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CET-4大学英语四级听力讲座,welcome,艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线(词汇),Requirements,清晨45分钟(读听力资料),睡前45分钟(听听力资料),中午45分钟(背诵重点单词),听力永远听真题(每天2-3小时),多阅读,句式多变。(新概念),Game,Increasingly,Institutions,has soared up to,has been steadily growing,Collected,Responsible for,Computerized,Complete,Agencies,Forgotten,There was a time when any personal information that was gathered about us was typed on a piece of paper and locked away in a file cabinet. It could remain there for years and, often 1forgotten, never reach the outside world. Things have done a 2complete about-face since then. 3Responsible for the change has been the astonishingly swift development in recent years of the computer. Today, any data that is 4collected about us in one place or anotherand for one reason or anothercan be stored in a computer bank. It can then be easily passed to other computer banks. They are owned by individuals and by private businesses and corporations, leading 5institutions, direct mailing and telemarketing firms, credit bureaus, credit card companies, and government 6agencies at the local, state, and federal level. A growing number of Americans are seeing the accumulation and distribution of 7computerized data as a frightening invasion of their privacy. Surveys show that the number of worried Americans 8has been steadily growing over the years as the computer becomes 9increasingly efficient, easier to operate, and less costly to purchase and maintain. In 1970, a national survey showed that 37 percent of the people questioned felt their privacy was being invaded. Seven years later, 47 percent expressed the same worry. A recent survey by a credit bureau revealed that the number of alarmed citizens 10has soared up to 76 percent.,复合式听写,考查内容: 1、填写的单词和短语不难,一般不会超过四级大纲。 2、难点在于单词比较长,同时可能出现各种各样的变形。 3、听写材料中说明文较多。,复合式听写考察点 士兵突击 “不抛弃,不放弃”,拼写能力 速记能力 逻辑能力,拼写能力,政府government 加快、增速accelerate 影响influence 方便 convenience 购买 purchase 后果、结果consequence 挑战challenge 机会opportunity 永久的permanent restaurant 饭店 廉价商品 bargain separate 分开,速记能力,(1)缩写 t-teacher stsstudents, ad-advertisement flu-influence prof-professional tec-technology fridge-refrigerator demo-demonstration (2)跳记 (3)数字一律阿拉伯数字 (4)符号助记法。 Question ? Question is ?: about less than more than ,逻辑能力,汉英语的差距 转折: 直接转折:but/ yet / however 间接转折:after all / in fact,复合式听写答题顺序及技巧,听之前:pre listening1 对全文进行全局性预览:尤其是第一句(topic)最后一句(conclusion)2 观察空格前后的特殊现象,判断词性,单复数,时态语态,听之时:while - listening 原则:精听,速记,以听为主,以记为辅。如何速记1 省略虚词如:如冠词,助动词等2 遇到词组记每个单词首字母如 break down 就记作B D ,但一定要自己看得懂的3 长单词记前三个字母 如:experience 就记作 exp4 符号记忆 如:more than 就记作” less than 记作 “” equal to 记作 “=”等等5 混合记忆 就是把上面几种方法混合起来用,还可以夹杂中文字等等6 随便记忆 如果实在一时想不出是什么词,就用拼音,音标或者读音相近的词先把他记下来。总之就是不管对错,先把大致读音记下来再说,然后等有时间再慢慢研究。7 无论采取何种记录方法最重要的原则是记得自己看得懂,待会能很方便的回想和复原出来。不要记得到时候自己也想不起来是什么东西。,听之后:after listening 检查五步走1 检查漏词a 检查漏掉的:介词(in on at ),冠词(a an the),代词( it this that )b 漏词缀:漏掉单词前缀, 漏掉非谓语形式(“ing”),漏掉过去时态(最容易出错的是以下四个短语 decided to / surprised to / learned to / started to),多词漏词(句子的完整性) 2、单词拼写错误(句子的准确性) 大小写:句首的单词首字母要大写 不要漏写不发音的字母 hour、honor、island、bomb 单词中辅音字母的单、双写问题 success 3、形容词和副词的词尾 Whole 副词wholly Complete 副词completely 4、动词的变化 came began gave became transmitted,如何练习听写能力?,写 改 仿,写,在白纸背面,以逗号为节点,在三遍以内听写完一个单句 改,对照原文,用红笔修改,将文章补充完整修改后的文章重新读一遍 仿,重新盲听一遍文章、尝试模仿,矫正语音错误,完全照着音频所播放的来认真模仿,模仿到甚至能背诵为佳。,提高听写秘籍,养成立即复述的习惯 学话? 其实是模仿! 学会做笔记 简写、快写、符号,真题复合听写总结,2006-6 future trained admire schedule considerate waste visible necessarily,2006-12 natural usage exception particular reference essays colleagues personal,2007-6 meaning adjusting aware competition standards Accustomed semester inquire,2007-12 1.alarming 2.increased(2013-6-2) 3.sheer 4.disturbing parison 6.proportion 7.workforce 8.reverse,2008-6 labor ingredients vital individuals engage figures(2010-6) generating Currently,2008-12 1.trend 2.phenomenon(2009-6) 3.scene 4.offenses 5.murder 6.particularly 7.explosion 8.associated,2009-6 concentrated information depends straight row suspected Phenomenon(2008-12) efficiently,2009-12 1.classified 2.background 3.album 4.appreciation(2010-12) 5.context 6.implies 7.image 8.instruments,2010-6 curious figuring(2008-6) independent unusual interacting formal abstract mystery,2010-12 1.preserve 2.appreciate(2009-12) 3.households 4.chat 5.convenient 6.rates 7.receive 8.submit,2011-6 survive distant backward scientific(2012-12) motion predicted introduced,2011-12 1.Company 2.single(2012-12) 3. Completely(2013-6-2) 4.Vacation 5.Sewn 6.Electricity 7.Evidence 8.journey,2012-6 calculators handle items Responding emergencies rarely occur,2012-12-1 1.Selection 2.Knowledge 3.Determines 4.Single(2011-12) 5.Are responsible for (2013-6-2) 6.Go without 7.Consequence 8.Accurate 9.Used to be 10.greatly,2012-12-2 1.be more concerned with 2.interpersonal 3.detail 4.controlled 5.make it to 6.is filled with 7.considering 8.proven 9.extremely 10.specific,2013-6-1 especially driven owned is interrupted by services shocking is amazed at is presented with terrible realistic,2013-6-2 1.Forgotten 2.Complete(2011-12) 3.Responsible for(2012-12) 4.Collected 5.Institutions 6.Agencies 7.Computerised 8.Has been steadily growing 9.Increasingly(2007-12) 10.Has soared up to,2013-12-1 In addition software available individuals technological manufacture In short By contrast scientific(2011-6) quantity,2013-12-2 1.apart and alone 2.instead of 3.similar 4.custom 5.controlled 6.define 7.exist 8.departure 9.startled 10.cheeks,短文理解,1.首三句和末三句一定会出题目,一定要听清首三句和末三句 2.眼睛盯住选项,听关键词 3.内容如同长对话,主要包括记叙文,议论文和说明文,考察细节题,推理题及主旨大意 4.预览选项,确定文章体裁,边听边预选,短文理解常见提问方式及解题策略,1.中心思想题。这类问题主要是测试文章的主题思想。 提问方式有:What is the main idea of the passage? What can we learn from this passage? What is the best title for this passage? What is the passage mainly about? What is the speaker talking about?等等。,短文理解常见提问方式及解题策略,做这一类题时一定要注意集中精力听好短文的开头,因为四级听力短文一般会开门见山,把中心思想置于文章的开头。另外,如果文中反复出现同一词汇或同一类词汇,同样也值得我们特别注意,因为包含有这类词汇的选项能较好地体现中心思想,通常就是正确答案。,短文理解常见提问方式及解题策略,2.事实细节题。所考察的细节包括具体时间、地点、主要人物或事件、各种数字等,问题一般为wh-question的形式。 这类题要求我们听到文中出现时间、数字时一定要特别敏感,及时做好笔记;另外,文中一旦出现以因果连词(如because, so, due to等)和转折连词(如but, however, though等)引导的句子也要格外留心,这些地方往往就是考点。,短文理解常见提问方式及解题策略,3.对错判断题。这类题常用以下提问方式:Which of the following is true/not true, according to the passage? Which of the following is not mentioned?等等。 听到这类题时,一定要听清提问,对于有没有not一词要弄清楚。一般情况下,not一词会重读。,短文理解常见提问方式及解题策略,4.推理推测题。这类题需要对文中的信息进行分析推断,才能作出正确的选择。提问方式有: What can be inferred from the passage? What does the speaker think about the problem.? What does the speaker most concerned about? How does the writer feel about.?等等。 做这类题时一定要根据短文的观点而不是根据自己的观点来推断。,重点技巧,原文重现:短文中的四个选项有一个会在原文中间被重新念一遍,最先听到的就是正确的 同义解释:有一个选项会在原文中间被重新念一遍,但是语序被打乱,词汇发生变化 中心思想:文章最后考作者态度、文章主题思想等,26. A) Its protection is often neglected by children. B) It cannot be fully restored once damaged. C) There are many false notions about it. D) There are various ways to protect it. 27. A) It may make the wearer feel tired. B) It will gradually weaken the eyes of adults. C) It can lead to the loss of vision in children. D) It can permanently change the eye structure. 28. A) It can never be done even with high technology. B) It is the best way to restore damaged eyesight. C) It is a major achievement in eye surgery. D) It can only be partly accomplished now.,2011-6-Passage One,Script,There are many commonly held beliefs about eye glasses and eyesight that are not proven facts. For instance, some people believe that wearing glasses too soon weakens the eyes. But there is no evidence to show that the structure of eyes is changed by wearing glasses at a young age. Wearing the wrong glasses, however, can prove harmful. Studies show that for adults there is no danger, but children can develop loss of vision if they have glasses inappropriate for their eyes. We have all heard some of the common myths about how eyesight gets bad. Most people believe that reading in dim light causes poor eyesight, but that is untrue. Too little light makes the eyes work harder, so they do get tired and strained. Eyestrain also results from reading a lot, reading in bed, and watching too much television. However, although eyestrain may cause some pain or headaches, it does not permanently damage eyesight. Another myth about eyes is that they can be replaced, or transferred from one person to another. There are close to one million nerve fibres that connect the eyeball to the brain, as of yet it is impossible to attach them all in a new person. Only certain parts of the eye can be replaced. But if we keep clearing up the myths and learning more about the eyes, some day a full transplant may be possible.,If its worth doing at all, its worth doing well.,Thank you,


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