2009年PEP小学四年级上学期英语期中测试题 - 小学综合学科资源

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2009年PEP小学四年级上学期英语期中测试题 - 小学综合学科资源_第1页
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2021年PEP小学四年级上学期英语期中测试题 - 小学综合学科资源 小朋友们,又到期中考试时间了,这份英语试题共四页,六大题,总分值100分,考试时间为60分钟。请你们认真读题,仔细答题。一、听辨单词。110=10指出你所听到的单词或短语1. A: manB: monkeyC: mouse2. A: lampB: lockC: lion3. A: wallB: whatC: window4. A: duckB: ballC: bed5. A: catB: cakeC: car6. A: whereB: hereC: near7. A: lightB: rightC: seat8. A: earB: mouthC: eye9. A: short hairB: long hairC: black hair10. A: new friendB: good dreamC: many books二、听录音,选出与你所听内容相符的图片:25=1011. A:B:12. A:B:13. A:B:14. A:B:15. A:B:三、听录音,将A栏的人物和B栏的爱好用连线连接。25=10AB16. brotherA: science17. sisterB: music18. fatherC: reading books19. motherD: paiting20. grandfatherE: sports四、听录音,选出正确的答语。25=1021. A: Hes Mike.B: Im Mike.22. A: Its in the desk.B: Its red.23. A: Four yuan.B: Its five.24. A: Here you are.B: Its green.25. A: Ann is.B: She is ten.五、选择填空:110=1026. Mikelong black hair.A: hasB: isC: have27. Look! This isphoto.A: heB: hesC:his28. Let me turnthe light.A: atB: onC: in29. Myname is Mary.A: sisterB: sistersC: sisters30. Whatis it ?Its seven oclock.A: timeB: colourC: class31. How manycan you see ?A: birdB: birdsC: book32. Wea new teacher.A: haveB: penC: short33. My pencil isnt long, Its.A: longB: penC: short34. Whatsthe room?A: onB: inC: at35. Hi, Amy. ThisZhang Peng.A: isB: areC: am六、找出以下每组词中与其他几个不同类的一个词。210=2036. A: noseB: monthC: pen37. A: musicB: mathC: hair38. A: floorB: lightC: friends39. A: paintingB: thinC: strong40. A: mathB: windowC: Chinese41. A: teacherB: studentC: door42. A: rulerB: bagC: photo43. A: pencilB: bookC: music44. A: twenty-oneB: thirtyC: heavy45. A: quietB: heC: she七、从B栏中找出A栏的汉语翻译。110=10AB46. clean the windowA.墙是白色的.48. Look at the picture, please.C. 擦窗户49. Hes tall.D. 让我来擦黑板.50. This is my new desk.E. 请看图片.51. The wall is white.F. 他个子高.52. on your headG. 我们去看一看吧.53. Its near the door.H. 这是我的新课桌.54. Let me clean the board.I. 让我们来清扫教案.55. Lets go and have a look.J. 在你的头上八、根据图片提示,将字母重新排列,组成正确的单词,并写在四线格上。25=1056. 57.58. 59.60.九、阅读短文,判断句子正误。25=10Look at this picture. Its our new classroom. Its big and nice. We clean the classroom every week. Look here! Amy is cleaning the window. Mike is cleaning the board. And Chen Jie is sweeping the floor. This is my new friend, Zhang Peng . Hes tall and strong. He has short black hair and big eyes. He likes sports and science. We often play together. We like our school.61. This is a picture of our new classroom.62. Amy is cleaning the board.63. Chen Jie is my new friend.64. Zhang Peng is from China.65. We like our school.小学四年级英语试题听力局部及答案第一大题:听辨单词、短语:指出你所听到的单词或短语,每题听一遍1. monkey2. lion3. wall4. duck5. cake6. here7. seat8. eye9. long hair10.new friend第二大题:听录音,选出与你所听内容相符的图片,每题听2遍11. She likes listening to music.12. Put your schoolbag on your desk.13. My friend has long hair.14. This bag is 20 yuan.15. My brother likes flowers very much.第三大题:听录音,将A栏的人物和B栏的爱好用连线连接,每题听2遍16. My brother likes science.17. My sister likes painting.18. My father likes sports.19. My mother likes music.20. My grandfather likes reading books.第四大题:听录音,选择正确的答语,每题听2遍21. Whats his name?22. Wheres your pencil case?23. How much is this eraser?24. What colour is the window?25. Who is your friend?


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