A. what B. however C. everything ( )7. These two articles have lots of things in common besides characters. A. except B. next to C. in addition to ( )8. Is Mr. Black a successful businessman? Yes, he is a mind and he set up his own company by himself. A. brain B. helpful man C. smart person ( )9.This was nearly a century before Christopher Columbus first set sail. A. almost B. hardly C. rarely ( )10.A man who went missing yesterday has been found alive and well. A. active B. healthy C. not dead ( )11.This Maths problem is too difficult for me to solve. B. work out C. understand ( )12.I found out that I wasnt as smart as I thought.A. knew B. discoveredC. thought( )13. Hurry up! There is not enouth time for you to go to the railway station.A. too little B. too many C. too few( )14. He often dries his hair with a towel. A. andB. as C. by using( )15. The teacher is not available now. She has gone to the library. A. freeB. busyC. friendly BCCAB CCCAC BBBACA ( )1. The children felt on top of the world when they got the good news. A. very interestedB. quite pleasedC. very happy( )2. Please remind me to hand in the paper on time. A. makeforgetB. helpremember C. make leave( )3. Tammy didnt respond to the phone call. A. affect B. influence C. answer ( )4. I am not so careful as Peter.A. more careful than B. less careful than C. less careless than ( )5. If you realize the problem, you should try to solve it immediately.A. deal with B. get to know C. follow ( )6. Many new things will soon go out of date, because people will always look for new things and fall in love with them.A. grow old B. be useless C. no longer be fashionable( )7.If you take a close look at them, you will find that they are so different. A. near B. careful C. safe( )8.Are you certain the girl you saw in the street was Jessica? A. sure B. familiar C. confident( )9.His mother was concerned about what he did at school yesterday. A. surprised at B. worried about C. pleased with( )10.I am dying to have a holiday after finishing so much work. A. want so much to have B. cant help having C. am too busy to have ( )11. A new college was set up three years ago.A. found B. founded C. built( )12. Well have to cancel our holiday plan because of the bad weather. A. put off B. dont want to C. call off( )13. The library is opposite the cinema. A. on the same side of B. on the other side of C. far away from( )14. Few young people can afford new houses because of the high price in recent years.A. be confident enough to have B. be brave enough to find C. be rich enough to buy ( )15.I think Tom should stop to have a good rest. - Yes, I agree. Too much work and too little rest often result in illness.A. control B. value C. Cause CBCBB CBABA BCBCC( )1. After I calmed down I realized I had been wrong. A. cooled down B. found out C. cut down( )2. When I was at school, we were required to learn a poem by heart every week. A. touch B. perform C. memorize( )3. We are informed that your father is ill. A. get a message B. show up C. hold on ( )4. You should apologize to your teacher for not finishing homework on time.A. say helloB. say noC. say sorry ( )5. These are my personal things. You cant take them away.A. favouriteB. ownC. valuable ( )6. John often has a break before going back to his work.A. takes a restB. breaks somethingC. goes for a walk ( )7. Karen is a hard-working student, and she is always ahead of others in the exam. A. always does better thanB. is in advanceC. is always faster than ( )8. This question is a piece of cake and almost everyone can answer it.A. deliciousB. as easy as ABCC. like a cake ( )9. She is confident of victory in tomorrows competition.A. gameB. succeedC. success( )10. She is very lucky to shake hands with her favourite actress.A. fortunateB. happyC. Amazed( )11.Lucy tells me that she is on diet in order to look thinner. A .losing weight by exercising B. losing weight by eating less C. losing weight by walking( )12.I wondered whether they would arrive on time. A. wanted to know B. believed C .doubted( )13.Tom waited for his favourite film star for 3 hours, but he didnt show up. A. come over B. come up C. come along( )14.She told me a humourous story to make us laugh. A. exciting B. boring C. funny( )15.I am always praised by my teacher for answering questions correctly. A. spoken highly of B. accused C. laughed at ACACB AABCA BACCA( )1.She deeply regretted losing her temper. A. felt bad about B. felt sorry about C. felt sad about( )2.My best friend always gives me a hand whenever I am in trouble. A. doesa favor B. shakeshand C. needshelp ( )3. -Whats the weather like outside? -Its raining cats and dogs. Youd better stay at home. A. heavily B. hardly C. strongly ( )4. My father lost his temper when he knew I failed the exam.A. couldnt find his temper B. was very unhappy C. got very angry ( )5. -Why do you look tired, Tom? -Im all in after running 800 meters race. A. very tried B. very excited C. very upset ( )6. He is the last of the family. The name will die out after he dies.A. rise B. save C. disappear( )7. The Earth provides us with air, water and food. A gives B shows C protects( )8. After the play, they went to dimmer. David paid for Jim because Jim was out of money. A treated to B cost C spent ( )9. They all dont believe that I can finish the work, but I know I can make it. A invent it B hide it C succeed ( )10. -May I speak to Anne, please?-Hold on for a moment, please.A. Wait for me B. Go on C. Hold the line ( )11. Cindy will go to the park instead of staying at home on Sunday. A. but B. and C. in place of( )12. He has already stated his intention(意图) to take part in the party. A. said clearly B. suggested clearly C. seen clearly( )13. You should put your personal things in order in the office. A. privateB. importantC. necessary( )14. It was so still that we could hear a pin drop. A. relaxedB. quietC. Noisy( )15. Do you know how many of them joined in the research project? A. agree withB. took part inC. came up with BAABA CAACC CAABB ( )1. My brother left for Shanghai two days ago.A. went to B. stayed at C. lived in ( )2. Youd better call me in advance if you want to go with me. A. ahead of time B. in front C. later ( )3.The boss asked us to go back in no time.A.just now B. at once C. in time ( )4. The Internet has become part of everyday life. A. same B. each C. daily( )5. When I am in trouble, Lily is always ready to help me.A. in a difficult situation B. in a hurry C. in the wild( )6. All this noise will drive me mad.A. make me disappointed B. make me angry C. make me embarrassed( )7. I was so surprised to hear from my e-friend in England.A. come from B. listen to C. receive a letter from( )8. At last, she got good grades after she worked hard.A. At first B. In detail C. In the end( )9. Going to bed late is bad for peoples health.A. is harmful for B is useful for C is important for ( )10. The big red flowers on the tree caught my eyes. A. saw me B. attracted me C. liked me ( )11. The best way for you to learn English better is to learn by repetition. A. with each otherB. step by step C. Again and again( )12.He won the match because he took the advantage of his height. A. played a joke on B. came up with C. made full use of ( )13. Smoking is bad for our health. Wed better give it up.A. stay away from it B. keep it on C. take it out ( )14. A group of volunteers go to the Green Lake Park to pick up litter every month.A. materials B. rubbish C. leaves( )15. The programme had to continue means it had to_.A. go on B. stay in C. cut off( )16. Annas father was so strict with his son that he kept him running in the snow without clothes.A. crazy B. pleased C. serious AABCA BCCAB CCABAC


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