威立雅水务技术在城市污水厂升级改造和污泥处理领域的先进技术 Veolias advanced processes in wastewater upgrading and sludge treatment 威立雅水务技术亚洲地区技术总监 陈晓华2010年4月1号 北京,SUMMARY1. Biostyr BAF曝气生物滤池2. Pyrofluid incineration流化床污泥焚烧,BIOSTYR,1.BAF曝气生物滤池,Capability of BIOSTYR生物滤池的特点,Up-flow filter, inlet channel from bottom, outlet on top 上向流滤池,底部渠道进配水,顶部出水 The specific gravity of media 1 滤料比重小于1 Perforated pipe aeration, saving equipment investment and maintenance costs穿孔管曝气,节省设备投资和维护费 Nozzle on top of filter, in treated water and easy to maintenance 滤头在滤池的顶部,与处理后水接触,易于维护 Backwash by gravity, need not pumps重力反冲洗,无须反冲洗水泵,- Aeration and air backwash share the air blower工艺空气和反冲洗用气共用鼓风机 - Aeration pipe could be set in the middle or bottom of filter, Nitration and denitration can be done in the same tank. 曝气管可布置在滤层中部或底部,在同一池中可完成硝化、反硝化功能,Capability of BIOSTYR生物滤池的特点,BIOSTYR 基本设备,未附着生物膜 without biofilm,附着生物膜with biofilm,BIOSTYR 单元 : 滤料Biostyr media,Biostyr internal structure Biostyr 内部结构,Biostyr slab 滤板,Biostyr nozzle 滤头,BIOSTYR: centralized air supply中央供气系统,BIOSTYR main advantages滤池工艺的主要优点,- Advanced technology, reliable operation, very suitable for upgrading 工艺技术先进成熟、运行可靠、非常适合水厂升级改造; - Low total investment and operating costs, power consumption of aeration can reduce 2030; 总投资省,运行费用低,曝气能耗低2030; - Low amount of works and costs, short construction period 土建工程量少,工程费用低,工期短 - Less occupation of land, low land-use and substruction fee 占地面积少,征地费和地基处理费用低; - Steady operation in the condition of low temperature and fluctuate load 在低温寒冷气候和负荷变化的条件下运行稳定;,BIOSTYR main advantages滤池工艺的主要优点,- High automation 自动化程度高 - Simultaneous Filtration when removing C and N pollutant 去除含碳和含氮污染物的同时可以进行过滤 - Module structure, easy to rebuild and expansion 模块化结构,易于改建和扩建 - Outlet water can meet reuse standard, reduce future investment 出水水质可达到回用水标准,节省未来投资 - Plant can be covered by handsome building, without any noise, odor and vision pollution 厂区可覆盖,建筑美观适用,无噪声、臭气和视觉污染,New plant & upgrading Case studies 新厂及升级改造应用案例,Multiflosettling沉淀池,Biostyr, 三级Tertiary Actiflo沉淀池,UV,Alizair odor treatment,设计流量Flow:50,000m3/d 6个同时硝化反硝化处理单元,每个单元面积为113 m2 2 各后置反硝化单元,每个单元面积为84m2 6 Simultaneous N-DN, 6x113 m2, 2 PDN, 2x84 m2 可保证的最终水质 Outlet treated water: COD:50 mg/l BOD5:10 mg/l SS:10 mg/l NNH4:5 mg/l TN: 15mg/l TP:0.5 mg/l,案例一Case I:BIOSTYR 曝气生物滤池- 深度处理业绩:深圳西丽污水处理厂Biostyr application in Shenzhen Xili WWTP,深圳西丽 Shenzhen Xili,设计水质和水量 Design capacity and concentrations,出水水质(A-I), Treated water requirement: class 1-A,Plant presentation of Xili WWTP,Multiflo primary treatment unit,Biostyr treatment unit,Actiflo tertiary treatment unit,Treated water outlet,VWS建议的处理工艺Process proposed,细隔栅 Screen,Multiflo Primary 高密度沉淀池,Biostyr N/PDN 生物滤池,UV消毒系统,出水Outlet,反冲洗脏水池 Backwash water,Actiflo tertiary 高密度沉淀池,Multiflo 高密度沉淀池,案例二Case II:BIOSTYR 曝气生物滤池 - 深度处理业绩:南京城东污水处理厂 Nanjing Chengdong Tertiary WWTP,设计处理水量、水质及出水要求Inlet/Outlet quality,三级处理系统工艺流程Tertiary treatment process,二级生物处理Secondary treatment,反冲洗废水backwash water:1600m3,Biostyr N 硝化型曝气生物滤池 8x173m2 共8格,Biostyr PDN 后置反硝化型曝气生物滤池 2x129m2 共2格,碳源投加(甲醇)Methanol,70%旁通,案例三Case III:乌鲁木齐河东污水处理厂中水深度处理建设项目Urumqi Hedong WWTP upgrading,乌市河东污水处理厂中水深度处理建设项目 Urumqi Hedong WWTP upgrading,设计进出水水质为Inlet/outlet,(GB18918-2002) I A 标准,进出水设计基础Basis of design:100,000m3/d,三级处理系统工艺流程Tertiary treatment process,案例Case IV:石家庄桥东三级处理工程Shijiazhuang Qiaodong Tertiary Project,设计进出水水质为Inlet/Outlet,进出水设计基础Basis of design:500,000m3/d,三级处理系统工艺流程Tertiary Treatment Process,2. Pyrofluid incineration 流化床污泥焚烧,PYROMIX Co-incineration 混烧 with MSW. (10 - 25% wet sludge 湿污泥) ,PYROFLUID Incinerationdedicated 专门污泥焚烧 (400 3700 kg DS/h),2.1 - THERMAL OXIDATION 热氧化处理,ATHOS Wet Air Oxidation湿式氧化, other其他: cement kiln水泥干燥炉,= ABSOLUTE BARREER AGAINST PATHOGEN HAZARD绝对防止病原菌危险,BIOCON Incineration dedicated专门焚烧 ( 100 500 kg DS/h),2.2 The fluidised bed incinerator Pyrofluid 流化床焚烧炉,Fluidizing air, preheated 流态气体,预先加热,Sludge inlet,To heat exchanger and flue gas treatment 派往热交换器和废气处理,(Heat exchange)热传导,- the 3 T rule 规则 - low maintenance 低维修 - easy to operate 容易运行 - long life expected 可以长期运行 - no moving parts 没有可动部分 - more than 50 references worlwide在全世界有50以上的业绩例子,污泥进口,2.3 European Regulation Directive 2000/76/CEE 欧洲指令性规定2000/76/CEE,( 11% CO2, dry gas basis),2.4 Example of dry treatment 干式处理范例,Fly ash 飞尘,Grinder 磨床,Electro precipitator 电沉淀器,Raw flue gas 废气,fan 鼓风机,Bag filter 袋式滤器,Cleaned flue gas 洗过废气,Active carbon 活性炭,Soda residue 剩余碱 (to disposal or reuse) 再用,stack 烟道,Sodium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钠,2.5 Example of (half) wet treatment + DeNox (半)湿式处理范例,PYROFLUID + HELIOL,electro-,precipitator 电沉淀器,cooling fluid 冷却液,air cooler空气冷却器,cool down冷却,heat exchanger热交换器,anti plume reheater防烟羽回热器,Fan鼓风机,Stack 烟道,Water 水,Blowdown 洗涤废液,soda,Liquor 碱液体,wet scruber 湿式洗涤器,dry ashes干灰,fluidizing air 流态化空气,flue gas/air 废气/空气,heat exchanger热交换器,hot flue gas热废气,(from freeboard),450-650C,870C,600C,60C,250C,70C,120C,160C,180C,Quench 水洗器,FBF,Wind box,2.6 Dry vs. Wet flue gas treatment 干式/湿式废气处理比较,Treatment 处理方式 DRY干式 WET湿式 Advantages优势 Disadvantages 劣势 INVESTMENT 投资+ + liquid Bleeding 液体排放 No 不需要 to treat 需要处理 Anti-Plume system*防烟羽系统 not necessary不需要 Necessary需要 water consumption水消耗量low 低 high 高 Energy recovery 能量回收+ advanced treatment 先进处理+ (very low 很低diox, Hg) Disadvantages Advantages Residues 废物many 多few 少 OPERATION COSTS + + 运行成本,depends on local constraints 要看当地规定,(* if demanded如要求),2.7 Special case of Chinese Sludge 中国的污泥特性 High water content (75-80%), low dryness 高含水率,低含固率 Low VSS(55%) and low LCV 挥发性有机物含量低,热燃值低,Best solution for the incineration solution: 中国的污泥焚烧方案 - Pre-drying (up to 30-40%) + Incineration 污泥预干化 (至 30-40%) + 污泥焚烧 - 50-60% energy in the sludge is recovered from incineration, this solution can save 50-60% energy 焚烧可为污泥预干化提供50-60%能耗,即干化部分可节约50-60 %能耗,2.7 案例: 深圳市老虎坑污泥半干化-焚烧处理厂 Case study: Shenzhen BaoAn Laohukeng sludge incineration plant,a) 设计参数 Basis of design,污泥处理量Sludge quantity:800twet脱水污泥/d,160tDS干污泥(DS)/d 污泥性质Sludge characteristics 平均含固率 dryness= 20%,range浮动范围17%25% 设计热燃值 LCV = 12,560 kJ/kgDS,range浮动范围-20%+10% 有机物含量VSS = 52%,Ash灰分 = 48%,b) 系统设计方案Layout,76mx63m,Thank you ! 谢谢大家,